Chapter 97 – The Might of the Blood Cloud

Release Date: 2024-07-12 12:13:33
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“I’ll stop him?” The Lord of Sinking Flame was instantly a bit reluctant, although he was from the Demon Race Alliance, he was not a Demon Race, but rather the leader of a powerful race. That Blood Cloud Palace Lord had a fierce reputation, and had even killed two Masters of the Universe before. The strength of …… definitely belongs to the peak ranks of the Lords of the Universe, and although he, the Lord of the Sinking Flame, is not weak, he is still worse.

“Merely hold him back!” Dream Demon Ancestor ordered, “What’s more, you still have a bilocation!”

“Even though I have a bilocation, this old man hasn’t shown up for more than three million epochs, so I can’t even predict what means he has. If this bilocation of mine perishes, the supreme treasure will also be taken by him! And I’m still carrying the token of the ‘Apparition Suppression Valley’.” The Lord of Sinking Flame was unwilling to take the risk.

He was the leader of a powerful clan, and the entire clan had to rely on him for support.

“If this doppelganger of yours perishes, when the Blood Cloud Palace Lord dies, he will return all of your supreme treasures and the like to you.” The Dream Demon Ancestor said, “If the Blood Cloud Hall Master escapes this, what you lose, my alliance will make up for half of your loss! Hmph, you’re also the renowned Lord of Sinking Flame, can you not even save your life in front of him?”

“Good! Since the Demon Ancestor has promised, I will go and hold him back.” The Lord of Sinking Flame no longer hesitated.


Turning into streams of light he quickly chased towards Luo Feng.

Luo Feng and the Lord of Sinking Flame weren’t far away, just hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Luo Feng was breaking through the air and flying.

“Blood cloud hall master, wait.” A majestic voice rang in Luo Feng’s ears.


Luo Feng laughed coldly, but he continued to move forward.

“Blood cloud hall master, I, the lord of sunken fire, wish to talk to you.” That majestic voice said again, obviously that Lord of Sinking Flame didn’t want to really fight with Luo Feng, after all, all the major forces and Luo Feng’s grudges, but he, Lord of Sinking Flame, himself and Luo Feng didn’t have much grudges, as long as he could restrain Luo Feng, then it was a big credit, if afterward, Lord of the Blood Cloud Palace died, when the treasures were divided, naturally, he, Lord of Sinking Flame, would have to get a share as well.

“Lord of Sinking Flame! Do you think I’m as stupid as you?” Luo Feng said softly.


Lord of Sinking Flame was infuriated and couldn’t say anything for a while, he also couldn’t help but sigh, no wonder the Blood Cloud Palace Lord had enemies all over the universe because it was just too ruthless, he clearly had no animosity with the Blood Cloud Palace Lord and by merely striking up a conversation, the Blood Cloud Palace Lord was directly equivalent to scolding him for his stupidity, wasn’t it an insult to a Universe Lord? If it was another strong person who said this, the Lord of Sinking Flame would have roared and wanted to fight, but this was said by the infamous Blood Cloud Hall Master, and his anger quickly subsided.

After all, the Blood Cloud Palace Master had this temperament. Otherwise wouldn’t he have offended the major forces of the universe?

One flew in front, while the other chased behind.

“The Blood Cloud Hall Master is flying away at top speed, I can’t catch up, so I can only follow him for now.” The Lord of Sinking Flame tracked from afar while also transmitting to the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Zhen Demon Ancestor over and over again.

A few moments later.

As Luo Feng flew directly into a swirling channel.

“He has entered the vortex passage, that vortex passage leads to primordial star number 06231.” The Lord of Sinking Flame immediately passed on the news.

The news immediately spread from the Demon Alliance, all passed between super existences to each other, and in almost a moment, all parties knew that the …… Blood Cloud Hall Lord had entered Primordial Star number 06231.

“Star River Lord, we are about to arrive at Primordial Star 03129 that Blood Cloud Hall Master is located at the coordinates.”


The six Masters of the Universe of the Northern Border Alliance were flying together in the mid-air of a primordial star, and the one at the head of them was none other than the “Lord of the River of Stars” who had a very high status in the Northern Border Alliance. Although there were a total of twelve Masters of the Universe of the Northern Border Alliance taking part in the action this time, the other six Masters of the Universe were already on the primordial star and were rushing there from various primordial stars.

