Chapter 19 – The Third Treasure of Chaos City

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:23:36
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“The Nine Universe Chaos Stele has a total of ten diagrams, the first diagram ‘Raindrop Diagram’ has nine raindrops on it, each raindrop contains a different meaning.” While Luo Feng was immersed in these 108 words, he kept comparing them with the results of his enlightenment on the ‘rain drop diagram’, “Of these 108 words, there are nine words that correspond to the rain drop diagram.”

These nine words, and the nine raindrops, the mood Luo Feng felt was almost exactly the same. The complex strokes of those nine characters made Luo Feng vaguely feel nine sets of sword techniques.


The more Luo Feng envisioned the nine texts, the more he felt unfathomable.

Each set of sword techniques was a supreme principle of cosmic space!

Each set of sword techniques interpreted a certain essence of cosmic space!

Although from the surface of the mood feel able to judge the nine words and that “raindrop map” corresponds to, but “able to judge” and “understand, the difference is too big, even if people do not know English, see two of the same letters can be sure that it is the same letter, but want to learn English, but the same letter is the same letter. Even if you don’t know English, if you see two identical letters, you will be able to determine that they are the same letter, but it is thousands of times harder to learn English than it is to recognize whether the letters are the same or not.

Luo Feng was like this now.

When Luo Feng was on the rooftop of this cultivation abode, engrossed in it, that wrist space bored Baba tower was sighing, “How crazy, which one has such a sense of the law of spatial origin, even if the boss had become an immortal being back then, he hadn’t researched the nature of the cosmic space in such depth, that practicing fall, deserves to be the number one of the genius battle a hundred million years ago, a genius is a genius, doing things are so perverse.”

To sense the laws of space, there was actually no need to be so complicated.

Just like many people on earth learning computer, learning to use word document, just learning the way to use, will use it! But the “practice fall” was to analyze the essence of the universe space, and use and express it in 108 words. Just like learning word documents, this practice fall is not simply learn to use, but the whole document will continue to analyze, get out the whole document is how to write out!

Parsing the essence!

Perceive the universe origin law is also the same …… that kind of ambiguous sense, so that practitioners understand how to do better, how to do is right, therefore, with that kind of esoteric feeling, they will perform the attack contains the origin law, so the power is ridiculously strong!

But that kind of feeling was recognized as “mysterious and esoteric”.

If others asked, they would not be able to tell them at all.

They would only exclaim, “It can only be experienced, but not conveyed in words!”


Bullshit, it can’t be passed on!

It wasn’t that it couldn’t be told, it was just that many powerful people and even immortal existences simply didn’t understand the essence, so of course they couldn’t explain it! For example, the “Demon Slayer Clan Bilocation”, by virtue of his fit with space, he may be a formidable mess of combat power, but in terms of the understanding of the laws of space, the Demon Slayer Clan Bilocation and the Earthling’s original is of course exactly the same.

“True Diffusion King is worthy of being close to the existence of a Cosmic Kingdom Lord, letting Luo Feng study the nature of cosmic space is indeed a very correct line of thought.” Babata was well aware of this as he had witnessed the cultivation process of the master of the Meteorite Ink Star, Huyan Bo.

At first the cultivation was quick.


The further one progressed, the harder it became, and the further one progressed, the more one felt that the “Laws of Spatial Origin” were so mysterious that it was difficult to completely see through them.

“If from the very beginning, one were to study the nature of cosmic space, step by step, perhaps much slower in the beginning. But at a later stage, the rate of progress will become faster and faster.” Babata sighed lowly, “No wonder, the Boss took tens of millions of years in the beginning to barely have ‘Sealed Marquis’ strength. And that Practicing Fall, in less than 100,000 years, he directly sealed his marquis once he became immortal!”


“When I perform my body technique, I can produce more than twenty phantom bodies with a single movement of my body, but why I produce so many phantom bodies, I’ve never understood.” Luo Feng researched for a long time, after feeling his mind and spirit tired and detached from the obsessive research state, he couldn’t help but marvel, “Now I kind of understand a little bit.”

Just understand a little bit.

But understanding this little bit of skin makes Luo Feng marvel in his heart.

“Babata, how long have I been researching?” Luo Feng asked.

“A little over 18 days.” Babata replied.

“More than half a month and I’ve only comprehended a little bit of fur of the first set of sword techniques?” Luo Feng secretly sighed, this comprehending the origin law and studying its essence, obviously the difficulty is obviously different, “At my speed, how long would it take to study through the first set of sword techniques? It’s a pity that I don’t have the secret code of Floating Blood.”

These 108 words, after all, were just words.

That “floating blood” secret codex, is only the cultivation method that was left in detail after the creation of the practicing fall back then, if there is that secret codex, Luo Feng’s self regret …… research progress will definitely be much faster.

“Just 800 points!” Luo Feng gritted his teeth.

“Luo Feng, don’t you have 1000 points if you succeed in breaking into the first level of the bridge to heaven?”

“I know.

Luo Feng shook his head, “But I’m not completely sure about breaking through the first layer of the Tong Tian bridge right now.” These days, at least the many insights from comprehending the Nine Yu Chaos Monument have all been digested, and his understanding of the laws of space is much deeper, now if he performs the “Heavenly Sword Style”, it will be much more powerful. Maybe I can win, but I’m not sure.

