Chapter 23 – A Sword Floating in Blood

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:23:48
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Luo Feng gently clicked to redeem this Drifting Blood secret code.

“Transaction successful!”

“Deducted 640 points, balance 360 points.”

“Please wait, someone will deliver the secret method soon.”

A string of prompting text appeared on the screen.

Unlike the purchase of weapons and fruits of life that must be delivered in reality …… the purchase of secret methods is directly obtained in the virtual universe! Secret method is after all a kind of knowledge dissemination, the virtual universe is after all 100% simulation, is the most effective and fastest as well as the safest channel of knowledge delivery.

Delivery in the reality of the universe, but also need to verify the identity.

But the virtual universe, the whole is under the supervision of the “virtual universe system”, this secret method is sold by the virtual universe system! Of course, the delivery was incredibly safe.

“Call request.” Babata shouted.


Luo Feng’s mind moved, a screen appeared in front of him, a beautiful woman appeared in the screen, it was the realm lord “Mrs. Fuse” who manages all sorts of trivialities in the rain phase mountain tai chu district, Mrs. Fuse in the screen smiled and said, “Your highness Luo Feng, we just received a delivery of the secret spells, you need to come down to receive it. ”

“Good, I’ll be right there.” Luo Feng smiled.

It was really quick!

Delivering in reality, the cosmic journey flight alone would take a long, long time.


Luo Feng flew out of his manor, his feet on the dark cloud shuttle transformed into a stream of light, he flew rapidly towards the building where the entrance to the too primitive zone was located, in just the blink of an eye he had already arrived, at a glance Luo Feng could see next to the entrance to the too primitive zone, that realm lord, Mrs. Forsyth, was waiting with her head tilted up and looking over.

Luo Feng swooped down.

“Your highness Luo Feng.” Mrs. Forsyth smiled and greeted him.

“Mrs. Foss, where’s the stuff?” Luo Feng looked around.

“Wait a moment.” Mrs. Forsyth looked to the building next to her, at this time a maid was running out with a silver suitcase in her hand before respectfully handing it to Mrs. Forsyth.

“Your highness Luo Feng, this is the secret technique tome we just received from our Tai Chou district, it was purchased by you, your highness Luo Feng.” Mrs. Forsyth handed it over.

“Thank you.” Luo Feng took it with anticipation.


Secret techniques were important, and these days he had sort of truly experienced it himself. Before, he had the Meteorite Ink Star inheritance and also the Golden Horned Beast inheritance, he never bothered about secret techniques. However, studying the Nine Yu Chaos Tablet, no matter if it was the Meteorite Ink Star Inheritance or the Golden Horned Beast Inheritance Memory, it couldn’t help him.

Hatefully, he had actually used up all his points in the beginning, and in these eight months of studying the first set of sword techniques, he had simply gained just a little bit of skin.

“Points are very precious, want to earn points is very difficult, at the beginning of the gift of points …… is so that we can lay a solid foundation at the beginning. Babata, when you gobbled me up to buy the secret method, it was really a stupid thing to do.” Luo Feng flew high above the Tai Chou zone, talking to Babata on his shoulder as he flew back, indignant.

“Can’t blame me!” Babata’s little face looked innocent, “How do I know what’s going on in Chaos city, I only know one thing, by spending points to buy secret techniques as early as possible, you improve your strength as early as possible.”

“Don’t be sophomoric.”

“Having suffered this loss, in the future when you get some items of unknown preciousness, you absolutely cannot use them up easily, steel has to be used on the blade! The points that were initially gifted were used to build a foundation in the beginning, yet I directly purchased a set of the Phantom Shadow Mysteries for the Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment to use.” Luo Feng shook his head.

Fortunately, he had previously broken through the first level, and because newcomers entered Chaos City for the first time, the points for breaking through the bridge to heaven during the 30 years of Chaos City were given a tenfold reward, so he had gotten 1,000 points.


If it is not a newcomer, the first layer is only 100 points, the second layer is only 200 points, the third layer is only 400 cum it …… and so on, it can be seen how difficult it is to get points!

Sitting in front of the desk, he put the laptop to one side, and then placed the silver suitcase on the desk, snapped it, and directly opened the suitcase.


Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

Only to see that the suitcase is covered with a dense black cover books, each book has the golden cosmic universal language text of “Nine Universe” and “Drifting Blood”, and there is also a number: book 1, book 2, book 3! …… Book 110!

“Surprisingly there are 110 books.” Luo Feng was a bit awestruck, because all kinds of cultivation secret methods were originally esoteric, so if you wanted to describe it in words, it would be very long, like when Luo Feng was researching the “Soul Seal” secret book, just some basic preparations before practicing Soul Seal, he wrote the whole first book.

In his own inheritance memories, the many secret methods of the golden horned beast, many of them counted into the universal language text of the universe, were ten million words or even hundreds of millions of words.

“Drifting blood is a basic type of secret book, all 110 books.” Luo Feng was in an excited mood and then picked up the topmost book 1 of them!

In the center of the black cover was the most conspicuous word “Jiu Yu”, next to it was the slightly smaller word “Drifting blood”, and at the bottom of the left most side was the name “practicing fall”.

Opening the secret method, Luo Feng directly read it.

“Overview of the Nine Yu Chaos Tablet?”

“Spatial origin law realization?”

“Cultivation of ‘Drifting Blood’?”

