Chapter 40: The Beginning

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:24:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Yu Xiangshan public area, the ninth floor of the Ten Thousand Words Building.

Sitting by the railing, a glance can look out at some mountain stone springs in the distance.

“Then there’s the virtual universe company, see my flat sea company assets good, fast appreciation, plus the scale is big enough, so they came to buy it chant, at that time they were ready to use six times the price just to try to ……” Xu Xin sat across the table, narrating to Luo Feng how she, Xu Xin, became the a core member of the Virtual Universe Company.

“Our company’s assets increased ten times at once ……”

“That time is very dangerous, fortunately brother Luo Hua according to his connections to help turnover.”

“…… Finally before you left Chaos City, the net asset size reached ……”

Luo Feng sat there, looked at his wife in front of him and said, his heart had complex emotions, the depths of his heart were touched, really, he really didn’t think that that windy and career-oriented wife worked so hard, but in order to be able to stand together with himself and lean closer to himself.

“Genius, is something that will put others under pressure.” Babata’s voice came into Luo Feng’s mind, “When they’re with geniuses, they’ll only see that they’re getting farther and farther away from them, and no matter how hard they try, the gap is getting bigger and bigger. That’s why …… geniuses have friends that are mostly geniuses!”

Luo Feng shuddered.


The friends from middle school and high school when he was young, how many of them are still in contact now? Even “Wei Wen” who grew up in crotch pants and was like a brother, only saw him once in a while in the virtual universe for many years, and even his own relatives only saw him once in a long time. On the contrary, he has more chances to meet with Rongjun and Uka.

“Watching your husband, making his way in the universe, getting higher and higher in status. Of course your wife is happy and proud, but you are also becoming more and more distant from her, to the point where you only see him once every ten years! What kind of excitement is that to a wife?”


“Your wife wants to be close to you, to be able to stand beside you and not be thrown off by you!” Babata lamented.

Luo Feng’s voice echoed in his mind as he looked at his wife in front of him. Xu Xin was still talking at this moment, “Just like that, I’ve become a core member of the Virtual Universe Company. Awesome, isn’t it?” Xu Xin’s nose wrinkled, proudly slightly angled her head, then looked at Luo Feng with some embarrassment, “The company promised to acquire and so on, I didn’t even ask you for your opinion, won’t be angry, right? You were the one who gave me full authority to handle the company in the first place, you also said, you have to attend meditation in Chaos city, you simply don’t have the time to-”


Luo Feng reached out and held Xu Xin’s hand.

“Xu Xin.” Luo Feng looked at his wife in front of him.

“Hm?” Xu Xin was stunned.

“I’m sorry.” Luo Feng said softly, containing the guilt in his heart.

Xu Xin’s eyes instantly moistened.

Virtual universe company omniverse headquarters, this was an incomparably vast continent suspended in the starry sky, compared to it, stars were as tiny as sesame seeds.

“Primordial Zone Buran, Long Yun, heading to the Primordial Mysterious Realm, you are following His Holiness, so stay here for now and wait for His Holiness.”

“Members of the Primordial Region, you guys head that way and take that rocky gray meteorite-like spaceship.”

“Members of the Celestial Region, you guys take the second one next to it, the purple-red one.”

“Members of the Mordor Region, you take the largest of the three spaceships, the one that is also ink-black.” The silver-robed woman standing at the front desk of the conference hall, her voice was loud and clear, while pointing at the three airships that had landed outside the transparent glass, “Now, you will depart.”

Rumbling ……

All 816 young people stood up in a clamor.

“The four secret realms are surprisingly not even in the same place, in the future, if we brothers want to meet, we can only meet in the virtual universe.”

“We’ll leave first.”


The friends said goodbye to each other, Buran and Long Yun stayed inside the conference hall, while a large group of others walked along the exit towards the outside, and once they got outside, they naturally split into three teams and headed towards different spaceships.

“Your Highness Rongjun, Your Highness Luo Feng, Your Highness Qianshui ……” the hatch of the universe spaceship that looked like a meteorite, a handsome and courteous man with long bloody hair smiled as he greeted the eight members of the Tai Chou zone, while boarding the hatch, Luo Feng looked back to the conference hall in the Direction.

Unfortunately, from the conference hall you can see outside, the outside can’t see through the inside, but Luo Feng can feel …… that someone in the conference hall is looking at him.

“Buran, you’re just my opponent at this stage.” Luo Feng secretly said, then directly entered the chamber.

A moment later.

The three F class spaceships, with a rumbling sound, all took off one after another.

The two of them, Buran and Long Yun, who were waiting in the conference hall for the Nine Swords Exalted to depart with them, also looked through the glass and watched the three spaceships outside take off.

“Luo Feng! Rongjun!” Long Yun watched silently, but his heart that yearned for victory was incomparably hot, “I’ll surpass you all, for sure!”

All three spaceships were quickly accelerated to reach the speed of light for cosmic shuttling, because the beginning secret realm, the heaven and earth secret realm, and the end of the world secret realm were located in different directions as well, so the three spaceships had long since split up and set off towards their respective destinations.

Dark Universe.

A “meteorite” in rapid flight, constantly accelerating, 20 times the speed of light ……21 times the speed of light ……

Inside the meteorite, the banquet hall.

“Welcome to the Taichu Secret Realm.” There were 9 immortals and 8 universe level young men sitting on the long dining table, among them who were talking and sitting on the main seat was the lanky giant man whose face was covered with scaly armor and whose head had eighteen sharp horns, the whole person faintly exuded that ferocious and savage aura, “I, the Meteorite King, will protect you all this time as you head to the Tai Chou Secret Realm.”

