Chapter 8: The Morning Mixer King

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:48:06
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Luo Feng looked carefully, there were two groups of powerful foreign race immortals over the swamp in the distance, one group had a large number, one group had a small number, in the group with a large number there were two particularly conspicuous “mechanical race people”, both wearing black battle armor, surrounded by other foreign race King Seal Immortals, obviously of extraordinary status.

“Unfortunately, I don’t recognize them.” Even though Luo Feng had collected a lot of information, he was more of an expert on the “foreign race sealed kings on the Amazing Sacrifice Continent”.

As for the Star Tower ……

Hundreds of thousands of foreign race sealed kings, many of them were from other camps, so it wasn’t easy to gather information.

“The other side.” Luo Feng swept his gaze.

A group with a small number …… of just six alien sealed kings, but it seemed that from the stalemate between the two sides, from the eyes and the aura that naturally flowed out, it was possible to judge that the side with a small number had the upper hand instead.

“It’s him!” Luo Feng fiercely stared at one of the six foreign race sealed kings in the distance, that was exceptionally powerful aura, no less than the pale gold king, heavy arrow king’s ugly face, about three meters tall, his whole body was full of black horny layer, his face also had eight soft black tentacles hanging down from the edge of his face, the pair of horny layer squeezed under the small eyes shot out a ghostly cold cold aura.

He, the Ba Legacy Clan, the Skeleton Needle King.

In the entire seventh battlefield of the extraterrestrial battlefield is extremely famous, but the fame is not because he is a king limit powerhouse, nor is it because he comes from the powerful ethnic group “Ba Legacy Race”, but because …… he is a soul slave, controlled by the mother emperor of the insect race, an immortal. If he’s here, it means his master is here as well!

“Insect mother emperor immortal.” Luo Feng’s heart tightened, “Southern Punishment!”

South punishment, is that insect race mother emperor immortal once reported a name by himself, in the insect race, there is no marquis king saying, that mother emperor immortal naturally also called south punishment alone, and there is no south punishment king called …… can the entire seventh battlefield …… the vast majority of strong men Understand the information will be collected to her, because she is the insect race mother emperor immortal!

“Mother Emperor ‘South Punishment’, under the control of Seal King Limit and Seal King Peak there are a number of them, among them Ba Legacy Race’s Skeleton Needle King, is one of the strongest defenses under her control, so usually usually it is South Punishment that acts, and that Mother Emperor South Punishment and her Immortal Bug Race Legion, is in the World Ring. ” Luo Feng secretly said, “No wonder the mechanical race side is so strong and still suppressed ……”

Luo Feng then realized that this was the Star Tower! The highest level of battle place in the entire seventh battlefield of the extraterrestrial battlefield, like on the Amazing Ritual continent it’s hard to find a Seal King limit powerhouse, it’s also hard to find a peak Seal King who specializes in soul attacks. But in the Star Tower …… there are many Seal King peaks from billions of ethnic groups, and Seal King Limits and Seal King peaks that specialize in soul attacks, although few, there are quite a few.

There are even some extremely terrifying existences!

Mother Emperor “South Punishment”…… and other similar existences, because of the race, treasures and other reasons, the strength is very powerful, is close to the Seal King invincible. However, compared to the level of “True Diffusion King”, which is comparable to an ordinary Universe Exalted, it is still slightly worse than the real Seal King Invincible. Mother Emperor South Punishment and other existences, called “universe honored under invincible”, but facing the universe honored …… that would be dumbfounded, no resistance.

From this we can see the gap between the Mother Emperor Nan Pun and the True Diffusion King.

But in the “seventh battlefield of the extraterritorial battlefield”, the mother emperor south punishment has been considered one of the top of the existence of the true Diffusion King, the existence of the universe of hundreds of millions of communities are very rare, the number of rare, are looking for the opportunity to cross into the venerable level …… not many will enter the extraterritorial battlefield, because in the extraterritorial battlefield of the right, the universe of the right, the universe of the right. Battlefield, because in the Extraterrestrial Battlefield is not challenging for them.


The mechanical race camp side, the insect race camp side, and Luo Feng alone, all three sides were suspended in mid air, while checking out the entire forbidden space, looking for an exit.

Luo Feng didn’t bother to get close, after all, those two parties were their own rival camps and would strike at any time, so why bother getting close?

“You are the Blade River King?” A hoarse voice rang out.

Luo Feng turned his head to look, the one who spoke was the taller of the group of alien immortals in the mechanical race camp, with a discus like face, and a big black mouth, from a human perspective, such a look appeared honest and naive, this honest and naive alien powerhouse was looking at Luo Feng with a smile on his face.

“Who are you?”

Luo Feng looked at him.

“Me, the Morning Mixer King, the good brother of the Purple Bell King.” The Morning Mixer King grinned.

“King Zi Zhong’s brother?” Luo Feng frowned at him, he hadn’t gathered this when he was gathering information on the Purple Bell King, but the Morning Mixer King and Purple Bell King were both from the Mechanical race camp, so maybe they really did have a bit of a connection.

Next to the Mechanical Race camp of the other alien sealed kings and immortals, are happy to watch the fun, although they are wary of Luo Feng …… but no matter whether it is them, or the Insect Race side, they all have the qualification to look down on Luo Feng! In terms of absolute strength, their two sides were truly powerful.

“Good brother of the purple bell king, you have something?” Luo Feng looked at him.

“Blade River King.”

