Chapter 58: Under the Ice Prison

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:50:18
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The two universe venerable masters are not aware …… that they have captured only the Earthling’s original body, although the “Wuicide feather”, “star preaching map” and “tower bead” are all very important. “Pagoda beads” are very important, but really forced Luo Feng to ask the Chaos City master teacher to appear, naturally can easily take away the most precious treasure.

The star cloth road map, tower beads, are barely counted as “treasure”, even if the Chaos City master found …… will not take away.

Therefore, Luo Feng still has the bottom line in his heart, just …… please Chaos City Lord, is the way out, not until the last desperate situation, Luo Feng will not do that.

Venerable Purple Kou’s ice prison star core, towering tens of thousands of kilometers high within the cold ice palace.

Venerable Green Kou and Violet Kou strolled side by side inside the palace.

“Actually …… I really want to slap that human to death with fear!” Venerable Green Kou said in a low voice.

“Are you looking for death? What kind of status is ‘Sitting Mountain Guest’? That’s one of the strongest in the Vast Universe! If we mess with the Sitting Mountain Guest, even those strong people we’ve befriended won’t be able to protect us… You’re looking for death yourself, don’t drag thousands of clansmen down with you.” Venerable Purple Kou even rebuked.

The green kou venerable even laughed: “I just a say, you say …… we at least is also a hall universe venerable, more in the universe hundreds of millions of groups of universe venerable ranked in the upper ranks, but but hard to act in front of that human.”

“This is what Sitting Mountain Guest commanded, of course we have to do as we are told, and Sitting Mountain Guest gave you and I no small benefit.” Venerable Violet Kou nodded his head.

“Back then, …… Sitting Mountain Guest commanded that this black metal plate be placed on a random Ice Prison Star, forbidding it to be placed on both of our Ice Prison Stars, waiting for the foreign races to come and steal it. It also said that …… as long as the stealer was found to be a blood and flesh type of life, it was forbidden to fight and kill, and instead, it was to be imprisoned into the Ice Prison.” Venerable Green Kou frowned, “Previously, that Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment was an energy being, and I directly slapped it to death …… but surprisingly, the mastermind behind the scenes is this human!”

“You say, why did Sitting Mountain Guest order this?” Venerable Qing Zhikou said.

“Needless to say, spending so much effort, it should be to sharpen and cultivate a strong person.” Venerable Purple Kou’s eyes were bright, “This human, should have been chosen by that Mountain Sitter.”

“Train a disciple?” Venerable Green Kou shook his head, “Is there such a ruthless teacher, but that Mountain Sitting Guest clearly knows the rules of my Ice Prison, and he still wants to send the person he trained into the Ice Prison? Even if his disciple is more powerful, but that Sitting Mountain Rong should know what kind of strong people are imprisoned in my Ice Prison.”

“Ruthless.” Venerable Purple Kou said in a low voice, “Maybe this is sharpening, can’t get through this level, this human died …… anyway, it’s also equal to Sit Shan Rong sharpening killed him, it has nothing to do with us.”

“Uh-huh.” Venerable Green Kou nodded his head even.

The two of them talked as they walked.

“But this human is indeed cunning enough, even I was fooled by him, how did you find that black metal plate?” Venerable Green Kou asked curiously, “Back then, Sitting Mountain Rong also commanded that if any foreign race really stole the black metal plate unknowingly, then it would be just that, and it would only be sent to the Ice Prison if it was caught by us.”


Venerable Purple Kou laughed.

“Quickly say, how did you find out.” Venerable Qing Xiakou even pursued the question.

Venerable Purple Kou smiled, “Didn’t that Demon Slayer Clan flee with the black metal plate, transmigrating again and again? He transient to the middle of the way, quietly disguised as a rock world ring, placed on a suspended mountain range, I then stared …… also found that a foreigner took away that rock, and then tailed that foreigner, has been tailing, and finally found that human! After observing for a long time and determining that that human was most likely the main messenger, that’s why I showed up.”

“No!” Venerable Green Kou even shook his head, “I was chasing after the Demon Slayer Race, but you weren’t. Moreover, that Demon Slayer Clan transiently moved over and over again …… placing that camouflaged world ring on the mountain range was a matter of a split second. When I instantly moved to that mountain range, I didn’t even realize it, how did you realize it? And how did you have time to check it out?”

Venerable Violet Kou smiled mysteriously.

“Speak, quickly.” Venerable Cyan Kou looked curious.

“It’s simple.” Venerable Purple Kou smugly said, “I left a little tiny mark on that black metal plate, no matter where that black metal plate is, I can sense …… you and I have each other’s tokens, and I sensed that you were constantly changing your position, but that black metal plate didn’t move at all, so I directly instantly moved to that and quietly concealed, so I watched a foreigner take away the ring containing the black metal plate, and then I tailed it, and you know the result.”

“You-” Venerable Green Mistress Kou glared, “You went so far as to leave an imprint! You left an imprint on the black metal plate!”


Venerable Purple Kou smiled, “I have always been curious about who in the end it was that allowed Sitting Mountain Guest to arrange this bureau …… specifically to sharpen it, of course I want to see it with my own eyes, but I’m worried about it, and I really let him steal it from us and we still don’t know. Just in case, I did. Haha …… It’s not like Sitting Mountain Guest has forbidden us not to do so, what’s more, Sitting Mountain Guest also wanted to let that flesh and blood being who stole the black metal plate to go to the ice prison to sharpen it!”

Venerable Green Mistress Kou shook his head and sighed, feeling sad for Luo Feng.

