Chapter 76 – The Strongest Comes

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:12:38
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On a living planet within the human frontier.

A hunchbacked, green-skinned, tentacled human old man was standing on an alleyway in a busy city, right in front of a disheveled human youth.

“Child, you are so young, so energetic, and have an unlimited future ahead of you. Why are you so disheveled with no fighting spirit at all?” The hunchbacked green-skinned old man said hoarsely, while the disheveled youth sat on the ground and relied on the wall, his eyes were full of sadness, shaking his head, “There is no hope, there is already no hope, I’ve already tried to make an effort, but they are too powerful, in this city they are not the strongest, but they are not something I, an ordinary person of the bottom layer, can resist, constantly toying with me, teasing me, the reason why they don’t kill me is just treating me as a toy!”

“Life is full of miracles.” The hunchbacked green-skinned old man said hoarsely, “Nothing ever changes, the universe is even more mysterious and unpredictable, anything can happen.”

“Is that so?” The disheveled youth glanced at the green-skinned old man, then looked down and drank again.

“Yes, anything can happen.”

The green-skinned old man smiled and nodded.

The disheveled youth was slightly stunned and sat there frozen, holding the bottle of wine.

The smile on the hunchbacked old man’s face grew wider and wider, and in just five seconds, the disheveled youth jerked awake.

The disheveled youth’s eyes were sharp, and his aura was completely different, he scanned the surroundings alertly, but when he saw this ordinary alleyway as well as the hunchbacked old man in front of him he slightly froze, revealing a look of disbelief: ”I, I, I …… this, how did I return to 100,000 years ago? I’m already a realm lord, how did I go back …… This is an illusion, it’s impossible to be so real, Coco ……”

“Child.” The hunchbacked old man spoke.

“You, you are ……” The disheveled youth stared at the hunchbacked old man, “You are the old man who instructed me back then?”

“Back then, wasn’t it just now?” The hunchbacked old man laughed and then disappeared into thin air.

The disheveled youth froze for a long time.

“Domain!” The disheveled youth looked at his surroundings and moved with his thoughts, although his thoughts were extremely weak, the guidance of his will comparable to that of a Realm Lord instantly formed a faint flame field.

“Really, everything is real, I, everything that happened is real, my cultivation all the way to become a Realm Lord is real? But, how can I go back to my most painful time back then? Traveling back in time to the past? No-” The disheveled youth was already different from before, he already had a strong heart.

“Even if I travel back in time, I can’t travel back to the past. In other words, I experienced an illusion. But, but what kind of illusion can allow me to live in it for 100,000 years? And become a Realm Lord? And to have sensed part of the Laws?” The disheveled youth stared in horror, even looking around and shouting, “Senior, senior, senior ……”

However, there was no figure.

The disheveled youth shook his head, “It’s a pity to miss a great opportunity! If I can follow that senior’s side, becoming an immortal is afraid to be a breeze. It’s too unbelievable …… However, the benefits I received are already not small. Humph …… those bastards, the illusion killed you all, let’s make you despair once more this time!” With that, the disheveled youth left the alleyway.

“Ho ho ……”

The hunchbacked tentacled old man still stood in his original position and laughed as he watched the gloriously disheveled youth leave.

From beginning to end the hunchbacked old man did not move at all, only, he wanted to let the decadent youth to see him can see, want the other party can not see can not see.

“Buzz ……”

A powerful idea traveled through endless space and time, suddenly descending on this planet, descending on this alleyway.

The surrounding space slightly distorted.

An oval-shaped black sphere appeared in the alleyway and issued a voice: “Stone, you are called a Demon God! Even the Lord of the Universe has to be afraid when he sees you, and he’s actually interested in helping that little guy.”

“Want to kill, I will kill. Want to save, I save. Want an occasional boon, I’ll boon! If that little guy knelt down in the alleyway just now and pleaded with me, begging to see me …… I would have just killed him.” The hunchbacked old man turned his head to look at the black sphere, “Mechanical, this is the human frontier, your intention descended here to find me for something?”

“Something.” The oval shaped black sphere was suspended in mid-air, the void around it was uncertain and vague, “I’m asking you to kill a little guy.”

“Strong?” The hunchbacked old man said.

“Human Luo Feng!” The oval black sphere said.

“Luo Feng?” The hunchbacked old man nodded, “I know this little guy, after returning from the cosmic sea, the news about him has spread the most. No wonder you came over, your mechanical race, and that insect and demon race, I’m afraid they all want to kill him. Tell me, where is he now?”

“Ancestral God Cult, Zijing Island!” The oval-shaped black sphere said.

“Ancestral God Cult!!!”

The hunchbacked old man was no longer as calm and natural as before, his eyes glared and black light flashed faintly, “Mechanical, I don’t care about that giant axe, I can help you kill that little guy. But he is in the core land of the Ancestral God Sect …… You let me break into the core land of the Ancestral God Sect and kill their inheritors. It’s said that the Ancestral God Sect even bestowed treasures on him, clearly valuing this Luo Feng.”

“I helped you once back then, this time, count it as payback.” The black sphere in the distance made a sound.

“I owe you once.”

