Chapter 79 – The Favors of the Universe

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:12:46
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“Protector God Lord?” Luo Feng was shocked, the lord of the nine ghosts was none other than the protector god lord of the ancestor god religion, the protector god lord was already the highest tier amongst the peripheral members of the ancestor god religion, his status was second only to the ancestor god and comparable to the beast god.

“No wonder you’re helping me so much, so you look favorably on me and want me to be the Protector God Lord.” Luo Feng secretly said, “I’m facing the strongest person in the universe right now, and I still need a supreme supreme treasure to protect me! But once I cross into the level of Lord of the Universe …… divine power soars again, my consciousness can naturally soar again.”

“At that time, even if I don’t use soul type supreme treasures, I won’t be afraid of the illusions of the Void Truth Demon God, right?” Luo Feng secretly said.

Right now, he was very strong and dared to fight with the Lord of the Universe ……

But when you meet the strongest people in the universe, you still have to rely on the Star Tower to save your life, it seems that as the strongest people in the universe, “Sitting Mountain Guest” is the most accurate, at first said Luo Feng battle Star Tower …… will be enough to go across the universe without fear. Another meaning of this statement is that without the Star Pagoda, Luo Feng is not yet able to reach the level of not fearing any existence in the universe.

Understanding the Ancestral God Sect’s intentions, Luo Feng was still grateful.

After all, people look up to you to do this, and based on what they have investigated, the Ancestral God Cult and the human community really don’t have a conflict, plus the Ancestral God Cult promised back in the day that …… once they joined a peripheral member, such as a human, then they would never let a human powerhouse deal with the human community, and that even the peripheral members could refuse a certain mission request .

“The Void True Demon God dealt with you once, you should also know how heavy the hearts of the insect, mechanical, and demon races are to kill you.” Two-Faced Ancestral God looked at Luo Feng, “Think about what you should do.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded solemnly.

“Of course there’s no need to be too alarmed …… The Void True Demon God is the strongest person in the universe, what kind of status is he? To ask him to make a move, that price isn’t low. Since he has already made a move once and failed …… at least the Void True Demon God definitely won’t come back to the Ancestral God Sect to assassinate a second time, wanting to invite another universe’s strongest person, haha …… isn’t easy. Fear is that the insect race, the mechanical race, the demon race is not necessarily willing to give up, after all, failed once, if the second time still failed …… is not the same as sending the most precious treasure towards the outside?” The Two-Faced Ancestral God smiled, “What to do, think about it, I’ll return to the Ancestral God Palace.”

The Two-Faced Ancestral God immediately turned his head and left.

In just three steps, his figure had blurred and completely disappeared.

“Back to the Ancestral God Palace?” Luo Feng secretly nodded his head, what kind of status is the Ancestor God, living in seclusion and helping himself once is already a big favor, he can’t be his bodyguard all the time.

“Go back to the god country first.”

Luo Feng turned around and headed straight towards his mansion hall.

Leaving Zijing island, divine kingdom teleportation, back to divine kingdom.

The Endless Spectral Sea was sensing at all times, the cosmic origin, absorbing the divine power, and continuing to transform, after all, when he had crossed over from immortal to Cosmic Exalted, only one eighth of the volume (within a diameter of 10 billion kilometers) had completed the transformation……. Now it was continuing to improve.

“Star tower.” The silver armored and silver winged Luo Feng stood on the surface of the sea, in the distance a golden horned behemoth flew in, the head of the golden horned behemoth that had turned into a million kilometers long was holding a huge star tower, the star tower had also become a hundred thousand kilometers long.

Over the years, the Golden Horn Beast has been studying the Star Tower’s secret pattern engraving.

The star tower’s secret pattern engraving was incredibly arcane and complex, and one layer stacked on top of the other, as if the mountains were shrouded in white mist, making it impossible for people to see through! Luo Feng was now the same, he now only vaguely discerned three layers of secret patterns, only fully comprehending the shallowest first layer, of course the second high was fast approaching.

“Come.” Luo Feng stretched his hand out.


The distant star tower immediately flew in, shrinking as it flew in, when it fell into Luo Feng’s palm it was merely the size of a walnut.

“Subdue the soul.” Luo Feng’s mind moved, the star tower instantly drilled into Luo Feng’s body, and then directly suspended in the center of Luo Feng’s body’s chest, the original “tower bead” naturally flew back to the star tower at this moment, completely returning.

A single tower bead has the effect of guarding the soul.

The most powerful treasure Star Pagoda …… is even stronger in terms of guarding the soul, I don’t know how much.

“Wow wow wow wow wow …… countless threads of divine power spread out with the ‘Star Tower’ as the core, as if it was a network laid out by the Star Tower, quickly spreading all over Luo Feng’s body, every bit of the life imprints in the divine power was directly and completely guarded together This made Luo Feng sigh, it was really too strong.

The tower bead guarded the soul, it was like a huge rock suppressing it.

The star pagoda guarding the soul, but it was as if a towering mountain was suppressing it, that kind of stability was unknown how much stronger than before.

“Worthy of being a supreme supreme treasure.” Luo Feng secretly rejoiced, no wonder it was said that a supreme supreme treasure could then be the treasure of the town clan or the town religion……. Even amongst the strongest people in the universe there can be quite a few who don’t have supreme supreme treasures.

