Chapter 71 Anxiety

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:50:52
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Luo Feng secretly wondered, didn’t Chaos city master teacher let himself meet him after ten fights, now he only fought for two fights, how did Chaos city master teacher personally come, and Chaos city master wasn’t that impatient, the long years had long since made him very patient right.

“You want to create the second style?” Chaos city lord looked at Luo Feng.

“Yes.” Luo Feng respectfully said, “Disciple feels that both the first style of the Bright Moon Strategy and the Ten Thousand Star Pathfinding Diagram are not enough, so I want to create the second style.”

“You’re creating both jedi?” The Chaos City Lord continued.

“Yes.” Luo Feng didn’t hesitate for a second.

Chaos city lord frowned slightly and said in a low voice: “Have you fought in the previous days?”

“Battled twice, one was a fluke and counted as a win, the second was a loss.” Luo Feng said.

“What did you experience?” Chaos city lord asked.

“Disciple realized after these two battles that both one’s own strength and treasures, are important.” Luo Feng respectfully said, “Not enough strength, then empty treasures won’t be able to exert enough power. And if there are no treasures …… then facing the same level of opponents, you will suffer a big loss. My current treasures are okay, but my own strength is still able to progress some more!”

The vast starry sky of the cultivation field.

Luo Feng and Chaos City Lord were both standing in the starry sky, asking and answering questions.

“The battles in reality, doesn’t it make you feel that …… going in the spiritual ninja school is a waste of time?” Chaos City Lord droned lowly, his voice rumbled, directly shocking Luo Feng’s mind, but how firm Luo Feng’s will was.

“Wasting time?”

Luo Feng even shook his head, “No, instead, disciple feels a huge increase in strength, very suitable for this path!” Just kidding, he owns the “star map” which is the most precious treasure of spiritual masters that is specially used for offense, even if he creates his own secret method, I’m afraid it’s hard to win against the king sealing limit powerhouses, but with the star map, he can crush the Thunder King!

The Chaos City Lord couldn’t help but shake his head slightly as he listened.

“Give up.”

“Give up the Spiritual Numinous Master all the way, and specialize in the Martial Artist all the way.” Chaos city lord sighed longingly.

Luo Feng was stunned looking at the Chaos City Lord, after being under the Chaos City Lord’s door for so long, the Chaos City Lord had always guided himself.

“Why?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but even said, “My will is extremely strong, and I had received the inheritance of the demonic sound god general, my amplitude is extremely high. On the path of a spiritual numismatist …… can definitely go a long way.”

“But you can go even farther on the path of a martial artist!” Chaos City Lord said.

“Please speak clearly, teacher.” Luo Feng bowed.

Chaos City Lord looked at the disciple in front of him, he knew very well that with such a heart and will as Luo Feng’s, it was impossible to make him give up with a single word.

“Then I’ll tell you.” Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “First of all, you are a black martial artist! Secondly, you cultivate the Beast God Dao!”

Luo Feng listened carefully.

“Black martial artist, it’s become a legend in that Blood Luo continent!” Chaos city lord lamented, “But whenever you can become a black martial artist, then it means that your genes fit extremely well with that beast god bloodline, then the magnitude of genes you can improve with ‘beast god blood’ in the future will be even more amazing.”

“Genes, it’s the foundation. How can you fight when you’re ten, a hundred, or even a thousand times stronger just on the foundation?”

“And the Beast God that perished in the Blood Luo Continent was itself a close combat.”

“You have to remember, any spiritual ninja who goes in the beast god lineage will never make it to the top.” Chaos City Lord looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

Never be able to go to the very top?

“To go to the top and rival the existence of a beast god. Then one must be of the martial lineage!” Chaos City Lord said, “You’re a black martial artist …… naturally possessing an incomparably rare physical qualification, and cultivating so quickly on the beast god lineage, and obviously extremely gifted in enlightenment. With many talents in your body, how can you live up to them? You take the martial artist lineage …… in the future is hopeful to become the Lord of the Universe! Although it is said that this path is very difficult, it can definitely succeed, if you go blindly and indiscriminately cultivate on your own, if you want to become a lord of the universe, how slim the possibility is.”

Luo Feng stood there, silent.

“Some of the weaker groups in the universe don’t even know about these top secrets, some cultivate the beast god path and go for the spiritual ninja school, it’s really ridiculous, destined to not achieve anything. Look at that Herodo! In the end, he got stuck at the last step, and was rigidly unable to cross over.” Chaos city lord looked at Luo Feng, “Think about it, think about it and tell me the answer.”

After saying this Chaos City Lord turned around and stood in silence.

Luo Feng was also silent.

“One must take the martial lineage to hopefully become an existence comparable to a beast god?” Luo Feng said darkly, “A black martial artist, that represents an extremely high genetic fit with the beast god bloodline? That’s right, I cultivate the ‘Nine Tribulation Mysteries’, my genes have made several fundamental leaps, far exceeding normal human bloodlines, before I can finally fuse 10 blood Luo crystals.”

“How do I choose?”

“A path that was chosen for me by the Chaos City Lord’s teacher, a martial artist, following the Beast God path, and in the future, there is a chance to possibly become an existence comparable to a Beast God. That’s the Lord of the Universe!”

