Chapter 14 – The True Difficulty King

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:23:20
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The bridge to heaven, stretched until the end of heaven and earth, misty white fog entwined, waves of seawater below.

The moment Luo Feng stepped inside the Nine Yu Tong Tian Bridge, Babata’s voice rang in his head, “Luo Feng, just got an email, it’s from the Virtual Universe Company.”

“What’s the content?” Luo Feng even asked.

“It’s the point reward rules.” Babata said.


Luo Feng stood on the bridge to heaven and couldn’t help but feel happy in his heart. There were many incomparably precious items in the virtual universe company, things like fifth order mind weapons were only around 10 points, things like life fruits could be exchanged as much as they wanted. The abundance of such resources was staggering, but they had to be redeemed by points, you might have a large amount of wealth, but within the Virtual Universe Company, it was only recognized to be redeemed by points.

“Points exchange, there are many ways ……”

“Right now in Chaos City, you will have one way to get points, and that is to ‘break through the Heavenly Bridge’.” Babata said, “The Nine Yu Tong Tian Bridge has 27 layers!”

“Breaking through the first layer awards 100 points.”

“Breaking through the second layer rewards another 200 points.”

“Break through the third layer, reward another 400 points.”

“Doubling in turn, the back then proceeds to 800, 1600, 3200 points ……”

Luo Feng did a little math, if he broke through more than ten or twenty layers, the points would be ridiculously high.

However, breaking through the 21st floor would be enough to become a “Cosmic Kingdom Lord”, so it was obvious how hard it was to get the points.

“Luo Feng, the email also said that you guys are newcomers who just entered Chaos City, for young geniuses, the Virtual Universe Company has special reward rules – as long as you break through the Heavenly Bridge within 30 years of Chaos City, the points reward will always be ten times the reward. That is to say ……”

“Within these 30 years, if you break through the first layer, the reward points are 1,000 points, and if you break through the second layer, another 2,000 cumulative points are rewarded …… and so on! This tenfold reward is only open to newcomers entering Chaos city for the first time, when you enter Chaos city again in the future there will be no such thing.

Luo Feng nodded.

Originally, the reward for each level was 100 points, 200 points ……

Now it’s 1000 points, 2000 points ……

This is a special reward for the younger generation, but precisely because of the young, most of them are just stepping into the threshold of the Laws of Cosmic Origin, didn’t you hear the previous overseer Baffin say, the Virtual Universe Company’s group of geniuses 1000 have tested nearly 900 people, except for one Buran, none of the others have ever broken through the first layer!

Want to get points?


“Break in.” Luo Feng looked at the bridge to heaven that stretched to the end of the clouds, his eyes narrowed before he turned into streams of light and flew away.

Chaos city.

Luo Feng and the 12 of them were considered late to test, like Buran, Galaxie, Aichen and many other geniuses had tested long ago, and they had quickly learned a lot about Chaos City.

“There should be several ways to become a permanent resident of Chaos city, but the most remarkable one is to break through the 18th layer of the bridge to heaven! Anyone who can break through the eighteenth layer of the Tong Tian Bridge, that is an existence that can be called invincible amongst the immortals, and they all have the qualifications to start a sect in Chaos City!” General Mo exclaimed.

“52 Genres, there are indeed many sects.” Qianshui nodded slightly.

“To be able to open up a sect is amazing.” General Mo said, “All of them are in their respective genres and have extremely high achievements. However, if you want to enter those sects to listen to those powerful people, you need to break through to at least the third level.”

Chaos City, where killing was forbidden.

It was a cultivation mecca for the entire Cosmic Human Race, where there were 52 major schools, and in each school, there were many strong people who created some sects. The “Patriarchs” who were able to be recognized by the City Lord’s Office and were qualified to create sects were at the very least able to break through the 18th floor!

Those sect masters were purely lecturers.

The disciples under their command listen to the lectures.

Those who were qualified to listen to the lectures had to be able to pass the first three levels of the Heavenly Bridge, and if they didn’t even pass the first three levels, they weren’t qualified to listen to the lectures.

“52 Chaos Tablets with varying degrees of profundity.” Will Mo sighed, “Leading to the 52 Heavenly Bridges, some of them are only 21 layers, some are 24 dwellings, some are 27 layers, and the highest is 32 layers! These 52 Chaos Monuments, among them, only the Tong Tian Bridge of the Giant Axe Chaos Monument is 32 layers.”

The layers of the Tong Tian Bridge, to a certain extent, reflected the profoundness of the Chaos Stele.

Because of all the Heaven Passing Bridges, as long as one could break through the 18th layer, one would be able to become a Cosmic Kingdom Lord.

“It’s not that the more esoteric it is, the better it is.” Thousand Waters slowly shook his head, “How difficult it is to give birth to a Cosmic Kingdom Lord, although these 52 Chaos Monuments have varying levels of profundity, it’s rare for one of the hundreds of millions of geniuses and powerhouses to rush through to the 21st layer. If one hasn’t even broken through the 21st layer, is there any meaning to the layers behind the Giant Axe Chaos Stele?”

“Right.” Will Mo nodded his head.

Among the 52 Chaos Tablets, the Nine Universes Chaos Tablet was considered an extremely profound Chaos Tablet, enough to be ranked in the top five.

Of course, it was meaningless to discuss which Chaos Tablet was more profound before becoming a “Cosmic Kingdom Lord”. For example, “Nine Yu Chaos Monument” above nine pairs of pictures, especially the last three pictures Luo Feng did not feel anything at all, it is too inexplicable, can not feel a trace of the flavor of the origin law.

