Chapter 19: Hope and despair

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:48:36
A+ A- Turn Off Light

2000, 2100, 2200 ……

The degree of integration of the crystal bead and the soul is getting higher and higher, the tearing of the soul is getting stronger and stronger, this is not the so-called “pain”, but the real “tearing”, to the end if you can’t bear it, the whole soul will be completely torn apart! However, the closer the limit, Luo Feng’s heart is pure and unique, the effect of inner sharpening is even better, the speed of progress is faster.

2300 years, 2400 years, 2500 years, 2600 years ……

“It’s been 2600 years.”

Inside the large hall surrounded by many suppression stars, Puti was perched there, looking down at Luo Feng whose entire body was covered in sweat and blood, under this kind of excruciating pain, even a bead of blood seeped out, Luo Feng’s entire body was trembling, but that hint of firmness could be vaguely seen between his brows, not shaken by this pain that was going to destroy his soul.

“The first two candidates, one lasted 2600 years, one lasted 3300 years.”

“These first two are the pride of a generation, both are incomparable elites and magnificent characters of the Earth Shush lineage, in terms of encounters, the first candidate is the strongest, his mind is considered to be the ‘heart of the red son’, but he persisted for 2600 years and perished. The second candidate’s encounters were the weakest of the three, a bit lower than this Luo Feng, more suffering, but the state of mind was to reach the point of ‘the heart embraces all’, and finally also perished.”

“In the history of the Earth lineage, there are extremely many people with high mind cultivation, countless at the first layer, numerous at the second layer, and quite a few at the third layer.”

Puti sighed darkly.

His teacher, the alien great powerhouse who guided the conception of the Earth lineage, had said ……

The three levels of mind, which were not meant to be high or low, actually represented three paths.

“Bright heart, straight to the heart”, firm in the heart, believe in oneself, is a strong heart, determining oneself to be the strongest! No matter what one encounters, one is determined to believe in oneself and never waver. However, this road forward is also the most difficult, do not pretend to seek outside, the whole body of their own inner insistence.

To put it bluntly, it is “extreme stubbornness” and “obstinacy”, and such people are prone to fall down and suffer.

And the real clear mind to see the nature of the person, nature will not be cloud, they have a firm heart, even if ten thousand people pointed out, hundreds of millions of people spit on, will not change their faces still insist. This road is the most strenuous and bumpy ……

“Yin and yang are in harmony, the heart of a naked man”, a heart of a naked man, the unity of heaven and man.

Such a person, can let countless people for the admiration for the conviction, want to hate such a person are very difficult, they see through the hearts of millions of ordinary living beings, in history, more called “saints”.

“The heart tolerate everything, tolerate the universe”, more believe in the vastness of the universe, alone can not transcend the outside world, they are not willing to just go against the grain, and heaven and earth unity, they want to do is to tolerate, tolerate everything.

Such strong people have big hearts.

With endless ambitions and terrifyingly strong beliefs.

Three paths.

The reason why they were considered to be higher and higher in the Earth was because the Earth lineage didn’t really give birth to truly powerful people.

In history, many of the “clear-minded people”, those who adhere to the original heart, or “extreme stubbornness” in the time and again, after falling down, time and again, hit the corner of the head, through great ups and downs …… long ago. Seeing through the hearts of the people, they will finally wake up and think that yin and yang together is the way, completely adhere to the original heart is too extreme.

So there is the “unity of heaven and mankind”, there is the so-called “complete”.

At this time they will no longer suffer, will no longer break the corner of the head, but will make countless people worship.

After walking on the second path for a long time, after being perfected for a long time, they will have a deeper longing.

They are not willing to unite heaven and man, they want “man to embrace heaven”, this is the third level.

This is the third level. In the history of the Earth lineage, all those who have reached the third level have either built a country or established a religion, and almost all of them have stood at the top of the world. Because of their extremely powerful hearts and their all-embracing hearts, they were able to withstand any setbacks and advance under any adversity.

Perhaps their physical qualifications were not as good as the others, but their slow but determined progress, forever progressing, would cause them to eventually reach the peak!

Three paths, on merit.

The third path was the strongest, the second path was second, and the first path was the most kanko.

That is why the generations of sages in the history of the Earth have come to have such a cognizance …… The so called sitting in a well and watching the sky is just like this.

If you reach the level of the alien powerhouse …… universe’s strongest person, but will scoff, just adhere to the road is not the same, strong say who is high and who is low and what is the significance?

“To be able to persist for more than 2600 years, his heart is indeed firm and terrifying.” Puti secretly said, “In the face of such pain that is going to tear the soul, it is indeed necessary to have a completely firm heart, only the will consciousness is incomparably firm, in order to adhere to it for a longer period of time, depending on …… how strong his heart is.”

Chinese history many have backbone person, but torture on, each confessed.

And then loyal and righteous, can only say that the pain and suffering did not reach the limit, the means is not ruthless enough, if it is like this kind of pain originating from the depths of the soul, and tortured for thousands of years …… who can resist? Usually the so-called hero, alone thousands of years of loneliness, will let them go crazy, let alone to be subjected to such torment at all times …….

Luo Feng, while enduring such terrible torture, his will is firm and terrible, completely unperturbed by the torture, his heart is true and pure, completely studying the “Beast God Way”.

In the 2800th year ……

A burst of pain that reached its limit finally interfered with Luo Feng’s study of the “Beast God Way”.

“Don’t try to interfere with me.”


In the world inside his body, the golden horned beast was still burying its head in watching the beast god statue while going to copy the carving.

