Chapter 25: The Longyu King

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:23:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Chaos City.

As one of the holy places of the human race in the entire universe, it had existed for billions of years, and in just ten years this Chaos City had hardly changed at all.

It was still shrouded in chaotic air currents, and there were still countless cultivators on the rooftops.

If there was a camera recording the scene ten years ago, and comparing it to ten years later, one might find that the majority of cultivators in the entire Chaos City hadn’t moved in the entire ten years!



In the sky above Chaos City, there stood two majestic and majestic figures, one of them, an ape man, was wearing a golden battle armor, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through the void. And on his side of the other person wearing a white war robe, slightly thin, pale, with two black sharp horns, just the space around him vaguely are wrong and twisted like, the most special thing is that he has been closed eyes.

“Rumble …… “In the distance an arc-shaped cosmic spaceship with a turquoise blue body appeared.

“True Yan, pupil difficulty!” A crisp voice rang out, only to see a beautiful woman in turquoise blue battle armor with long flowing purple hair walk out from the hatch of the spaceship, followed by the spaceship directly disappearing.

“Longyu!” True Diffusion King laughed aloud.

The white-robed, slim man with closed eyes also smiled and shouted, “Long Yu, long time no see.”

“The two of you have been staying in Chaos City to meditate, rarely even entering the Virtual Universe, while I’ve been in the Primordial Universe, how can I meet with you?” Longyu smiled, this Longyu’s entire person seemed to be carved in jasper, with a sense of clarity, as if she didn’t exist in this space and time at all.

“Go, to my place.” The white-robed slim man smiled.

A moment.

A building with a strange tone, where light and darkness seemed to be in incomparable harmony.

The True Diffusion King, the Pupil Difficulty King, and the Longyu King, these three super existences that all had extremely high status in the Virtual Universe Corporation, were sitting around each other.

“Tsk, tsk, good drink.” Longyu held a crystalline wine cup and took a sip of the liquid inside, which vaguely had stars flowing through it, beautiful and unusual.

“Haha, I have also taken advantage of you, Longyu, to be able to drink this ‘Five-Colored Star’.” True Diffusion King fiercely is a mouthful of the cup of wine to swallow, and then comfortably touch the fluff on that mouth, glaring and tsking, “pupil difficult this blind, very petty, with me in this hundreds of millions of years, only gave me a drink once.”

“Very expensive!” King Hitomi Nanda said in a low voice, “You just drank 30,000 mixed units just now!”

“Don’t be petty, don’t be petty, have some more, you made a lot of money that time in the Cosmic Secret Realm back then, drinking this much wine, you’re heartbroken?” True Diffusion King heatedly laughed strangely, and even went to grab that wine bottle.

The straight, black-colored wine bottle was on the table, and King Hitomi Nanda didn’t block it, letting King Zhenyan take it over.

“Tsk!” True Difficulty King glanced at Longyu King, “Longyu, it’s still you who has a big face.”

The Longyu King smiled faintly and glanced at the Pupil Difficulty King.

As existences with incomparably long lifespans, even if they could let their loved ones live for a thousand epochs, their loved ones would still be long dead in the river of time,…… so King Zhen Yan, King Longyu, and King Hitomi Nanyan didn’t have any loved ones, and to them, friends who had gone through life and death battles time and time again were the equivalent of loved ones.

True Diffusion, Pupil Difficulty, and Longyu, once in a squad, were life and death friends!

Experiencing calamities time and time again!

Their feelings were extremely deep, especially Hitman and Longyu, and the two of them even had a hint of affection. However, Hitomi King and Longyu King two people have not broken that layer of diaphragm, although they understand each other’s mind, but still has been to maintain a distance. They were also used to this feeling, seeming to be friends and partners.

“You came this time?” King Pupil Difficulty asked.

“By order of His Holiness.” King Longyu smiled.

“Venerable Nine Swords?” King Zhen Yan was surprised, “What did the Venerable One ask you to come for?”

“The Venerable One places more importance on this group of newcomers, they need to stay in Chaos City for more than 30 years, and now that a third of that time has already passed, they are able to see future achievements to a certain extent.” Longyu smiled, “And the Exalted One will only come over to pick up this group of newcomers to go on the last day. As for the usual coming to observe …… naturally, he sends his men over. That’s why I came.”

“Oh.” Pupil Difficulty King, a blind man, nodded his head and said, “That’s right, this group of newcomers was picked up by the Nine Swords Exalted One, and in the future, if a strong person emerges it is going to be under the Nine Swords Exalted One’s command.”

“Right.” Longyu laughed, “Although the probability of this group of geniuses becoming immortal is very low, it is estimated that, in the end, there can still be a few! This talent of theirs, coupled with my Virtual Universe Company’s long term focus on cultivating them to …… Once they become immortals, they are by no means ordinary immortals. His Holiness is certainly concerned about his future subordinates.”

Every time there was a Genius Battle or Strongman Battle, the Virtual Universe Company would send an Exalted One to preside over it!

Whoever presided over it, then the geniuses of that session who ended up becoming “immortals” would be placed under that Exalted One’s command. If there wasn’t a reason for it,…… with the status of an Exalted One, wouldn’t he send a group of newcomers to Chaos City and personally pick them up at the end of the day?

“This group of newcomers is very good, especially that Buran, who already passed the fourth level of the Tong Tian Bridge half a year ago!” The Pupil Tribulation King picked up his wine cup and gently drank a bit, “There are a total of seven other geniuses who have broken through the second layer of the Tong Tian Bridge, while the others are all at the first layer of the Tong Tian Bridge. These seven are …… Gus Luo, Long Yun, Galaxie, Tao, Qianshui, Uka, and Rongjun.”