“Stop!” The Star River Lord spoke.

The other five lofty figures in midair stopped at the same time, all looking towards the Lord of the Star River – a tall dark void.

“The Blood Cloud Hall Master has left Primordial Star number 03129 and arrived at Primordial Star 06231 through the vortex passage.” The Star River Lord said.

“What then?”

“This is troublesome.”

The other five Cosmic Lords all felt bad.

“What is the fastest route to reach that vortex passage coordinate of Primordial Star 06231?” The Star River Lord ordered.

“Turning around via the 8 Primordial Stars, we’ll spend the least amount of time on the road.” A Cosmic Lord spoke at once.

“Then set off.”

The Star River Lord ordered.


The six Cosmos Lords immediately changed direction.

The news spread out, and it was indeed displeasing to many of the various forces that were chasing the Blood Cloud Palace Lord, but there was nothing they could do about it. Each primordial star has a full 10081 vortex passages, which is a great problem for chasing and killing, and perhaps …… this is also a great credential for the Blood Cloud Hall Lord to appear in the primordial star.

The lofty figure of the Lord of Sinking Fire also stepped into that vortex channel and entered another Primordial Star.

As soon as he entered, he hadn’t yet taken control of a side of space and time to check it out.


The Lord of Sinking Flame was shocked to see that there was an endless black fog filling the area hundreds of millions of kilometers away, and there was a hidden ancient palace in the endless black fog, and there was a figure standing in mid-air in front of the ancient palace, which appeared vague and indistinct in the black fog.

“Blood Cloud Palace!” The Lord of Sinking Flame immediately recognized the hefty treasure.

The Blood Cloud Palace was a top-tier flying palace treasure! It could be a whole level higher than the Skywolf Palace. Incomparably sturdy …… even the strongest person in the universe would have difficulty destroying this Blood Cloud Palace, and the Blood Cloud Palace was capable of releasing black mist in the range of hundreds of billions of kilometers. Surrounded by black mist, the palace was majestic, and this was the Blood Cloud Palace.

The blood cloud hall, can make it time and time again to avoid the killing disaster.

This Blood Cloud Palace Lord actually didn’t escape?” The Lord of Sinking Flame was secretly shocked.

“Hahaha, Lord of Sinking Flame, what, scared?” The black smoke spread violently to directly cover the Lord of Sinking Flame, and his voice rang out, “Aren’t you chasing me? It’s been a long, long time since we’ve had a battle, and now, I’m giving you this chance!”


The Lord of Sinking Flame let out a snort of anger, this Blood Cloud Hall Master actually did not put him in the slightest bit in his eyes.

“Haha, truly gutless.” The Blood Cloud Hall Master’s voice came out, “Then I won’t accompany you.”

“Blood Cloud, don’t run away if you have the guts!” When the Lord of Sinking Flame saw that the Blood Cloud Hall Master was going to continue to fly away, he let out a roar and directly turned into streams of light and flew away directly.



The Lord of the Blood Cloud Hall waved his hand to put away the Blood Cloud Hall, holding a long shuttle as he directly flew in a whistling manner.

“I’ll let you know how powerful I am.” The Lord of Sinking Flame held two giant hammers, the nine tentacle flames on top of his head were even more prancing around as he roared. Luo Feng holding a long shuttle also came quickly, at the same time secretly marveling at the fact that among the billions of communities in the universe, especially some super existences, there were many who used “hammers” as weapons.

Hundreds of millions of kilometers, the two flew opposite each other and arrived in a moment.

“Blood Cloud, die!” The Lord of Sinking Fire roared.

A hammer was swung out, naturally accompanied by an angry and furious roar, this roar seemed to come from the ancient times of the universe, the Lord of Sinking Flame was an existence that had completely accomplished the Beast God Path of “Fire and Space”…… A hammer came out… …the surrounding solid space was like glass being crushed by a tank and shattered inch by inch.

“Just by you?” Luo Feng was thousands of kilometers tall at the moment, the Lord of Sinking Fire was also thousands of kilometers tall.

The long shuttle in Luo Feng’s hand that was disguised by the Star Tower via the “blood cloud bead” was even more than 3,000 kilometers long.

