Chapter 16.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:48:28
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“The Amazing God Clan line and the Earth line? I’m the third candidate?” Luo Feng looked at Puti.

Puti smiled, “Earth, is your ‘naming’ of the planet you live on, in the different eras of the first two candidates, the names were different, in the first candidate era, the earth was called the ‘mountain and sea realm’, the second candidate era was called ‘Source Star’, and in this era you live in, you are calling him Earth.” Luo Feng nodded.

“About the Amazing God Clan line and the Earth line ……”

“Back then, I followed my teacher and made my way through the vast universe.”

“Teacher expended countless efforts and chose one of the planetary humans of the human race to start guiding the conception, giving birth to a race that was born with powerful qualifications! This ethnic group was the later ‘Amazing God Race’.” Puti laughed, “Unlike me and the other servants, who were chosen at the teacher’s discretion, this Amazing God Race was conceived by the teacher’s dedicated guidance, and under the teacher’s severe screening, the most powerful character of the Amazing God Race eventually became your teacher’s second disciple.”

“This second disciple of mine is not willing to be inferior.”

“Taking the group under his command, he left humanity and called himself the ‘Amazing God Race’, becoming a powerful group in the universe.” Puti laughed, “Although in terms of overall strength, the Amazing God tribe is far inferior to humans, but the Amazing God tribe has a second senior brother, who is the master of the universe, and has a supreme treasure refined by his teacher, so he is not afraid of the peak existences in the human race, and has become a dominant force in the universe ever since.”

Luo Feng’s heart fluttered, he even said, “So senior Puti, what about you?”

The Amazing God Race, was originally a part of humanity.

Puti, by the looks of it, was also human.

“Hahahaha ……” Puti was perched there, his purple beard hanging down, he laughed aloud, his laughter caused the entire hall to tremble, he looked down at Luo Feng and smiled, “Have you heard the name of Tipu? ”

“Tipu?” Luo Feng’s aura flashed, his mind recalled the signature on the book ‘Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method’.

That book “Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method” was created by Tipu.

“Puti, Tipu, could it be?” Luo Feng looked at the earliest powerhouse who followed the foreign race’s great powerhouse in front of him in shock.

“I don’t have that kind of ambition, and it’s not like I’m like second senior brother who has a special clan that I can lead and take over a territory in the universe and become a party overlord.” Puti sighed, “What’s more, the teacher treats the Amazing God Race lineage and the Earth lineage as extremely important, spending endless efforts to refine heavy treasures ready …… for the second senior brother to have many supreme treasures, which are also stronger than me.”

“I’m alone, so naturally I’m staying in the human race.”

“It’s just that I don’t want to expose all of my strength, resulting in implicating my teacher, so I’ll just lay low, letting one of my doppelgangers stay in the human community for a long time, and letting my doppelganger display peak Universe Exalted battle power, slightly weaker than the Universe Lords in the community, and assuming a false name of ‘Tipu’. ” Puti said.

Luo Feng sighed.

That foreign race great powerhouse, now two major disciples.

One was ruling the Amazing God Race and became a party hegemon.

The other one stayed in the human race in a separate body, only displaying strength at the level of the “Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord” and “Shirodor”.

“Although Teacher guided the creation of the Amazing God Race, he was not satisfied.” Puti sighed softly, “Teacher once sighed …… talent qualification is easy to improve, but soul metamorphosis is much more difficult. So teacher began to consume more effort to think and think of ways to finally guide the conception of your Earth lineage.”

“The soul is pure and innately amazing.”

“Teacher also spent endless effort to specially create a set of heaven-defying secret method for your Earth lineage, which is the Nine Tribulation Secret Code, this set of Nine Tribulation Secret Code, which allows the cultivator’s body genes to continuously leap up and improve, reaching the genetic level of some heaven-defying rare races in the universe.”

“The innate advantage of the soul, combined with the Nine Tribulation Mysteries, this is the best combination in teacher’s mind.” Puti’s eyes glowed.

