Chapter 61 Resolutions

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:11:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The Van Noble Fortress owner was sitting in the hall on the top floor of the skyscraper when suddenly the doorbell rang.

“Come in.” Van Noble Fort Master opened his mouth.

With a wow, the door automatically parted towards both sides, and from outside came an alien man with four hooves and two hands with a large number of soft tentacles on his face.

“Boss, this is this year’s detailed financial report.” The alien man respectfully handed over the document, which had many alien characters densely written on it.

Van Nu Fort Master picked it up and flipped through it, this was a conglomerate that he had gotten out of living on this planet disguised as an ordinary being, although it seemed ridiculous for a great top cosmic hegemon to do this kind of thing, but Van Nu Fort Master liked the feeling of being close to the most ordinary class in the universe.

Feeling the kind of competition in the ordinary class made Fort Master Van Nuu also have feelings from time to time, and even had occasional triggers for the Way of Laws.

“You go down first, I’ll convene a meeting later.” Fort Van Noor Lord ordered.


The ordinary beings working in this company were afraid that they couldn’t even imagine what a terrifying existence their boss was, even if the nominal powerhouse of this planet, a universe-level powerhouse. In the eyes of the Van Noble Fortress Lord is also just a joke …… He lives on this planet, and has already secretly manipulated the planet’s power changes many times, and for him, it is just a mere thought.

If he is willing ……

A single thought could cause that twin star in the sky to be directly destroyed.

“Luo Feng was actually taken by the Golden Horned Beast… Immortal deities can’t be taken… so that means Luo Feng was taken when he was at the sector lord level? Back then when Luo Feng made such a name for himself on Zijing Island, he was secretly already seized? No wonder Luo Feng died and resurrected again back then, it turns out that he was merely a new doppelganger of the Golden Horned Beast after taking his body.” Fort Van Noble Lord secretly said.

To take over a body was to have the soul enter a new body and abandon the original body.

The Golden Horned Beast had its own body and three main branches, so if the soul of one of the branches detached itself from the body and abandoned its original body, it could naturally take over the new body. However, the object of “seizing the body” must be below the level of immortal …… can’t seize the body of an immortal deity!


Fortress Van Nu’s lord stood up violently.


“A Luo Feng Realm Lord can kill a peak Seal King, and an Immortal can even kill a Barking Mirror King. His body is no less than a heaven defying special life. But even so …… a Boundary Lord level body, even if it’s thousands of times the genetic level of life, it can’t carry the soul of a Cosmic Exalted!” Fortress Lord Van Nu suddenly thought of this, “Could it be that the Golden Horn Beast was still immortal back then?”


“This is the only thing that can explain why he was able to succeed in taking over the body! Why the fame is not so great that I can’t recognize it at all. But how was he able to execute that powerful secret method. Even if it’s a gifted secret method, the gifted secret method of a heaven-defying special being, it’s not that strong.” The Van Noble Fort Master’s thinking had entered a dead end.

Luo Feng had seized the Golden Horn Beast? Impossible! Luo Feng’s growth years were too short to create that kind of terrifying secret method.

The golden horned beast took over Luo Feng? Impossible too! Luo Feng’s body couldn’t carry the soul of a universe honored one back then, and the Golden Horned Beast must have still been merely immortal …… for such a short period of time, and couldn’t have created such a strong and terrifying secret method.

“But they use the same secret method, they’re obviously the same consciousness! It must have taken over the body.”

“What’s going on?”

“What the hell is going on?” Brahma Noble Fortress Lord thought for a long time and did not figure it out, and could only secretly lament …… that the universe was indeed mysterious and unpredictable, and that there were still many unexplainable things that existed.

Van Noble fort master lived on this ordinary planet, Luo Feng returned to the divine kingdom to meditate, wanting to break through that layer to cross into the universe honored one level.

And at this time, on top of the virtual universe thunder island, in the palace shrouded by endless chaotic air currents.

The Chaos City Lord was sitting at the edge of the cliff with his knees crossed and eyes closed when suddenly a light screen lit up next to him, while detailed textual information as well as a picture of Yigo – the Manifold Mirror Stone picture – appeared on the light screen.


“A direct message from the Virtual Universe System, what important message?” Chaos City Lord opened his eyes to look at the light screen in confusion, one look revealed a stunned look, “Luo Feng got the Manifold Mirror Stone?”

“Chaos!” A voice rang out of thin air in the use of the perimeter.

“Giant axe.” Chaos city lord opened his mouth with slight respect, there were only two people in the entire human community that could speak to him directly without going through a call request, the giant axe founder was one of them.

“Chaos, that Luo Feng appraised the Manifold Mirror Stone through the virtual universe system before, you know about it?” The voice resounded in the surroundings, “The other universe lords also knew about it at the same time, now I’m ready to make a high level resolution about the ownership of this Manifold Mirror Stone. Do you agree?”

“Agreed.” The Chaos City Lord nodded his head.

The Chaos City Lord also understood that the Manifold Mirror Stone involved one of the most important supreme treasures since the opening of this Primordial Star! Like some ordinary supreme treasures, the Lords of the Universe don’t care at all …… But the peak supreme treasure that the Manifold Divine Hall is about to release, none of the major forces in the universe are not greedy for it.

The giant axe founder decided to carry out a “high-level resolution”, and did not directly ask Luo Feng for it, which is already considered good.

The virtual universe system is, after all, the virtual universe of the human race! The highest status of the human community is naturally the founding father of the giant axe, Chaos city lord, the lord of the virtual gold, the lord of the mountain, the lord of the dragon line and so on more than a dozen great existences, Luo feng identified the manifold mirror stone, the virtual universe system after a logical judgment and then will be passed on directly to this group of senior.

