Chapter 44.

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:49:40
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Standing at the top of the primordial Tongtian mountain, the mountain wind howling, Luo Feng stood there for a long time.

“Finally standing at the top of this highest.” Luo Feng looked down on the endless earth of the entire TongTian Mountain dimensional space and silently said, “The sector lord level primordial TongTian Mountain is a benchmark for countless geniuses in human history, conquering it is what makes one of the strongest geniuses in history. I am now, already standing at the top of this strongest genius …… But a genius is just a genius, not a true powerhouse yet.”

“One day ……”

“I will also stand at the top of the universe’s strongest!”

The heart was full of bravado, Luo Feng silently made a vow in his heart, he set out on the path of a martial artist when he was still very young in the earth era, certainly for the sake of his family, but he likewise had a dream! This path of the strong man …… himself likewise has endless dreams and passions, in any path if there are no dreams and passions in it, want to get big achievements, almost impossible.


Luo Feng disappeared at the top of that primordial TongTian mountain.

TongTian bridge dimensional space, the center of that beautiful island, the stalwart Bafen had been silently standing firm here for billions of years like a day.


Luo Feng appeared in the middle of the island, causing the far away stalwart Bafen to instantly smile at a glance, “Your highness Luo Feng, it’s been a long, long time since I’ve seen you.”

“Haha, it’s been a long time, I couldn’t see you Ba Fen, I missed you a bit, so I came.” Luo Feng laughed and joked.

The stalwart Bafen said with interest, “Your highness Luo Feng seems to be very confident, which layer do you want to challenge to this time?”

“Whichever layer I can reach, it’s best to battle the 21st layer’s defender.” Luo Feng said.

“Battle on the 21st floor?” Firmament keeper Baffin froze, “You have to break through the 20th layer at the very least to be qualified to do that, could it be ……”

Luo Feng carved his mouth and smiled, “There’s no one at the Nine Yu Tong Tian Bridge, right?”

“No.” Firmament Baffin said.

“Very well.”

Luo Feng smiled slightly.


Flying directly towards the Nine Yu Tong Tian Bridge, that Firmament Bafen watched Luo Feng leave and couldn’t help but mutter, “This is too confident, he’s only been practicing for how many years and he seems to have the confidence to break through the 20th layer of the Tong Tian Bridge, huh? There’s an email? Hehe, there’s more than one mail.”

The Firmament Baffin even looked at the emails, and was shocked at this look!

“What, broke through the Boundary Lord level Primordial Passage Mountain!” Steadfast Baffin glared and looked back in the direction of the Nine Universes Passage Bridge, “It seems like he can really battle the 21st level guardians.”

This news was always the first to be known by the highest echelons of the Virtual Universe Corporation.

Initial Universe Chaos City, in the Chaos Ruins the Chaos City Lord sitting there on his knees sighed, “Luo Feng’s rate of progress is really great, he was actually able to break through the Boundary Lord level primordial Heavenly Passage Mountain.” Regardless of the Chaos City Lord sighing, although Luo Feng had previously said that he possessed the ability to pass through the 20th level of the heavenly bridge in terms of laws.

However, the 20 layers of the Heavenly Bridge was only a condition for breaking through the “Realm Lord level Primordial Heavenly Mountain”, it didn’t mean that one could definitely pass! This was because the battle also depended on the combination of battle secret techniques, body amplification secret techniques, thought amplification secret techniques, will consciousness, and many other aspects!

“Once he passes this, I’m afraid that those few won’t be able to argue anymore, and one by one, they all say that Rong Jun has a bright future, and think that the personal disciple I’ve taken in might not be as good as Rong Jun. This time, they are afraid that they will have nothing to say.” The Chaos City Lord smiled and nodded.

Outside the Blood Luo Continent, the highest level of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace that had been suppressing the Blood Luo Continent for hundreds of millions of years.