“Thank you Meteorite King!”

Luo Feng, Rong Jun and the other eight all bowed slightly.

“Haha ……” The Meteorite King laughed, the small scale armor on his face forming folds that made people’s hearts tremble, “I’ll tell you guys first, the four secret realms are in different places, and they aren’t even in the same cosmic country.

“Oh?” Luo Feng, Rong Jun and the other eight were a bit surprised.

The universe country boundaries were very vast.

“The primordial secret realm is closest to the headquarters and is in the same universe country as the headquarters! Next is the Primordial Mystic Realm, followed by the Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm. And the Mordor Secret Realm is the farthest from the headquarters.” The Meteorite King’s voice seemed to have a feeling of metal hitting metal, “The Tai Chou Secret Realm that you are going to is about 120 million light years away from the headquarters.”

“120 million light years?”

Luo Feng, Rong Jun, Qian Shui and the others revealed a look of surprise, what a staggering distance, light would have to advance 120 million years!

“Now that the ship has accelerated to 50 times the speed of light, it’ll probably take nearly 3 months of flying in the dark universe to arrive at the Taichu secret realm.” The Meteorite King smiled, “I’ll first introduce you guys to this Tai Chou secret realm so you can have some understanding!”

Luo Feng’s eight listened carefully.

“The Tai Chou secret realm is actually a kind of cosmic secret realm, but it’s just named ‘Tai Chou’.” The Meteorite King lamented, “Our primordial universe, is one of the oldest and most massive and incredible universes, giving birth to all sorts of forms of life, with billions of races and countless strong people.”

“The primordial universe in the process of derivation, the vast majority of the region is the derivation of stars, planets and so on …… galaxies, is the most common in the universe.”

“However, because of some special unknown reasons, when the primordial universe diffracted, it also diffracted some “special areas” that do not conform to the norm,” the Meteorite King lamented, “These special areas are a complete challenge to your imagination, and the life within these special areas, all kinds of strange things, and all kinds of strange things, are the most common in the universe. The lives, all kinds of strange creatures, and treasures within the special areas also challenge your imagination.”

Luo Feng’s eight eyes glowed.

“These special regions are called ‘cosmic secret realms’.”

“Every cosmic secret realm is different.” The Meteorite King lamented, “Different Cosmic Secret Realms also breed many treasures that are incomprehensible to people, and even breed some terrifying disasters.”

“Cosmic secret realms with different levels of danger.”

“The safest ones, realm lords can’t even die a few deaths going in, instead, they fight each other for treasures and kill each other to death.”

“The most dangerous cosmic secret realm, it is said that even ‘Cosmic Kingdom Lords’ who go in, have little hope of surviving.” The Meteorite King looked towards the eight Luo Feng who revealed a shocked face and laughed, “Why, very surprised?”

Luo Feng’s eight were completely shocked.


Cosmic country lord, that was a powerful existence that had opened up a cosmic country and sat there for hundreds of millions of years, entering the most dangerous cosmic secret realm, the hope of surviving was extremely, extremely small.

“A newly discovered cosmic secret realm, no one can imagine what’s really inside.” The Meteorite King lamented, “Perhaps going in is a disaster, or perhaps it’s an unprecedented great opportunity!”

“There are big and small cosmic secret realms.”

“A large cosmic secret realm is able to rival a cosmic country!” The Meteorite King solemnly said, “Smaller cosmic secret realms are also comparable to a galaxy range.”


Luo Feng and the others completely held their breath, a cosmic secret realm that big? Comparable to a cosmic country range?

“And the ‘primordial secret realm’, ‘primordial secret realm’, ‘heaven and earth secret realm’, and ‘end time Secret Realm’ are the ones that have been developed and transformed, and are no longer dangerous.” The Meteorite King laughed, “Because the Cosmic Secret Realms, all contain incomparably dense cosmic origin energy, they are perfect for cultivation.”

“Cosmic origin energy?” Luo Feng’s heart stirred.

Cosmic origin energy coalesced and condensed into crystals, which were cosmic crystals!

Boundary lords, the reason why they could create a side of the world was because they were able to condense a large amount of cosmic energy.

“The secret realm of the beginning of the earth that you guys went to is comparable in scope to a star field.” The Meteorite King said, “The most useful thing about living and cultivating in the Tai Chou Secret Realm are the points! Within the company, points are more effective than money.”

The Meteorite King’s words did make Luo Feng and his eight young men long for the legendary “cosmic secret realm”, but it was obvious that those unexplored cosmic secret realms would require a realm lord to enter. Unless it’s the “primordial secret realm” which has already been developed, excavated and remodeled.

Time passed.

Day by day, 26 days had passed.

“We’re about to arrive at the Primordial Mysterious Realm, I’ve been in Chaos City for 30 years, and I’ve broken through 5 levels of the Heavenly Bridge in a row. Points are rewarded according to ten times, that brings my total points to 30,360,” Luo Feng was in his lounge, calculating in his mind, “Luckily I earned more points within Chaos city, otherwise it would be difficult to earn points later.”

If it wasn’t for the tenfold reward, breaking into the first five levels would have rewarded nothing more than 3100 points, because of the tenfold it only reached 31000 points.

Now, having left Chaos City.

If they broke through the Tong Tian Bridge again, there would be no tenfold rewards.

“All come out.” The Meteorite King’s voice echoed throughout the airship, “We’ve arrived at the Mysterious Realm of the Beginning of the Heavens, make a cosmic shuttle immediately!”

Swish! Luo Feng stood up, a hint of excitement in his eyes.

It’s here, the Tai Chou secret realm is here!

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