Virtual universe, one of the dimensional space, endless darkness, with a bit of starlight in the distance.

A Puffing Vegetable Temple was suspended in mid-air.

In front of the temple was a long stone table, on both sides of the table there was a stone chair, while the main seat of the long stone table was only a stone chair, a savage giant man was sitting there. On the chairs on both sides of the stone table a figure appeared out of thin air, it was the Chaos City Lord and one of their Universe Lords.

In a moment, all of them came.

“Everyone has arrived.” The savage giant man looked at both sides, but made all the universe lords respectfully treat …… this giant axe founder in front of him, but he was the strongest person in the universe!

“Luo Feng got the Manifestation Mirror Stone, and the Manifestation Mirror Stone involves a treasure at the level of a Upside Down Domain type supreme treasure.” The savage giant man directly said, “It’s extremely involved and very important to my tribe. But this is something Luo Feng got by his own ability, and it can’t be claimed directly, what exactly should be done …… everyone say.”

As soon as the Giant Axe Founders opened their mouths, it was tantamount to making a definitive statement – not to be claimed directly!

“Manifold Mirror Stone.” An icy voice rang out, “Involve the Manifold God Temple! Luo Feng’s little strength was nothing, giving it to him was useless! For the sake of the clan’s strength …… let him directly hand over the Manifold Mirror Stone, at most give him some compensation. Is a high level treasure enough? If it’s not enough, just give more, won’t it?”

“Hmm.” A Cosmic Lord nodded in response.

“I agree.”

“Right, even though he’s the one who got it, it’s a waste to give it to him! After that period of time when the Manifold God Temple opens …… the Manifold Mirror Stone will have no value. And the Manifold Mirror Stone is likely to bring another super supreme treasure to our human race.”

“I agree.”


One by one, the Cosmic Lords voiced their opinions.

“Although I agree with all of you, but we must pay attention to …… Luo Feng he has risen all the way up to this day, sharp as a genius that is rare to see in billions of years for our human race. His arrogance can be imagined! Although the Manifold Mirror Stone is important, don’t get into a stalemate with Luo Feng because of this, back then that Amazing Emperor had a bad temper …… Although he was the one who wanted to take away the strongest treasure of the same clan, it shouldn’t have progressed to the point where he broke away from the clan. This time things seem easy, but must be vigilant …… not to make a stalemate. This Luo Feng’s natural ability is in no way inferior to the Amazing Emperor of that year, and in the future it is likely that he will also be a Universe Lord.” A gentle voice rang out.

“It’s not the same.”

“Luo Feng and the Amazing Emperor are completely different, the Amazing Emperor was extremely selfish, even though our clan is tolerant of super powerhouses, we don’t even have the most basic protection for our clan’s powerhouses! To the same clan all lay hands on, and so far do not think wrong …… this extreme selfishness, he separated from my human race, I do not feel the slightest pity, but rather feel pain! To fight alongside him would be an insult to me!”

“Amazing Emperor and Luo Feng’s personalities are different.”

The gentle voice added, “Although they are different, the arrogance of a super genius is something everyone understands. The more heaven defying they are, the more extreme confidence they have in themselves! If it’s disposed of poorly …… it’s easy to stir up dissatisfaction.In terms of reasoning, this Manifold Mirror Stone is indeed Luo Feng’s own obtainment, even if it’s really wasted, it’s still his power! We then feel pity for the clan, that is not good to intervene. Of course from the clan’s perspective …… it’s best for the giant axe to take this manifold mirror stone and go in personally, with the giant axe’s ability, naturally the probability of getting that super supreme treasure is extremely high.”


“I agree with what the Lord of Qingdong said.”

“Indeed one should be cautious.”

“That Luo Feng took it is a waste, but how to convince Luo Feng is important.”

“That Luo Feng should take it back from him …… convincing Luo Feng is a bit difficult.”

One by one, all the universe lords spoke up.

Except for the Chaos City Lord who didn’t open his mouth, all the other universe lords opened their mouths, and they all quickly and unanimously made the determination …… that the Manifold Mirror Stone had to be taken back, and that it was best to appease Luo Feng. Although this group of universe lords were the true ruling layer of the human community, they still attached great importance to Luo Feng.

“Chaos, what do you say?” The Giant Axe Founders looked over.

Chaos City Lord shook his head and smiled, “What can I say, since everyone has decided to agree, I certainly won’t have any objections. The Manifold Mirror Stone …… has to be taken back, but the premise is not to intensify the conflict. There’s one Amazing Emperor gone, don’t let Luo Feng go again.”

The many universe lords nodded slightly.

Strong people leaving from their original forces and joining other forces …… This kind of thing was quite a lot in the universe.

For one thing, super strong people usually had their loved ones perished long ago.

Secondly, the more powerful people who stand at the peak, the more confident they are and have firm some ideas. Once annoyed …… really make them furious, directly detaching from the power indeed there are quite a few.

“This matter, Chaos, you do it.” The savage giant man smiled, “You are his teacher, if you open your mouth, his resistance should be the lowest.”

“Haha, Chaos, this matter will trouble you.”

“Haha ……,” the surrounding universe lords laughed.

The Chaos City Lord could only nod his head.

“Make sure to do everything you can to get Luo Feng to agree.” The savage giant man solemnly said, “The Manifold Mirror Stone, after all, involves a super treasure in the Manifold God Temple.”

“I’ll convince him.” The Chaos City Lord nodded.

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