Chapter 20 would love to …… you guys ……

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:48:38
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“5000 years!” Puti’s voice was old and full of worried sighs.

He also hadn’t thought that the Star Tower recognition would last more than 5000 years, the first two candidates had one firmte 2600 years and one held on for just 3300 years.

“I hope, Luo Feng will succeed.” Puti let out a long sigh, his voice echoed in this great hall.

Virtual universe, Black Dragon Mountain island Nine Star Bay neighborhood.

Nine Star Bay, ancient buildings stretched out.

Nowadays, the entire Nine Star Bay was nothing more than just the highest level of the Luo family residing there, and there were more family members that resided in some other places. As a family with a history of 10,000 years, the Luo family, coupled with Luo Feng’s status in the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom being second only to the Qianwu Kingdom Lord, led to the Luo family’s immense power.

“Snap!” “Pah!” “Pah!” ……

Treading on the light and visible stone plate, Xu Xin walked on the corridor, followed by two women, because Luo family’s highest authority, “family head Luo Feng” has been in the world of the strong, so the family affairs are mainly managed by the eldest son Luo Ping, but many major events are also handled by Xu Xin.

Xu Xin’s special position in the Luo family, coupled with the Pinghai company’s chief administrator, 10,000 years down the line, so that her noble sense of more strengthened, living in a high position naturally raise its prestige, her a look, will let the subordinates scared.

Ordinary people don’t even dare to raise their heads to look directly at Xu Xin.

But Xu Xin always had a faint trace of sadness between her brows.

“Master, it’s an e-mail from the family head.” Xu Xin’s virtual assistant intelligence suddenly reminded.


Walking on the corridor Xu Xin violently stopped, the eyes are even more revealing the color of surprise, and then calm at this moment also messed up, “said to go to do very important things, will close the virtual universe to receive, but this time disappeared, is a whole 6000 years, can not find also can not be found, contact and can not be contacted, how do not let a person worry about it?”

Venturing into the world of the powerful, disappearing for 6000 years without any news, it was indeed very likely that he had perished.

Luckily Luo Feng had a will with his family before he closed his reception.

“Madam seems to be very happy.”

“Haven’t seen madam so happy.”

“Madam has always had sorrow all these years, but now, her eyebrows are flying.” The two women behind her also quietly discussed.

But no, Xu Xin was looking at the mail with joy.

“You also know to say something warm and nice.” Xu Xin looked at the email, her smile became sweeter and sweeter, “Even the high school which moment things are remembered clearly, all old married couple, but also say these ……”

The mail is very long.

Enough to have tens of thousands of words of content, Xu Xin specifically walked to the grass outside the porch, sitting in a chair slowly read, this is a full of feelings of the mail, from the two people know each other, love …… all the way to the bits and pieces, Xu Xin smiled and looked at, could not help but smile.

Looking at …… her expression changed.

The body trembled slightly, and the eyes also had a trace of panic.



Xu Xin violently stood up, hysterically roared up, tears slipped and flowed down, “I don’t want your guilt, don’t!!!”

This scared the two waitresses in the distance and they looked at each other in shock, both sensing that it was not good.

“Mom, Mom!”

Anxious shouts came from afar, a figure quickly rushed over, and then another figure also followed and rushed into this courtyard, it was Luo Ping and Luo Hai, both of them also had anxious faces, after seeing Xu Xin, they even shouted “mom” and ran over, they were also affected by the mail.

“Close the door, forbid anyone to come in.” Xu Xin droned at the two waitresses.


These two waitresses are close followers, no matter if it’s the affairs of the Pinghai Company or the affairs within the Luo family, Xu Xin often commands through them, although they are waitresses, their status is comparable to that of the entire Luo family’s housekeeper, naturally, they are also intelligent, knowing that things are not good, they even close the door to prohibit others from coming in.

“Mom, what’s going on?”

“Dad could it really be ……” Luo Ping and Luo Hai were all anxious.