Luo Feng held his breath as he listened.

That foreign race great powerhouse was too, too heaven defying, in order to get a better Earth lineage, he spent so much effort making so many preparations, all on his own initiative to create such an incredible secret method like the Nine Tribulation Secret Code.

“It’s just that this secret code is resisted by the laws of cosmic operation.” Puti shook his head and said, “Although created, but once the teacher will pass this secret law to someone from the Earth lineage, just taught, that the cosmic functioning law will automatically erase the content of the secret law……. The teacher is powerful, the cosmic functioning law can’t erase the teacher’s memories, but it can erase the memories of the other cultivators. ”

Luo Feng was secretly shocked as he listened.

Erase memories?

But how was he able to cultivate this heaven defying secret method.

“Later on, teacher left alone, didn’t know where he went, and ended up bringing back a special kind of treasure called the ‘heavenly soul crystal’, recording that set of secret methods specifically in the heavenly soul crystal.” Puti said, “The Heavenly Soul Crystal has incredible power, as long as one is a human of the Earth lineage and can carry through that illusionary test, one can obtain this set of secret laws from the Heavenly Soul Crystal.”

“Why don’t the laws of cosmic functioning obliterate it?” Luo Feng even pursued.

Without a doubt, the heavenly soul crystal was that black metal plate.

“This is the wonderful use of the heavenly soul crystal.” Puti said, “Teacher once said that the laws of cosmic functioning are fair, there aren’t any absolutes, there’s always a glimmer of life. In order to pass down the Nine Tribulation Mysteries, it is sufficient to rely on the Heavenly Soul Crystals. The Heavenly Soul Crystal’s own power can pass on the memory of this secret law to you, and is not subject to the laws of the universe’s operation to erase …… but also only this one chance.”

“One chance?” Luo Feng was stunned.


Puti nodded, “The Heavenly Soul Crystal records the Nine Tribulation Mysteries, but it itself contains power that is only enough to be passed down once. As long as the cultivator lives …… then the Heavenly Soul Crystal cannot be passed on to the second cultivator. Unless the first cultivator perishes!”

“Therefore, with the Earth lineage plus you, there are a total of three candidates.”

“The first candidate perishes, and the Heavenly Soul Crystal restores its own power, which makes it possible for a second candidate to be born.”

“The second candidate perishes, and only then is it possible for the third candidate to be born.”

“Such a secret code, even if there is a celestial soul crystal as a carrier to pass on, there will definitely not be two candidates alive at the same time.”

Luo Feng listened with a sigh, the laws of operation of this vast universe are indeed harsh, the more special the existence the rarer it is, like the ‘Nine robberies secret code’ this kind of heaven defying secret code, creation is already difficult to the extreme, the inheritance even more so requires heavenly soul crystals as a carrier, and there can only be one cultivator!

“Teacher values the Amazing God Clan lineage, and values your lineage even more.”

“The leader of the Amazing God Race, is the Second Senior Brother.”

“The leader of the Earth lineage, is the future Third Senior Brother.” Puti said, “And teacher has prepared supreme treasures for both the second senior brother and the future third senior brother ……!”

Luo Feng listened with a slight frown and couldn’t help but ask, “Senior Puti, your teacher, why would that great existence …… create the Amazing God Race lineage and the Earth lineage?”

“To reach a point like your teacher’s, across the vastness of the universe, one is already invincible.” Puti’s voice was old, slowly said, “You also don’t need to think too much, teacher, as one of the strongest people in the universe, has long been invited by one power after another, inviting it to be the leader of those forces, but teacher has been too lazy to pay attention to it.”

“Be the chief?” Luo Feng was puzzled.

“The strongest many forces in the universe, the human alliance (Hong alliance), the star beast alliance, the bug alliance …… and many other alliances, are all forces that stand at the peak in the universe. Secondly there are some slightly weaker ones like the ‘Nine Domains Alliance’, I’ll talk to you about this Nine Domains Alliance alone.”