Chaos city, one of the nine-story tower.

The vast majority of Chaos City is the exact same kind of cultivation residence, while some special buildings …… represent a special status.

The seventh floor of the nine-tiered high tower.

A woman shrouded in black gauze is sitting on the ground, her lower body is a huge snake tail, only to see the snake tail twisted and coiled on the ground, her face is hidden so that people can not see clearly, just a pair of eyes bright as if stars as if it contains a bright star river to make people obsessed.

“You came.” A hoarse voice came out from this snake-tailed woman’s mouth.


A burly, wearing golden battle armor, the face has a golden fluffy ape stout man appeared in the tower out of thin air, laughed and said, “Misty Nee, you are also one of the patriarchs of the sect that I opened in the Nine Universe Schools, no matter what, you should also open your door, lecture, pointing to point out the juniors well.”

The snake-tailed woman hoarsely said, “True Diffusion King, now the Nine Universe Schools, among the many sect-opening patriarchs, you are the strongest, with you lecturing, there is no need for me to lecture.”

“Haha ……” the ape stout man laughed loudly, “You and I have been cultivating for billions of years, burying our heads in bitter cultivation has long been useless, occasional epiphanies are only effective, I see, you still don’t always stay in your Nine Yu building, when the construction of the Nine Yu building In the first place, the Black Mist King who built the Nine Yu Building said that he wanted to realize the nine copies of the map and ascend to the top of the Nine Yu Building, how did he become so low-key?”

Immortal existences, there are high and low statuses.

Ordinary immortals could become army lords and lead a legion.

And the strongest are even feudal lords and kings, like the “True Diffusion King” and “Black Mist King”, both of which are considered super existences amongst the immortals, and both of which are opening sects and lecturing to their descendants.

“Nine Yu Building”, in the Chaos City is also very famous, because back then, the Black Mist King built the Nine Yu Building is to say, enlightenment which a map into which layer …… Obviously, she has now begun to enlightenment “Nine Yu Chaos Tablet” of the seventh map, so stayed in the Nine Yu Building’s seventh floor.

“Let’s go, 12 of the latest batch of geniuses from my Virtual Universe Company chose The Nine Universes Chaos Tablet, let’s see if there are any good seedlings. No matter what, I am also the True Diffusion King of the Virtual Universe Company!” The strong ape man laughed.

“You’re the Virtual Universe Company and I’m the Giant Axe Combat Arena, so why should I go with you.” The snake-tailed woman faintly said.

“Still really not giving me face?” The ape man stout man glared.

Although the two belonged to different forces, but the friendship was indeed very deep, the same Chaos City to open up sects, that year, each other together to exchange their perception of the “Nine Yu Chaos Tablet”, a perception of the laws of the conversation argument, it lasted for 18 epochs, this is a beautiful story among the Chaos City.

That exchange and argument caused the two of them to both break through another layer.

“Let’s go.” The snake-tailed woman glanced at the ape man.

“Haha.” The strong ape man laughed.

Virtual Universe, Tongtian Bridge Plane.

Two people appeared out of thin air on that island, the ape man burly man and the snake-tailed woman, and the pressure emanating from the pure will of the two of them made it seem like they were facing an endless starry sky.

“True Diffusion King, Black Mist King.” Supervisor Baffin bowed respectfully.

“Have the tests for the little ones of my Nine Yu lineage ended?” The strong ape man looked at the overseer, overseer Bafen respectfully said, “There are a total of 12 people who chose the ‘Nine Yu Chaos Monument’ this time, 11 of them have just finished their tests, the one that is going on right now is the last one, and also the one that should be the most promising of these 12 people, called Luo Feng. ”

“The most promising one?” The ape man’s golden eyebrows lifted.

“Well, the previous 11 people all failed, none of them were able to pass the first level.” Supervisor Baffin said.

“Failure doesn’t matter.” The strong ape man smiled, “Some were defeated in an instant, some struggled for a long time before failing, and some almost won. This also represents the difference in strength, show me the battle video of the previous 11 people’s breaking through the heavenly bridge, and then show me that Luo Feng’s battle video later.”

“Yes.” Supervisor Bafen immediately pulled up the 11 videos.

As an overseer, Bafen usually had a lot of things to do, like the battle videos of breaking through the Tong Tian Bridge he certainly had to prepare them.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

“11 screens appeared in front of Ape Man True Difficulty King, True Difficulty King watched all 11 screens at the same time with interest, and those 11 battle videos started playing at the same time.

“Woo.” True Difficulty King rubbed his chin and tugged on his golden beard, skimming his lips.

And at this moment, Luo Feng also ran to the end of the first level of the Nine Yu Tong Tian Bridge.

“Choose your opponent, you can choose a martial artist, spiritual ninja controller, spiritual ninja illusionist, choose any opponent you want, to defeat your opponent is to pass through the first level of the bridge to heaven.” In front of Luo Feng, was a huge cloud, a voice emitted from the cloud.

According to the information Luo Feng had gotten.

You had to defeat your opponent for this cloud to dissipate before you could enter the higher level of the Tong Tian Bridge.

“I choose the …… controller!” Luo Feng said solemnly.


A black liquid immediately flew out of the cloud, this black liquid began to coalesce and take shape in mid air, transforming into a mysterious figure with a black mask, this mysterious person stepped on a dark cloud shuttle, carrying a dark golden long stick “Diffractive God Soldier”, under the black mask a pair of ghostly cold eyes stared at Luo Feng, spitting out the words of a human, “Battle. Let’s begin!”

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