Chapter 73 Commitments

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:12:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The Golden Horned Beast’s dark golden eyes, however, had endless battle intent! “I accept!”


The path to power? A new journey? Quite interesting!

“You have a thirst for killing in your bones.” Sitting Mountain Guest looked at the Golden Horned Beast and nodded his head with a smile, “Very suitable to take over the identity of ‘Blood Cloud Hall Master’.” With that, he threw the blood-red bead in his hand, the ‘Blood Cloud Bead’.

“The life mark is branded into it to control the Blood Cloud Bead.” Sitting Mountain Guest said.

Golden Horned Beast eyes look, a trace of divine power quickly in mid-air blood cloud bead package and a trace has been penetrated, instantly has been recognized, as the sitting mountain guest personally refined the most precious treasure “blood cloud bead” and there is no message embedded in it, and the function is also very special bizarre very.

In fact, many of the treasures refined by the mountaineer are very special.

Peak treasures such as the Original Soul and the Robber Armor had harsh requirements for their owners. Other strong people could not use them even if they obtained them! This also reacted to the ability of Sitting Mountain Guest to refine supreme treasures.

“Whew!” The Golden Horned Beast opened its mouth and the Blood Cloud Pearl flew directly into it.

Immediately, the Golden Horned Beast’s divine body began to change, his hind limbs quickly became longer and thicker, his chest and abdomen became more powerful, completely transforming from the reptilian life before into an upright form! The face was covered with a silver mask, while the forehead had two golden pointed horns.

The back of the scaly armor wings quickly closed and disappeared, and even the god body wearing the “beast god armor” surface style color is also slowly changing, turned into a blood red robe, a scaly tail is from the war skirt out.

The endless killing breath radiated out!

Evil! Crazy!

It was exactly the same as the Blood Cloud Hall Master that Sitting Mountain Guest had turned into before.

“Hahaha …… This Blood Cloud Pearl of mine is not bad, right?” Sitting Mountain Guest was on the sidelines, as if admiring an absolutely beautiful work of art.


Luo Feng couldn’t help but marvel, “My breath and pressure are all released from the blood cloud bead! Even he was able to change the structure of my godly body, I went from golden horned beast form to this appearance through the blood cloud bead and my strength was surprisingly unaffected! And he was also able to disguise my Beast God Armor, it’s truly amazing.”

“In order to refine a Blood Cloud Pearl, one must kill a Cosmic Lord.” Sitting Mountain Guest sighed in praise, “And it must be soul extinguished, retaining his divine body! Then a large amount of materials are used to match his divine body, converting it to form a Blood Cloud Pearl. So that the Blood Cloud Bead can release the specific aura it has! The pressure! It can even change your divine body into a fixed structure that I set up and disguise it to a treasure ……”

Luo Feng froze.

Blood cloud bead, belongs to a very alternative and special supreme treasure, itself has no direct combat power, but it is enough to make many super existences covet. But I didn’t expect the refining conditions to be so exaggerated, first you have to kill a universe lord through the soul. I’m afraid that only the strongest person in the universe would be able to be sure of that.

“Remember!” Sitting Mountain Guest instructed, “Once you use your Star Tower, make sure to be careful, attacking with the Star Tower might not be recognizable to other powerhouses, but once you use it to save your life, it will definitely be exposed.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng nodded.

The star tower had shrunk to the size of a palm and was tapered, slightly altering its appearance, it could be used as a “sharp horn”.

But once you save your life, the Star Tower will naturally become bigger, Luo Feng will hide in it …… then the Star Tower will naturally be exposed.

“Use it to save your life will definitely be exposed.” Sitting mountain guest smiled, “It’s up to you whether you choose to let the blood cloud hall master use the star tower or use the star tower in your true identity.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Luo Feng’s real identity using the Star Tower was exposed! Blood cloud hall master using the star tower, also exposed! Then isn’t it the same as telling the billions of communities across the universe that …… Luo Feng is the Blood Cloud Hall Master!

“Blood Cloud Palace Master also has a life preserving treasure …… Blood Cloud Palace.”

“I just took back the life brand.” Sitting Mountain Guest laughed, “Now, it is yours.”

“Blood cloud hall?”

Luo Feng turned his head and looked at this lofty palace, and without delay, immediately divine power surged directly into the ground under his feet, as the life imprint was branded into it, a feeling of closeness came, the entire blood cloud palace was instantly as if it had become his own hands and feet, the internal range of the blood cloud palace was controlled in every way possible, and even the treasure room from before was clearly being observed.

“Blood cloud hall, it’s a top flight palace type supreme treasure.” The mountain sitter looked at Luo Feng, “Extremely precious! The only time you can use it is when you use your blood cloud palace master identity, normally you are forbidden to use it when you normally wander through the universe, otherwise it will expose your identity.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“I hope …… that this Blood Cloud Palace won’t be taken back by me.” The mountain sitter smiled.

“I’m not second senior brother.” Luo Feng said directly.

“Same as it was for your second senior brother back then.” Mountain Sitting Guest smiled, “I’ll give you a promise as well.”

“Promise?” Luo Feng listened carefully.

Sitting Mountain Guest smiled, “During your universe honored period, if you can kill ten top universe overlords, or kill a universe lord! Then I’ll promise …… you to provide the materials and I’ll refine a peak supreme treasure for you for free, the materials needed to refine a peak supreme treasure are worth about 10% of the peak supreme treasure itself.”

Luo Feng’s eyes instantly lit up.

Peak level supreme treasure ah …… was enough to make the Chaos City Lord and the Giant Axe Founding Ancestor both move for it. The bet between the originator and the mountain sitter back then was only at this level.