Xu Xin hugged her two sons, it was hard to hold back the tears.

In fact, this email was an email Luo Feng prepared for his family at the very beginning of receiving the life and death inheritance and set it to be sent automatically after 6000 years. According to what Luo Feng thought at the time …… the first two candidates one insisted on 2600 years and one insisted on 3300 years, it was estimated that the entire life and death inheritance was at most 4000 years.

If it was too long, it would be too outrageous, the first two were able to go through the secret test and end up going through the life and death inheritance, they were obviously both generational prides, not too far from the limit requirements.

Luo Feng then set it at 6000 years!

“The first candidate Jiant 2600 years, the entire inheritance is estimated to be around 4000 years, it won’t be outrageous to 6000 years, so who can make it through?”

“If the inheritance of life and death, success, I will delete the mail again.”

“Failure, at least it is considered to give a little message to the family.”

“After all, once I perished …… virtual universe reception and has been closed, Chaos City Lord teacher is afraid that I do not know the news of my perishing, to the Chaos City Lord that kind of existence, may be a time to cultivate is ten million years, hundreds of millions of years, who knows when will come to resurrect me. And Xu Xin’s lifespan is ten million years at most.”

Luo Feng was worried.

He believed that …… even if he perished, he would be resurrected by his teacher by reversing time and space, but what if he was resurrected after ten million hundreds of millions of years?

What about the wife?

After being resurrected, what if his wife, son, parents, and brother are all dead?

And so–

Luo Feng prepared these emails to his loved ones, set to be sent automatically after 6000 years.

“Your father has encountered a calamity, but he said that in the distant future he will return, short for 10,000 years, long for millions of years and millions of …… years,” Xu Xin’s voice was trembling, yes, long for millions of years and even longer, but her life expectancy is only 10 million years, will she be able to see again Luo Feng?


“Dad.” Luo Ping and Luo Hai were also a bit blinded.

“Let’s go, let’s go see your grandparents.” Xu Xin forced back her grief and even said.

A few moments later, Xu Xin, Luo Ping, Luo Hai, and Luo Hongguo, Gong Xinlan, and Luo Hua all met, everyone had a look of grief on their faces. The entire Luo family …… Luo Feng is the top pillar! Earth humans, Luo Feng is also the top pillar! Has been holding up, shielding the Luo family from the wind and rain, causing the Luo family to run rampant, causing the Earth humans to belong to an exalted race in the entire Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom.

But now …… this pillar has collapsed!

“Little Feng, Little Feng.” Gong Xinlan’s whole body was trembling, although Luo Feng said that he would return in the distant future, the family thought that it was most likely comforting words.

“Our Luo family, our planet, is now facing the biggest crisis.” Xu Xin’s voice was hoarse.

Everyone else in the room looked at Xu Xin.

“Luo Feng left the account number and password on the mail, it’s a strain fund for our Luo family, an incomparably huge fortune.” Xu Xin said, she had rarely seen Luo Feng for so many years and hadn’t thought …… that an account Luo Feng had left on an email would be as high as 50 billion mixed yuan units!

This was a number that made Xu Xin feel incredible, the entire Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom, besides the Qianwu Kingdom Lord, who possessed such wealth?

“Everyone hurry up and prepare for a contingency plan.” Xu Xin said hoarsely, “The world is cool, the world is all about profit, if something really happened to Luo Feng, it’s inevitable that our Luo family won’t be able to avoid people’s eyes …… We don’t have enough ability to keep our huge family nowadays, I’ll immediately go and meet Luo Feng’s teacher, King Zhen Yan, and ask Luo Feng about this. ”

“Hurry up and go.”

“Go, leave the family side to us.”

Luo Hongguo and Luo Hua all said in a row.

“Hmm.” Xu Xin nodded.

Xu Xin, after all, was also a core member of the Virtual Universe Company, and had quite some network of connections, and with the fact that she had already had True Diffusion King’s Virtual Universe number, she quickly contacted True Diffusion King and said this.