“The Nine Realms Alliance, formed by the union of 100,000 ethnic groups, there are several powerful ethnic groups among them. In terms of the number and quality of the communities, it far exceeds the Human Alliance, the Insect Alliance, and so on.”

“The Nine Realms Alliance has more than 50 million Sealed King Immortals, more than 100,000 Cosmic Exalted, and more than 10 Cosmic Lords! In terms of battle power, it is in no way inferior to any other alliance.” Puti said, “They then asked teacher to go over and be the chief alliance leader of their nine domain alliance, do you know why?”

Luo Feng was shocked by the strength of this nine domain alliance.

The Hong alliance was also just over 300 sealed kings and immortals, tens of thousands of cosmic honored ones, and the Lord of the Universe …… Luo Feng wasn’t sure.

“Lord of the universe, considered the peak existence in the vast universe, why are you willing to worship teacher as the leader? Willing to let 100,000 communities listen to the teacher’s orders? Even if the strongest person in the universe wants to kill the lord of the universe, it’s an incomparably difficult thing to do, it seems unnecessary to bow down, why do they bow down?” Puti laughed, “It’s because …… teacher can resurrect any strong person below the Lord of the Universe.”

Luo Feng sucked in a breath of cold air.

The Chaos City Lord had said that …… resurrecting a Sealed King Immortal, he could easily resist that kind of backlash.

To resurrect a universe honored one would have to suffer a heavy blow! Resurrecting a Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord or a Herodo First Class, the backlash would cause him to perish.

And according to Luo Feng’s knowledge, the Chaos City Lord teacher, amongst the universe lords, that was also extremely powerful, belonging to the top three super existences of the human race.

“You should know that some of the overlords amongst the universe reverends, their battle power is even comparable to the universe lords.” Puti said, “If you can resurrect them, then you can cause these Universe Overlords to go into battle, disregarding their lives! Even if they perish, they can be resurrected again! This alliance, naturally, will be incredibly powerful.”

“The topmost power in the universe.”

“Each of the six peak communities has a strongest person who can do this. Among you humans is the ‘Giant Axe Founders’!” Puti said, “And outside of the six peak communities, some heaven-defying special beings, like Teacher, he is a unique existence in the universe, with no similar beings.”

“Outside of the six peak ethnic groups, many special beings, as well as some of the heaven-defying people in the billions of ethnic groups …… have also produced great and invincible existences like the ‘Giant Axe Founders’.”

“Teacher, is one of them.”

“Any alliance that has the strongest person in town is the truly powerful alliance in the universe, the strongest person doesn’t need to go to war, and the reversal of time and space resurrection means alone …… will make other hostile forces tremble. Not to mention that the strongest will have many special skills.” Puti looked at Luo Feng, “At teacher’s level, it’s meaningless to fight for supremacy in the vast universe, if you fight for supremacy, you can easily join a certain alliance and be the leader! But to teacher, that doesn’t make sense at all.”

“Teacher is a maverick.”

“Free and easy, the six peak communities have long spent countless energies inviting Teacher to join them, but Teacher simply ignores them and doesn’t care to participate in those fights.”

“Instead, teacher will have some special pursuits.”

“The Amazing God Race lineage and the Earth lineage are one of the crystallizations of his heart.”

“Of course, if you can succeed and become teacher’s third disciple! Then you will have a great future, and it is not impossible for you to become the Lord of the Universe and lead the Earth lineage……. Whether you wish to stay in the human race and become the highest level of the human race. Or do you want to learn from Second Senior Brother and leave with the Earth lineage, occupying a territory in the universe and becoming the overlord of a party. Both are at your disposal.”

“Of course the premise is that you don’t like the first two candidates failed to perish, if you perish, then you have to wait for the fourth candidate of the Earth lineage, just don’t know, that is how many billions of years later.”

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