Chapter 41: Star Fragment

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:24:40
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The control room of the airship.

Luo Feng and the other eight members of the Primordial Mystic Realm, along with a group of immortals such as the Meteorite King were all gathered together.

“It’s about to be a cosmic shuttle.” The Meteorite King laughed, his voice seemed to cause the entire control room to vibrate, “Shuttling to the Primordial Mysterious Realm is slightly different from shuttling to an ordinary star field.”


Luo Feng and the others were curious.

“You guys will know later.” As soon as the Good Meteorite King’s words fell, an icy voice echoed throughout the control room, “Commencing cosmic shuttle, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ……3……2… …1…… “At that moment, the entire spaceship was slightly shaken, and only after a few moments did the spaceship return to normal.

“Shuttle complete.”

“Exterior fully virtualized.” Meteorite King shouted.

The surrounding scene changed drastically, causing Luo Feng and the others to see the outside scene at a glance.

“Oh my god!”


Luo Feng and the other eight people, including the Barbarian Card Star Prince Uka, all looked at the outside world with wide-eyed shock.

“Well?” The Meteorite King smiled.

“It’s incredible.” Luo Feng looked outside, a light mist shrouded the outside, some colorful clouds could be seen in the distance, and occasionally some large meteorites could be seen.

“Surprisingly ……”

“How is it possible?”

Luo Feng eight people are in shock, because the universe shuttle is usually directly shuttle to the original universe “starry sky”, the starry sky is empty, so this sudden shuttle will be very safe. And now the Meteorite King’s ship was actually shuttling directly into the interior of a certain region, it was too risky.

“No.” Uka even shouted, “This, this is the interior of the Tai Chou Secret?”

“Hmm.” The Meteorite King smiled faintly, his face’s fine scaled armor wrinkling, “Yes, this is already the more central area of the Tai Chou Secret Realm.”

“Then, then what if we want to leave the Tai Chou Secret Realm?” Uka pointed outside, “Look, the meteorites outside, some dust clouds can be seen everywhere, there is simply not enough distance for the ship to accelerate! To cosmic shuttle, is necessary to have the ship accelerate to the speed of light so that cosmic shuttle can take place!”

Luo Feng also even nodded, yeah.

It was easy to shuttle directly into the Tai Chou secret area, but what about walking out?

“You’re right.” The Meteorite King smiled and nodded, “The maximum diameter of the Tai Chou secret realm is about 5 million light years, equivalent to the size of a star field.”

“The starry sky can be recklessly accelerated to reach the speed of light, but the Cosmic Mysterious Realm is different, the Cosmic Mysterious Realm has some peculiar inflammatory currents, cold currents, astral winds, and so on, as well as a lot of dust, which causes the cosmic spaceships to encounter a great deal of resistance when they are flying, and it’s almost impossible to accelerate to the speed of light.” The Meteorite King said.

The conditions were harsh if one wanted to travel through the universe.

It had to accelerate to the speed of light!

And to accelerate to the speed of light, firstly, the resistance had to be extremely, extremely small, and secondly, there had to be a long acceleration distance. Just like an airplane accelerating also needs a runway, this spaceship accelerating to the speed of light, the space needed can be millions of times bigger than an airplane runway, which is easy to do in the near-vacuum cosmic starry sky.

But in the universe secret realm …… is almost impossible!

“Right, within the Secret Realm of the Universe, it’s generally impossible to carry out cosmic shuttles.” The Meteorite King nodded, “But the Tai Chou Secret Realm is different, the Tai Chou Secret Realm has been excavated and remodeled! Within the Tai Chou Secret Realm, there are several areas that have been swept by some super powerhouses, sweeping out large areas that are empty enough to be used for cosmic spaceship acceleration.”


Luo Feng, Rong Jun, Qian Shui, Uka, Ai Chen and the others marveled.

Clearing out an area large enough for spaceship acceleration to the speed of light, what a huge area that was.