The hunchbacked old man said hoarsely, “Alright, I promise you. Give me his details.”

“Top universe hegemon strength, god body estimated to be comparable to rare special beings, and he has the ability to be gifted with the ability to split, it’s useless to annihilate his one god body alone. It must be soul infiltration …… to cause all god bodies to perish. Or soul control! But soul control is obviously more difficult.” The black sphere said, “Stone, you are the illusionary flow to become the strongest person in the universe! If you don’t make it …… there won’t be any strong person in the entire primordial universe who can make it.”

“Alright, I’ll leave now, I know you guys are impatiently waiting.” The hunchbacked old man said.

“Then I’ll wait for your good news.” The oval black sphere said.


The two disappeared at the same time, one after the other, and the surrounding space and time also shook slightly before returning completely to normal. The ordinary humans in this city, on the other hand, didn’t even notice all of this.

Ancestral Mysterious Realm, colorful aurora lake peripheral void.

A black alien being stood in the void, surrounded by black air currents that enveloped his body, only a pair of dark and eerie eyes could be vaguely seen.

“Human Luo Feng?”

“To have one of the strongest people in the universe ask another of the strongest people in the universe to kill you, you should be proud of yourself.”

Zijing Island.

Luo Feng’s mansion was in the Jiangnan garden style, with small bridges and pavilions, Luo Feng was sitting at the table in the pavilion, drinking a fine wine and contemplating on the “Beast God Way”. This kind of peaceful days of dedicated cultivation, he is very much like, but Luo Feng is also clear …… that he seems to be very safe in the Ancestral God religion.

However, the longer the time is set aside, the more anxious the insect race, demon race, and mechanical race will become! After all, how can those three peak communities tolerate watching themselves grow?

Will definitely find a way to start.

And I have the gift of the ability to split, if only material attacks to annihilate one of their own split, simply can not achieve the results they want. So to start …… will certainly start from the soul aspect, or soul penetration to make oneself completely perish, just like the way the master of the meteorite ink star died back then.

Or the soul is controlled.

The earthling’s true self appeared in the open, Luo Feng naturally didn’t dare to be careless.

He had been carrying the soul treasure “tower bead”, and even wore the peak treasure “robber armor”, which also had the power to weaken soul attacks. The most important thing is like the general fragile soul treasure, may be in front of some soul attacks will directly collapse, but the “tower pearl” is a control core of the Star Tower, the proof of recognition, even if the strongest treasure attack will not make it broken, although the defensive power is only “ordinary treasure” level, but definitely worth it. Although the defense power is only “ordinary treasure” level, it is absolutely trustworthy.

“Tower bead, robber armor, plus my own will and consciousness of the universe lord.” Luo Feng silently said.

A powerful divine body, endless divine power, granted him a powerful consciousness! (Lord of the universe level)

Time and time again, the metamorphosis of the life and death inheritance, and 180 million years of subconscious cultivation had also caused the will to reach the Lord of the Universe level!

With this to fall back on!

Luo Feng naturally had more confidence!

“Hm?” Luo Feng, who was sitting there with his wine glass pondering over the beast god way, suddenly looked up to the sky, he couldn’t vaguely feel that something was wrong.

As soon as he raised his head!

The colorful aurora lake shrouded high in the sky actually just appeared below a figure surrounded by endless black air currents, under the shroud of air currents, it was impossible to see it at all, only a pair of eyes were vaguely visible. What kind of eyes are those? Luo Feng felt a shudder at the mere sight of it, not good!

That trembling from the soul …… made Luo Feng instantly understand that this feeling of powerlessness would only be there when he encountered the Star Beginner and the Sitter.

“It’s the strongest person in the universe!” Luo Feng immediately understood.


An invisible attack descended!

Boom!!! Boom!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!!

A hundred meters above Luo Feng, a huge crack suddenly appeared out of nowhere!

Wrong, not a crack.

Rather, it was the collision of the two spatial and temporal directions!

Only to see that the space-time around where the black airflow figure stood was completely controlled, the laws of the universe operating in that space-time had all receded, and everything was completely controlled by that one black airflow figure. And the space-time below was also controlled, one above, one below, the two space-time even collided at a hundred meters above Luo Feng.

More terrifying than a planet collision!

Two invisible space and time collided with each other, two powerful ideas controlling their respective space and time …… under the space and time collision, cracks appeared from time to time.

“What!” Luo Feng was dumbfounded, after all, his strength far exceeded the top universe overlords could be compared to the universe lords, his will consciousness was also extremely strong, so he instantly decided that there was another universe strongest person existing in the space-time below!

“Two of the strongest people in the universe?”

“Fighting with each other?” Luo Feng froze.

Clattering ……

The colorful aurora lake at the very top of the sky truly went berserk, this is the first time Luo Feng has seen the colorful aurora lake so berserk, only to see that boundless colorful aurora lake as if the lake in the sky instantly collapsed, rumbling …… endless aurora light rushed directly towards the bottom, surging towards the black mist figure below.

The black mist figure, however, did not move at all, but instead let out an angry roar, “Ancestral God, you want to obstruct me?”

“Void Truth Demon God, this is the place of my Ancestral God Cult!” A majestic voice rang out.

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