Chapter 24: Ten Years of Sitting in Limbo

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:23:51
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The secret method of “Floating Blood” was a secret method that dissected the essence of the laws of cosmic space origin and practiced it with sword techniques.

Book 1 of the Piao Yin Blood is the general outline.

Book 2 – Book 109, was the 108 subtle dissection and research cultivation methods.

Book 110, was a generalization of the 108 sword techniques.

“Dissecting the essence is incomparably difficult! The Universe Origin Laws operate, that is, they are operating in the most perfect form ……, and as for its essence, it requires the cultivator to constantly dissect it. Even the first three diagrams of the Nine Universes Chaos Tablet only contain 108 mysteries, contained in 108 raindrops, such a means, I can’t do it!

I can only use a set of sword techniques to interpret these 108 basic mysteries.

It is extremely difficult to comprehend.

As for these 108 basic subtleties, the first nine are the easiest, the middle 27 are difficult (27 plus the first 9 form the second diagram of fine rain), and the last 72 are the most difficult (these 72 combine with the previous 36 to form the most perfect diagram of torrential rain).

Although the first nine sets are the easiest, it is very difficult to cultivate them without “supreme talent”, “supreme enlightenment” and “supreme heart”.

Back then, I was in Chaos City for 3,000 years before I finally created “Drifting Blood,” which would have taken at least tens of thousands of years in the original universe.

I’ll give two words to the later cultivators-

1銆両f you are in Chaos City and have not realized the first set of swordsmanship in twenty years of cultivation, give up “Drift of Blood” and go to the same slow enlightenment as other cultivators, this path is not suitable for you.

2, If you’re in the original universe and haven’t comprehended the first set of sword techniques after 200 years of cultivation, ditto, or give up Puffing Blood.”

The last two sentences of this secret method book 1 made Luo Feng frown.


Previously on the rooftop of that cultivation abode, he saw that the big paragraph left behind by practicing fall said “three thousand years of enlightenment”, these words stayed in chaos city, naturally it was only after three thousand years of enlightenment within chaos city that he finally achieved something! Within Chaos City, it was possible to watch the cosmic origin laws that were revealed in the sky, and the efficiency was much higher, but even so, it took so long.

“20 years?” Luo Feng whispered softly, revealing a hint of a smile, “20 years without comprehending the first set of sword techniques, will you give up on Floating Blood?”

“Peak talent? Absolute top enlightenment? Absolute top heart?”

“In terms of talent and enlightenment, the Demon Slayer Clan split is extremely high.

“In terms of heart, maybe it’s slightly worse than big brother and second brother, but at least I can always keep my heart in the coldest and calmest state.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Talent, enlightenment, heart, all three are considered to be the best.”

In the vastness of the universe, an earthling’s talent might be considered good, but it can’t reach the “top of the heap” that practicing the fall said in the secret method.

Devil Killing Clan Split ……

That’s powerful!

This is the strongest assassination group amongst the countless groups in the universe, the favorite of the universe space, in terms of talent, none of the human races are as good as the Demon Slayer Race in terms of the “Laws of spatial origin”, the Demon Slayer Race cultivates the Laws of spatial origin, and is the fastest to comprehend them, combined with Luo Feng’s mentality.

The conditions are certainly good!

Chaos city, surrounded by chaotic air currents.

On the rooftop of one of the cultivation residences of this ancient city, Luo Feng stood on the rooftop and looked at the Chaos City’s pale outside of the city from afar.

“The secret method of ‘floating blood’ is called sword technique to start with, but I can quickly practice sword techniques.” Luo Feng pondered, the 1st book of the secret method, which had a lot of swordsmanship moves explained in detail, through the incomparably complex swordsmanship gradually allowing one to experience the intent, and finally comprehend the fundamental intent of that set of swordsmanship that represented the 1st subtlety.

Swords and swords are both melee weapons.

The sword is more focused on stabbing.

The sword focuses more on cleaving.

However, Luo Feng used the shadow gold knife is to take the “blood shadow war knife” style, blood shadow war knife of the whole knife length 108 cm, blade length 80 cm, knife width 5.3 cm, and when the earth used the blood shadow war knife size is slightly changed, just look at the blood shadow war knife shape understand, this is a focus on stabbing the knife. Many some two handed giant swords, more like savage war knives than Luo Feng’s knife.

After using the shadow gold blade for a long time, it wasn’t hard to use the sword now.

“In terms of melee talent, melee talent with a sword, of these three doppelgangers of mine, there’s no doubt that the Demon Slayer doppelganger is the strongest.” Luo Feng secretly said.

“Then, let’s start!”

Luo Feng directly sat down on his knees, tilting his head back and looking at the rooted crystalline threads of the cracks in the chaotic sky and those flowing secret patterns, the sense of mystery was mesmerizing. Just like the thousands of cosmic powerhouses in Chaos City, Luo Feng also started this meditative enlightenment.

Chaos true spirit, was effective for the soul.

But just like taking medicine, the later the worse the effect, Luo Feng’s purification for more than eight months, at the beginning of the Chaos True Spirit let the soul continue to metamorphosis, but as the metamorphosis continues to improve, this Chaos True Spirit utility continues to sharply reduce, especially in the first one or two months, this improvement has been almost undetectable.

Also right!

If it can be raised without limit, then by relying on the Chaotic True Spirit, it will be able to let the soul metamorphose into immortality. But …… there is no such thing in the world!

“No wonder, everyone is sitting there participating in cultivation. Only the newcomers go outside the city to kill. It turns out that …… for many domain lords and sector lords, they are already saturated with absorbing Chaotic True Spirits.”

“It’s no wonder that those chaos beasts outside the city still have so many survivors to this day.”

Luo Feng was on the rooftop, tilting his head to watch the laws of the universe origin operating laws, constantly experiencing them carefully.

