Chapter 69 – Luo Feng’s Voice Transmission

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:50:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The time flow around his powerful divine body was affected, especially the energy fluctuation caused by the talented stance that was hidden inside his body when it was performed, causing the surrounding space to tremble.

Silver white eyes, only the whites of the eyes without pupils.

Staring at Luo Feng!

“Poof!” “Poof!” “Poof!” The powerful divine power contained in those silver white eyes caused the surrounding space to explode inch by inch, and an eye surfaced on every inch of the thirty meter tall crystalline divine body of silver eyes, only to see that his entire body was densely packed with eyes everywhere, as long as the skin outside of the snow white armor was the same.

Countless snow-white eyes, but on his face was the silver-white eye with the most powerful divine power, along with a silver-colored millimetre light.


The moment he opened his eyes, that invisible divine power rushed straight into Luo Feng’s body.

“No wonder I feel this silver eye, as if there are countless eyes staring at me, it turns out that there are eyes hidden in his skin all over his body, what kind of special life is he?” Luo Feng thought so the moment he saw the silver white eyes, immediately after that the attack had entered his body, successively penetrating through the “Wufei Feather” and “General Armor”, the terrifying attack contained in this silver eye gaze was still terrifyingly strong.

The Soul Beast God roared, but it was like a breeze, unable to shake this invisible attack in the slightest.


It instantly acted on the soul.

Luo Feng instantly had fallen into an illusion.

“Even this kind of illusion wants to confuse me, break!” How heaven defying was Luo Feng’s will, he easily blasted through the illusionary realm, all the scenery around him disappeared, then he entered the endless world of mountains and water again.

“Another illusion, break.”

“Still illusionary realm, broken!”

Layer after layer of illusion, forever illusion, Luo Feng will be unshakable, crazy broken layer of illusion, but that illusion formation degree is completely able to keep up with Luo Feng crack degree, time and time again to go down …… more and more time, as if it has been plunged into the illusion of a thousand years, 10,000 years, and that endless illusion is still continue to ……

“This isn’t an ordinary illusion, I’ve never heard of such a terrifying illusion, and that ‘silver eyes’ performing that move is so bizarre, it should be his natural stance.” Luo Feng had been caught in the illusion for an extremely long time, yet he was still calm and collected, his will had been sharpened early in the life and death inheritance and was terrifyingly firm.

“Gifted stance, it’s supposed to be a move that’s hard to understand.”

“Like the Golden Horned Beast’s ‘Split’, ‘Reinforcement’, all of them are simply impossible to cultivate and obtain. This gifted stance of his is also bizarre.” Luo Feng secretly said, although he was caught in a heavy illusion that he couldn’t completely get out of, but he wasn’t in a hurry, for one thing, although it seemed like he was experiencing a long period of time, Luo Feng knew that the outside world had only passed for an instant by virtue of his senses with the Golden Horned Beast’s doppelg盲nger.

This is also Luo Feng’s will is strong, if his will is weak and he is completely affected by the illusion, then he can’t keep in touch with his doppelganger.

Silver eyes after this move, the whole body as if the crystal skin surface of the countless eyes began to quietly lurk, his forehead on the silver eyes also slowly closed, this move is a natural talent trick, once the show will cause those who are trapped in the endless cycle of reincarnation, there are two ways to break this trick.

The first is to forcefully break it by virtue of the strength of the divine power or the strength of the supreme treasure that protects the soul, Luo Feng can completely use the “tower bead” to break this move.

The second is to withstand this move, break the endless cycle of reincarnation, and can’t sink down in the middle of the process, that will have to spend an extremely long time in the illusionary realm, of course the outside world is only spent for a split second.

“Endless reincarnation.”

“If sinking to enjoy the illusionary realm wonders, natural will consciousness collapse, soul collapse, perish.”

“If the resistance to crack a heavy illusion, then incomparable loneliness and loneliness, and every moment can not be relaxed, eternal cracking illusion goes on, as if no end can be seen cracking, hundreds of millions of years of cracking, is enough to let the strong fall into despair, and ultimately sink.” Silver Eyes was quite proud of this move of his.

This move was very heaven-defying.

Definitely more terrifying than being imprisoned in an ice prison for endless years, because in the ice prison you can hide in your lair, but in the illusionary realm you can’t rest every moment, in fact, this move is also similar to the ‘life and death inheritance’ that Luo Feng had once received, it’s just that cracking the illusionary realm is less demanding on the will, whereas the life and death inheritance is the one that really forces one to the desperation of life and death, and in the later stages you can’t even think! I can’t even think about it.

The silver eyed forehead eyes had just closed with a smile on his face, but Luo Feng in mid air in the distance had already opened his eyes.

“You, you ……” Silver eyes whole body crystalline skin are hidden with eyes floating, “how can you ……”

The black armored servant next to him but exclaimed, “Impossible, except for the other four great giants, no one can resist this move, two of the other four great giants are relying on the burning of divine power at the critical moment to resist, you human, how can you resist this move.”

“How long have you spent in the Endless Illusion Reincarnation.” Silver Eyes suddenly said.

“Endless Illusion Reincarnation? Well, it’s the endless illusion realm.” Luo Feng nodded, “I’ve spent what feels like almost 10,000 eons in it.”

“Nearly 10,000 eons? In endless loneliness and tedium, not being able to have the slightest stop, you survived 10,000 epochs?” Silver eyes somewhat marveled, “Admirable admiration.”

“It’s okay.” Luo Feng smiled.

Every second during the life and death inheritance was like a year, that more than 6,000 years of boiling down felt like the edge of life and death had gone through an unknown number of times, much more terrifying than this time, in fact, this time, Luo Feng chose to completely boil down this move instead of using the tower bead, just to sharpen his will a little bit, the endless years in the illusionary realm had passed, and just came out of the illusionary realm, but Luo Feng didn’t have the slightest sense of bewilderment, instead, he was very lucid.

