Chapter 82 – The Land of Transmission

Release Date: 2024-07-12 00:51:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

On the day he obtained the Beast God inheritance order, Luo Feng had just told his teacher, King Zhen Yan, and King Zhen Yan immediately set off to leave Chaos City, arriving at the primordial secret realm on the same day.

Primordial secret realm, centralized teleportation place.

Luo Feng who was covered in black battle armor and boots and King Zhen Yan who was covered in golden battle armor flew down side by side from the hatch of an airship high up in the sky and landed directly on that vast void land, a large number of teleportation passages were constructed on this land and by casting godly teleportation here, there was no fear of being probed by other powerhouses for godly coordinates.

“Teacher, we are incomparably far from that inheritance land here.” Luo Feng inquired, “Do you have the coordinates of a token closer to that inheritance land?”

“The closest token coordinates to the inheritance land is also a billion light years away.” True Diffusion King said.

“That far?” Luo Feng was surprised, any faster ship would have to fly for over a year in the dark universe.

“I have a servant whose token coordinates are quite a bit closer, it takes half a year to get there by spacecraft.” Luo Feng said, then with a wave of his hand, an alien creature full of scaly armor and a thin film on his face appeared next to him, this was what caught the attention of some other human powerhouses on this void continent.

“That’s the True Diffusion King.”

“The True Diffusion King actually left Chaos City, how is that possible?”

“It really came out.”

“Who is the one next to the True Diffusion King? A black battle armor ……”

“Could it be the Blade River King, rumors are saying that the Blade River King is Luo Feng, this could be very big. You see that black armored man and the True Diffusion King seem to have a good relationship, you know Luo Feng is the True Diffusion King’s disciple. And we’ve never seen this black armored man …… breath pressure and that powerful, it’s very likely that it’s the Knife River King who put away the supreme treasure feathers!”

The murmurs were small, but those human powerhouses intentionally didn’t screen out their voices, obviously deliberately trying to let Luo Feng hear them, using this to see Luo Feng’s reaction.

Luo Feng and the True Diffraction King looked at each other.

“Their guesses were really accurate.” True Difficulty King transmitted a voice, a hint of teasing in his eyes, “Apprentice, this fame you have now is not ordinary.”

“It’s not surprising to guess, many have guessed that the Blade River King is Luo Feng, and there are also rumors that my greatest treasure is that silver feather.” Luo Feng transmitted his voice helplessly, “And there are only so many strong people in the human community, most of them know each other, suddenly an unknown one popped up and is close to you, teacher, and I’m similar to an earthling in this size, it’s not strange for them to guess.”

“Haha, your trouble is not small.” True Diffusion King teased.

“Whatever, being famous isn’t necessarily a bad thing.” Luo Feng looked at the servant next to him and ordered, “Divine kingdom teleportation.”


The alien servant immediately began to activate divine kingdom teleportation, buzzing …… a turquoise blue as if seawater like mongrel light enveloped the surroundings, and Luo Feng and True Diffractor King, who were enveloped by this light, could vaguely see this mongrel light connecting to the vast world on the other side of the end of the passageway, and that was the alien servant’s divine kingdom.


Luo Feng, True Diffraction King, and the alien servant disappeared at the same time.

Using the divine kingdom as a transit, they soon arrived at a secluded place that was infinitely far from the human territory, a “star” in a starry sky in a remote part of the universe.

“This servant of yours is interesting, hiding the token inside a star,” he said.

“There are countless stars in the universe, and stars are so big and have such strong energy fluctuations, hiding a token is indeed a good place.”

Master and disciple, a golden light and a black light broke through the air side by side and flew out from inside the star.

“Apprentice, what is the limit speed of your ship?” True Diffusion King asked.

“Limit speed 72 times the speed of light in the dark universe.” Luo Feng said helplessly, “There was originally a biological ship with 80 times the speed of light, but it was taken away by that universe venerable.”

“You’re ruthless, you can mess with Venerable Cyan Kou.” True Difficulty King shook his head and laughed, before the two met in the primordial secret realm they talked for a long time, True Difficulty King also asked Luo Feng how he got the beast god inheritance order, Luo Feng also roughly said it, even though he hid some of the important messages, but the Qingjiakou venerable one and so on were directly saying it.

“My ship is nearly 90 times the speed of light instead.” True Walking King laughed, “Haha, finally something to be proud of.”

“Nearly 90 times the speed of light?” Luo Feng was surprised.

The True Diffusion King waved his hand.

A ship that appeared streamlined and resembled a shuttle shape at first glance appeared in the starry sky, its body a dazzling golden color.

“Master.” The golden shuttle-type airship, however, issued a voice, “You finally used me, how many years has it been since I’ve been able to fly in the dark universe to my heart’s content.”

“This is metal life.” True Diffusion King smiled and explained, “Since I entered Chaos City, I haven’t been able to bring him out for a long time, let’s go, let’s go in.”

The hatch opened.

Luo Feng and True Diffusion King entered this shuttle ship, then the shuttle ship turned into a golden light, its speed rapidly soared and soon reached the speed of light into the dark universe. After entering the dark universe it was even more crazily accelerated, and its speed continued to climb ……

“89 times, 90 times, 91 times, oh, can’t accelerate, hahaha, over 91 times the speed of light.” The joyful voice of that metal life echoed in the spaceship.

A cute girl avatar also surfaced on the control console of the spaceship, screaming there.