It was obvious that he could have stolen it, but because of the curiosity of Venerable Purple Kou …… he planted it!

“Unlucky little guy, I hope I don’t die in the ice prison.” The Venerable Green Kou shook his head.

“Anyway, we can’t intervene, whether he dies or lives, it’s up to his luck, death …… is also his death in the grinding of sitting out the guest, no head with us.” Venerable Purple Snake shook his head.

“Sitting out guest in the vastness of the universe alone, temperament is good, even those several super powers are unwilling to provoke him, really is not false …… temperament is good ah.” Venerable Qing鍏� Kou shook his head.

A huge Ice Prison Star, which was the lair of Venerable Qing鍏� Kou, on the surface of this Ice Prison Star there was a lofty cylindrical icicle about eight hundred kilometers thick and tens of thousands of kilometers high, piercing into the sky.


Four figures swooped down from high altitude, it was Tarasha and three other super powerhouses escorting Luo Feng, the space around them would be blocked off, obviously Tarasha and one of their powerhouses were maintaining a “space blockade” at all times, preventing this cunning human from directly instantly slipping away.

They don’t know …… that without the help of the Demon Slayer Race incarnation, the Earthling himself really can’t instantly move.

“That’s the ice prison?” Luo Feng looked at the huge cylindrical icicle from afar, a huge aura that was nothing less than a star suppressor filled the air.

“Yes, that’s the ice prison!” Tarrasha escorted Luo Feng and said in a cold voice, “You’re really relaxed, you’re about to be imprisoned into the Ice Prison …… I’m afraid that you won’t be allowed to come out for billions of years, or even be terrified and end up dying in there. You actually don’t panic at all!”

“What’s the use of panicking since you’ve been caught?” Luo Feng smiled.

The original core of himself was taken by the golden horn beast doppelganger and had already left the “wuhua secret realm”, he was resting in a slave’s godly kingdom, as long as he had the summoning …… he could teleport from his godly kingdom and directly arrive at the wuhua secret realm.

Luo Feng’s eyes fell on the ice prison in the distance.

The legend of the Ice Prison …… is also the biggest legend in the entire Ice Prison Star Belt! Legend has it that although the two Cosmic Exalted of the Ice Prison Star Belt would kill those captured foreigners, if they captured some super strong, or some other special immortal powerhouses, they would be imprisoned in the Ice Prison.

For a long time, hundreds of millions of epochs, I don’t know how many strong people were imprisoned in the Ice Prison! Those strong people’s strength would naturally increase in the Ice Prison.

Coupled with the fact that those two Cosmic Exalted caused the imprisoned foreign races to kill each other, kill under, cultivate under, infinite years and has been in the ice prison, this oppression …… does make the ice prison become crazy.

“As long as I don’t face a desperate situation, there’s no need to invite the Chaos City Lord teacher, and …… on my way to becoming a super strong person, I really want to not invite the Chaos City Lord teacher even once.” Luo Feng had this idea in his mind for a long time, in his opinion, being forced to hire a Chaos City Lord was a shameful thing.

If you have the ability, you will fight and resist on your own!

Grow step by step until you are on par with the Chaos City Lord, or even stronger. On this path …… not once did he invite the Chaos City Lord! All is what Luo Feng demands of himself!

Strong people, they have to push themselves from the start, they can’t let themselves relax.

Tarrasha and the three of them escorted Luo Feng to the front of the ice prison.

“Humans.” Next to a green kou voice shrill, “Although your strength is good, but the weakest in the ice prison that was imprisoned into back then were sealed king level immortals, without this strength …… the chief simply did not bother to imprison these foreigners into the ice prison, and long years down the line, inside the life and death struggle, I’ll give you a reminder …… If you are afraid of fear, blow yourself up earlier and forget it, the dark madness inside is not something you can withstand.”

“Oh, it’s really something to look forward to.” Luo Feng smiled.

“This is your number plate.” Tarrasha however casually threw out a purple and green refuted ice number plate with numbers in the common language of the demon race.

Luo Feng took the number plate.

“Representing my identity?” Luo Feng was curious, while in his heart, he said …… It feels a bit like a prison number plate back on Earth.

“Go in.” Tarrasha slammed a bunch of Luo Feng.


Luo Feng was directly pushed towards that ice prison, all of a sudden approaching the hundred kilometers range of the ice prison.

At once-

“Rumble ……” A terrifyingly strong devouring force directly enveloped Luo Feng, as if he was caught in an endless whirlpool.

Luo Feng was caught in this devouring force, and immediately his wings spread out, so he wanted to resist.

“Don’t resist, if you resist, then you should know the consequences.” Tarasha and the three of them looked at Luo Feng indifferently.

“That’s right too.” Luo Feng shook his head.

This was the territory of two universe honored ones, those two universe honored ones came here in one instant.

“Then let’s go see the legendary ice prison.” Luo Feng tilted his head to look at the source of that devouring force, the ice prison had cracked open a blackened hole that was stacked one on top of the other, as if it was a fan’s leaf.


Luo Feng’s entirety was violently swallowed and sucked into it.

“Rumble ……” layer after layer of “fan leaves” closed again, the huge icicle returned to smooth perfection, no more traces.

Since then–

Luo Feng was then imprisoned in the ice prison.

“Enjoy yourself, human!” Tarrasha coldly looked at the icicle.

“Let’s go, Tarrasha.”

“Let’s go.”

The three of them transformed into three streams of light and quickly rushed up into the sky.

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