Chapter 51 – Splitting of the Divine Body

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:49:59
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Babata was there chanting and releasing emotions, there were tens of thousands of years of repression in his heart, the pain from his old master’s fall, the pleasure of having his revenge avenged, and the memories of the endless years back then ……

“Luo Feng, I’m better.” Babata looked at Luo Feng, “Thank you.”

“Elder Huyan Bo has been kind to me, and I’ve worshipped my teacher in front of him, this is what I should do. Babata, now I’ll take you back inside the world ring?” Luo Feng inquired.

“I’ll be able to consult those other king sealing powerhouses within the world ring as well, and I’ll also be able to become immortal as early as possible.” Babata nodded, “This bit of strength of mine will only affect you when I’m around you, I can contact you through the subsidiary intelligence anyway.”

Luo Feng’s mind moved and he led Babata directly into the world ring.

After possessing the heart of evolution, Baba tower is just like the “mechanical people”, it’s easy for mechanical people to become sector masters, but it’s hard to become immortal …….

Luo Feng looked down on the countless people below who were kneeling and trembling, then he instantly moved and directly left the Devil Hand Star.


“The golden armored deity is gone.”

“Too terrifying, the Demon Emperor didn’t have the slightest power to fight back in front of the Golden Armored Divine Spirit, I’ve heard that deities possess an immortal body, but the Demon Emperor was easily killed.”

“The Demon Emperor fell, we don’t need to be afraid anymore, haha, this star field is our world now.”

The entire Devil Hand Star immediately began a change in power.

A remote star field in the universe, from the human territory has an endless distance, in an ordinary star, the star definitely belongs to the universe extremely common celestial bodies, however, this star is somewhat special …… because in the star, endless flame surrounded by a figure.

A figure was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the star.

“There really is a strong person who killed me.” A hateful voice rang out, and this figure was none other than the Demon Hand King “Sharapu”.

Sharap sat cross-legged, the blazing heat of the star had no effect on him.

“Moreover, the person who came is that powerful, yet he is hiding his identity, it’s likely that it’s that His Highness Luo Feng who sent him. I have long guessed …… that this day is likely to come!” Sharap muttered in a low voice, back then, when Luo Feng was incredibly dazzling in the genius battle, and was even absorbed into the Virtual Universe Company, the Demon Hand King “Sharap” had set his eyes on Luo Feng.

He suspected that Luo Feng had gotten Hu Yan Bo’s inheritance.

“Back then I chased after Huyan Bo and dragged out my soul secret method, that Huyan Bo would definitely die, plus he fled too fast in the dark universe and was hard to chase for a short time, I didn’t continue because of the treasure.”

“He hid in extremely many places, who knows where he fled to before he died.”

“Fifty thousand years later, Luo Feng suddenly rose, and is a spiritual nymphologist and his same vein, and can buy the earth, an indigenous kid …… without special harvest, how can he afford to buy a planet? And in the genius war performance that so contrary, did not get the inheritance who will believe? I suspected at that time that he might be related to Hu Yan Bo! But he’s been in Chaos City all this time, and I couldn’t do anything about him.”


“He became a Domain Lord and returned to the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom, and at this time, the ship he used was surprisingly the Meteor Ink Star! Hmph, the Meteorite Ink Star ship …… This time there is no doubt that he is Hu Yan Bo’s re-transmitted disciple!”

“But at this time he is a monitoring envoy, a member of the original secret realm of the Virtual Universe Corporation, if I dare to do it, once I am discovered …… I will be dead.”

“I can only gamble, gamble that Hu Yan Bo didn’t leave a message before he died, didn’t tell the disciple who killed him, if he is really for the good of the disciple, he won’t give the disciple to make an enemy who is a Seal King level immortal, after all, when he was alive, a few of his disciples were just like that, and how strong can a disciple be when he is re-transmitted in another life? It’s not like he can predict the future!”

“It seems that I guessed wrong!”

“He left a message and told Luo Feng.”

“Luo Feng is in an extremely high position now, it’s easy to enlist the help of some super powerhouse, it’s easy to ask some powerhouse to conceal his identity to come and kill me at will.” Devil Hand King Sharap sat cross-legged in that blazing flame of the star, his eyes full of fierce light, “Fortunately, fortunately, even though I was betting, I didn’t dare to put all my bets on it, I hardened my self to cut my god body, splitting my god body in two, one of them possessing a 40% god body, and the other part being a 60% god body.”

“Divine body split.”

“The weaker god body has remained on the Demon Hand Star pretending to be severely injured, waiting for this day. The other god body is hidden in a distant frontier, waiting silently. My plan is to wait for a million years …… If a million years and no danger has been encountered, I can show up again. Haha …… Luckily I kept my hand, luckily!”

“I’m not qualified to be resurrected by reversing time and space, but I kept this hand! Golden armored man …… although I don’t know who you are, but you are nine times out of ten invited by that Luo Feng, other than Luo Feng, there’s no one amongst my enemies who can invite such a great person.”

“Luo Feng!”

“I can’t fight you now, but …… I’ll come back, I’ll go back to the human frontier again!!!” Sharoop let out a hysterical roar, the roar spreading like a shockwave in the depths of the star.

Splitting a divine body was not something that an ordinary strong person would have the courage to do.

Like the Demon Hand King splitting his divine body, a 60% and a 40%, the 60% immortal divine body only had one tenth of the strength of the perfect state. As for the 40% immortal god body is even weaker …… In this case, two split god body, fighting strength are obviously too much too much.

