Chapter 47: Return to Earth

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:49:48
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After staying in Chaos city for more than a month, keeping the few useful ones from those loot, like some treasures that promote the recovery of the god body, quite a few of the powerhouses that were killed by Luo Feng were keeping such treasures, Luo Feng naturally kept them, as well as the three top class airships.

The others were all disposed of, then Luo Feng went on a spending spree …… for the battle team under his command, for his family, and for himself, spending until there were only 100 billion hybrid units left on the books, and only then did Luo Feng pleasurably leave Chaos City.

In the solar system, there was a majestic temple standing in the void to guard the earth, but this temple was far more than the size of the earth.

The first level of the temple.

There was a fixed teleportation channel that connected to the base camp of the Virtual Universe Corporation, as well as the base camps of the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium, the First Bank of the Universe, the Cosmic Star River Bank, and the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance.

“Wow……” one of the teleportation channels flooded with a blinding light.

“Someone is coming.”

“Someone is coming from the Virtual Universe Corporation’s side.” The dozens of sector lords that were specifically waiting by the teleportation channel were all respectful, those that could come through this channel were either extremely strong or of a very high status, and their dozens of sector lords were all curious to watch …… only to see a black armored young man walk out of it alone.

“It’s His Highness Luo Feng.” Dozens of realm lords immediately recognized it, half of the power of the earth guarded by the divine temple was in Luo Feng’s hands, how could they not recognize it?

“Your highness.”

Dozens of realm lords bowed respectfully.

“Hm.” Luo Feng nodded and looked at the sector lords, “Ten thousand years of holding on to the solar system, was there anything special?”

“No, everything is as usual.” A realm lord at the head of them replied respectfully.

Luo Feng nodded slightly and directly executed an instantaneous shift, disappearing out of thin air.

“Instantaneous shift!”

“Wow, for a sector lord to be able to perform an instantaneous shift, your highness Luo Feng is just too powerful.”

“Don’t you know, his highness Luo Feng just broke through the sector lord level primordial through mountain, I heard that there’s a 100 billion point reward for breaking through that sector lord level primordial through mountain.”

“100 billion!”

“I haven’t even saved up to 100 hybrid units until now.” A group of realm lords couldn’t help but marvel, although these realm lords mixed in the five powers were much better than those solo realm lords, their wealth was still pitifully low, super powerhouses like Luo Feng had spent more than 2 trillion mixed yuan units before, general realm lords at Luo Feng’s level were just ordinary people who could be ravaged and destroyed with their own hands.

Earth outer space.

“Whew!” Luo Feng appeared in an instant, turned his head to look at the lofty temple in the solar system and let out a dark sigh.

He then rushed straight into the atmosphere.

“This is Earth, this is Earth, intruder, please identify yourself.” From the atmosphere suddenly then a small spaceship emerged like lightning, that small spaceship also emitted a sound wave that directly entered Luo Feng’s ears, speaking the universal language of the universe.

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng frowned slightly, then the power of the world quickly spread out, completely shrouding the entire earth, in the atmosphere of the entire earth there was a small probe ship hidden, and over the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and other oceans a floating city was very luxurious, in those floating cities there were other races of mankind, like the winged man race, the apes race and other branches of the race.

“Changed.” Luo Feng secretly sighed.

“When I become a hegemon in the future, I will definitely take back Earth.” Luo Feng silently said, “Even if I pay some price, it’s worth it.”

“Please identify yourself.” The small airship continued to make sounds.

Luo Feng frowned at the airship and drank lowly, “Scram!” The sound was like a shockwave that rolled away, directly crushing over the small airship, crushing that airship into pieces.

“I know you guys can see it!” Luo Feng stood in the atmosphere and said indifferently, “But you guys remember, this is the Earth, and also half of my original Earthlings control, I, Luo Feng, came to Earth …… and it’s not your turn to supervise! This kind of thing, don’t have a next time!”


Luo Feng swooped down.

Earth, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in a huge floating city, hundreds of millions of residents lived in this floating city, in one of the skyscrapers.

It was the headquarters of the alien immigrants to earth, in one of the hidden control rooms, there were two middle aged men and a woman standing, all three of them were looking at the screen in front of them, the screen was playing the scene where Luo Feng was talking in the atmosphere earlier.

“That Luo Feng is so arrogant.” The man with wings wearing green battle armor sneered, “What the hell is he? Isn’t he just worshipping under the Chaos City Lord, doesn’t he know that the …… immigrants to Earth are mostly elites from the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium and the Virtual Universe Company? Many of them have the background of the Master of the Universe?”

Earth, a special cradle, each quota to immigrate to Earth was expensive.

Those who can take advantage of the opportunity to bring pregnant women to Earth, there are many of them are the elite sons of a certain Lord of the Universe’s family, and there are many …… powerful people in Earth.

