Chapter 57 – Van Noble Fortress Lord and Luo Feng

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:11:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“What Chaotic Airflow?” Venerable Fury Mist was puzzled, the Stinging Ring Alliance didn’t have its own universe, this Venerable Fury Mist indeed didn’t know what Chaotic Airflow was.

Fortress Master Van Nu glanced at Venerable Fury Mist, “That is the energy from the beginning of the universe, the mother source of all energy that we know!”

“The mother source of all energy?” Venerable Fierce Mist was shocked in his heart.

“You don’t need to ask more.” Fort Van Noble Lord frowned and said in a low voice, “How did you encounter the chaotic airflow in the Primordial Star, that scene and I will talk about it in detail.” As a top cosmic overlord, Fort Van Nu Lord’s status was extremely high, and he knew more about the secrets of the vast universe, so he naturally knew that it was impossible for the Chaotic Airflow to appear in the Primordial Star.

“It’s like this.” Venerable Fierce Mist even explained, “I was watching that Golden Horned Beast and Venerable Yang Tian fight from afar, when suddenly the heavens and earth dimmed as if they were plunged into another world, and dim air currents filled the surroundings. I immediately knew that I should have fallen into one of the enemy’s dangerous moves. I immediately begged for mercy, hoping that the strong man let me go, but it is useless …… Then those dim air currents immediately divided into two parts, as if a huge mill, will be sandwiched in the center of me, that dim air currents mill under …… my God body rapidly consumed, forcing me to only choose to self-destruct. ”

Van Noble Fortress Lord listened to a slight nod, while his heart was secretly shocked. It’s really a Chaotic Airflow, it should be a certain special supreme treasure.

According to the Van Noble Fortress Lord knows …… some special extremely strong supreme treasure, or the most terrifying existence among the Lords of the Universe can create some super strong secret method, the secret method can convert the chaos airflow to come.

“That was merely a Golden Horned Beast and a One Day Yang Venerable, not so much that the Lord of the Universe is involved. If there really was a Lord of the Universe, it would be even easier to kill this Venerable Fury Mist, there’s no need to use that kind of heaven-defying secret method at all.” The Van Noble Fortress Lord thought darkly, “Then there is only one possibility …… it should be a special certain supreme treasure.”

Although the Van Noble Fortress Lord had extremely high eyesight, he did not know that an existence at the perfect life gene level could obtain the strongest talent secret method, which was already considered a secret at an extremely high level in the universe. So there was no speculation about the talent secret method!

“What kind of domain is presented by that Golden Horned Beast’s domain-type supreme treasure?” Brahma Noble Fortress Lord stared at Braking Mist Venerable One, although there are many domain type supreme treasures in the universe, but the domain presented by each domain type multiple treasure is different, with their own characteristics, from the domain type supreme treasure should be able to speculate some background of that Golden Horned Beast, after all, for that Golden Horned Beast …… Brahma Noble Fortress Lord is now ignorant of it.


Venerable Fierce Mist recalled and said, “Golden rivers, vast golden rivers. Right, there were a few foreign beasts! I saw that when those two supreme treasure domains impacted each other, that foreign beast and Venerable Yang Tian’s domain’s giant rolling stone kept impacting, as for how many foreign beasts there were, the distance was too far to see.”

“Golden rivers? Fae beasts?” Fort Van Nu’s lord frowned, followed by his eyes lighting up, “Human Luo Feng!”

“Human Luo Feng?” Venerable Fierce Mist was puzzled.

“You step back first.” Fort Van Noble Lord commanded.

Venerable Fury Mist was slightly staggered, secretly somewhat unwilling.

“Hmm?” Fort Van Nu Lord looked at him indifferently.

Venerable Fierce Mist could only grit his teeth and instantly turn into streams of light and fly away, while in his heart, he cursed, “Damnable Van Nu Fort Master, I was following Venerable Yang that day at your command, and it directly caused me to perish! Although I have now been resurrected by reversing time and space, all of my heavy treasures are gone, not a single one of them. I really suffered a great loss this time, it’s considered bad luck.”