It was as if some scientists on Earth, even though they were suffering from illnesses and pains still endured cold sweats to research, although they were still interfered with by tingling pains, interrupting their own enlightenment time and time again. But Luo Feng who had been immersed in enlightenment for more than 2,000 years, had completely sunk into it, and even if there were interruptions, he would suppress them again and again!

Stinging interruptions? Press it down and go back to studying the beast god way on your own!

Interrupt the enlightenment? Press!

Interrupt enlightenment? Press!

An absolute sincerity of the heart, in the most dangerous moments to produce miraculous power, each interruption by him again and again to suppress, and in fact each time to suppress, is to make the heart again to stabilize a little. Every time a little bit improve, every time a little bit improve …… this improvement speed, instead than before even faster.

Just like this …… Luo Feng surprisingly held on again.

2900 years, 3000 years, 3100 years, 3200 years ……

This kind of pressure pain, the later the higher the frequency, the power of the mind burst can not match the eternal and then raise the “pain”, as long as the fusion is in progress, the soul tearing pain is rising, will never stop. It’s as if there is a road roller in the back with a steady speed forward people may run, but will eventually run tired, can not run, even if the belief is strong …… will eventually run, there is a limit, the result is …… to be pressed into the mud!

“Can not hold on?” Puti perched there, overlooking the body is trembling, there are cracks on the skin, the face is even more twitching, sometimes painful, sometimes crazy, sometimes stubborn ……

The whole body was trembling, all crazy.

“Tired ah.”

“Child, if you can’t hold out, it’s just a matter of time.

“If you perish and your teacher doesn’t resurrect you, I will also reverse time and space to resurrect you with this persistent heart of yours alone. Perhaps you will lose a lot, but …… the most basic recognition of the Star Tower, too difficult too difficult, this Star Tower when the refining and a colorful light with an inexplicable origin fusion, even the teacher is not sure of him, perhaps …… the Earth lineage even if the selection of even more excellent, but also unable to recognize the master, right, if the first three candidates have failed, the fourth, the fifth …… keep failing, I don’t know when I can let the teacher change his mind, no longer forcing that it must be ‘Star Tower recognizes the master’.”

Puti sighed.

He, being the Lord of the Universe, one of the existences that stood at the peak in the vastness of the universe, with a glance at Luo Feng’s soul, he naturally knew that at this moment, Luo Feng had already fought to his limit.

“Don’t interfere with me!”

“Don’t interfere with me!!!” Luo Feng, who was studying the beast god way with all his heart, was interrupted time and time again by that horrible intense pain, the frequency of interruptions was too high, Luo Feng willed himself to roar and roar, “Don’t interfere with me, no one can interfere with me, no one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


A drastic change!

If you say Luo Feng before will consciousness cohesion as if a crystal diamond, crystal and sharp and solid, in 3200 years of grinding, will consciousness more and more cohesion more and more pure as one, into more small density higher crystal diamond. However, as if the pressure to a certain critical point, as if the star metamorphosed into a neutron star.

Will consciousness, violently had an incredible amplitude of super soar!

It was as if the crystal diamond was instantly compressed into a “nucleus”.

“Continue.” Luo Feng had a feeling that in the past, when he practiced running and stance to the limit, and was tired to the limit, he would instead surpass the limit once and feel incredibly relaxed. The same feeling! Those intense pains from before interrupted his enlightenment, over and over again, and after finally reaching the limit, those intense pains were completely suppressed, there was no more resistance.


In the great hall, Puti had been observing everything that was going on, he could see through Luo Feng’s soul at a glance and naturally noticed this metamorphosis.

“How did it metamorphose violently?”

“How could this happen, the first two candidates didn’t do this either, especially the second candidate, but he lasted for 3300 years before perishing, and this didn’t happen either.” Pu Promotion was suddenly stunned, “Yes, the first two candidates, one is the heart of the naked child and the other is the heart that embraces everything. Both of them resist severe pain in a different way than Luo Feng, the one with the heart of a red son will familiarize himself with severe pain making himself a part of it. Those whose hearts embrace everything …… even embrace severe pain. But the first two are wrong …… wrong in that this isn’t severe pain on a spiritual level, but that the crystal beads are really fusing souls, this isn’t an illusion, it’s really happening!”

“Perhaps with their kind of method, they can utilize their souls to the limit without being disturbed by the pain in the slightest.

“But without resistance, there is no oppression. Their oppression of the will-consciousness would not be enough. Because they fuse, they tolerate.”

“And this Luo Feng, what he chose was resistance! Completely resisting the intense pain, oppressing the intense pain, absolutely no fusion, absolutely no tolerance.”

“Perhaps Luo Feng is in more pain.”

“But how is this not a cultivation of ‘firming up the heart and sharpening it’? Pressing on his will consciousness to the limit finally caused a qualitative change, his will consciousness jumped up drastically.” Puti sighed and sighed.

A super substantial leap, causing Luo Feng to have a lot of leeway.

3300 years……3900 years……

4000 years ……

4300 years ……

4900 years ……

The crystal bead fusion has been continuing, the pain of tearing the soul remains steady in elevation, although Luo Feng’s previous metamorphosis soared a great step, but after nearly 2,000 years, it finally approached Luo Feng’s limit once again.

“This star tower, is it impossible to recognize the master?”

“The first 3200 years is only the first half?” The universe lord Puti was also shocked, because the longest person before in history had fused for 3300 years, and no one knew how long it would take for the star tower to recognize its owner.

No one had done it.

No one knows the limit …… whether it’s Puti, or that alien powerhouse.

“If Luo Feng fails, which one of the later candidates of the Earth lineage will have to be successful?” Puti’s face was also filled with worry and anxiety.

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