Chapter 63 – The Great Learning

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:50:30
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The endless years of fighting in the Ice Prison have made the bottom layer, such as the “Cang Jiang Clan Life” and the “Cartouche Clan Life”, unable to see hope, and even have the thought of seeking death. However, the Soul Devouring Beast is unlikely to seek death. As for the ten great sealing kings …… that roamed the ice prison, they were arrogant and crazy, and each one of them was full of ambition!

Their strength may be worse than the five giants, but there is still hope to catch up, and naturally there is also a glimmer of hope to go out.


They frantically fought, absorbing experience and improving themselves.

“Human, it’s good that you didn’t run away when you met me.” The White Bone King’s fierce aura filled the air as he stared at Luo Feng.

“The ten sealed kings, their fame spreads far and wide, the other powerhouses in the Ice Prison will indeed run away early when they meet you, but as for me, if you don’t defeat me, how can I just run away?” Luo Feng levitated in mid air, “Haha, when you defeat me, I’ll naturally flee as fast as I can.”

“By then you won’t have a chance to escape.” White Bone King’s voice was low, echoing within his chest, as soon as the words fell, the space around him instantly solidified, it was already spatially blocked, neither side could instantly slip away.


White Bone King instantly disappeared in place, his speed was so fast that he turned into a blur of streaming light, killing directly in front of Luo Feng in mid-air.

“Wow!” Luo Feng’s wings vibrated then cut a zigzagging trajectory in mid-air, at the same time, eight black balls were suspended from the palm of his left hand, casually throwing them away, the secret pattern of laws imprinted on the eight black balls were instantly catalyzed, countless golden filaments scuttled and connected, in a flash, a beast god exuding endless domineering aura appeared in the sky and the earth.

The White Bone King’s claw tore a hole, then he turned to look at Luo Feng as well as the beast god in the distance, and laughed in a low voice, “What a fast speed, surprisingly a Zun Controller, very good.”

“Roar!” The beast god roared as it broke through the air and flew.

“Hahahaha ……” The White Bone King laughed rampantly and charged directly at the Beast God.


A bright fuzzy whip shadow and white bone king’s claw, instant hard impact, resulting in a powerful shock wave instantly tearing the surrounding snow, ice sea surface, only to see the white bone king in the recoil force also can not help but fly backwards away, the beast god is also a beat at the same time the whole figure of a beat of fuzzy followed by once again solidified.

The surrounding snow quickly recovered, the white bone king stood on the distant snow, looked up at Luo Feng: “human, I now admit, you deserve to see my true fighting form.” The voice was like thunder, rolling through heaven and earth, while the White Bone King’s entire body suddenly erupted with a terrifying aura.

One of the hideous bone spurs in his whole body even continuously contracted back into the body, while the entire god body gradually drew up, and the color of the god body was also changing, slowly shifting towards white from the previous fiery red ……. The moment the metamorphosis stops, the white bone king body becomes like white gold like silver white, body surface has a layer of twisted bone formation of “armor”, powerful breath diffusion.

“White Bone King, is this your battle form? Very good.” Luo Feng’s eyes in the distant sky were stern and scary, “Take that!”

Will burst to the limit!

The powerful will led the consciousness, controlling the thoughts, only to see the beast god in mid air become a little clearer, then roared and directly killed the white bone king below. The White Bone King, however, stood confidently in place, and when the Beast God’s tail drew in like lightning, the White Bone King swung his right claw abruptly.


The right claw caused space to be torn and distorted, but the Beast God’s tail was withdrawing this jerking chop, followed by another fierce jerk.

“Cunning fellow.” The White Bone King roared surprisingly fierce forward, his two claws instantly transformed into a phantom, the claw sets on his pair of sharp claws …… are the only piece of heavy treasure on his White Bone King, if we say that the difference between the strong people in the Ice Prison and the outside world’s strong people than the first thing is that the number of heavy treasures of the same strength is much less.

Like the White Bone King, if it is in the outside world, usually have a few pieces of heavy treasure, but in the Ice Prison only one.

But because of the life and death struggle in the ice prison, endless pressure, so that the White Bone King crazy research this dual treasure claw set …… has long been the claw set power to play to a very high point. Although only this one heavy treasure, can play the degree of power, not inferior to the outside world Xuan Tomb King and other strong people have several pieces of heavy treasure.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The White Bone King directly met the Beast God, while his claws transformed into countless phantoms, ridiculously fast, tearing through the attacks again and again ……

“Boom!” The Beast God’s tail was finally grabbed and cracked, directly collapsing away, and all eight black balls were directly collapsed away by that one person …….

“So overbearing.” Luo Feng high in the air saw that white bone king combat form rampage, by virtue of crazy sharp claw attack even positively blasted the beast god, could not help but be shocked, this white bone king’s combat power even if compared to the “black razor king” is absolutely comparable, even this crazy combat posture, even more terrifying.


The white bone king blasted the beast god and directly rushed towards Luo Feng: “Human, suffer death!”

Wow! Luo Feng’s wings revved up, a zigzagging trajectory reappeared in mid-air before Luo Feng had fled far away.

“White Bone King, you’re powerful, admire admire admire, I’m not your enemy now, so I’ll leave first, wait for the next time …… you and I will fight again.” The voice echoed in mid air, but Luo Feng fled far away.