Those old guys in the universe, one life that existed since the birth of the universe, the endless years alone had sharpened an extremely strong will, Luo Feng naturally wouldn’t waste this rare opportunity.

“Admirable.” Silver eyes nodded, “I will no longer kill you if you can take this move from me.”

“You made me take three moves, you take one from me too.” Luo Feng grinned showing his white teeth.


One of the world rings Luo Feng was carrying with him suddenly shattered, only to see an incomparably strong aura was spreading out, a purple ancient clock was suspended at Luo Feng’s side, and the Extreme Rainbow King within the purple clock had already burned his immortal divine body …… the powerful energy generated by burning his divine body was poured into the purple clock.


Ripples visible to the naked eye, at the speed of light, quickly rushed directly towards that silver eye. This surpassed the speed of any numinous weapon attack. As for Luo Feng himself, he threw out eight stars coated with Fei Mo venom with a flip of his hand.

The speed of the magic sound was too fast for the silver eyes to dodge and they were directly hit.

“Boom!” Silver Eyes’ divine body also crumbled apart, with many cracks appearing, followed closely by healing.

However, the eight streams of light penetrated the cracked divine body and eroded it, then the eight streams of light turned and flew towards Luo Feng again.

“Let’s go.”

Luo Feng immediately grabbed the Extreme Rainbow King as soon as he threw out the eight black balls, and with a spread of his wings, his speed immediately soared to its limit and fled towards the distance.

The eight black balls also flew towards Luo Feng, this idea weapon star degree was naturally faster than Luo Feng’s flight, in a flash it flew back to Luo Feng’s palm.

“Master, he actually shaded you.” The black armored servant said angrily, “We can’t let him go.”

Silver eyes god body completely condensed, standing in mid air watching Luo Feng escaping from afar, but he revealed a smile, “I have already said that I will no longer chase him after receiving that move of mine. What’s more …… how can I chase him? He has fled far away, I can’t time stand still to make him stop, and my speed is not as good as his, how can I chase him?”

The black-armored servant was dumbfounded.

Yes, that human was the number one in speed in Ice Prison! Even the five giants could only admit defeat in this item of speed.

“Just endure it?” The black-armored servant couldn’t believe it, he had never seen his master suffer.

“I attacked him three moves and suffered one move from him, it is not a loss, but this move …… is ruthless enough.” Silver eyes sensed that hint of some damage in the divine body, but also do not care, this divine body damage are less than one thousandth.

Suddenly a voice resounded in Silver Eyes’ mind.

“Silver Eyes, don’t you really want a Virtual Universe bearer account? I see your eyes, I will give you the opportunity to get it, it is very simple …… A heavy treasure can be exchanged for a Virtual Universe Bearer Account Sensor. Three days later I’ll arrange for my subordinates to go to your place, whether to trade or not, it’s up to you.” Luo Feng’s voice echoed in his mind.

It caused the silver eyes to be stunned, looking at the human in the distance who had just flown out of the spatial blockade range and immediately instantly disappeared into thin air.

“Cunning human.”

“Greedy humans.” Silver Eyes couldn’t help but secretly say.

Although he very much wanted to get the Virtual Universe Bearer Account Sensor, could he exchange it with a piece of heavy treasure? The heavy treasure in the entire Ice Prison was very rare, fortunately, the ones who were captured in back then were not ordinary immortals, so there were only so many pieces of heavy treasure.

“Let’s go.”

Silver eyes unlocked the spatial blockade, so he brought his subordinate servants and directly instantly left.

Luo Feng and Silver eyes, both sides had left.

However, the Ice Prison powerhouses who were secretly watching from afar were shocked, that human was actually stared at by the Silver Eyes and didn’t die, this was something that even the ten great sealed kings couldn’t do. When the Ten Seal Kings encountered the five giants, they all avoided them from a distance, even preferring to burn their divine power to escape.

“The sky has turned upside down.”

“Without a doubt, this battle …… By the time the Sky Wolves rank against the Ice Prison, that human can rank sixth.”

“The strongest person under the five giants.”

The onlookers of the Ice Prison powerhouses were dumbfounded in their hearts, they couldn’t help it, and some of their close friends who often supported each other went to discuss this matter to go, this matter definitely belonged to the silent Ice Prison in a rare event.

Luo Feng and the Extreme Rainbow King directly instantly moved back to the cave deep within the snowy ground.

“Seal king invincible is really strong, master, I burned my godly body relying on the heavy treasure purple bell, surprisingly it only caused his godly body to crack, it didn’t even shatter completely. Not to mention injuring him.” The Extreme Rainbow King couldn’t help but say, “That’s outrageous.”

“His divine body base is over a hundred times yours, you can’t be much stronger than his normal form even if you burn your divine power.” Luo Feng shook his head, “I took the opportunity to use eight stars coated with Fei Mo venom, but I felt his breath, I’m afraid I didn’t even hurt one percent of it, at least I couldn’t feel a hint of his breath getting weaker.”

“That’s right, god body is strong like that, and the height of the god body is thirty meters, so much taller than a human, and the god power is majestic, that’s taking a kilogram of fermo venom, I’m afraid he can’t even die.” Luo Feng secretly said.

If it was a human sealed king invincible, going to drink a kilogram of fermo venom might die.

But silver eyes was a special being with a tall divine body, it wasn’t that easy to erode it clean.

“The last transmission I gave him, I don’t know if he’ll agree, if I can use an account that’s incredibly cheap out there, just for a heavy treasure. That’s really lucky, not to mention …… there’s a real possibility that it could work.” Luo Feng secretly thought.

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