“Although it is said that inviting the strongest person in the universe to kill me once failed, the probability of inviting a second time is very low. But I still can’t be careless.” Luo Feng immediately connected his consciousness to the virtual universe, “Back then, I had checked the message of the strongest person in the universe and didn’t access it. And before the news spread, I was recognized as a top universe overlord …… should have had my permissions raised.”

Virtual universe, Thunder Island, Luo Feng’s residence.

Inside a serene hall hall.

Through the window you could look down on the endless Thunder Island below, Luo Feng was sitting in front of his desk, looking at his laptop screen.

“Sure enough, my permissions have been raised.” Luo Feng took a look and smiled.

Last time, Luo Feng was a Universe Medium Exalted permission.

And this time, it was a seven star universe overlord authority.

“Master.” Virtual universe assistant baba tower voice rang out, of course this is only the subsidiary intelligence of the baba tower, the baba tower principal is quietly practicing on earth, because of Luo Feng’s resources provided, the baba tower also crossed over into the immortal level early, but even if it is immortal …… can’t get involved in a battle at Luo Feng’s level.

So, remained on Earth.

Instead, a lot of things about the Luo family clan …… Baba Towers provided some help.

“Enquire about the Lord of the Universe, the strongest person in the universe.” Luo Feng commanded.



A message instantly appeared on the screen, Luo Feng instantly clicked on the first one …… Usually the first one is the one with the most amount of messages.

“Seven star universe overlord permissions are really different …… It seems that some extremely high secrets are entitled to know.” Luo Feng saw the content of that large amount of messages, immediately smiled and praised, then read on.

The countless lives of the universe, were conceived by the universe, as if they were the universe’s children, favored by the universe.

Special lives, born with eternal life.

Ordinary life, must reach the immortal, in order to have eternal life, otherwise can only reach the end of life will perish, generations of growth, generations of perish, from which emerges a immortal to.

Immortality below …… no need to say more.

Immortal, just realize a minimum law, and in the law of the sea help directly into a god body, since then have eternal life.

A universe venerable is one who has realized one of the laws of space or time, with a stronger divine body and a higher level of understanding of the laws.

The Lord of the Universe, on the other hand, is a person who has realized space-time! Or to realize one of the fusion laws of gold space, wood space, time wind, etc……. Only by reaching this level can one truly become a Lord of the Universe. However, whenever one becomes a Lord of the Universe …… even if they are a Golden Air Beast God, they can still have control over space and time.

This is a gift from the universe to them!

The three stages of Immortal, Cosmic Exalted, and Lord of the Universe …… Cosmic Origin have always been bestowals! Bestowing! Bestowing again!

Bestowing endless divine power!

By chance, bestowing gifted secret techniques!

Giving complete control over space and time, giving the possibility of “reversing space and time and resurrecting”!

Even after becoming the Master of the Universe,……, the Universe Origin still treats them like children, always giving and caring for them! And the cultivation process absolutely will not go can be disturbed to destroy, but from the Lord of the Universe want to the universe’s strongest …… first, there is not any one clear road!

A universe strongest man was born, then the road he once traveled, will be sealed!

No other strong person could take the same path and become the strongest in the universe.

Secondly ……

Even after endless hardships, with great wisdom, great chance and great perseverance, finally broke through the final bottleneck to take the final step! After becoming the invincible “the strongest in the universe”, the strongest in the universe can manipulate the rules of the law themselves, their strength is so strong that they have been able to do what they say!

At this time, they were instead suppressed and bound by the universe.

From the weak have been cultivated to the master of the universe, this long stage, the universe has always been favored.

The strongest of the universe were instead bound and suppressed!

Their strength was suppressed, and they could only exert a strength that was only slightly stronger than the strongest Lord of the Universe! Although they can only exert such a strong strength, they themselves are indeed extremely powerful, so even reversing time and space to resurrect the Universe Overlord …… is incomparably easy for them.


Once the strongest person in the universe kills a Cosmic Lord or Cosmic Exalted and so on, it must be known that Cosmic Exalted and Cosmic Lords are all guarded by the Cosmic Origin! If they really kill …… the strongest person in the universe will be punished by the universe origin! The stronger the strength of the person killed, the heavier the punishment.

For example, if you kill a universe hegemon, the punishment is nothing to the strongest in the universe.

Killing a Cosmic Lord, the punishment would be much heavier.

Of course like the Lord of the Nine Specters, the Lord of Chaos City, and some other …… Some of the strongest people in the universe don’t have enough ability to kill even if they go all out and would rather take the punishment to kill. It was because the strength they exerted had always been limited.

“So that’s how it is.” Luo Feng looked dumbfounded, “The universe breeds all things and naturally favors all things……. It turns out that once you become the strongest in the universe, your identity changes, and it seems that you are instead resisted, oppressed, and bound by the universe? Even killing a Cosmic Exalted One or a Cosmic Lord is punished ……”

“How bizarre.”

“The same is the life that was birthed in the endless primordial universe and has always been cared for by it. But once you become the strongest person in the universe you have to be suppressed? And every universe strongest person must find a different path to breakthrough?” Luo Feng realized that the strongest in the universe should have a bigger secret, which was enough to cause the primordial universe to suppress them, at least this secret …… at least his own seven star hegemonic authority wasn’t qualified to see it yet.

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