The Morning Mixer King snorted, “Quite arrogant, but you have to understand, this is the Star Tower, not that Amazing Ritual Continent, in the Star Tower …… especially here, no matter if it’s in front of us on one side or in front of the insect race on the other side, you, the Knife River King, don’t have the slightest qualification to be arrogant! ”

“Haha ……” A burst of laughter came from the side.

Laughter came from the Mechanical Race side of the camp, and the Insect Race side was also watching from the sidelines.

Luo Feng saw this but frowned slightly, he felt that the mechanical race camp was very hostile towards him, especially this Morning Mixer King, he was even more contemptuous as well as murderous towards him …… When he was in the Amazing Sacrifice Continent, he killed the Purple Bell King, and then killed 13 Seal Kings in a row, and he became famous by stepping on the mechanical race camp. It was understandable that these Mechanical Race camp powerhouses were hostile towards themselves.

“I have no qualifications to be arrogant in front of the two camps, and I’m not arrogant, but you, a little Morning Mixer King, are also arrogant in front of me?” Luo Feng snorted.

“You’re looking for-” the Morning Mixer King roared, but his voice came to an abrupt end.

Only to see a tall figure suddenly appear on the side of the silver armored and silver winged Luo Feng in the distance, it was the tall and thin man wearing a black mask, that powerful aura …… could definitely be comparable to the strongest person in this forbidden space on the insect side and the mechanical side.

“Heavy Arrow King!”

“It’s the Heavy Arrow King!”

“The aura is so strong, it’s his perfect state.”

“The Heavy Arrow King who fell into slumber, in such a short period of time, fully recovered his strength?” Both the mechanical race camp and the insect race camp were shocked.

Previously, even though they valued Luo Feng they didn’t put too much in their eyes, but now the mechanical race camp and insect race camp, the strongmen of these two sides were all alert in their hearts, even the strongmen of the mechanical race camp who had snickered before, their smiles were converged, no longer that disdainful and arrogant, they all felt threatened!

To be able to let the sleeping Heavy Arrow King, restore perfect strength, have to pay more than 100 billion hybrid units! This wealth alone …… could illustrate Luo Feng’s threat!

Moreover, Luo Feng and the Heavy Arrow King teaming up …… was even worse!

“Morning Mixed King, recognize your position.” Luo Feng looked at him coldly, then stopped looking at him.


Heavy Arrow King stood behind him respectfully.

“Heavy Arrow, remember, don’t reveal that you have a purple bell, you possessing a purple bell …… is one of my major cards.”

Luo Feng’s consciousness exchanged words.

“Understood.” Heavy Arrow King consciousness responded.

The seal king limit was terrifying.

A seal king limit that possessed a purple bell was even more terrifying! Just look at the Purple Clock King, who was just a peak Seal King with a Purple Clock. …… He had destroyed two Seal King Limits. The current Heavy Arrow King is a Fengwang limit with a purple clock. ……

“Hmph.” Luo Feng glanced at the two parties in the distance, he knew very well that in the world of the strong …… proper display of strength was a way to earn respect. And if one kept a low profile, they would only be bullied. The fact that even the peak Seal King “Morning Mixer King” came to shit and piss on his own head was a clear proof of this.


“I’ve reached the exit.”


Wow! Wow!

Groups of strong people from both camps, immediately flew towards the distance, Luo Feng and the Heavy Arrow King also flew towards the distance, the exit passage was the closest to the insect race side, Luo Feng was also relatively close, the mechanical race camp side in the other direction was the farthest.

The three forces, all flew towards that exit.

“Blade River King …… I, the Mechanical Race side and the Insect Race side go in first, you’d better stay behind.”

The Morning Mixer King transmitted his voice and droned.

Luo Feng turned his head towards the back, but Chen Mixed King was flying along with a large group of other alien sealed kings, there was a hint of pleasure in Chen Mixed King’s eyes, before he was embarrassed by Luo Feng holding back …… but now he said these words at the right time, status determines the order, the stronger the strength of the status, the stronger the status, naturally the first to leave.


Luo Feng turned his head and the Heavy Arrow King continued to fly towards the exit.

“Blade River King!” The Morning Mixer King’s face froze, then he was filled with rage, so he roared in anger.

“Seek death!”

Luo Feng turned his head violently.


Heavy Arrow King is a direct action, violently a reversal straight pounced on Morning Mixer King, the distance between the two is not too far, a forward flying, a backward pouncing …… instant contact.

At this time the heavy arrow king hands each hold a scimitar, scimitar edge hidden with a hint of purple halo.



Two flashes of moonlight passed by, slicing through the Morning Mixer King’s divine body, the Morning Mixer King’s divine body was sliced into three sections, and there was originally a hint of gloating in his eyes, “Without burning the Immortal Divine Body, it’s impossible for the Seal King Limit to kill me, and as soon as you make your move you’re a provocateur, and by the time the Mechanical Race’s two Seal Kings make their move, it’s your time to die!”

“Ah!” Immediately following the Morning Mixer King’s eyes had a trace of panic and unwillingness, both curved blades were coated with Fei Mo venom, directly causing the Morning Mixer King’s divine body to erode and completely disintegrate into oblivion.

Morning Mixer King …… perished!

Insect race side, mechanical race side, two large groups of foreign race immortals stagnant look at the Morning Mixer King divine body completely disintegrated, they can not think of home …… Morning Mixer King this king peak so dead?

Only to see the heavy arrow king holding a double curved sword indifferently looked at the armor and weapons left behind after the death of the Morning Mixer King, coldly said, “Those who insult my master, die!”

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