Standing there in a figure that seemed to have thousands of phantoms, the “Heavenly Eclipse Palace Master” who had a very high status in the Virtual Universe Company, allowing countless strong people to respect him immensely, at this time, the Heavenly Eclipse Palace Master let out a loud laugh and his laughter even reverberated throughout the entire Heavenly Eclipse Palace, causing some of the Realm Lords and Immortals on the first and second floors of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace to be very astonished, and not understanding why he was so happy. Why was the Heavenly Eclipse Palace Master so happy.

“Good job breaking in!”

The Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord looked away into the infinite void and smiled, “Those guys from the Giant Axe Fighting Arena and the First Bank of the Universe actually mostly favored Rong Jun! Back then, I said I favored Luo Feng! That Luo Feng was accepted as a personal disciple by the Chaos City Lord, and they still didn’t admit defeat! They also said …… that being accepted as a disciple is just a change in status, it doesn’t mean how strong it is. Back then, when Luo Feng broke through the domain lord level primordial through the sky mountain, they still didn’t care …… thinking that domain lord level primordial through the sky mountain was nothing.”

“Now they’ve finally admitted defeat.”

“Domain lord level primordial through heaven mountain this represents the strongest geniuses! It represents Law Sense and being just one step away from becoming a Cosmic Exalted. That Rongjun, although he’s now starting to advance by leaps and bounds, is much slower compared to Luo Feng’s rate of progress.” The Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord was happy and unrestrained.

Back then, the entire human race’s highest echelons, the Virtual Universe Corporation, the Giant Axe Fighting Arena, the First Bank of the Universe, and other …… parts of the peak existences had discussed Luo Feng and Rong Jun.

What kind of eyesight did they have? Although Buran’s talent exceeded Luo Feng and Rong Jun at first glance, his character flaws destined his achievements to be hard to surpass unless the character flaws were compensated for. And Rongjun and Luo Feng are different, Luo Feng that is so terrifying that he sees his heart and is incomparably firm in his will, such a genius …… even if he doesn’t progress fast, he will keep moving forward and will eventually become a super strong person.

As for Rong Jun, that was even more special!

The pinnacle existences of the entire human race argued over this, and even placed bets! Those who participated in this bet were either “cosmic hegemonic existences” such as the Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord, or higher level cosmic lords……. The bet was naturally frightening. Back then, when Luo Feng came back from the Blood Luo world and passed by the Heavenly Eclipse Palace, the Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord couldn’t help but give Luo Feng some pointers.

While the Chaos City Lord, Heaven Eclipse Palace Lord and a few others were pleasuring, some of the other super existences among the humans were sighing and sighing.

“Surprisingly, I lost the bet, Rong Jun couldn’t even compare to a genius that popped up.”

“This Rong Jun is also too disappointing to me.”

“I don’t blame Rong Jun, it’s just that this Luo Feng is progressing too swiftly, I knew that his future achievements would be high, but I didn’t realize that the rate of progress would be this fast! If he stays up for hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years, then there’s no doubt that Rong Jun will become a peak King Sealer. Becoming a Cosmic Exalt is even a definite possibility.”

Many existences sighed.

And the news that Luo Feng had broken through the Boundary Lord level primordial mountain of Heavenly Passage spread rapidly, causing countless powerful people to marvel, causing those who were once secretly indignant to be completely convinced!

How could they not be convinced?

The other party had already conquered the benchmark of the strongest geniuses of mankind, the Boundary Lord level Primordial Tong Tian Mountain! After every such genius …… crosses into immortality, that is the limit of sealing a king, and there is even a possibility of sealing a king invincible. The possibility of becoming a Cosmic Exalted in the future was also very high.

Inside the virtual universe Rain Phase Mountain, inside the box of one of the restaurants.

Buran, who was wearing a snow-white battle robe, and the stout and tall Rong Jun, walked into this box side by side, and there was only one person in the box apart from the waiter – Uka!

“Haha, you guys are here, sit, sit.” Uka laughed.

