Chapter 34: The Fledgling

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:49:14
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With the strength of Heavy Arrow King and then assisted by “Fermo Venom”, Luo Feng stood at a distance and casually threw six “Seal Stars” and smashed them over, the Seal Stars were heavy and incomparably heavy, even though Luo Feng didn’t use the Law Mysteries, at least he was able to influence the two gnarled armor clans to run away by virtue of these six black balls. The result is self-evident.

The result was self explanatory …… they soon perished.

Killing the Black Crow King and the three of them, in which the Black Crow King’s own treasures were valued at 30 billion Mixed Yuan Units, while the two Gnarled Armored Beacons’ treasures were valued at around 18 billion Mixed Yuan Units combined.

“Surprisingly failed, hmm, looking for the next prey.” Luo Feng’s mind contacted the star tower, and the star tower also quickly transmitted tons of messages for Luo Feng to choose from.

“Good, the target is still a peak sealed king soul class master.”

“Star tower, open a channel.”

Luo Feng looked ahead remotely.


An exit suddenly appeared within the tattered forbidden space, Luo Feng and Heavy Arrow King directly entered the spatial exit together and traveled along the spatial passage to another forbidden space. Within that forbidden space there were four strong people from the insect race camp, and among them was a peak foreign king sealing soul class master.

“I hope I can succeed this time.” Luo Feng silently expected.

Three minutes later.

This forbidden space was a mess, the seawater had all turned into nothingness, the endless seabed had all disappeared most of the way out of thin air, the silver armored and silver winged Luo Feng was standing high up in the sky, the Heavy Arrow King was still standing respectfully at his side.

“Master, the many treasures are around 600 mixed units.” Heavy Arrow King respectfully said.

Luo Feng nodded, then shook his head and sighed, “Surprisingly, it failed again!”

“Master, want to capture control powerful soul class masters, those soul class masters, infinite years have been researching illusions researching the method of controlling souls, their research understanding of souls is incomparably deep, master wants to capture them …… is going to have to need a bit of luck.” Heavy Arrow King respectfully said, “But we also harvested a lot.”

“Killing too many strong people will cause anger and provoke super strong people to show up.” Luo Feng said softly, “So we have to hurry up.”

“Yes, master.” Heavy Arrow King’s complexion tightened.

Like in the universe there were some rules that were latent although not explicitly stated, such as universe honored ones could kill sealed kings and sealed immortals, those immortals dared to mess with universe honored ones …… the dignity of universe honored ones could not be offended, naturally they had to be punished and killed! But the universe honors can’t massacre immortal gods, if the massacre ……

If he goes on a rampage and slaughters like this, he will cause the wrath of the people, and other universe honored beings will show up and join forces to deal with him!

By the same token, sealed king invincibles like True Diffusion King simply don’t go to the Extraterrestrial Battlefield. As for the Seven Sword King, Towering Dragon King, Fateful Meteor King, and so on, if they took out their undercards they could also easily kill the peak of a Seal Marquis or even the limit of a Seal King.

But killing a few times at a time was fine, killing ten times in a row was nothing.

But if one slaughters too much, one would provoke the public’s anger.

After all, the peak Seal King and Seal King Limit …… were also the elites of the clans, and if they were slaughtered too much, the super existences of those clans would naturally be annoyed!

Luo Feng, on the other hand, led the Heavy Arrow King and began a brutal hunting expedition ……

On the first day, fighting three times, destroying all the alien enemies, none of them succeeded in controlling at all, those treasures obtained were valued at around 160 billion hybrid units.

On the second day, fighting three times, will be alien enemies all killed, as for the soul control? Still all failed, and the wealth harvested amounted to around 210 billion Mixed Yuan Units.

The third day ……

Four consecutive days! A total of 12 battles …… chose to target all of the Peak Seal King Soul Class Masters, but the result was that each of these 12 Peak Seal King Soul Class Masters perished, failing to succeed even once. Among these 12 waves of killed targets, the murderer is the knife river king message spread, but there are nine waves, there are three waves …… died too fast, desperately struggling under did not have time to pass out the message.

Consecutively perished nine Feng Wang peak soul class masters, the murderer is Knife River King!

Fortunately, the nine that perished belonged to each of the three camps.

Each camp was hostile, and within a short period of time it didn’t spread fast, but within each of the three camps, they all spread the word that the camp on their side had been killed by the Blade River King as a peak Seal King Soul Class Master.

The Mechanical Race camp …… was killed four times.

The Demon Race camp …… was killed two.

The Insect Race camp …… had three killed.

“This Blade River King is really powerful, a full four Seal King lofty peaked powerhouses that specialize in soul attacks have all perished in his hands. I had heard that his defense was so strong that he was able to resist the strongest Fire God Source Crystal explosions! I didn’t expect that he would be this formidable in the face of a super strong attack in terms of soul, killing four in a row! Material defense, soul defense …… are both strong, this Knife River King, truly terrifying.”

“Terrifying Knife River King.”

The name of the Knife River King spread once again after an interval of more than 6,000 years.

Last time, the Knife River King was known for his “Strongest Fire God Source Crystal,” “Heavy Arrow King’s Servant,” and “Terrifying Matter Defense,” causing many strong people to not dare to underestimate him. But only dare not underestimate just …… after all, although the kill more, but how to see, knife river king rely on some external means just.

But this time!

The peak of the seal king soul masters perished one by one, but the “knife river king” makes many strong fear.

Physical attacks? Soul attacks?

The River Blade King could handle it, how could such a terrifying super power with almost no weaknesses handle it?

Although the reputation spread, but after all, the time was very short, but did not spread too outrageous.

