Chapter 37: Battle with the Heavenly Formation King

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:49:23
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The Heavenly Array King and the lanky scaly-armored alien powerhouse standing behind him both looked toward that particular place of spatial fluctuation.


Three figures with powerful auras appeared at the same time.

They were the “Extreme Rainbow King” whose entire body was covered with black hair, the “Mountain Roar King” whose height was only half a meter like a cute midget, and the “Overwhelming Water King” whose entire body was covered with turquoise skin that seemed to have water flowing underneath it. “These three are all King Seal limit powerhouses, of which the Rainbow King and the Water Covering King are the top nine powerhouses under Luo Feng’s command because they possess the “Purple Clock” and the “Ice Muddy Silk Net” …… respectively. Among them, Extreme Rainbow King and Overwhelming Water King are the two strongest among the nine strongest under Luo Feng’s command because they possess the “Purple Bell” and “Ice Muddy Silk Screen” respectively.

As for the Mountain Roar King, if none of the nine strongest had heavy treasures, the Mountain Roar King’s true strength would be number one!

The three of them …… are the strongest three under Luo Feng.

When the Heavenly Formation King saw the three figures appear in the distance, his heart was shocked, ”Extreme Rainbow King, Mountain Roar King, and Overwhelming Water King …… are all Sealed King Limit powerhouses, all of them were powerhouses who had broken through in the Star Tower in the past, how did they come here? Hehe, the legend says that the Overflowing Water King has fallen …… I didn’t expect to see him here, I don’t know if he was enslaved or survived by chance.”

“They came here, presumably because the Star Tower has been too chaotic recently and fled here.”

Extreme Rainbow King, Mountain Roar King, and Overwhelming Water King, the three great powerhouses were actually in two different camps. For the strongest of the different camps to join forces and appear …… Heavenly Array King was not surprised in the slightest.

Just like when Luo Feng broke into the sacrificial tower with the purple bell king and others, it was common for different camps to join forces with each other for special reasons.

“The three of them teaming up, especially that Mountain Roar King, is the biggest threat! Even if I have the other two major servants show up …… there are only four on my side plus me, and two of them are peak Seal King Soul Powerhouses, and the other two are Seal King Limits. There’s not the slightest chance of winning even if we really kill each other.” Many thoughts flashed through the Heavenly Formation King’s mind.

Over the last 6,000 years or so, robbing and killing powerful people was something he had done quite a few times.

However, ……

It also depended on the object, like the Extreme Rainbow King, Mountain Roar King, and Overwhelming Water King, the three Sealed King Limits appeared at the same time, he, the Heavenly Formation King, would not be crazy enough to fight.

Both sides of the people saw each other, Extreme Rainbow King’s side obviously has a stronger aura, that Overflowing Water King is even more grim, “Heavenly Formation King, I didn’t expect to run into you here.”

“Overwash King, Extreme Rainbow King, Mountain Roar King …… What a coincidence, it seems that all of you have also come to the Twin Spinning Domain to make a break for it, but I still have other things to do, so I’ll leave first.”

The Sky Formation King said with a smile, and then brought the sturdy scaly-armored alien powerhouse behind him to perform an instantaneous transfer to leave, but when the Sky Formation King just said the last few words, an invisible fluctuation spread out.

The surrounding vast space was completely blocked.

“Space blockade?” The Heavenly Array King’s face sank, “Three of you, is there something you want to leave me behind?” The lanky, scaly-armored foreigner powerhouse behind him also looked icily at the Extreme Rainbow King’s side.

“It is something.” The Overwhelming Water King smiled grimly.

The words just opened ……

Rumble ……

The air then exploded, both sides moved almost at the same time, the Overwash King, the Extreme Rainbow King, and the Mountain Roar King killed at the same time, as for the Heavenly Formation King’s side, two more foreign race powerhouses also appeared out of thin air, making the number of powerhouses on the Heavenly Formation King’s side reach four all at once, and the Heavenly Formation King and the three major servants under his command also roared to meet the battle!