White Bone King stopped in mid air, looked at Luo Feng fast perverted speed, could not help but roar angrily, the roar made heaven and earth tremble, then only stopped roaring, distantly looked at Luo Feng far away figure: “This human is so powerful instant burst of speed, even if it’s those five giants, no one escaped so fast …… it seems I ice Prison has one more super strong person.”

White Bone King although and Luo Feng briefly a battle, but instantly determine Luo Feng’s combat strength …… than the general seal king stronger, but instantaneous movement speed can be called “Ice Prison first”, so human, the threat is really no less than their ten seal king.

“Haha, interesting.

“The Ice Prison is even more interesting.” White Bone King is not angry but happy, long career in ice prison, he doesn’t like boring ice prison, occasionally special strong people appear in ice prison, this kind of ice prison is interesting.

After Luo Feng escaped the spatial blockade range, he drilled into the depths of the snow Then the Extreme Rainbow King appeared and directly performed an instantaneous transfer to take Luo Feng …… to the depths of a snowy area in the Eastern Ice Prison. An underground residence was easily constructed in the snowy depths.

“I still underestimated the Ice Prison powerhouses.” Luo Feng sat on a chair with a fine wine, drinking as he recalled the battle, “I thought that …… most of these powerhouses in the Ice Prison weren’t too strong when they were imprisoned, and many of them slowly grew up through endless years. I thought they didn’t have powerful heavy treasures, even if they did, I guess it was just the strongest ones that had one or two.”

“But I was wrong.”

“One heavy treasure if played well is no worse than having ten heavy treasures.” Luo Feng said darkly.

The heavy treasure that strong people use to fight, even if they have ten or eight pieces, they have to go all out in battle …… naturally they can only use one attack heavy treasure at full strength.

“And Ice Prison strongmen are different from the outside world, the pressure in the Ice Prison is even more intense, the press is even crazier, they are always desperately trying to improve themselves, and assuming they get a heavy treasure, they definitely want to study the heavy treasure thoroughly, and utilize the heavy treasure’s power to the extreme that they are capable of.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Even though strong people in the outside world would also study heavy treasures after obtaining them, but without this kind of pressure, how would they study them so frantically.”

“White bone king.”

“In terms of divine body foundation, I feel that he is only at the level of an ordinary Seal King limit. But he has a heavy treasure, and his set of claw techniques are incomparably suited to the heavy treasure, played with subtlety to the extreme, claw techniques, body techniques …… work perfectly together, almost flawless.” Luo Feng believed that this should be the White Bone King’s self created jutsu, because it would be very difficult to learn the jutsu of another strong person to reach this flawless point.

Luo Feng pondered for a long time silently nodding his head.

Ice prison powerhouses valued themselves more and could utilize heavy treasures with greater power.

Outer world powerhouses had more treasures and more means.

This was the difference between the two.

“I was wrong.”

“Ever since I realized the first stance of the Bright Moon Strategy and left Chaos City, I wasn’t in a hurry to study the Jedi.” Luo Feng secretly sighed, “But today I realized the importance of my own strength by watching the White Bone King. And a set of Jedi must also be paired with an attack heavy treasure. My supreme treasure ‘star map’ is powerful, I should create a jutsu to match the star map as soon as possible.”

銆夿right Moon Strategy銆�, for the sword technique, for the Wu Slayer Feathered Wings fighting method …… After all, Luo Feng’s strongest fighting force, the Golden Horned Beast, went for the close combat school, and having the Wu Slayer Feathered Wings couldn’t be wasted, so the creation of the 銆夿right Moon Strategy銆媍ouldn’t be slacked off.

But Luo Feng also needed another set of jutsu, a set of combat jutsu for spiritual ninja master controllers.


“Heavy treasures to treasures, genes, amplitude secret method, jedi …… have external and internal.” Luo Feng silently said, “The external I’m already strong enough to not be able to improve for now, in the Ice Prison I’ll just strengthen the internal, strengthen my own ability to utilize my strength. There’s a set of mastery that works with the star diagram, the star diagram can only utilize more heaven-defying battle power.”

The star diagram (star sermon diagram), was the most suitable supreme treasure for battle in Luo Feng’s hands!

Although the tower bead, star diagram, and wuxia feather wing were all supreme treasures, all barely crossing the threshold of supreme treasures, the three went in different directions, the wuxia feather wing was more focused on escape, the tower bead was more focused on sitting on the soul, and the star diagram was more focused on attack! A mainly used to escape the regicide wings, Luo Feng used to fight power amplitude of course not big.

But originally is used to attack the “star map”, that power is strong, play well …… is even more terrible.

After all, even if the universe of the sealed king invincible, and how many have offensive treasure?

Luo Feng in the snowy depths began to meditate, consciousness connected to the virtual universe, in the virtual universe again and again to experiment with his own secret method of combat, he did not need to simulate the “star map”, only need to create the secret method of control of the Nian force weapon again and again, get a similar Nian force weapon can be.

“I’m actually emphasizing on Nian Force Weapons.” Chaos city lord was secretly puzzled as he provided one opponent after another for Luo Feng to fight.

Before, Luo Feng was using a battle sword, but now he had turned to using a numinous weapon.

But Chaos City Lord didn’t rush to criticize Luo Feng because he knew very well that …… if he didn’t let Luo Feng stumble and suffer, then preaching wouldn’t be of much use. But the Chaos City Lord also didn’t realize …… that Luo Feng Earthling essence was indeed best suited for the school of Spiritual Numinous Masters, and even more so when he became an Immortal Deity in the future.

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