The Van Noble Fortress Lord indifferently looked at the distant Venerable Fierce Mist, “Hmph …… I bore the cost of reversing time and space to resurrect, but you still want benefits?”

“Hmm.” Fortress Lord Van Nu stood in the void and pondered.

“Human Luo Feng? That domain supreme treasure is the human race’s Nine Roaring Tiger River! And the Nine Roaring Tiger River is in the hands of human Luo Feng.” The Van Noble Fort Master secretly said, the supreme treasure, the Nine Roaring Tiger River, was not owned by the human race back then, but later after some fights, the treasure rotated and finally landed with the human race.

Luo Feng’s recent fame was quite big, because of him, the various races in the universe had perished.

Naturally, Fort Master Van Nu had gotten the information early on and knew that Luo Feng possessed the Nine Roaring Tigers River! As for Venerable Fury Mist, because he was in the primordial star, his status was average, he only knew that many foreign races’ venerable beings had perished because of their greed to hunt Luo Feng, but he didn’t know anything about other detailed information, such as the “Nine roaring tigers river” and so on.

“Previously, Venerable Fury Mist said that the Golden Horn Beast and Venerable Yang Tian killed each other, but suddenly the Nine Roars River appeared. It seems that …… human Luo Feng’s helper is that Golden Horned Beast.” Fortress Lord Van Nu nodded his head secretly …… To be able to break out into that kind of battle and kill many foreign race reverends and even overlords, no wonder he was able to make Venerable Tian Yang flee.”

“And that last supreme treasure that formed the ‘Chaotic Airflow’ should be that Golden Horned Beast’s. If it was Venerable Tian Yang, there would have been no need for Venerable Tian Yang to flee when he encountered me back then.”

“Venerable Fierce Mist was killed even from a distance. Venerable Tian Yang should have perished. Then the …… treasure should be at that golden horned beast.”

“Luo Feng? The Golden Horned Beast?”

Fortress Master Van Nu made a decision after a little thought.

“Let’s just go meet the human Luo Feng.” The Van Noble Fort Master immediately turned into streams of light as well and quickly disappeared into this void.

Primal Star.

The silver-armored and silver-winged Luo Feng was flying high in the sky with the Yue Zhan blade on his back. And some foreign race honored beings who saw Luo Feng from afar all immediately dodged.

“It’s Luo Feng.”

“Hurry and avoid it.”

“This Luo Feng’s feathers used to be a pair of feathers how did it become four?”

“Who knows, causing the supreme treasure to morph? Or changed the supreme treasure?”

Luo Feng was just like any other top universe hegemon, this time the foreign race zunis and even universe hegemons retreated. Of course, if there was a planet where a “universe lord” descended, Luo Feng would also avoid it. Even if he really wanted to enter that planet, he would stay away from where the universe lord was, keeping a distance of more than 10 billion kilometers.

“Is this the feeling of a strong person?” Luo Feng stood at the top of a lofty mountain peak, overlooking the vast land, “In the so-called primordial star with crises everywhere, it’s completely horizontal. As long as I avoid the location where the universe lord descends, no one would dare to mess with me.”

The Primordial Star was dangerous, and that was relative.

It was extremely dangerous to a Cosmic Exalted!

To a universe hegemon the danger was much less, otherwise revered one wouldn’t have been so confident to borrow a soul type supreme treasure from Luo Feng back then, generally avoiding top universe hegemons and universe lords, there wouldn’t be any danger.

The top universe overlords were even safer. Unless one took the initiative to mess with a universe lord! For example, if a certain treasure opens, the top Universe Hegemon and the Lord of the Universe and so on enter into the fight for it……. That kind of situation naturally has the possibility of perishing. Otherwise, if one kept avoiding the Master of the Universe, one would definitely be walking sideways.