“Since we’re fighting, let’s tackle them with all our might, control them, and if we can’t control them, kill them all!” The Heavenly Array King had madness in his eyes as he transmitted his voice to the three major servants under his command, “Phantom King, you and I will burn immortal divine power at the same time and then cast an illusion spell!”

“Yes, master.”

Boom! Boom!

The Heavenly Formation King and the Kui Mang King were both incomparably decisive, and their breath instantly soared, causing the surrounding space to already distort.

The Heavenly Formation King and Spirit Mang King after burning their immortal divine power were incomparably terrifying, and the two of them simultaneously cast open their soul illusions, attacking the Mountain Roar King and the Extreme Rainbow King respectively……. At the same time as their soul illusions, the two of them also attempted to go for soul control. Although the probability of success was extremely low and extremely low, once it succeeded it was one more servant.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” While the aura of the Heavenly Formation King and the Phantom Mang King skyrocketed, the three Sealed King Limits on the Extreme Rainbow King’s side didn’t hesitate to burn their Immortal Divine Power as well, which also forced the other two servants under the Heavenly Formation King to burn their Immortal Divine Power as well.

And so–

There were a total of seven superpowers on both sides of this sparring match, and each of them burned their immortal divine power, which caused the Heavenly Formation King to become somewhat annoyed and anxious.

“You guys retreat, we won’t pursue.” The Heavenly Formation King transmitted his voice and droned.

“Haha, don’t dream.” The Extreme Rainbow King’s side, however, did not retreat in the slightest.

“I don’t have any grievances with you guys, and the result of this fight will be a lose-lose situation, so it’s better to call it quits, it’s good for both sides.” The Heavenly Array King attempted to negotiate, but what responded to him was a frantic attack from the Extreme Rainbow King’s side.

Boom ……

This continent, which had been flying in the endless vortex, had its incomparably hard and thick earth hardened by the aftershocks caused by the battle between the seven superpowers.

And in a world ring that the Extreme Rainbow King carried with him.

Luo Feng and the other six powerhouses under his command were here, the six powerhouses stood in a row, maintaining their respect for Luo Feng.

“The battle has already begun.” Heavy Arrow King laughed, “Master, I’m afraid that Heavenly Formation King didn’t even know why Extreme Rainbow King and the three of them were so crazy until this moment.”

“Haha ……” Luo Feng laughed as well.

With equal strength, they would rarely fight each other in fire.

And when the Extreme Rainbow King and the three of them got their orders, they naturally obeyed absolutely and fought according to their own plans.

“First, we’ll force the Heavenly Formation King to be seriously injured, lose more than half of his divine body, and be less than 10% strong. At that time, I and the other powerful people under my command will show up at the same time, and together we will combine our efforts to try and soul control the Heavenly Formation King.” This was roughly what Luo Feng had planned, the reason why he didn’t show up himself in the beginning was because he was worried about causing unnecessary trouble.

Because right now the Fate Meteor King, Tower Dragon King …… and many other super existences wanted to deal with the Blade River King.

And naturally, the TianFront King is also clear about this, but also scrupulous about the Knife River King, once Luo Feng appeared …… I’m afraid that the first thing the TianFront King did was to start rapidly spreading the news through the virtual universe, publicizing the coordinates of the Knife River King! Destiny Meteor King and other super existences, many of them could have public bounties for the coordinates of the Knife River King.

“Fortunately, I’ve chosen to retire from the military, and I’m no longer in the military system, so as long as I don’t take the initiative to expose myself, they naturally won’t be able to find me.”

“Don’t show yourself for now.”

“When the Heavenly Formation King is seriously injured and the situation is settled, I’ll show up and quickly resolve everything. Then leave immediately.” Luo Feng darkly said, “Sky Formation King ah Sky Formation King, back then I suspected that you had something fishy, I didn’t expect that you would control three powerful servants …… Battle, fight to your heart’s content, after this battle, you will either fall or become my slave.”

“Overwash King, do it.” Luo Feng ordered with soul communication.

“Yes, master!”

