Chapter 60: The Temple of Manifestation

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:11:55
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The silent and ancient hall was very empty, the only thing that was conspicuously visible was the stone disk in the center, just place the item on the disk and the virtual universe system could check and make a determination. This was also the easiest place Luo Feng could think of to recognize treasures.

“I’ve almost confirmed through the virtual universe network before, based on my authority, against some of the metals that I couldn’t recognize before, although rare but not so rare that it would make that Van Noble fortress owner rack his brains so much. Then only the last three remain.”

Luo Feng secretly said, through some investigations on the internet alone, there were three final metals that were unrecognizable.

According to Luo Feng’s guess, the treasure was among them.

Luo Feng flipped his hand, a crystal about the size of a sesame seed with a hint of green appeared in his palm and gently placed it on the stone disk.

Buzz ……

Cyan silk threads rose up from the stone disk, enveloping the green crystal and began to examine it meticulously, in just a few moments, a voice rang out, “Metal ‘wood’s inquiry crystal’ one, offering it to the clan will get you 18 heavy treasure points, Luo Feng, would you like to offer this treasure to the clan?”

“Oh? It really is a treasure.” Luo Feng listened and revealed a hint of surprise, “No wonder with my authority I couldn’t find any information on this metal even after searching on the internet, a single sesame sized small particle is worth 18 treasure points. It seems …… that the treasures in the hidden goods of those Cosmic Overlords and Cosmic Honored Ones that I killed are indeed quite a lot.”

“However, 18 heavy treasure points alone …… doesn’t even qualify for the Van Noble Fort Master to make a single move.” Luo Feng secretly shook his head, not this, immediately reached out and stroked his hand …… the sesame seed sized crystal directly floated and fell back into his palm, directly collected into the world ring.

Immediately, with a flip of his hand, another metal appeared in his palm.

This was a black metal about the size of a head, the surface of the metal had a full 360 facets, each facet was smooth and incomparable, to the point that it could completely be used as a mirror. This was also one of the three major metals that Luo Feng couldn’t recognize.


The black metal directly floated and landed on the stone disk.

Countless green colored threads rose up to envelop the black metal stone ……

“Hmm?” Luo Feng frowned, “It took so long?” Back then, examining the supreme treasure hadn’t even taken this long.

After a few moments that gentle voice sounded again, reverberating throughout the hall producing echoes, “One Qi mirror stone, one of the Manifestation temple tokens, offering it to the clan will get you 20 supreme treasure points, Luo Feng, would you like to offer this treasure to the clan?”

Luo Feng’s eyes instantly lit up!

20 treasure points? It was even more expensive than the Nine Roaring Tigers River!

“This is it!”

Luo Feng looked at the manifold mirror stone in shock, at the same time a very quick reach recalled the manifold mirror stone into his hands, his eyes glowing as he stared at the manifold mirror stone, “No wonder, no wonder that Fan Nuo fort master used all his intentions, first he intentionally exchanged metals with me, it was to bully me into not being able to see the mysteries of this manifold mirror stone at all ah.”

“So, it is the Manifold Mirror Stone.” Luo Feng felt his blood boil.

Although Luo Feng hadn’t been in the primordial star for nearly 20,000 years, but during those years, Luo Feng’s consciousness was occasionally entering the virtual universe, so he naturally knew about some of the top most important events that happened in the primordial star.

In these nearly 20,000 years, 10081 primordial stars if there was one thing that most alarmed all parties, it was – the Manifestation God Temple fiasco.

Manifestation God Temple!

Caused the various races in the universe to go crazy, in the 600th year or so of the opening of the primordial star channel, the primordial star numbered 02892 suddenly had the origin of the universe descend, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, light, time, space, the major law origins descended on this primordial star at the same time.

The pressure was monstrous, and for a moment the entire planet seemed to be in shackles, and any Cosmic Exalted or even Cosmic Overlord had difficulty moving.

At the same time a divine temple gradually broke out of the ground ……

The process of breaking out of the ground lasted for nearly a whole hundred years, and during these nearly a hundred years, all the major powers of the universe sent super existences to this place. For a while, almost all of the people surrounding the temple were universe lords, and the universe lords that dared to get close to it were also “top universe lords” in terms of strength.

After a hundred years, the Manifestation God Temple was fully released.

In front of the Manifold God Temple, there was a black stone monument with an ancient secret pattern on it, and any strong person would know its message at a glance. The message was very simple-

“When the Manifold God Temple comes out, the stone monument appears, and when the monument is annihilated, one or more Manifold Mirror Stones will appear irregularly at a certain time and place on the 10081 primordial stars! Manifold mirror stone number a total of 36 …… Manifold mirror stone is like a normal stone, out of the world, the movement is comparable to the high treasure, when 36 Manifold mirror stone all out of the world, Manifold God Hall when open. Manifold mirror stone possessor can enter, other strong people if trespassing all annihilation ……”

A year later, the stone tablet was annihilated.

Then various rumors began to spread that the Manifold Mirror Stone had come out on a certain primordial star, causing many disputes. However, the exact time and place was not known, so this required chance. Even if one was strong, it would be difficult to obtain the Manifold Mirror Stone!

This stone tablet message has long been spread around …… Luo Feng of course knew about it.

“So it’s the Manifold Mirror Stone, I really don’t even recognize it when I have a treasure in my hand.” Luo Feng looked at this black crystal stone, “Manifold mirror stone comes out with a breath pressure like a high level supreme treasure coming out, so the only way to realize the specialness of this stone is to discover this Manifold mirror stone right at the time of coming out.”