“Hm?” Luo Feng violently turned his head to look in a direction, “The Primordial Star’s various races’ powerhouses usually avoid me from a long distance, this foreign race even dares to be within ten million kilometers of me?”

A turquoise stream of light in the distance flew directly towards Luo Feng.

“That?” Luo Feng carefully analyzed, it was a huge man with life green flowing through his entire body, through ethnic group characteristics, appearance, and breath ……

“It’s the Thorn Ring Alliance’s Van Noble Fortress Lord.” Luo Feng instantly recognized it, then smiled secretly, no wonder he wasn’t afraid of himself, it turned out to be the top cosmic hegemon “Van Nu Fort Master”.

“Human Luo Feng!” The majestic voice came.

“Van Noble Fort Master.” Luo Feng stood at the top of the mountain and looked.

A moment.

Fort Van Noble Lord descended not far next to Luo Feng while looking over with a smile, “I’ve heard of human Luo Feng’s name, this is the first time you and I have met.”

“I’m afraid it’s also because I broke into the primordial star this time that I caught the attention of the Van Noble fort lord.” Luo Feng smiled, “And with such a strong reputation, it even caused many foreign race venerable masters to avoid me when they looked at me. What I rely on is also not my own strength. It’s not like the Van Noble fort master’s own strength is enough to deter all parties.”

Since all the races had decided that they had helpers, then it was fine to decide that. There was no one to believe what he said anyway.

“Your strength is also very good, it’s promising to at least become a cosmic overlord in the future.” Fort Van Noble Lord looked at Luo Feng, “When I see you, there is one thing I would like to ask for help.”

“Help?” Luo Feng even said, “Please speak.”

This Van Nu fortress lord asked for his help?

“I need to refine a supreme treasure and gather many materials.” The Van Noble Fort Master looked at Luo Feng, “Yet I lack the precious metals that are crucial, the other universe honored ones walk around me when they see me, making it impossible for me to even try to talk to them.”

Luo Feng smiled.

Yes, one wanted to talk to the foreigners, but the foreigners avoided them early on from tens of millions of kilometers away.

“I don’t know if you have those metals Luo Feng, if there are any I want, I’m willing to exchange them at a high price.” Fort Master Duo Nuo smiled.

“Metals?” Luo Feng asked suspiciously, “Does the Stinging Ring Alliance not have any?”

“It really doesn’t.” Fort Master Van Noor was helpless, “The universe has an extremely large variety of precious metals, the ones I need …… had them in the past, and now they’ve been exchanged for light.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“I do have some materials, I’m just afraid I don’t have the ones you want, Van Noble Fort Master.” Luo Feng said, before he went back to the god country after killing zuni Tian Yang, Luo Feng put some supreme treasures, heavy treasures and even some materials he couldn’t understand within the god country, after all, even he couldn’t understand them, they were obviously some of great value.

The ones Luo Feng had with him were all recognizable and their value was clear to Luo Feng.

“Maybe there will be.” Fort Van Noble Lord laughed, “How about giving me a look please?”


Luo feng waved his hand in front of him there was a large amount of metal suspended in front of him, densely packed with millions of types, this made the Van Noble fortress master’s eyes light up, he even carefully watched and analyzed it, in just a few moments his eyes slightly dimmed, he shook his head and laughed, “There really isn’t any.”

“Even the piercing ring alliance is in short supply of metals, where do I have them.” Luo Feng smiled and put it away.

Fort Master Van Nu was a bit hesitant.

“Feel free to say anything.” Luo Feng smiled.

Fort Master Van Noor even said, “I didn’t want to open my mouth, it’s just that this metal is very important to me. All the races in the universe are afraid that they all know that you have a top universe hegemon helping you, Luo Feng. I believe he will be carrying a lot of precious metals, I wonder if …… I can have a look? If so, I’ll definitely exchange it with treasures and won’t let that friend of yours suffer.”

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