“If you become a Master of the Universe, then the requirements are high, you must kill 100 top Universe Hegemons or 10 Masters of the Universe before I will you refine a peak supreme treasure for free.”

Sitting Mountain Guest had a wacky smile on his face, “The peak supreme treasures I’m talking about also include peak domain type supreme treasures, peak flying palace type supreme treasures and so on ……”

Luo Feng’s eyes instantly reddened!



The strongest of the human race right now was only at the level of peak domain class supreme treasures.

“The higher you request, the more I will also propose a list of materials based on the supreme treasure you need.” Sitting Mountain Guest teased, “Don’t be over-ambitious, the materials required for a peak domain type treasure at this level are so rare that your human race may not even be able to come up with them.”

“There must be a way to get it together.” Luo Feng was full of wariness.

“Remember, the requirement for the universe honored level is 10 top universe overlords or 1 universe lord. Once you become a universe lord, the requirement is ten times more than before.” Sitting mountain Rong sighed, “Back then, I gave your second senior brother this promise, he was already a universe lord when he inherited the identity of the northern prison master, unfortunately, he never got my requirements.”

Luo Feng was speechless.

Killing 10 universe lords? What a difficult and harsh request, it wasn’t just a matter of being stronger than the other party to kill them, the more the master of universe the stronger the ability to escape.

Do not say kill the universe of the Lord, alone kill the top universe hegemon …… first of all the top universe hegemon can completely delay the time, and even call for help, so that a party of the forces of a super existence and even “the universe’s strongest person” personally come down! After all, each of them has a background, power backstage, feel that life is in danger, immediately call for help is very normal.

Even the strongest person in the universe would find it difficult and troublesome to kill 10 Masters of the Universe …… .

No wonder the Amazing Emperor couldn’t do it back then!

“Let me, at the Universe Exalted level, kill 10 top Universe Lords? Or 1 universe lord?” Luo Feng sighed darkly, “None of the top universe overlords are to be messed with, and they will also summon existences such as the Lord of the Universe to descend. As for the Lord of the Universe …… I can fight hard one on one and that’s good enough, kill?”


The conditions put forward by the mountain sitter were indeed difficult, but he also gave promises …… but kept seducing Luo Feng.

“This teacher of mine, just wants me to kill.” Of course Luo Feng could see what Sitting Mountain Guest was thinking.

“This is the blood cloud token.” Sitting Shanke threw out a blood red token with his hand.

As soon as Luo Feng took it, he instantly realized that it was the same token that was similar to the one that his teacher had given him to make contact with.

“After recognizing it, you can give orders to the 18 great servants under your command through the blood cloud token.” Sitting Mountain Rong instructed, “The 18 Great Servants are all Cosmic Exalted, and they also manage other special beings separately.”

“Servants?” Luo Feng was curious.

“Back in the day, when I made the identity of the Blood Cloud Palace Lord, I also unintentionally saved some special beings during my cosmic wanderings, and they prayed to take me as their master at the time……. I’m a special being from a special life, so I also sheltered some of the little ones by the way. The longer the time, the more these little guys under my command, under my some guidance, but also have 18 universe honored, which the top universe hegemon has three, you through the blood cloud order can know the simple message of these 18, I sheltered them for unlimited years, you in the ability to take care of them by the way.”

“The Star Tower, the Robber Armor, and the Blood Cloud Hall …… everything you’ve got.”

“All that the teacher can do has already been done.”

“As for how far you can go, it’s up to you.” The mountain sitter looked deeply at Luo Feng, then he disappeared into thin air.

Luo Feng was standing in place, he felt the anticipation contained in Sitting Shanke’s eyes before, as if he was watching a child grow up that kind of anticipation, Sitting Shanke cultivated Amazing Emperor, and then cultivated Luo Feng, obviously very much wanting to cultivate one of the strongest disciples in the universe.

“I’m afraid there’s some secret involved.” Luo Feng secretly said.

Immediately after Luo Feng picked up the blood cloud order in his hand, teacher Sitting Shanke asked him to take care of these special beings when he could, so he naturally had to do his part.

Through the blood cloud order, Luo Feng gave orders to 18 servants to lead all the special beings under their command to rush to the blood cloud hall to meet him.

“Master wants to see us.”


“Little ones, you guys are lucky that the master actually wants to see you.”

“Ah, we’re only realm lords, can we also see the master?”

A team of special beings under the control of the Blood Cloud Palace Master, who were currently occupying nearly one-sixth of the “Ancient Chin Mysterious Realm”, began to rapidly rush towards the Blood Cloud Palace, and to them, it was as if they were on a pilgrimage. After all, normally, the Blood Cloud Palace Master was only in contact with the 18 Exalted Ones, and the other special beings were unable to directly contact the Blood Cloud Palace Master at all.

It took more than a day to fully gather, and the 18 Cosmic Exalted Masters each led a group of special beings under their respective command, and the vast variety of special beings advanced in the darkness, flying towards the Blood Cloud Palace’s door.

The temple door opened wide.

Countless streams of light flew through ……

Blood Cloud Palace, main hall.

The three top Universe Hegemons, Lord Black Sky, Venerable Silver Gnarl, and Demon Lord Stabbing Wool, were at the front, followed by 15 special beings with either Universe Hegemon or Universe Higher Exalted strength, then hundreds of special immortal beings, and finally, thousands of Realm Lord special beings. And finally, there were thousands of Realm Lord special beings.

“Greetings, master.” The three top Universe Hegemons, including the Black Sky Lord, led the way and knelt down.

“Greetings master.” The thousands of special beings in the blackness behind them all knelt down respectfully.

And on the blood-colored throne of the main hall, the Blood Cloud Hall Lord was sitting high on it, looking down.

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