Chapter 4: Entering the Tower

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:47:55
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The star tower alone does not have master control, its devouring energy to form the “nine spiral nebulae” will have that kind of destructive power, thus can see that this nine light years high star tower is called “the highest and strongest” wonders, even if it is a little bit exaggerated, but also will not be too much exaggeration. How could such a supreme object produce such a strong call to itself?

“I can obtain the Star Tower?”

“I can become the master of the Star Tower?”

Luo Feng himself couldn’t believe it, but the sense of summoning that made his soul tremble was so strong, obviously coming from the direction of the Star Tower.

“Luo Feng, Luo Feng.” Babata, the mechanical child next to him bounced and shouted, “What’s with the gawking?”

“Nothing.” Luo Feng took a deep breath and calmed down.


The more critical the moment the more you have to be calm, you can’t be hot headed.

“Star tower, to be able to stay in this void of the extra-territorial battlefield for billions of years, those overlords in the universe couldn’t even force themselves to ask for it, so it shows that it’s precious and mysterious.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Teacher can give me the Wusicide Feather, but the Star Tower, alone breeding endless sealed stars, teacher can’t possibly give it to me …… Obviously the Star Tower is too much stronger than the Wusicide Feather.”

“This kind of treasure, if it really falls into my hands, would I dare to use it?”

Luo Feng said darkly, “It can make the four peak communities go to war with each other over it, once it’s discovered that I own this Star Tower, many overlords in the universe will surely pop up and come to grab it, even if they can’t manipulate the Star Tower. It is also likely that they will directly make me a soul slave and indirectly control the Star Tower ……”

Strength and treasure corresponded.

Without strength, one was not qualified to obtain that kind of supreme treasure. Like the “Wuicide Feather” also because the vast universe only Chaos City Lord knows it exists, other strong people simply can not recognize the Wuicide Feather special, so Chaos City Lord dared to give it to Luo Feng.

And the Star Tower ……

The fame was too great!

Vast universe, billions of communities, who didn’t know about this Star Tower? Luo Feng didn’t have enough strength to get it, it would be a disaster! Get it can only choose …… to hide the Star Tower, have been waiting until there is strength to hold him to be able to not be afraid of the cosmic overlords to take that can only be used openly.

“Thinking too much, first go see this star tower, at least it can prove one thing, this star tower and nameless secret code should be related.” Luo Feng took the meteor ink star ship and quickly flew towards the star tower.

Looking at the mountain and running away.

Looking at the star tower clearly covering half of the universe, but the Meteorite Ink Star ship that was flying at nearly the speed of light, it took more than ten days of flying to get there. Although I can let the heavy arrow king help transient …… but because of the call of the Star Tower makes his mind a burst of fever so hard to fly for more than ten days, let himself completely calm the frenzy in the bottom of his heart.

Star tower tower body, surrounded by bright nebulae vortex.

However, the bottom of the tower is not surrounded by nebula vortex, this tower is divided into nine layers, the bottom of the first layer of a total of nine entrances, many foreign tribal feudal kings and come to take their chances with the feudal lords are randomly along the one entrance to enter.


A silver stream of light stopped, the silver armored and silver winged Luo Feng stopped in front of the entrance.

In front of the star tower, it was impossible to see the end of the star tower, what was the concept of nine light years high? The sun was like the difference between dust and mountains compared to it.

“Try and see if you can recognize it.” Luo Feng took a deep breath, it is false to say that he is not nervous, then calm, but the depths of his heart are still hot, stretching out the palm of his hand and gently touching the edge of the door of this huge tower door that is a million miles high, the black door edge, a burst of coldness when he touches the door edge Luo Feng has a hint of anticipation in the bottom of his heart.

At the beginning of the soldier armor, general armor and so on are active fly into the body, easily can be manipulated.


Luo Feng frowned slightly, his hand touched the door edge of the star tower tower door, there was no reaction at all.

“Recognize the master.”

A trace of thought power infiltrated, wanting a mental imprint to be branded on the star tower.

But after the penetration of the idea power is like mud into the sea, directly swallowed up, the Star Tower is still the Star Tower, Luo Feng simply can not recognize and manipulate it, which makes Luo Feng a little anxious, and try to infiltrate the blood, and change position, no longer on the door edge to try, but on the Star Tower that the same material of the ground to try.

Failed, failed, still failed to recognize it!

“What’s going on?”

“How could there be no response at all? Even if it can’t be manipulated well at least there should be a little reaction even if I get the Wuicide Feather and so on, it hasn’t been like this.” Luo Feng was full of doubts, “I can feel that the entire star tower is generating endless summons to my entire body, these summons, passed from all locations of the tower, but how do I try, there’s no reaction at all.”


A figure appeared out of nowhere far behind Luo Feng, followed by a flash of that figure next to Luo Feng.

“Blade River King?” A passionate shout rang out.

Luo Feng turned his head to look, this was the hideous looking, with three curved horns on the edge of his face, fangs showing from his mouth, with a scorpion like tail, with four legs and two hands, Luo Feng recognized it at a glance and laughed, “King of the Speech Vulture.”

Yan vulture king, was in barracks base 024, but had peak fame as a sealed king, what kind of memory Luo Feng had, naturally he remembered this one.

