Chapter 26 – Luo Feng’s Instant Transmission

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:48:54
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Luo Feng walked inside the hall and when he reached the edge, a door was born out of thin air.

Standing in front of the door, outside was the endless sealed stars suspended in the air.

“Star, come.” Luo Feng smiled.

All of a sudden the entire star tower internal operation, that countless years devouring endless energy, some of which energy then birthed some of the suppression stars began to quickly rush towards this, soon gathered in front of the eyes of a vast piece of more than 10,000 suppression stars, all slowly rolling, and each suppression stars are not that emit haumeng golden light on the secret pattern of law.

“All the other suppression stars, all of them are indispensable, these 16,235 suppression stars, they are useless.” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Through the star tower then drove those suppression stars, one by one, to fly towards Luo Feng for a separate one by one recognition.

“Teacher said that I can drive up to ten stars at the same time now, so let’s bring 100 for now, when I need more in the future, I’ll just come back and take them.” Luo Feng stood in the void in front of the door, while in front of him was dripping with 100 stars that looked like glass bead sized stars rotating.

Luo Feng flipped his hand and scrolls appeared in his hand.

100 marble sized stars, each fell into the scroll, the scroll immediately appeared a mottled star traces, and the scroll and the sealing stars also have a special connection.

Since then, the star map was born.

“Heaven tearing claw.” Luo Feng’s mind moved, he looked down at the star map in his hand, only to see complex secret law patterns emerge on the star map, it was Luo Feng who had completely manifested the move “Tear the sky with a claw” with secret law patterns, only to see that among the hundred stars on the star map, there were six of them that were faintly golden in color.

“It seems that the move “Tear the sky with a claw” can drive up to six suppression stars.” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

This was the function of the star map, it could unify and manipulate a large number of suppression stars, and the secret method attack that needed to be performed could be easily imprinted on the stars, and could also be easily erased and imprinted again with another secret method. The level of the secret method also determines the number of stars that need to be driven.


Luo Feng let out a low shout.

Only to see the star map slowly floated out six marble sized black, hidden traces of the law secret pattern of the star, after the influence of the star map changed, it is impossible to recognize that these six small stars …… will be the mighty sealing star.


Luo Feng looked at the distant void.


Six black stars suddenly broke through the air and flew out, hooking the universe origin law, countless golden threads strung each other, almost instantly, six stars turned into a hoof and claw, just that hoof and claw part of the sharp claw …… appeared out of thin air, the six stars, is the tip of the sharp claw, with infinite power to tear through the void.

Luo Feng looked full of joy, then the six stars flew back, and fell into the star map.

“Haha, star diagram, definitely the most precious treasure of a spiritual ninja master.” Luo Feng was excited, the weapons that spiritual masters needed were usually made of precious materials and then the secret combat techniques were engraved on them, so that when they fought, they only needed to drive these secret patterns to communicate with the laws, which saved a lot of energy and allowed them to exert more combat power.

Like the “Diffractive Divine Warrior”, is that the nine moves, long ago printed, and then let those blades combination, so as to perform that move power.

But the Star Diagram is different.

Star map can be imprinted at any time at any time to erase, and with the “sealing star” as the foundation, and then the powerful secret method, even if the Lord of the universe, I’m afraid to spend a little more sealing star can completely carry the Lord of the universe combat secret method of imprinting.

“And this is a Suppression Star!”

“Each one of them is a heavy treasure, extremely powerful, even if you don’t use any esoteric secret method, you can simply blast away one of the Suppression Stars directly, smashing them over one by one. Even if that star, white dwarf, neutron star or whatever, it’s all completely collapsed and finished with a single smash, after all, it’s a ‘heavy treasure’ that makes even a universe reverend value it.” Luo Feng smiled.

Unlike the Wuicide Feather, because it was too high end, but instead the drive to exert battle power wasn’t amazing enough.

This star map, although it was also very high end, but each star …… was actually a heavy treasure, once Luo Feng used the general soul, the drive would be able to play a very strong combat power.

“This star diagram …… can imbue any battle secret method I can think of into it.”

“It can cloth my way!”

“From today onwards, this star diagram …… will be called the star cloth path diagram.” Luo Feng really liked this star diagram, he could give it a big shot himself, and immediately named it star cloth road diagram.

“Bring the soul into the body.”

Luo feng flipped in his hand, a droplet of water was suspended and flew directly towards Luo feng’s brow, gently touching it, it merged into it, that water when it touched Luo feng’s origin bead, it was as if the water seeped into the dry riverbed, it was quickly absorbed, and the origin bead that absorbed this “general soul” was as if it turned from a baby to a giant, it possessed infinite battle power.

“So strong.”

“With my current will-consciousness, I am indeed able to fully drive the General Soul. While the soldier soul …… has a thousand times the power of a sector lord soul, the general soul, however, has ten thousand times the power of a sector lord.” Luo Feng sighed, “Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest refined the robber armor and original soul back then, it’s like two sides of the same coin, the requirements and power are all very close, it’s just that one aids the body and the other aids the soul.”

Luo Feng nowadays nian power is extremely strong, has will soul tarsus plus ten thousand times the power of the realm lord, completely comparable to the real sealing king primary, and the perfect manipulation of the will consciousness …… is able to play out no less than the peak of the sealing king’s power.


A vague tower shadow, vaguely shrouded the origin bead of the head of the “small beast god”, this vague tower shadow …… is the tower bead, followed by convergence, the tower shadow disappeared.