“Will return in the distant future?” True Diffusion King’s face changed drastically.

Unlike Xu Xin and the others, the True Diffusion King was a super strong person in the universe and knew much more, as soon as he heard it, he understood that …… Luo Feng meant to be resurrected back in the distant future, by reversing time and space. Otherwise with the special virtual universe network spread across the vast universe, how could it be impossible to contact home for endless years?

“I’ll go and seek an audience with the Chaos City Lord.” The True Diffusion King was immediately in a hurry.

“Trouble Senior True Diffusion King.” Xu Xin was excited.

“I’m his teacher!” True Diffusion King immediately left the virtual universe network.

In Chaos City, True Diffusion King immediately rushed to the Chaos City Lord’s mansion to beg for an audience with the Chaos City Lord.

What was the status of the Chaos City Lord? Even if it was True Diffusion King, it was almost impossible to see the Chaos City Lord’s real body, unless extremely special circumstances, and this time …… True Diffusion King saw it.

“You said that Luo Feng is likely to perish?” Chaos City Lord sat cross-legged in the ruins littered with the corpses of alien powerhouses.

“Yes.” True Diffusion King said respectfully.

“He’s still alive.” Chaos City Lord said.

“Alive?” True Diffusion King was surprised.

“I can confirm that he has been staying within the Star Tower of the seventh battlefield of the Extraterrestrial Battlefield, and for 6000 years, he has been somewhere in the Star Tower.” Chaos City Lord said, “6000 years has been there and not connected to the virtual universe network, I can confirm that his life breath is still there, presumably, it is encountered a calamity. It’s normal for any danger to appear there as it makes the Star Tower.”

True Diffusion King’s heart tightened as he listened, that was the Star Tower!

Star Tower on the surface, just forbidden space in some forbidden guards, but in reality, danger everywhere, must know that even the Lord of the Universe does not dare to break into the depths of the chaos, visible danger.

Star tower.

Inside the hall surrounded by countless sealed stars, the ground is filled with a layer of blood, Luo Feng sitting there, the pain of the body skin completely torn, blood gurgling outward flow, realm master level body recovery ability how strong, the original source of the nucleus unceasingly to provide energy, constant recovery, but also constantly bleeding ……

The body is in a state of collapse, this is just a reaction to the severe pain of soul tearing, from this we can see how far the severe pain of soul tearing has reached?

“6000 years!”

“At 5000 years, it was already close to his limit, and at 5600 years, it had completely arrived at the limit, last time, he was able to metamorphose at the most critical moment, and I couldn’t believe that he would have the luck to metamorphose a second time. But from 5600 years to 6000 years …… exactly 400 years, in the end what is the power that has been supporting him!”

Puti was perched there looking at Luo Feng, completely shocked, he couldn’t imagine how Luo Feng, who had completely reached his limit at 5600 years, could have held on for dear life.

The soul tearing pain had reached its limit and could not be suppressed, Luo Feng was even more unable to cultivate the “Beast God Way”, at this moment he had stopped cultivating, his consciousness was not only resisting with the soul,……, the only thing he could do was an obsession.

“I want to see you guys again!”

“You guys!”

“You guys ……”

Luo Feng consciousness can only exist only the only obsession, the obsession is his relatives, his parents and brothers, his wife and children, he does not want to be resurrected after his relatives die out, he can not accept all this. In the final moments, the only thing in his heart is “you”…… loved ones!

“I want!”

“Really want to!”

The soul has begun to shatter, but there is an invisible will consciousness forced cohesion …… broken, condensed …… in the struggle, Luo Feng that the only obsession in the final struggle, in the bottom of the heart again and again called out to the beloved relatives, his guilt, he does not want to give up, he can not afford to give up! …… just that crystal beads but mercilessly continue to merge, soul tearing again and again intensified ……

Has already reached the edge of collapse!

“Very much want to ……”

“You ……”

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