“One path, was set for me by Teacher Sitting Shanke, Spiritual Numinous Master, cultivating the Nine Tribulation Mysteries, as for what secret method to create it doesn’t care about me at all, just waiting for me to take charge of the Star Pagoda in the future when I’m stronger! The two major disciples under Teacher Sitting Mountain Guest’s command are both Masters of the Universe, I believe that this path to become a Master of the Universe, the hope is estimated to be even greater, and there is also one of the strongest supreme treasures, the ‘Star Tower’.”

“How do I choose?”

Luo Feng’s mind skimmed over many scenes.

“Haha, what’s the bitterness!”

“Since both paths have the hope of becoming a universe lord, then I’ll take both paths!” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, “I’m different from that Buran, Buran is distracted by two laws. And I study the same beast god path, only one is the beast god path of a martial artist, and one is the beast god path of a spiritual mind master.”

“Cultivating both at the same time also helps me study the ‘beast god way’ more.” Luo Feng secretly said.

In the vast starry sky.

Chaos city lord turned his back to Luo Feng and stood in the void for a long time.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng was respectful.

“Decided?” Chaos city lord’s voice was calm.

“Decided.” Luo Feng’s eyes were bright, “Disciple has decided to cultivate both the martial lineage and the spirit lineage! If disciple is really wrong in the future, then I will give up one vein.”

“Since you’ve decided, I won’t say any more, I’ll see how far you …… can go with the same cultivation as a martial artist and spiritual ninja.” Chaos City Lord turned his head and also looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also looked at his teacher.

Eyes facing each other, but Luo Feng didn’t have the slightest bit of cowardice.

“Very well.” Chaos city lord nodded slightly, “It’s fine to be wrong, but you must stick to your heart and give it your all.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng nodded.

“Then you can continue creating jedi, I’ll arrange an opponent for you for your jedi’s shortcomings.” The Chaos City Lord finished speaking and disappeared.

Luo Feng couldn’t help but kneel down, “Thank you teacher.”

This kneeling is from the bottom of his heart, even though he disobeyed him, Chaos city lord still encouraged and supported himself, while he created his secret techniques, Chaos city lord even went out of his way to arrange for one opponent after another, this is in fact a very exhausting thing to do, perhaps Chaos city lord’s teacher valued cultivating himself because of his clan, but no matter what, Chaos city lord treated himself with great kindness!

If you have a favor, you must remember it in your heart! If you have the ability and the opportunity, you will definitely repay it!

“Let’s start!”

Luo Feng disappeared with a shake of his body, while a majestic golden horned beast appeared in midair, still following the old route, first creating the Bright Moon Strategy, then the Ten Thousand Star Pathfinding Diagram.

Far away in a remote place in the universe, within the Ice Prison Star Belt of the Wuhua Mysterious Realm, in the Ice Prison.

In front of one of the five giants “silver eyes”, Luo Feng first cracked the “death finger”, then he even overcame the “silver eyes”, and finally, he even fled away. This news is naturally in the ice prison began to spread up, but the ice prison does not have advanced point of transmission method, even Luo Feng’s large detector are subject to “ice prison” interference can understand …… set up an internal virtual world is very unrealistic.

The communication is backward!

The strongest and the strongest have grudges, and even meet is to kill, only some close friends, or similar strength will occasionally meet. So this news dissemination speed is also extremely slow, even after half a year, the entire Ice Prison is less than one-third of the strong know this message.

Southern ice prison, in the endless snow there is a lofty palace standing, in the palace around the insertion of a block of ice, these blocks of ice randomly inserted in the various places around the palace, each ice block on the carving of the Demon Race text, is obviously a period of ice prison ranking.

This palace …… undoubtedly lives in the entire Ice Prison is a very special one of the existence of the sky wolf!

Sky Wolf, one of the five giants!

At the same time, he is also the compiler of the ranking, but also the entire Ice Prison temperament is one of the best, it is said that the Demon Race Royal Clan in the “Heavenly Wolf” is very ferocious, but one of the giants of the “Heavenly Wolf” but rarely kill, his temperament is good… …has been recognized for a long time. But if he was messed with, he would also kill, after all, being ranked among the top five giants was also forged by some shocking battles in the Ice Prison.

“Master, it looks like the rankings are changing again.”

“There’s a new battle happening?”

Palace that ice cast incomparably huge throne, is coiled about more than ten kilometers long like a mountain range of demons, it has a whole body with snow-white hair, the tip of the hair is a hint of gold, so that it has a layer of hidden golden light shrouded as if it, it has three strange secret lines on the forehead of the head, as if the three knife scars.

He was the Sky Wolf!

“Yes, it’s a human fighting with the Running Thunder King, and a human fighting with Silver Eyes.” At the bottom of the great hall stood five servants, these five servants however were all scale-armored monsters, with a strength of the Feudal Marquis level, which were brought in when Skywolf was imprisoned back then.


The towering Sky Wolf perched on the throne suddenly raised its head, that turquoise oil ferocious light looking down, “Where is the human? Hurry and find that human, hurry!”

“Master, it’s been half a year since this battle.” The five servants froze.

“Most half a year?”

Sky Wolf let out a burst of angry low roar, when the human just appeared in the Ice Prison, Silver Eyes and so on was open to find, he Sky Wolf also secretly sent his men to find the human, but a long time did not find and then gave up. I did not expect to finally get the news this time, but it was half a year ago.

“Can’t go on like this.” Sky Wolf suddenly stood up, four hooves stood on the entire throne, endless pressure filled down, scared those five servants each kneeling down.

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