A stone came out of the world with a pressure comparable to that of a high supreme treasure.

A strong person would be able to guess that it was not ordinary.

However, ……

Like Luo Feng who had killed other strong people and collected treasures in his possession.

Even if they possessed this manifold mirror stone, they wouldn’t recognize it at all.

“The major law origin of the universe descended …… Manifold God Hall seems to be the biggest treasure of the primordial star this time.” Luo Feng secretly said, the primordial star usually takes endless years to open once, each opening only lasts for 1000 epochs. During these 1000 epochs, supreme treasures of the same level like top domain type supreme treasures, top soul supreme treasures, top flying palace supreme treasures, peak weapon supreme treasures …… would appear several times.

It was just that they were all crippled and would appear scattered.

And throughout the 1000 epochs that the Primordial Star had opened, there would be one most terrifying supreme treasure that would stand above the rest. Generally, it would be a “peak domain-type supreme treasure”, “peak flying palace-type supreme treasure” or “peak soul-type supreme treasure”. Of course, they would usually have other effects as well.

Like the “robber armor” have some soul defense, like the “beast god armor” have both attack and defense, like the “strongest treasure star tower” is both soul defense, flying palace, suppression, Attack and many other functions.

When the Primordial Star was opened once, the strongest treasure that appeared would generally have several functions at the same time.

Such as the peak of the soul class treasure, generally to the soul defense, and even part of the God body defense function, and even part of the illusion function, etc. ……

In short!

The peak soul class treasure is only second to the strongest treasure! And the strongest treasure is something that can’t be found! Even the nine super powers of the universe don’t have a “supreme treasure” to sit on. Therefore, the peak of the most precious treasure field class, soul class, flying palace class …… is already enough to let the universe of the races for the crazy.

“The primordial star needs to spend an incomparably long period of time before it opens once.” Luo Feng secretly said “Every peak soul class treasure …… or treasure of the same level can be called a treasure of the town clan! Once a powerful universe lord gets it, it’s almost impossible for him to perish with other treasures. Even if he encounters a supreme supreme treasure …… and is unable to defeat it, he will still be able to escape, right?”

“No wonder!”

“No wonder Venerable Yang Tian has been hiding it, not daring to make it public, after all, once it’s made public, this Manifestation Mirror Stone will naturally be used by the Mechanical Race’s Universe Lords. It’s considered good for him to get a piece of High Supreme Treasure. However, if he went in by himself …… knowing that the maximum number of people in the entire universe is 36, and entered through a different door of the Gifted God Temple, there is a complete possibility of survival, and once he comes out alive, the harvest will be great. Even if it fails – at most it will just be resurrected again, but once it succeeds ……”

Luo Feng understood very well what Venerable Yang Tian and Fortress Master Van Nu were thinking.

Venerable Tian Yang hid his message.

The Van Noble Fort Master was also unwilling to disclose that Venerable Yang Tian had the Mirror Stone, and once he did, he was afraid that Venerable Yang Tian would obediently offer it to the clan.

Nor would he disclose the secret of the “Lord of Van Nuoc Castle”, because if he did, the Lord of Van Nuoc Castle would have a very high status……. He has three major branches, each of which is comparable to a top Universe Lord! His status and the Lord of the Universe is not far from each other, even if the Hedgehog Alliance knows that he has the Manifold Mirror Stone, it is impossible to force him to ask for it.

The “special life” originated from the “special life”.

It was entirely possible that the “Lord of Van Noor”, who was born from a special life, would break away from the Hedge Ring Alliance and join other forces.

Both of them have their own ideas. Venerable Yang Tian is not afraid of Van Nuoc Castle Master’s pursuit, as he believes that he is certain of his life. Van Nuoc Castle Master also has the idea of getting his own hands on it, so he is dragging his feet……

Who would have thought that Luo Feng would intervene?

Tian Yang Zun Shi is powerful, domain type supreme treasure with high supreme treasure armor, flowing light wings …… even Luo Feng can not chase, finally rely on the “I for the universe” before finally killed. So …… this Manifold Mirror Stone fell into Luo Feng’s hands.

“Manifold mirror stone in hand, I also have the qualification to enter the Manifold God Temple.” Luo Feng was thrilled, “I’m afraid that this kind of opportunity will only come once after endless epochs. Moreover, I will definitely be able to step into the Universe Exalted level within a thousand years! Once I step into the Universe Exalted level, my divine body will be strong again, and I’ll be even stronger …… and have more capital to compete for treasures.”

Luo Feng secretly nodded.

At the same time, he also tested the third piece of metal, a small piece of metal worth 31 heavy treasure points, although it surprised Luo Feng, he just smiled. Immediately after that Luo Feng directly left Chaos City and left the initial universe …… to return to the original universe.

Within the Thorn Ring Alliance territory.

A life planet was incomparably prosperous, the contagion of technology was awesome, even if it didn’t take the path of technology. But most of the life planets in the universe, especially those whose genes are originally weak …… the planets they live on, will be even more likely to utilize technology to create an incomparably comfortable illusion of life.

Skyscrapers, flying cars, and aerial parking decks …… can be found everywhere.

At the top of a skyscraper.

Fortress Lord Van Nu turned into a three-meter-tall divine body and sat on a chair, overlooking the city. Because he was a special being, he instead liked this world where he lived with ordinary weak beings.

“Luo Feng?”

“Golden Horned Beast? This manifold mirror stone, it should have fallen into his hands. I failed in this operation, he must be suspicious, I believe that with the human community intelligence system should be able to identify the Manifold Mirror Stone ……,” the Van Noble Fortress Lord frowned in contemplation.

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