“Die!” Luo Feng stared at his opponent from afar, his whole body’s divine power had already burned, directly pouring into the long shuttle in his hand, now the Star Tower’s complex secret pattern carving to date, Luo Feng only realized the first layer. Although the second layer is close to enlightenment, it is still a little short, and can’t be fully catalyzed, so the consumption of divine energy needs to be more, and the power is not as powerful as when you can catalyze the second layer.

Catalyzing the Star Tower Long Shuttle!

Through the long shuttle, the Lord of the Universe’s Ultimate Secret Technique “Blood Light” was executed, this newly created Lord of the Universe’s Ultimate Secret Technique was also the first time it was used in battle.

“Shatter!” The Lord of Sinking Flame let out a roar.

The divine hammer’s might was endless, and for a moment it was like the sky crumbling into the earth ……

Suddenly a dazzling blood-colored light shuttle instantly flashed by, so frighteningly fast that it even caused that Lord of Sinking Flame’s two divine hammers to not have time to block it.


The blood-colored light shuttle, directly stabbed at the chest of the Lord of Sinking Flame.

“Boom!” The Lord of Sinking Fire also gritted his teeth and slammed his divine hammers onto the Blood Cloud Hall Master.



Both of them flew away backwards.

“How did it go so fast, so fast that I didn’t even have time to block it.” Although the Lord of Sinking Flame guessed that the Blood Cloud Hall Master should have changed a bit after not seeing him for more than three million epochs, he didn’t expect that using his new supreme treasure, the Long Shuttle, could be this fast, and although he was ill-prepared, it was still too fast.

“Worthy of being the Blood Cloud Palace Lord, with my divine body volume, even made my divine body direct loss of nearly 1%, his strength, is definitely the peak ranks of the Lord of the Universe.” The Lord of Sinking Flame was darkly shocked, “Fortunately, it’s just this once, next time I won’t let him attack directly on my divine body.”

Usually the two engage in battle.

It’s all about weapons meeting each other …… then the power left after the weapons resist is much weaker, but just now it was purely injury for injury, no weapons blocking, Luo Feng’s long pike directly stabbed on the Lord of Sinking Flame, and the Lord of Sinking Flame’s heavy hammer also directly slammed on Luo Feng’s body.

“The robber armor is just awesome, weakening the attack to one hundred thousandth of a percent, the consumption of my divine body from that hammer is almost negligible, I can fully recover in a few moments.” Luo Feng looked at the long shuttle in his hand, “It’s worthy of being a supreme supreme treasure, I was only able to activate the first layer to drive the supreme supreme treasure, the supreme supreme supreme treasure power was only utilized in a small portion. It’s much stronger than my strongest strike during the previous battle with the Lord of Banff.”

For this battle, Luo Feng was well prepared.

After all, the robber armor was stronger than the beast god armor, so Luo Feng temporarily switched with his earthling self, and this “blood cloud hall master” temporarily wore robber armor! Holding a star tower long shuttle in his hand!

“Blood cloud hall master, I admire you. But you don’t have a chance.” The Lord of Sinking Fire roared.

“Hahaha, big words from anyone.”

Luo Feng and the Lord of Sinking Fire exchanged blows once more.


The Lord of Sinking Flame did his best to defend this time, the first divine hammer still failed to defend, but the second divine hammer was barely blocked. It caused Luo Feng to merely blast the Lord of Sinking Flame completely away.

“The star tower power is too strong, I’m only partially utilizing it. When I fought the Lord of Banff, with the micro universe might added, I was only suppressing …… Now I’m simply ravaging the Lord of Sinking Flame.” Luo Feng completely felt the power of the star tower, every stab, fast and terrifying, the impact also every time the Lord of Sinking Flame was directly blasted and thrown far away, this kind of complete suppression, ravaging, made Luo Feng unprecedentedly happy.

Incarnating as the blood cloud hall master made Luo Feng gain great ease.

At this moment, holding the Star Tower and ravaging the Master of the Universe made Luo Feng feel even better.

The second layer of the Star Tower’s secret pattern engraving he was just short of the last bit of enlightenment, plus before he came to the primordial star he had already comprehended the fifth level of the Beast God way, and the secret pattern flow attainment was even deeper, plus at this moment under the state of mind …… surprisingly, in the 35th exchange between Luo Feng and the Lord of the Sinking Flame, he unknowingly fully catalyzed the second layer of the secret pattern engraving in an instant.

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