In the sky above this flying huge land, the seven great powerhouses were fighting madly, the Mountain Roar King was also exercising his gifted secret technique, his entire body was transformed into a mountain-like giant, his strength was unrivaled. As for the Heavenly Formation King’s side, there were two major soul-type masters sitting on the side, and under the illusions, they also caused the Extreme Rainbow King and the Overwhelming Water King to never be able to fully utilize their strength, and they were always being suppressed.

“Yes, master.” As soon as the Water Covering King received the order, he smiled grimly and combined with the heavy treasure “Ice Muddy Silk Net” to execute his famous mastery “Water Covering Nine Strikes”.


The Law Domain was unleashed, and at the same time, the Cosmic Origin was triggered, using the Ice Pisture Silk Net as a skeleton, and the surrounding area of millions of kilometers was instantly transformed into an endless sea of ice and water, completely enveloping the seven strongest people present in the sea, every drop of water weighed a thousand pounds, and the speed of the seven strongest people was immediately affected by the endless icy cold seawater enveloping them.

“Master, this Overwhelming Water King’s Overwhelming Sea, how is it more powerful? I’ve fought him before, and it wasn’t this strong in the past.”

“Hurry up and rush out of the Sea of Overflowing Water.” The Heavenly Array King ordered.

In the icy cold seawater.

The Heavenly Array King and the other four great powerhouses soared into the sky.

However, this endless seawater also flew at the same time, and in the raging seawater, a penetrating tonal filament that was difficult to see with the naked eye quickly scurried towards the four of the Heavenly Array King.

“Master, be careful.”


“There’s a special rope-binding type of Nian Li weapon.”

“Be careful.”

The Heavenly Array King’s side panicked, only to see that the Demon Mang King was the first to be directly and heavily bound by that silk thread all at once, although the Demon Mang King instantly took the initiative to disintegrate, his divine body shattering apart and coalescing once again after escaping from that silk thread binding.

But just as soon as he coalesced, the threads bound over again.

In this way, it was impossible to utilize their normal combat power.

While he and the Heavenly Formation King were lucky to be using soul attacks, the other two servants under the Heavenly Formation King’s command were even more unlucky, as the other two were close to their bodies in battle.

“What a strong binding force, it can’t be broken free, and the attacks can’t be broken free either, it’s likely a heavy treasure.”

“Be careful.”

When the Heavenly Formation King saw the three figures emitting a powerful aura in the distance rapidly approaching, he immediately clenched his teeth and brought out the most special harvest from his journey of more than 6,000 years of looting and killing, only to see a tower-like Mechanical Race weapon about twelve meters tall appear in his hands, precisely the super single weapon within the Mechanical Race, the Decomposition Tower!

The Decomposition Tower was incomparably powerful.

Previously, that Fateful Meteor King had assassinated the Seven Sword King through the Disintegration Tower, so the power of the Disintegration Tower could be seen.

“Buzz buzz buzz ……” The Heavenly Formation King was frantically instilling burning immortal divine power, he had already spared no effort.

“Want to kill me? You guys go to hell!”

The Heavenly Formation King’s face was hideous.


A turquoise-green rotating wave of light suddenly appeared and shot directly at that Overwhelming Water King! In the eyes of the Heavenly Formation King, that incomparably difficult silk net just now couldn’t even force back a Sealed King Limit powerhouse burning Immortal Divine Power Attack, the power was too terrifying, and once it lasted it was very likely that the four of them would die as a result.

Therefore, the first thing that the Heavenly Formation King wanted to kill in his eyes was the Overwhelming Water King who had manipulated that death.


The huge bell body appeared in the seawater, wrapping the shrunken Mountain Roar King, Overwash King, and Extreme Rainbow King in it.In fact, when the Heavenly Array King took out the Decomposition Tower before …… the Extreme Rainbow King was alarmed, “It’s the Decomposition Tower.Mountain Roar King, Overwash King, you two hurry up and enter inside the purple bell! ”

“Rumble ……” turquoise rotating light waves, bombarded on the purple giant clock body, powerful impact ripped the entire sea.

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