Luo Feng looked at the table of contents and was surprised to find that this first secret book with hundreds of thousands of words didn’t talk about the 108 sets of sword techniques, but rather, the author, “Lian Lu”, described his own knowledge of the Nine Universe Chaos Tablet, the Space Origin Laws, as well as his own message on the cultivation of the secret method “Floating Blood” he created.

In a nutshell.

This first book of “Drifting Blood” was considered the general outline of the entire secret code!

“Understand his thoughts and his path of cultivation before studying these 108 sets of sword techniques more effectively.” Luo Feng began to bury his head and read.

The cosmic space origin laws were vast and profound.

Wanting to completely study it through is almost an impossible thing, just look at the huge number of humans that can’t be counted on countless planets, generation after generation people are born, grow up, and die …… generation after generation of reincarnation, a thousand years, ten thousand years, ten million years …… experiencing Billions of years of reincarnation.

It is only in the infinitely huge star field that a cosmic country lord is finally born!

Wanting to become a Cosmic Kingdom Lord is, after all, a Time Exalted or Space Exalted! From this, it could be seen how difficult it was to study through to fully comprehend the Laws of Spatial Origin!

The “Handmaiden of the Nine Universes of Chaos” was a set of supreme cultivation avenues that allowed one to become a “Space Venerable One”!

The Nine Universes Chaos Handmaiden was profound and unfathomable, and its corresponding Heavenly Bridge had a total of 27 layers, and reaching the 21st layer alone would allow one to become a Space Venerable and become a Cosmic Lord! And this Nine Universe Chaos Tablet ultimately reaches the 27th level, if one really understands the Nine Universe Chaos Tablet, then one will really stand at the peak of the countless ethnic groups in the vastness of the universe.

The Nine Universe Chaos Tablet had a total of nine pairs of diagrams!

According to the description in the first book of Drifting Blood, as long as one could understand seven diagrams, one would be able to become a Space Venerable and a Cosmic Kingdom Lord!

The first diagram, “Raindrop Diagram”, the second diagram, “Fine Rain Diagram”, and the third diagram, “Heavy Rain Diagram”, were considered to be a constant deep and detailed study of the Laws of Spatial Origin. “Just like some of the computer language codes on Earth are very complex, but in fact, if you analyze the essence–

is the 0/1 binary code.

The essence is simple, it’s binary!

Another example is “Chinese”, which is very complex, but it is also a square of many strokes, and those strokes are the most basic elements.

Another example is “English”, and then complex, can be analyzed to the deepest, is abcd …… and many other letters only.

It’s the same thing!

Although the law of the origin of the universe is profound, but this is the most fundamental and most essential things are still very simple, the first to the third picture, is the law of the origin of the universe analyzed, a total of 108 kinds of different wonders, if the Chinese language is those who are composed of a stroke and so on, the English language is composed of a lot of letters.

Then the law of the origin of the universe, is the 108 kinds of the most basic wonders, and constantly carry out all kinds of complex combinations, and finally form a huge law!

The first three diagrams are dissected to the deepest level.

The fourth diagram was the star diagram, the fifth diagram was the stellar system diagram, and the sixth diagram was the star river diagram.

Regardless of binary, regardless of one withdrawal, regardless of simple letters such as abcd ……, it is impossible to say that it is impossible to make up huge computer coded languages impossible to have fantastic cyber worlds knowing these alone. It is also not possible to rely on a withdrawal of a stroke to get a large number of Chinese characters, to get the heart trembling Chinese civilization. Nor is it possible to make a large number of English systems simply by relying on those letters.

If you want to rely on the most basic factors and combine them to form a huge and rich cyber world, Chinese world, and English world, it takes a lot of combinations, a lot of combinations, a lot of combinations.

It takes a lot of combinations, a lot of grammar, etc. ……

One Reason!

The 108 kinds of mysteries are the most fundamental 108 kinds of contraptions after the laws of the origin of the universe have been dissected and fragmented.

The first picture to the third picture – is a dissection!

And the fourth to sixth diagrams – is a combination of systems!

Let these most fundamental factors keep on combining and expanding, gradually perfecting and expanding …… until finally forming the perfect universe origin space law.

The seventh diagram – that strange and incomparable monster – represented the most complete Cosmic Space Origin Law.

If one understood the first seven diagrams, one could become a “Space Exalted One” and become a Cosmic Kingdom Lord!

“So that’s how it works.”

“I see.” Luo Feng read the first two parts of book 1, “Introduction to the Nine Universe Chaos Tablet” and “Spatial origin law comprehension” and couldn’t help but get a little excited, “Ordinary powerhouses comprehend the laws and go to cultivate… …It’s like English, directly learn one English word so write, today learn some words, tomorrow learn some, day after day, strength gradually become stronger. But learning irregularly, ultimately cumbersome and inefficient!”

“And dissect first, then combine.”

“Just like learning the most basic alphabets first, learning all kinds of grammar first, and then learning words, making sentences and so on in a regular manner.” Luo Feng smiled.

The reasoning was simple.

But the universe origin law can be billions of times more complicated than Chinese or computer languages. Immortal powerhouses soul calculation speed is not worse than intelligence in the slightest, but still many people can’t break through to become an honored one for billions of years! It is because it is too complex, after all, this is the origin of the rules of the universe space, contains too broad.

Binary, it can form a network world.

These 108 kinds of arcane, can be interpreted as 108 progressions, the combination of the universe origin law how terrifying?

What’s more, 108 kinds of subtle, each kind of subtle, than the whole Chinese language, the whole English language, the whole computer language, is ten million times more huge. Not to mention the laws.

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