“Rong Jun was in his fourth year when he broke through the second layer of the Tong Tian Bridge.” King Zhenyan also laughed “Tao, passed through the second layer of the Tong Tian Bridge in the seventh year. Gus Luo, Long Yun, and Galaxie all passed through the second layer in their eighth year. Uka and Qianshui all broke through the second layer in their ninth year.”

Longyu laughed, “I know, in terms of strength, Buran is first and Rongjun is second. The next six – Tao, Gus Luo, Long Yun, Galaxie, Uka, and Thousand Waters – these six aren’t too far apart, and that Tao with the blood axe is slightly ahead. By the way, what about Luo Feng who had been doing well before?”

“Not sure.” King Pupil Difficulty shook his head, “Zhen Yan definitely knows, he’s been paying attention to that kid.”

“Zhen Yan.” King Longyu looked at the ape man powerhouse in front of him.

“This Luo Feng ……” King Zhen Yan stroked his chin and then his head, frowning, “How can I say this, seeing as how he was doing well when he first arrived, but these ten years have been weird, this kid has only gone outside the city to kill Chaos beasts a few times, and the rest of the time he’s has been sitting on that Heavenly Platform for enlightenment. And not once did he go to break through the Heavenly Bridge.”


The Longyu King nodded slightly, then smiled, “I came this time specifically to personally observe and observe them, and the first target, is Buran.”

“Your Holiness has also praised Buran, the Bridge to Heaven is one layer harder than the next, the difficulty is increasing geometrically, I originally thought that he would not be able to break through the fourth layer until twenty years. I didn’t expect to do it in ten years.” Longyu sighed and laughed, “The second one is that Rongjun, he is the second in line amongst this batch, it is estimated that just in these few years he should be able to pass the third layer.”



King Pupil Difficulty and King True Diffraction all nodded their heads.

“In his fourth year of coming to Chaos City, he passed the second layer. This year in particular, he’s already attempted it twice …… not far from breaking through the third layer!” The True Diffusion King laughed, “And with the Yuan Chen Universe Kingdom Lord personally teaching him, how could his progress be slow?” Although he was praising Rong Jun, in his heart, he was a bit upset.

It was because Rongjun and Buran, were not of the Nine Universe School.

“I recommended this Luo Feng to study the Drifting Blood, did I get it wrong? Dissecting the essence of the laws of cosmic space is very difficult, did I delay him? , True Diffusion King was worried in his heart, taking the wrong path is a waste of time, assuming this path didn’t work out, then Luo Feng is wasting ten precious years.

The Long Jade King, ordered by the Nine Swords Exalted One, came to observe this batch of newcomers on the spot.

With Longyu King’s strength, standing at a distance and quietly observing, no one in this batch of newcomers would be able to notice.

“This Buran, really good, worthy of being a super genius who could rank first in millions of years.” King Longyu was suspended in the chaotic airflow, looking at Buran who was practicing his sword in the distant wilderness, Buran’s eyes were firm and persistent, as if external objects couldn’t affect him at all.

“This Rongjun is a born warrior, but what is it about him that attracts two Cosmic Kingdom Lords?” Longyu stood in the void overlooking another rooftop in the distance, where the disheveled-haired, barefoot Rongjun was slowly rehearsing his moves, occasionally looking up at the sky to observe the workings of the laws of the universe.

“Long Yun, hmmm, very composed, if he can hold on to his strengths, he will have a great future in the future.”

“Uka, worthy of being a genius of the Barbarian Card Star’s generation, his combat talent feels not much worse than Rongjun.”

King Longyu quietly observed each newcomer, making judgments in his mind, ready to report back to Venerable Nine Swords when he returned.

“This is Luo Feng?” Long Jade King walked within an alleyway of Chaos City, looking at the rooftop of a cultivation residence not far away, the black haired teenager wearing crimson battle armor was motionless with his eyes closed, ten years of time had caused his short hair to have grown long and was completely draped.

“Could it be that his comprehension, has gone astray?” King Longyu said darkly.

Cosmic powerhouses comprehend the laws of the cosmic origin sometimes the comprehension will go on a wrong route, and sometimes the mistake is still not self-aware, and it is only after many years that they understand it. Because comprehension goes off on a forked path …… in the vast universe, it is very common among the strong people of all ethnic groups.

Not afraid of going astray.

Just afraid of going astray and not knowing it.

“These 30 years are the most crucial 30 years for laying the foundation, ah, little one, good luck.” The Longyu King turned his head and left.

On the rooftop of the cultivation residence.

Luo Feng sat cross-legged in meditation, no one knew that in his inner world.

The Demon Slayer detachment was engaging in incomparably crazy one cultivation after another, for a whole decade, the Demon Slayer detachment almost never stopped, immersed in dissecting the essence of the laws of the universe in the thrill of it …… almost couldn’t feel the passage of time.


On the rooftop, the air waves around Luo Feng’s body, who was sitting cross-legged, shook and dust drifted away, then he opened his eyes.


The entire person stood up and looked into the distance, Chaos city remained exactly the same as it was in the past, time hadn’t left the slightest trace on it.

“How long did I sit down and cultivate this time?” Luo Feng asked.

“This time it’s longer than the previous times, 3 years and 9 months.” Babata replied.


Luo Feng gently waved his hand, leaving a string of palm phantoms in space, smiling slightly, “You can’t cultivate for 20 years, so you give up? Luckily,……10, I spent 10 years to fully comprehend this first set of sword techniques, at least I’m qualified to cultivate this Puffing Blood, hmmm, time to go to the Tongtian bridge and break through.”

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