Chapter 12: Enlightenment

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:23:14
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The city lord’s mansion was vast and vast, with an internal building that covered an area of a thousand miles.

The black robed messenger led Luo Feng and the other 12 people in a corridor that was about 60 meters wide and 120 meters high, only to see that on both sides of this corridor, it was surprising to see a tall bronze colored gate, each giant bronze gate was about 160 meters long and 120 meters high, and there were ancient and simple inscriptions on each of the bronze gates.

“Mother Ancestor” “Giant Axe” “Dragon Walking”……

And in front of each bronze gate stood an old man with a charitable face.

The weird thing was!

The old man in front of each bronze giant door looked exactly the same.

“There are a total of 52 gates here, which are the entrances to the 52 Chaos Monument secret chambers.” The black robed messenger smiled, “In front of you is the door to the Nine Yu Chaos Monument’s cultivation chamber, well, here it is.”

Luo Feng looked at the huge bronze gate in front of him.

The ancient bronze gate that had existed for hundreds of millions of years had the two universes common language Yu “Nine Yu” on it, the ancient gate that was 120 meters tall made people look up! Next to the bronze gate stood an old man with a vertical eye in the center of his eyebrow, looking exactly like every other old man in front of the same gate.

“Lord Kandri.” The black-robed messenger bowed.

“Hm.” This three eyed old man smiled as he looked at Luo Feng and the others in front of him, “A new batch of little ones from the virtual universe company?”


The black robed messenger was incomparably respectful, then turned to look at Luo Feng and the others, “This is Lord Kandri, the guardian of the Chaos Monument Cultivation Chamber, these 52 Chaos Monument Cultivation Chambers in front of the door …… are all one of Lord Kandri’s doppelgangers.

Lord Kandri has been guarding the 52 secret chambers for over a million epochs and is a respected powerhouse in our Chaos City.”


A group of young people looked at the seemingly ordinary and charitable-faced three-eyed old man in front of them in shock, but it turned out that the one guarding the 52 secret chambers of cultivation was the same person’s doppelganger. As one of the Three Treasures of Chaos, the importance of the 52 Chaos Monuments could be imagined, letting a person manifest 52 doppelg盲ngers to guard them, how strong did this person have to be? And guarding surprisingly more than a million epochs ……

The master of the Meteorite Ink Star, Hu Yan Bo, had only lived for more than six thousand epochs.

“Lord Kandri.” Luo Feng and the other 12 people all bowed respectfully.

“Hehe, how young, to see you all is to see the hope of the human race.” Kandri smiled and nodded, “You guys wait a bit, a batch of enlightenment participants inside will come out soon.”

“Yes.” Luo Feng and the other twelve obeyed obediently.

“How perverted, Chaos city deserves to be the holy land of cultivation for the cosmic human race, strong people and perverts lurking, all of a sudden I ran into an old monster who guarded the cultivation chamber for a million eons.” Babata exclaimed, “Your teacher is stronger than you and has lived longer than you, yet he hasn’t seen as many strong people as you have. The circles are different, the people you see are different.”

The master of the meteorite ink star, after all, was a solo traveler, it was rare to run into a cosmic kingdom lord.

Although Luo Feng was weak, he entered the core layer of the Virtual Universe Corporation and had the opportunity to come into contact with some of the peak incredible existences of the Cosmic Human Race.

“Lord Kandri, Lord Kandri.” A shout rang out.


The ape youth with a gold hoop on his head and combat boots emitting a brawny aura all over his body instantly appeared in front of the bronze gate, even saluted respectfully to Kandri, then looked at Luo Feng and the others, he couldn’t help but smile with a wide brow, “Lord Kandri, it seems that I came coincidentally, I was able to go in with them to participate in the enlightenment, if you’re slow to take a step, you’ll have to wait for another seven days.”

“Oh, you made a breakthrough?” Kandri smiled as he looked at this ape-man youth.

“Well, successfully passed the sixth layer of the test, another seven days of enlightenment opportunity.” The ape man youth even said.

Kandri closed his eyes for a few seconds, then opened them and nodded, “Well, you did add seven more days of enlightenment opportunities.”


Luo Feng in the crowd next to him secretly said, “The first time you enter Chaos City, you can get a seven day enlightenment opportunity. Now it looks like …… seems to fulfill some conditions and pass some tests to get another opportunity to enlightenment.” How to get another chance to enlighten the chaos monument, Luo Feng they don’t understand it now, but I believe they will soon, after all, they will stay in Chaos city for 30 years.

Waiting quietly.

Around five or six minutes or so, “Rumble ……” the entire bronze gate began to slowly open, the cultivation chamber inside was dazzled with chaotic air currents, it was impossible to see the interior for a while.

“All come out!” Kandri looked inside and drank in a low voice.

The voice into that cultivation chamber constantly echoed, soon the chaos air current a person then quickly flew out, many are covering the head there is a tall and sturdy forehead part has six eyes of the youth, but also unwillingly look back, but still can only choose to leave.

“Thirteen of you, now go in.” Kandri looked at the group of people in front of him, “After seven days, when the door opens, you will come out immediately, understand?”


A group of people nodded their heads.

“Uh-huh.” Kandri nodded “Go in.”

With a kind of apprehensive nervousness, the group of people immediately entered it one by one.

The cultivation chamber was huge, chaotic air currents surrounded it.