“Girl?” Luo Feng who was sitting on the sofa with a wine glass sprayed out a mouthful of wine directly.

True Difficulty King glared and drank at the console, “Wasn’t it an old man image before?”

“Repressed for billions of years, old becomes young, male becomes female, can’t it?” The intelligent life screamed.

“Haha ……” Luo Feng but laughed, “Teacher ah teacher, you suffocated the intelligent life for so long, it’s only strange if it doesn’t change a bit.”

True Diffusion King shook his head and glared in anger.

Interstellar travel away was very boring, the outside scenery was always the same, at first Luo Feng was still chatting with teacher Zhen Yan, but when a big drunkenness came, both of them went back to their respective cabins and started to slowly retreat, even though the spaceship was fast, it would take as long as four months to arrive at the inheritance land.

In the cabin, the Demon Slayer Clan’s bilocation was in the cabin, while the Earthling’s original self had returned to the inner world to start practicing the Nine Tribulation Mysteries.

In the inner world.

On the endless prairie, the breeze blew, causing countless green grasses to bend, Luo Feng looked up at the lofty golden horned beast in the distance.

“The third metal plate of the Nine Tribulation Mysteries, my harvest is really great.” Luo Feng was filled with joy.

When he got the first two metal plates, he only got the first, second, and fifth secret methods, and there were vacancies in the other six secret methods.

But when the third metal plate was obtained to pounce on it, it was just enough to complete the third and fourth robberies, so …… Luo Feng could cultivate three more robberies in a row in one breath.

“The first robbery is for the genes to reach three times what they were before. The second robbery is to reach six times, the third robbery is 12 times, the fourth robbery is 24 times, and the fifth robbery is 48 times.” Luo Feng looked distantly at the golden horned beast in the distance, in the two thousand years since he was trapped in the ice prison, the golden horned beast had long since succeeded in its cultivation.

But with the cultivation, Luo Feng realized a big problem!

The golden horned beast itself was genetically powerful, 10 times more powerful than humans.

Now also cultivating this heaven defying mastery “Nine robberies secret code” the first five robberies, so that this Golden Horned Beast …… gene level is a full 480 times that of a human! This is a very heaven-defying data, many special beings are not as heaven-defying as this, no matter whether it’s the Mistletoe, Silver Eyes, it’s just about a hundred times that of a human being.

“480 times …… how heaven defying.” Luo Feng secretly sighed, “That is to say when I become an immortal deity, the base limit of a human’s normal divine body for sealing a king is 100,000 times the battle power of a realm lord, but the golden horned behemoth can easily reach 48 million times the power of a realm lord.”

“Many special beings aren’t this strong.”

Special beings, in general, were about a hundred times human genes, and the weakest special beings had to be ten times human genes.

Very few life gene levels can exceed 500 times.

Extremely rare can exceed 1000 times or even thousands of times.

The more heavenly, the rarer the number, while the number of special beings with lower genes is more, like the number of koalas is quite a lot, on the contrary, like the “Beast God”, like the godly body of the Sitting Mountain Guest, is really too heavenly, and each of them is just the only one in the universe.

“I guessed that as the genetic level of life gets stronger, the role of blood Luo force will decrease.” Luo Feng secretly sighed, “Back then, blood Luo force could make the right hoof and claw a hundred times stronger, making the body’s overall total strength 10 times stronger.”

“But ……”

“Blood Luo force, after all, is not omnipotent.”

“It can strengthen humans, it can strengthen Golden Horned Beasts. However, can it strengthen beings at the level of a Beast God? Blood Luo force is originally the essence energy contained in the blood of a beast god.” Luo Feng secretly said, when the genetic level of the body’s life was low, the effect of blood Luo force was very obvious.

But if it was against a life level like Sitting Mountain Guest, against some heaven defying special life that was unique in the universe, I’m afraid that blood Luo force wouldn’t be of any use at all!

The same reasoning applies.

The Golden Horned Beast cultivated the unique “Nine Tribulation Mysteries”, which was already comparable to special beings, reaching 480 times the genetic level. When the Golden Horned Beast drives the blood Luo force in its body again …… there is still a role, but the role is obviously much weaker.

“The Golden Horned Beast’s right hoof and claw is still strong, but the right hoof and claw is only equivalent to 2 times the power of the whole body.” Luo Feng secretly said, back then it was fully equivalent to 10 times the power of the whole body, but now it’s only 2 times, and ever since he succeeded in cultivating the third heist, Luo Feng realized that the power of the right hoof claw reached its limit and could no longer be raised.

The fourth robbery, the fifth robbery, could not raise the right hoof claw power, the right hoof claw had reached a limit.

“Once you drive the blood Luo power and increase it by two times, the Golden Horned Beast’s body genetic base exceeds 1000 times.” Luo Feng secretly said, “This is very rare amongst special beings, I should be content. Keep cultivating, the Nine Tribulation Mysteries is worthy of being a heavenly secret method that must be endured by a heavenly soul crystal but is still restricted by the laws of the universe’s functioning so that only the only ones can cultivate it.”

As the cultivation became stronger, the power of the Nine Tribulation Mysterious Canon gradually unfolded.

Four months later.

“Apprentice, apprentice, we’ll be arriving at the Inheritance Land soon, hurry up and come out.” True Diffusion King’s voice came.

The Inheritance Land, arrived!

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