“If I can realize the first set of sword techniques!”

“Nine golden swords, with this first intent as a link, can form a perfect unity, then the power must be ridiculously great.” Luo Feng’s initial research made him realize how great the benefits of penetrating the first set of sword techniques would be.

Luo Feng looked away from Chaos City in the distance.

“Cultivating for a long time, my mind is tired, let’s go take a look outside the city, earlier that black robed messenger said that Chaos city has three treasures, this third treasure is described on the stone monument outside the city gates.” Luo Feng knew that he couldn’t continue his research in his state, so he quickly walked directly towards one of the gates of Chaos city, what exactly was this so called third treasure?

The first treasure, the laws of functioning exoterically in the initial universe.

The second treasure, the 52 Chaos Tablet.

The third treasure, what was it?

Chaos City, in an ancient mansion that covered a huge area.

“All go out.” Ape Man Du Han waved his hand.

“Yes, teacher.”

The dozens of Immortals and Realm Lords below all bowed respectfully before leaving the mansion.

“That Luo Feng surprisingly didn’t purchase the Puffing Blood secret method?” True Diffusion King sat on his chair, frowning while his consciousness communicated with his auxiliary intelligence, “He’s a member of the Tai Chou secret realm, he should have gotten the 10,000 points that were gifted to him. What? It was used up at the very beginning?”

From the auxiliary intelligence, learning about Luo Feng’s previous 10,000 points spending, the True Diffusion King was somewhat speechless.

“Surprisingly, surprisingly, you bought a set of the Phantom Shadow Mysteries?” True Diffusion King even shook his head, “With his current strength, there’s no need to buy the Phantom Shadow secret code, he should buy a more basic secret method, what suits him is the best. This little guy used up his points in one breath, really, this is ……”

True Diffusion King suddenly frowned, “Trouble!”

“Practicing fall that pervert, back then also spent tens of thousands of years to parse out 108 sets of sword law, this parse some essence of the origin law, can be much more difficult than sensing, the most test of enlightenment, test of heart, also test the degree of perception of the space origin law, it is difficult for non-top geniuses to achieve something ah.”

From the beginning, gradually analyzing the essence of cosmic space, until the future, the achievement would be very high.

At this point, who among the group of super existences of the Cosmic Human Race 108 Cosmic Kingdom didn’t know this?

But even if they knew! This method is still not promoted, is because of the heart, enlightenment, spatial awareness requirements are ridiculously high, first of all, “spatial awareness” must be high, if you can not sense the law of spatial origin, and how to study it. As for the heart of enlightenment, in the continuous research must always remain calm, once the heart of impatience, all the work is lost.

The importance of mindfulness can be imagined.

And this analysis of the nature of the universe space, enlightenment is even more important.

Take this road, for most of the strong people …… will only let the long years wasted away, that practice fall (genius battle first) need tens of thousands of years, talent slightly worse (such as will Mo, Aichen, Uka and other levels) may need millions of years. And those average strong geniuses who consumed away the life span of a Boundary Lord for a thousand epochs wouldn’t succeed.

“Well, although these 30 years in Chaos City are important to him. However, it’s fine to let him suffer a small loss and waste a few years.” The True Diffusion King shook his head, “Let him learn a lesson and understand that there are some precious items that should not be squandered before figuring out the best use for them.”

True Diffusion King no longer thought much about it.

Although he was concerned about Luo Feng, after all, it was because he was in the same camp and school of thought, so he was just giving him a little bit of advice, he wasn’t too busy for Luo Feng, and Luo Feng wasn’t worth it right now.

Chaos city, the city wall stretches to the end.

The city gates were open, from time to time, there were strong people going out or entering the city, Luo Feng also walked along the gates towards the outside.

“Where’s the stone tablet?” Luo Feng stood at the city gates, looking at the continuous vast wasteland stretching to the far end, shrouded in chaotic air currents, suddenly he turned his head and saw an incomparably huge stone monument on his left side, on the monument there were densely packed words in the universal language of the universe, which was describing the third treasure of Chaos City.

“Chaos true spirit?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

The content on the stone tablet was probably sun screen-

Chaos true spirit: when the universe is in its initial state, the “initial universe” will naturally give birth to some strange creatures, these creatures look strange and are temporarily named “chaos beasts”, these chaos beasts have varying degrees of strength, each one is naturally good at some origin laws, some are good at more than one, some are good at more than one, some are good at more than one. Some were good at more, some were good at less.

When you kill a Chaos Beast, the Chaos Beast will directly decay into a large amount of Chaos Gas and a kind of turquoise point of light, this turquoise point of light is the core of the Chaos Beast, Chaos Beasts do not have a soul, only the life point of light, which is named Chaos True Spirit.

Just need to inhale the chaos true spirit into your body it will be directly absorbed by your own soul, after absorbing the chaos true spirit, the soul will get some changes and the cosmic space will be more compatible.

“Luo Feng!” A voice caused Luo Feng who hadn’t finished reading the contents of the stone tablet to turn his head.

In the distance savage Rongjun was swooping down from mid air, landing directly on the ground with a thud, walking barefoot towards Luo Feng, smiling, “Haha, I haven’t seen you out all these days, you’re also preparing to go hunting chaos beasts outside the city? But you have to be careful, because of hunting chaos beasts, our batch has already died a number of people.”

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