Rong Jun and Buran all sat down.

“You step back first.” Uka instructed the attendant.


The attendant respectfully said, then went out and closed the door of the box, leaving only Uka, Rongjun, and Buran in the box.

“You all know, right?” Uka was there to help pour the wine.

“Uh-huh.” Buran nodded slightly.

“I thought the distance would close, but I didn’t realize that the distance was even greater.” Rongjun voice thick, nearly ten thousand years of years, so that Rongjun internal temperament sublimation, that hegemony breath is completely from the bones, the so-called hegemony …… is a kind of only my air, but do not let a person feel nasty.

Uka sighed: “Back then, we Tai Chou three brothers, you, me and Luo Feng, Luo Feng was the first to break into the primordial secret realm, you Rongjun as well, the rate of progress is getting faster and faster, back then, among the members of the domain lord level primordial secret realm, you even managed to be ranked number one, and rose up to become a realm lord with the first status, and also became one of the primordial secret realm realm lords.”

Buran and Rong Jun, were both Primordial Secret Realm Realm Lords!

After Buran’s deep introspection, he gradually changed and began to truly reveal his ability to be a genius of tens of thousands of epochs, and began to progress as if by leaps and bounds! Now, he has already become a Realm Lord!

As for Rong Jun.

At the beginning, the speed of progress was not fast, nor was it conspicuous, but the further it went, the faster the speed of progress, and later on, it was even faster than the speed of progress of Buran! And this progress is still soaring …… so fast that people are simply dumbfounded, at that time Luo Feng had already become the Chaos City Lord’s personal disciple, just that there had been no point of achievement appearing.

At that time it was said that Luo Feng’s best in that genius battle should be Rong Jun!

Although both of them were Primordial Realm Masters, if the Masters had a qualification battle, Buran, a newly promoted Primordial Realm Master, would have been eliminated from the “Primordial Realm”. However, even if Rong Jun were to undergo a Qualification Battle of Realm Masters right now, he would still be qualified to remain in the Primordial Mysterious Realm!

“Too fast, his progress is too fast.” Rong Jun shook his head and sighed, “In these 8,000 years, I thought that law enlightenment would become more difficult the further back I went, Luo Feng had a high starting point, so he must have made little progress. But I didn’t expect ……”

“There’s only one way to surpass him.” Buran’s icy voice rang out.

Uka and Rong Jun immediately looked at Buran.

Buran indifferently said, “Become a Cosmic Exalted! Otherwise, you’ll always be suppressed by Luo Feng!”

“If you don’t become a universe honored one, you won’t be able to surpass Luo Feng at all.” Buran nodded.

“Let’s work together.” Uka smiled and raised his cup, “My goal is to become a Sealed King Immortal, the two of you are aiming to become Cosmic Exalted, work together.”


“Make an effort.”

Rong Jun and Buran both raised their cups.

The three clinked their glasses.

Just as the three of them were discussing and talking, another message suddenly came.

“Hmm?” All three of them viewed their messages.

“Broke through the 20th floor of the Passage Bridge?” Uka, Buran, and Rongjun looked at each other, then sighed and sighed, it’s true, Luo Feng breaking through the primordial Tongtian mountain means that he has the ability to break through the 20th floor of the Tongtian bridge, but when they really got the message, yi used to make them sigh in their hearts, because –

The 20th floor is only one step away from the 21st floor.

If you take this step, you will be a Cosmic Exalted!

TongTian bridge realm, in the endless darkness, there was only a winding bridge that continuously extended into the depths of darkness, Luo Feng was flying continuously over the bridge sticking to the surface, he had just broken through the 20th layer, and was now flying to the end of the 21st layer of the TongTian bridge.

“The guardian of the 21st layer represents the universe honored one’s law perception.”

“I’d like to see what kind of combat power the world power of a sector lord level and the universe honored one’s law perception would be.” Luo Feng’s eyes were filled with fighting battle spirit.

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