Luo Feng carefully looked towards the inside, he could vaguely see a huge stone monument surrounded by chaotic air currents, “That’s the Nine Yu Chaos Monument?” Luo Feng was a little expectant and a little nervous, the other 11 young men were all the same, only the ape youth very skillfully scurried into the depths of the secret room and immediately began to comprehend.

It was only when they got close to the chaos stele that they could see it clearly.

This was a Chaos Monument that was a hundred meters tall and nearly a hundred meters wide, with nine pictures on it, and on the edge of the Chaos Monument there was also the universal language text of the Universe – “Nine Universes”, each picture was exactly the same as the one of the Nine Universes Chaos Monument that he had seen earlier on the mural of the corridor , but it felt distinctly different.

The nine pictures on the entire Nine Yu Chaos Stele, I had seen the drawings before, so I knew it already.

In the first picture, there were a few scattered raindrops, but after carefully counting them, one could realize that there were a total of nine raindrops!

The second picture, is a gentle rain, a careful count, that gentle rain on the map a total of 36 raindrops.

The third picture, is the rainstorm map, a large number of raindrops dense, carefully counted a total of 108 raindrops.

The fourth picture, is a star map, a planet has four satellites around.

The fifth picture, is a star system map, a star, with 12 planets around, each planet has more or less satellites.

The sixth picture, is a river of stars, densely countless planets form a vast river of stars, even before Luo Feng watched the picture, once let Baba Towers carefully to count, but simply can not count how many planets in the end, because there are some places vaguely, seems to have a lot of planets, but can not be counted at all.

The seventh picture, painted like a strange monster.

The eighth picture was of two strange beasts that were still strange and unimaginable.

In the ninth picture, the drawing was of countless strange and weird beasts that could not be counted at all.

If this first picture – the sixth picture, Luo Feng could still vaguely understand it and feel that the first six pictures of this Nine Universes Chaos Tablet were vaguely elaborating on the supreme origin dao, then the seventh picture at the very end – the ninth picture – was just too abstract! It was too abstract.

Luo Feng felt that it was purely a portrait of a strange beast, where did it contain any origin laws, it was too abstract.


52 Chaos tablets, is the entire universe human race supreme treasure, realize any of the chaos tablets, become a universe kingdom lord is easy. Since it was recognized by countless powerhouses …… then the seventh to ninth diagrams were naturally the ones that truly contained unbelievable wonders, it was purely because Luo Feng’s strength was so poor that he didn’t even have the slightest subconscious feeling.

Luo Feng before looking at that picture, also saw the “Nine Yu Chaos Monument” picture, but at this moment to see the real Chaos Monument ……

Especially when looking at the first picture “raindrop picture”, the whole person instantly spiritual consciousness is completely immersed in it, the nine raindrops in Luo Feng’s consciousness to derive an infinite meaning, to know Luo Feng has three bodies, because all three bodies have a consciousness carrier, such as the consciousness carrier of the earthlings is the soul in the sea of consciousness.

The consciousness carrier of the Golden Horned Beast was the soul within the protocore.

The consciousness carrier of the Demon Slayer Race’s doppelganger is that life crystal nucleus.

Because the three were one again, the consciousness was shared.

So when Luo Feng saw it, naturally the other two bodies in the inner space also equaled to see it.

“Roar ……” in the eyes of the Golden Horn Beast, the nine raindrops seem to be transformed into a harsh hoof and claw, as if it is a tail whistling and as if it is a ruthless golden horn shooting ……

The devil kills the tribe split “black Luo Feng”, holding a shield and sword, the body of the life core slightly rotating, completely and space origin, in his feeling, the nine raindrops completely into a move contains space origin law of the sword attack, as a space favorite, the devil kills the tribe split can’t help but display the sword law.

And nine Yu Chaos Monument in front of the Earthling’s original, see those nine raindrops ……

But vaguely saw nine different moods, as if transformed into nine golden swords constantly making combinations for wave after wave of offensive frenzy ……

Being good at different things, what you see is different.

However, all the different paths lead to the same thing!

Can become the Chaos City’s supreme treasure, the entire universe human race’s supreme treasure, one of the “Nine Yu Chaos Tablet” is indeed infinite in its wonders, which contains the breath rules, can unconsciously guide others to enlightenment to improve, because of its preciousness, so come to enlightenment of a lot of people, that’s why it is limited to the first time to come to the Chaos City can be a chance to enlightenment, as to the later on, one would have to rely on one’s own enlightenment.

Resources are limited.

Only the truly strong will be given the opportunity to participate in enlightenment once, twice, and three …… times. Each time it was only for seven days!

Luo Feng and the other 13 people in the cultivation chamber were completely immersed in it, not even noticing the passage of time.

“Rumble ……” the giant bronze door rumbled open, the 13 people were still engrossed and didn’t wake up.

“All come out!”

A voice came in and directly poured into each person’s mind.

“All come out!”

“All come out!”

“All come out!”

“All come out!”

The sound kept echoing in their minds getting louder and louder and louder, which caused everyone to instantly wake up, the sound that kept echoing and booming in their minds caused Luo Feng to cover his head.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, 13 people rushed towards the outside, the moment they rushed out of the threshold, the voice that kept echoing in their minds instantly disappeared, which caused a burst of relief.

“Is it over?”

The moment Luo Feng stepped out of the threshold, he somewhat unwillingly glanced back towards the cultivation chamber, however, the cultivation chamber was surrounded by chaotic air currents, so he couldn’t see the chaotic monument at all, at this moment, Luo Feng somewhat understood why the previous batch of people were so nostalgic when they left.

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