“Haha, such a coincidence.” Speech vulture king smiled, even more hideous, one can only say that the racial looks lead to this, perhaps the speech vulture king himself thought his smile was friendly, “I’ve heard about you Blade river king, I’ve been wanting to meet you, I’ve actually been able to bump into you at the tower gate of this star tower, Blade river king were you just now trying to recognize your master?”

Luo Feng was stunned.

“Wait a moment, I’ll try as well.” Speech vulture king was also on the side, either dripping blood infiltration, or spiritual imprint branding also tried a bias, only then did he turn his head and shake his head, “oooh, it seems like I don’t have this kind of chance, all the first time to come to the star tower of the various races of the strongest people will try to try to recognize the master once, maybe it’s a great luck, unfortunately for countless years, countless foreign races of the strongest people who did not have anyone who could recognize the master successfully. ”

Luo Feng smiled and nodded, “I didn’t manage to recognize the master either.”

“Blade River King, how about you and I break into this star tower together?” Speech Vulture King suggested, “Crisis lurks in the Star Tower, the tower itself is full of crises, and there are hundreds of thousands of alien sealed kings …… fighting is indeed terrifying.” This invitation also depends on the strength, the speech vulture king came alone obviously no suitable invitation object for a short period of time, and Luo Feng this “knife river king” reputation, the speech vulture king is also willing to invite Luo Feng together.

“No.” Luo Feng smiled and refused.

When he heard that, he didn’t say any more, each other are foreign races, each has their own thoughts, privacy and so on, so naturally he wouldn’t get to the bottom of it, he smiled and said, “I’ll go in first then.”

Then he turned into a shadow and quickly scurried into the tower.

Luo Feng also waited slightly before stepping into the star tower alone.

Since he had decided that the tower of stars had some special connection with himself, many times the presence of other strong people would be very troublesome, Luo Feng naturally preferred to walk alone, he had his own slave Heavy Arrow King …… where did he need a peak Seal King “Speech Vulture King” to walk with him.

Regarding the Star Tower, after checking a lot of information before, and also chatting with the Heavy Arrow King for a long time, Luo Feng was very clear about the internal structure of the Star Tower.

Star tower, as if the “super large” skyscraper, this super skyscraper has a “room”…… Of course, the star tower within the” room “is actually a seat”. Room” is actually a forbidden space, each forbidden space, and other forbidden space will have a secret channel connected.

At the same time ……

Countless “forbidden space”, always on the move.

That is to say, even if one does not move within the Star Tower, as time passes, one’s own coordinates are constantly changing.

“Forbidden space.” Luo Feng at the moment is in a forbidden space before there is a channel entrance has closed and disappeared, this is spread all over the endless desert forbidden space, at the very edge of the southeast and northwest, the top of the sky, but there is an invisible obstacle, how can not get close.

“Probe, world projection, nian force exploration, can only explore in the forbidden space, can not penetrate this forbidden space, to another forbidden space, instantaneous transfer is also only in this forbidden space can not be performed in this forbidden space can not be instantaneous transfer to another forbidden space.”

Luo Feng was well aware of this.

To escape, it was also simple.

By casting divine kingdom teleportation, one could leave the star tower. If one didn’t escape, then one would have to travel from one forbidden space to another, provided that one found a “passage” connecting the two forbidden spaces first.

“Star tower, towering nine light years high, containing countless forbidden spaces.”

Luo Feng looked around this forbidden space.

“Rumble ……” The entire desert shook.


Luo Feng was startled, he turned his head to look only to see the entire desert constantly vibrating while something huge was vaguely coming out of the desert as if it was about to climb out.

“I haven’t heard from the heavy arrow king.” Luo Feng even summoned the heavy arrow king.


Heavy Arrow King appeared on the side and respectfully said, “Master.” At the same time he noticed that entire desert vibrating and couldn’t help but change his face, “So much commotion? Master, there are many crises in the Star Tower, every forbidden space could harbor a crisis, it’s just that it’s usually not triggered, and even if it is triggered, the crisis is different, so it’s more dangerous for the strongest of the foreign races to kill each other in the Star Tower, but if the crisis in the forbidden space really erupts, then it would be terrifying. The greater the commotion, the more dangerous it represents! Master, did you just come in? Why is there so much commotion in this forbidden space?”

“This is the first forbidden space I’ve entered.” Luo Feng looked at the desert.

The desert was constantly bulging!

As if there was a monster awakening, clattering …… countless sand grains rolled down from the side, gradually, red armor gradually emerged from the desert, a strange metal cast monster about 1000+ kilometers long with densely packed tens of thousands of sharp claws similar to a centipede appeared, its pair of turquoise eyes were looking down on Luo Feng, full of killing intent.

“This, this, thousand kilometer level forbidden land guards?” The Heavy Arrow King’s eyes rolled in surprise as he turned his head to look at Luo Feng, “Master, the first forbidden space you entered, you managed to draw out forbidden land guards, and a thousand kilometer level one as well? I’ve been in the star tower for over ten thousand years, I’ve broken into countless forbidden spaces, and the strongest forbidden guard I’ve encountered was only a hundred kilometer level!”

Luo Feng however frowned slightly, “I clearly felt the Star Tower’s strong call to me, but I couldn’t recognize it, and there was no special feedback. But just entering the first forbidden space, it drew out such a strong forbidden guard …… This, at least, is much better than no reaction at all.”

Luo Feng and the Heavy Arrow King, two tiny creatures, tilted their heads and looked at the huge forbidden land guards.

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