There is also another risk, once the enemy “soul control” one of the split god body, then the magic hand king will be controlled.

Weak strength!

Easier to be controlled by the soul!

These two risks are not something that an ordinary person would be willing to bear! Of course, the only good thing that comes from these two risks is that …… has a chance to turn around!

God body splitting, two split God body sensing each other, so split God body will not recover, only when a split God body perished, another split God body will gradually and slowly recover, after a long period of time will be restored to a perfect state.

Time passed.

The dark universe was like a hideous beetle-like creature ship that was moving at 80 times the speed of light.

Inside the control room of the airship was a crystal clear dining table, on both sides of the table sat a full 12 super powerhouses, Luo Feng was sitting in the main seat.

“Arriving at the cosmic secret realm tomorrow, it’s been over two years and we’re finally arriving, for the cosmic secret realm we’re about to arrive, let’s toast.” Luo Feng raised his glass.

“Congratulations master.” The 12 powerhouses all shrunk their godly bodies to become comparable to humans and all raised their glasses.

Together, they raised their cups and shared a drink.

At this moment, Luo Feng still didn’t know that the “Demon Hand King” Sharap who was killed on the Demon Hand star more than two years ago was only splitting his divine body, after all, the probability of this was really small. In fact, even if you know, Luo Feng can’t do anything about it, because the other split god body of Sha Luo Pu is definitely very remote and secretive.

Although there is no way, Luo Feng is not afraid.

That “Sharap” only practiced for hundreds of millions of years before he was sealed as a king at the beginning level of immortality, while the 12 strongest people under his command were either peak king sealing soul masters or king sealing limits! Ordinary King Sealers are not qualified to be seated at all. Soul Masters like the Heavenly Formation King, the Phantom Mang King, and the Heart Refining King all have a group of soul slaves themselves, but those slaves are mostly ordinary Immortals and Marquis, and the occasional King Sealer can’t even make it to the stage.

“The universe ……,” Luo Feng held his wine cup, “is really too big, I rely on all the divine kingdoms to transmit remote to the nearest place from that universe secret realm, also still have nearly 2 billion light years, even if in the dark universe 80 times the speed of light to go forward, but also have to two years more I’m not sure if it’s a good idea.

“Master, the main reason is that the Uwah secret realm is too remote, none of us have ever been there.” The Heavy Arrow King laughed.

“The universe is vast and boundless, with countless cosmic secret realms scattered all over the universe. Since we are participating in the Extraterrestrial Battlefield, we are all not too far from the human frontier. Only a very small number of the strongest under the master’s command come from distant lands. But those who have been to the Uwah Secret Realm are really none. That’s why master needed to fly in the Dark Universe for more than two years.” Overwhelming Water King also said.

Luo Feng nodded.

The alien powerhouse put the third black metal plate should the Ice Prison Star, this Ice Prison Star is also remote and awesome, it’s far from the human frontier …… If one relies on a spaceship to fly, it would take more than a hundred years to fly slowly in the dark universe at field times the speed of light. You can imagine how far the distance is. Fortunately, there was a divine kingdom teleportation from the servants under his command that spared most of the distance.

“It’s also fortunate that this biological ship is fast enough, faster than the Meteor Ink Star.” Luo Feng said darkly.


In the outside world of the airship, a powerful energy fluctuation was faintly heard.

“It’s hijacking.”

“It’s hijacking again.”

Heavy Arrow King, Overwhelming Water King, Extreme Rainbow King, Heavenly Formation King, they all laughed one by one, and Luo Feng laughed as well.

The dark universe corresponding to the human frontier was still quite safe, there were only a very few dark universe robbers as the humans did have strong control. But after stepping out of the human frontier and flying in some remote places in the dark universe, it was common to encounter robbers fighting with the strongest people in a certain spaceship.

“It’s some Feudal Immortal and Ordinary Immortal foreign races.” The Extreme Rainbow King’s divine power extended out. A single sweep checked it out and said with a smile.

“We are truly lonely.” The Heavenly Array King then said, “Flying for more than two years, although we’ve encountered quite a few hijackings, none of them dared to hijack us.”

“Those robbers aren’t stupid, although the biological spaceships can’t tell the level from the outside, but we maintain 80 times the speed of light in advance, the universe spaceships that can maintain 80 times the speed of light …… the vast majority of the Sealed Kings and Immortals don’t have this kind of spaceship. Do those robbers dare to touch us?” The Extreme Rainbow King’s voice was piercing, laughing, “It’s also easy to want to be hijacked, as long as the speed is lowered to 10 times the speed of light moving forward, I guarantee …… that we can be hijacked once every few days.”

“Haha ……”


“This will only work if the master agrees.” The group of powerhouses laughed.

Luo Feng also laughed, this biological ship was also the fastest of the many ships he had killed so many strongmen and collected so many servants! The Meteor Ink Star’s limit speed was 50 times the speed of light, that was modified by the virtual universe company, the further it went the harder it was to improve, 80 times the speed of light, it was incredible.

“Don’t be anxious, wait until you’re in the secret realm of the universe, there’s time for you guys to fight.” Luo Feng smiled.

The next day, after more than two years of cosmic traveling, Luo Feng and his team finally arrived at the cosmic secret realm “Wuhua secret realm”, and the ice prison star was in the huge Wuhua secret realm.

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