“Soul foundation has, with my will consciousness, is the power of unlimited. On defense alone even more ‘tower beads’…… who can do anything to me?” Luo Feng was confident.

Standing in the great hall, Luo Feng’s silver wings spread out.

The back has the Wuicide feather, the soul has the tower bead sitting there, the body has the general armor aid, the soul has the general soul aid …… attack means even more star map! Now Luo Feng s pugnacity …… is enough to make those sealed king limit powerhouses despair, in the face of such a fight that can t die little strong, who can offend?

In terms of the depth of the roots and the amount of treasures, it’s the Seven Sword King, Fate Meteor King and the like that have to stare in disbelief, it’s just that the Seven Sword King, Fate Meteor King and the like are extremely strong in their own right, and with the many treasures, they can have a great battle with Luo Feng.

“Over 6000 years of life and death inheritance.”

“Over 5000 years studying the beast god way, aided by the space laws.” Luo Feng lamented, in more than a thousand years the beast god realm crossed into the 19th layer, now 5000 years down the line, in the beast god realm Luo Feng is already comparable to the “20th layer of the TongTian bridge”, the speed of progress is simply horrifying.

The speed of progress is simply appalling!

How horrible, of course it was mainly because Luo Feng had been copying the beast god statue, forcibly memorizing it, coupled with a stronger and stronger sense of will, that he had managed to reach such a level.

The “beast god realm” alone had progressed rapidly.

On the contrary, the “Seven Transformations of Diffractive God” and the Laws of Space were progressing slowly.

The “Seven Transformations of Diffracting God” had just completed its second chapter, and with the second chapter completed, its power was only equivalent to the 18th layer of the Tong Tian Bridge.

The Spatial Laws had also realized six diagrams, which was also equivalent to the 18th level of the TongTian Bridge.

From this, we can see that the law itself is enlightened, obviously more difficult than the “Beast God Realm” on the progress of …… but the power of the Beast God Realm is able to make Luo Feng’s combat power is incredibly amazing.

“And there’s one more unexpected gain that surprises me.”

“My spatial law, just penetrate six diagrams, spatial law the most important seventh diagram I do not understand anything. Surprisingly, the devil kills the clan split …… by virtue of the body of life crystal core and the universe space law that marvelous resonance, surprisingly make my devil kills the clan split, able to perform a transient means.”

“Instantaneous transfer ah.”

“This is me being able to perform an instantaneous transfer myself.” Luo Feng was filled with joy, “Although I have the Heavy Arrow King as a slave, but when fighting at critical moments, the enemy naturally deals with me and my slave separately, and the Heavy Arrow King can’t be by my side at all times.”

“To escape, naturally, I can instantly move myself and escape the fastest.”

Luo Feng had already imagined his Earthling essence fighting to make the Demon Slayer Race alter ego instantly turn into a piece of metal that appeared in the muscles within his body.


The devil slayer race performed instantaneous transfer, naturally escaping directly. The devil kills the tribe split and the earthling original, the core is “original core”, the devil kills the tribe split from the “inner world” suddenly come out …… this is no one can stop.

Unlike coming out from the world ring, you need to be guided by the power of the world.

The moment you come out of the inner world, it is purely a thought.

Over 6000 years down the line, one’s progress was indeed a fundamental jump.

With the Beast God Realm of Intent reaching the 20th layer, the second chapter of the Seven Transformations of the Diffracted God, the ability of the Demon Slayer Clan to instantly move, a Will Consciousness that was a hundred times a thousand times more powerful than it had been before the inheritance,…… and the two low-grade supreme treasures left behind by his teacher, Sitting Mountain Guest, that were enough to envy the death of countless Universe Exalted in the Universe, adding up to the fact that he was a trio of supreme treasures, as well as a General Soul that would be no less beneficial to him, a General Armor ……

Everything was in hand.

“Many means in hand, even if I face existences such as the Seven Sword King, Fateful Meteor King and Tower Dragon King, I’m not afraid.” Luo Feng was confident, he had received the inheritance from one of the strongest people in the universe, “Sitting Mountaineer”, there were some of the strongest people in the universe, and there were a few other alien powerhouses like Sitting Mountaineer who traveled alone.

This kind of strongest person in the universe who didn’t need to think about their communities, their inheritance was what really made the six peak communities and many forces covet it.

Existences like the Chaos City Lord had long been secretly thinking …… that if they couldn’t invite those old guys, if they could let their own clansmen get the inheritance of the old guys, it would truly be of infinite benefit to the clans.

“Everything is ready.”

“Time to go meet loved ones.” Luo Feng’s eyes were glazed over with bravado before, but when he thought of his family, his eyes softened.

In that life and death inheritance, it was for the sake of wanting to see his family that he had been insisting on ……

He just woke up after the incident, and then ushered in the alien powerhouse “Sitting Mountain Guest”, in front of one of the strongest people in the universe “Sitting Mountain Guest”, Luo Feng wouldn’t dare to talk to the teacher while entering the virtual universe to look for his relatives. This is really a great disrespect! The first time they met, Luo Feng did not want to offend the teacher so much.

If you are a teacher, the first time you see a disciple, but the disciple is distracted, but also distracted into the virtual universe, certainly will not be happy.

So he strongly endured ……

When the teacher left, he quickly took care of the star map and integrated it into the general soul, and everything was ready …… It was the time to meet the relatives.

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