“Converge!” Another middle aged man with four arms grunted lowly, “Luo Feng is, after all, the Chaos City Lord’s personal disciple, it’s not something you can mess with yet, and he’s just broken through the Primordial Passing Mountain, so he might be able to become a Cosmic Exalted in the future! Those who came to earth, although many of them had big backgrounds, but backgrounds were after all backgrounds, not their own strength. When Luo Feng becomes a universe honored one and wants to deal with you, do you have the strength to fight back?”

“I’m at least a sealed king immortal! At least I can ravage him at will now.”

The green-armored man sneered.

“All shut up.” The woman droned, “There’s already a strict order from above forbidding to go and provoke Luo Feng.”


The green armored man looked down through the glass at the ocean outside the floating city in the outside world, “What a beautiful planet, but it’s occupied by some trash race! Our Giant Axe Fighting Martial Arena is also really not decisive enough to do things, when we secretly and directly killed this Luo Feng, the planet directly belongs to my Giant Axe Fighting Martial Arena ……”

“Say less.” The woman drank.

“Want to die, don’t drag me.” Another four arm middle aged man turned his head and left.

Asian Continent, Yangzhou City, Luo Family Residence.

This was the ancestral residence of the family with a history of 10,000 years, it was of great significance, ever since they got the news that Luo Feng was coming back, some of the Luo family’s high level elites had quickly rushed back to meet their Luo family’s family head “Luo Feng”.

“I didn’t realize that the house I lived in back then is still in good shape, look, I remember when I left last time, the chairs were placed like this, after so many years, the chairs are still placed like this.” Luo Feng strolled around the mansion along with his wife and two sons.

“It’s been maintained for these ten thousand years, of course everything is as it was.” Xu Xin laughed.

Luo Ping also chimed in with a smile, only Luo Hai’s face didn’t look too good.

“Luo Hai.” Luo Feng looked at his son.

“Dad.” Luo Hai answered.

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng asked.

“No, it’s this time back on earth, got a belly full of bad anger.” Luo Hai said angrily, beside him Xu Count frowned slightly and glanced at Luo Hai, causing Luo Hai to say no more.

“Say.” Luo Feng directly said, he somewhat guessed it.

“It’s still not those alien immigrants!” Luo Hai said angrily, “I came back this time, I was taking a spaceship directly from outer space to enter earth, surprisingly I was stopped by them, I cooperated with them at first, I didn’t expect that first they brought me to their floating city, first they locked me up for most of the day, only later did someone come to receive me, and said that it was a misunderstanding, obviously they were giving me a hard time.”

“This is already much better.” Luo Ping sighed, “Second brother, you have been outside, family things you know less, like dad missing that more than six thousand years, especially to the late stage, this earth where is my earth people’s territory, purely alien immigrants territory, those alien immigrants one by one to sightseeing and shopping in the name of the run to our land, one by one arrogant and overbearing, simply did not put our earth locals in our eyes.”

“Who dares to provoke them?”

“No, we can only swallow our anger!”

“Perhaps they have some regard, although they are very overbearing, they haven’t dared to drive us away yet.” Luo Ping sighed.

“Drive you guys away?” Luo Feng’s face changed, back then he signed a contract with the virtual universe company, the contract clearly had that the floating city alien immigrants were absolutely not to disturb the earthlings life, now it seemed that the bullying was very strong.

“Dad, the contract you signed back then, also told me.” Luo Ping shook his head, “It’s useless, the contract is a contract, the contract just says that it is forbidden to disturb the life of the earthlings, but those alien immigrants, although they are very over the top and bullying the earthlings, they still say …… that they are just making friends with the earthlings, and they didn’t disturb the life of the earthlings, what can you do about it? It’s hard to talk about this kind of tug of war.”

Luo Feng’s face was ugly.

This time he was provoked when he returned to earth, from this he could see …… how arrogant this group of alien immigrants were in their bones, they dared to be like this to themselves, let alone to other earthlings.

“Luo Feng.” Xu Xin whispered, “These alien immigrants all come from unusual origins, they all involve some of the top super families in the universe, it’s rumored that many of them go straight to the top of the Giant Axe Fighting Arena and the Virtual Universe Corporation.”


Luo Feng’s anger surged, back then, the giant axe founder looked at the earth and saw that the earth was special, some of the peak existences of the human race, most of them also have their own families, some of the elite in the family were sent, it was completely understandable. The pride in the bones of these elites could also be imagined, after all, each backstage was marvelous, they obviously also believed: “A Luo Feng, does he still dare to offend so many of us?”

“Luo Feng, calm down.” Xu Xin said in a low voice.

“Don’t worry I won’t mess around.” Luo Feng’s mind quickly pondered to see what exactly to do in response.

“Dad, since you broke through the primordial mountain of passage, those alien immigrants have tightened up quite a bit, bullying earthlings isn’t too much.” Luo Ping said.

“What do you mean it’s not too much! They wouldn’t be qualified to bully!” Luo Feng frowned, although his heart was furious, but for a while …… Luo Feng didn’t think of exactly how to deal with this situation.

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