Luo Feng hunting on the fifth day of the second hunt, a forbidden space, in the blazing heat of the lonely island, a look like a human, but under the armor is like a crystal diamond god body, god body covered with a small broken diamond like, under the next look, it’s like a diamond man! Was lying on the lonely island.

“Buzz ……”

The soul imprints in Diamond Man’s entire divine body were struggling frantically, however, he only had 36% of his divine body left because of the Fei Mo venom erosion, and his strength was extremely severely affected. And in these few days ……, every day Luo Feng fought just three times, and each fight ended in a few minutes at most.

So what was Luo Feng doing the rest of the time?

He was researching the “Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method”, the law of the subtle into which the more subtle use, time and time again research, but also make Luo Feng control means gradually improve, especially at the beginning there is a leap period, just just two days, and then enhancement is very slow. But at least it was much stronger than the first hunt already rob.

“Submit!” Luo Feng felt the sudden strength of his target’s resistance, and instead of being anxious, he was happy.


The endless soul silk net completely invaded in an instant.


“Finally succeeded.” A hint of surprise also appeared in Luo Feng’s eyes, it wasn’t easy, he had expended so much energy and was still able to delicately choose his opponents by virtue of the star tower, it was all this hard to get his first soul master slave.

“Paro Wa clan.” Luo Feng looked at the diamond man.

The diamond man stood up, looking at Luo feng with respect from his soul, at this moment, Luo feng was the existence he felt closest to, immediately bowed respectfully, “Master.”

“Hm.” Luo Feng smiled and nodded, “Refined heart king.”


A figure flew in from afar, it was the heavy arrow king, the heavy arrow king landed and respectfully said, “Master, already killed the other two powerhouses, this is the seized treasure.”

“Hahahaha ……” Luo Feng but rarely laughed out loud.

When the heavy arrow king saw this, he glanced at the diamond man next to him, the “heart refining king”, then immediately said to Luo Feng: “Congratulations master, harvesting the heart refining king.”

“It’s not easy, it’s not easy, it took so long and so much energy to finally succeed.” Luo Feng laughed freely, “Luckily that Fei Mo venom was extremely erosive, causing the heart refining king to lose too much of its strength, so I managed to succeed. With the heart refining king …… it will be much easier to harvest slaves in the future.”

With the Refined Heart King, then the Refined Heart King can burn Immortal Divine Power, causing the soul control to instantly soar, so that the probability of wanting to control the slaves is much higher.

“With a heart refining king, my next goal can be the sealing king limit.” Luo Feng had ambitions in his heart.

“Rest first, Refined Heart, you recover your strength first.”

Luo Feng took out some treasures that he once obtained that helped restore his divine body and gave them to Lianxin King, after all, he had killed many Seal King Immortals before, and several of those Seal King Immortals had kept treasures that restored their immortal divine bodies, obviously kept them ready to be used to restore their strength for a short period of time in a critical and dangerous moment.

At this moment, it was used by Luo Feng to give it to the “heart refining king”.

There was no way!

It was Luo Feng who would be most useful to him if he restored his full strength to the Refined Heart King.

Everything is just like Luo Feng planned, when you have this slave of the Refined Heart King, the hunting plan is obviously much more efficient, the only trouble is that you can’t let the enemy burn immortal divine power, once the enemy burns immortal divine power, then even if the Refined Heart King burns immortal divine power, it’s hard to control it.

Previously, when there was no Refined Heart King as a helper, once the enemy burned immortal divine power, Luo Feng would just give up hunting and choose to kill.

Luo Feng was able to ravage his opponents to death with his Wu Slayer Feather and Star Diagram.

The Heavy Arrow King had the Purple Clock in his body, he was also fearless of the opponent burning immortal divine power, he could also consume the opponent to death.

After having the heart refining king, Luo Feng’s hunting success rate reached the point of one fifth to one third, so gradually Luo Feng began to hide and not show up, instead, he let his slaves under his command do the work, the two king sealing limits in conjunction with the heart refining king, and then the treasures bestowed by Luo Feng – the Fei Mo venom and the Zhen Sealing Star, and then the hunting could begin.

Every single one of the subdued stars came out, it was a big deal, and almost every subdued star’s whereabouts were documented.

So ……

Although Luo Feng gave his servant the sealing star, he strictly forbade the use of the ability to “suppress and seal”, and only allowed the sealing star to be shrunk into a crystal ball and smashed! To a sealing star hook cosmic law to smash …… single smash effect, although far less than the suppression seal, but the power is not weak, after all, the beginning of the design …… sealing star is to smash.

Turned into a crystal ball, just for smashing.

Other strong people do not recognize this is the suppression star …… After all, the suppression star is really used, generally becomes huge, directly suppressing the enemy sealed in it! And turning into a marble-like crystal ball and going to smash it was indeed unrecognizable.

“The Suppressing Star involves the Star Tower.”

“It absolutely cannot be exposed.”

“You guys, if not permitted by me, are absolutely forbidden to use the suppression sealing power.” Luo Feng made a strict order, not only the soul slaves under his command, but also himself, he only used the ability to smash. And suppressing the stars Luo Feng absolutely does not give it to others.

Just using it himself, only temporarily granting it to the soul slaves to use when needed, and when afterwards it had to be taken back, preventing the soul slaves from being smashed and other strong people getting the suppression star.

Even the True Diffusion King teacher, Luo Feng didn’t give it away.

After all,…… Star Tower, the relationship is significant, but there is not a hint of danger to gamble on.

This time is hunting in the Star Tower, this is his own territory, everything is under control, Luo Feng only dared to confidently temporarily bestow to the soul slave to suppress the star.

Without a doubt.

The hunting effect was also a surprise to Luo Feng.

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