And in the inner world.

Demon killer clan split body transformed into “black Luo Feng”, holding a dark red sword, this sword …… is Baba tower using some machines, alloys in its storage space directly to create.

There is no special effect, just a very ordinary alloy sword, the style is completely in accordance with the requirements of the secret code of “floating blood”.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Black Luo Feng body, that has 10081 facets of life crystal core, covered with complex golden secret pattern, golden secret pattern put milliluminous, vaguely produce some fluctuations and cosmic space fluctuations echo.

Whoosh ……

Thousands of phantom bodies appeared with brilliant sword techniques. The Demon Killing Clan’s bilocation was born to use melee weapons, especially the sword technique that contained some of the intent of the Laws of Spatial Origin …… was even more smoothly executed.

“Not right.”

“It should be like this.”

“Yes, very.”

Black Luo Feng and Luo Feng original the same core soul, the two naturally at the same time to watch that space rift the flow of the universe origin law, don’t watch to experience, then cast the sword law control. On the other hand, Luo Feng’s Earthling original self was sometimes corresponding to the Nine Urantia Chaos Tablet’s enlightenment, and sometimes went to the virtual universe to watch the secret books.

Time passed, day by day.

Although Luo Feng had broken through the first level of the Heavenly Bridge and got another chance to enlighten himself. However, he didn’t rush to go immediately, according to the narration of practicing fall in the secret book of floating blood, every opportunity for enlightenment must be grasped, not wasting time indiscriminately. Must first be the last realization of all the enlightenment, and most continue to study and think, the heart has a large number of doubts …… this time to go to watch the “Nine Yu Chaos Tablet”.

Because of thinking for a long time, there is a great deal of doubt in the heart, so going to watch it, it is easy to suddenly realize and understand a lot at once.

This way!

It was only efficient enough, after all, the opportunity to participate in the Nine Yu Chaos Tablet was limited.

On June 9th, 2075 of the Chinese calendar, Luo Feng obtained the Puffing Blood Mysteries and began his cultivation in Chaos City.

In September ’75, Gus Luo passed the first level of the bridge to heaven, followed by Long Yun a few days later.

In January 76, Luo Feng entered the city lord’s mansion and began to comprehend the “Nine Yu Chaos Monument”, spending seven days, not only to understand the many doubts of the first set of sword techniques, but also some special feeling, the Nine Yu Chaos Monument …… completely substitutes people into that space! Origin Laws.

From 76 to 77, the prince of the Barbarian Card Planet “Uka”, the talented siblings of Qianshui …… several people in the Tai Chou District all passed through the first level of the Tongtian Bridge.

It sounds like Uka, Chisui and the others were very slow.

But in reality, the initial universe time flow was slow, more than three years had passed in Huaxia time, and only one year had passed in Chaos City! So in reality, Uka, Qianshui and the others were less than a year behind Luo Feng.

In the second and third year of Chaos City, many geniuses from the heavenly region and the end world region began to pass through the first level of the bridge to heaven in large batches.

The latest of the 800+ survivors from this batch of 1000 geniuses to pass through the first level of the Tong Tian Bridge was at the end of the fourth year of arriving in Chaos City.

Inside Chaos City, the other geniuses were active from the beginning, one by one often going outside the city, and then after realizing that the effect of the Chaos True Spirit was getting weaker and weaker, everyone stopped wasting their time killing Chaos Beasts. It was only occasionally that they went out to test some of their senses with the Chaos Beast. Most of the time, they sat on the rooftop.

In the original universe.

In August 2082 of the Chinese calendar, Luo Feng’s eldest son Luo Ping got married and had a child in the same year, after all, in the base city era, it was not uncommon to get married at the age of eighteen or nineteen on earth, and in this year, Luo Ping was already 22 weeks old.

Luo Feng was speechless.

He even became a grandfather.86 years, the Earth base city began to expand, because from the year the devouring beast a battle has passed more than twenty years, more than 20 years, coupled with the fact that the Earth high level didn’t control the common people to have a child, still and in the past the same encouragement to have more than one child, in the past, human beings are not safe, of course, the more people, the better.

As for now, the Earth began to connect with the universe, found that the universe is vast, many races population billions, the Earth’s population is too small, naturally will not control the population. With the Earth’s rapidly advancing technology, it is easy to feed more people.

In 88 years, the scope of human survival on Earth, the occupation is greater, and the advantage of human beings on land is getting stronger and stronger. In fact, the main thing is that the people of Earth has not been extinct those monsters …… For the people of Earth, nowadays the monsters are the object of “martial artists” trials.

In 1989, Luo Feng’s youngest son “Luo Hai” began to enter the universe, the eldest son Luo Ping is more calm, but Luo Hai is a great admirer of his father, aspire to break into the universe, Luo Feng had no choice but to arrange for Luo Hai to temporarily go to the dry witch dojo.

In 92, the earth human, in the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and many other waters, some large islands began to build cities, which marks the earth people finally began to enter the “sea.

In 99 years, Mars transformation began to start.

Of course, what made Luo Feng a bit dumbfounded was that–

In the year 2103 of the Chinese calendar, his own grandson, that is, Luo Ping was unmarried and pregnant, and then gave birth to the little guy, but also got married.


At this rate …… he was in Chaos City for more than 30 years, and the original universe had already passed 100 years.100 years …… I’m afraid that his own great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren have all appeared.

“No wonder, those ancient existences that have existed for billions of years, some royal families have populations in the billions. This kind of reproduction is indeed too fast.” Luo Feng was helpless.

And when thirty years had passed on the Earth side, only ten years had passed in Chaos City.

The earth side had changed a lot.

Whereas in that distant ancient chaos city, Luo Feng had only been meditating for ten years.

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