“There’s no way! The Primordial Mysterious Realm is too big if we don’t do this. If we start by slowly flying in from the outermost perimeter, based on its maximum diameter of 5 million light years, the light would have to fly for 5 million years. It simply won’t work without shuttling directly to the interior.” The Meteorite King laughed, “Turning back, each of you will be able to get a copy of the star map, the star map of one of the parts of the Primordial Mysterious Realm, and through that star map, you’ll know how to get in and out of the Primordial Mysterious Realm.”

The spacecraft, flying within the Tai Chou Secret Realm.

“I need to send the eight of you one by one to your respective residences.” The Meteorite King laughed in the control room, “It will take about three days to fly all eight of you to your residences.”

Luo Feng and the other eight remained silent.

Eight people’s residences and this spaceship had to fly for three days?

“Well, Rongjun, your residence has arrived.” Meteorite king shouted, at the same time the outer virtual view made everyone clearly see a beautiful small piece of land floating in the void filled with light mist in the distance, as they got closer, that piece of land got bigger and bigger, eventually the spaceship landed directly on this land in the void.


The hatch opened.

“All go out and take a look.” The Meteorite King shouted with a smile.

Luo Feng, Rong Jun and the other eight people even excitedly flew out of the hatch, flying out of the hatch they felt the dense cosmic origin energy contained in that light mist, Luo Feng’s eight people landed on the ground, looking into the distance they could see the infinite void, the void was filled with mist, occasionally they could see some cold currents drifting by.

“Land in the void?”

“Too cool.”

“How big does this land have to be.” Luo Feng’s eight people looked carefully, this land floating in the void was incredibly large, at least Luo Feng couldn’t visually measure it.


The meteorite king landed on the ground and smiled, “This is star fragment number 80389092, the diameter is about 5800 kilometers, in the center of this star fragment there is a large mansion, Rongjun, that’s where you live. Of course this entire star fragment, from now on belongs to you privately.”

“Hm.” Rongjun looked around, this void land was very lush with plants and flowers.

“The Secret Realm of the Beginning, the cosmic origin energy is incomparably dense.” The Meteorite King pointed at the surrounding mist, “Look, these ubiquitous mists are some extremely tiny particles formed by the materialization of the Cosmic Origin Energy.” Saying that, the Meteorite King grasped in the air, and instantly a large piece of mist in mid-air was rapidly compressed.

It condensed into a large crystal block.

“Cosmic crystal?” Luo Feng, Ai Chen and Rong Jun couldn’t help but shout.

“Yes, cosmic crystals.” The Meteorite King laughed, “The endless mist here, gathered together at random, can form cosmic crystals. Because the cosmic origin energy is too dense …… to cultivate in the Taichu Mysterious Realm, sensing the cosmic origin fluctuations will be clearer and more beneficial to cultivation.”

Whew! Whew! Whew! Dozens of silhouettes broke through the air in the distance.

“Your Highness!”

Dozens of cosmic warriors in battle suits and boots landed neatly, led by a sector lord at the head, and shouted respectfully at the same time.

“The others get on the spaceship and go to Uka’s residence below.” The Meteorite King shouted.

“Rongjun, see you later.”

“Rongjun, we’ll leave first.”

Luo Feng and the others greeted and went back into the middle of the Meteorite King’s spaceship, which lifted off and set off again.

One by one, the members were sent to their residence, Luo Feng was the fifth to be sent to his residence.

“Number 80389081 star fragment?” Luo Feng muttered under his breath as he walked on this land, “About 6200 kilometers in diameter, according to the Meteorite King, these star fragments …… are the many star fragment residences that the superpowers of the Virtual Universe Corporation have made by smashing some of the stars.”

“What a dense cosmic origin energy.” Luo Feng waved his hand and felt the mist, he couldn’t help but sigh.

If one wanted cosmic crystals, they could be made at any time.

As long as the mist was compressed, it was a piece of cosmic crystal …… However, for Luo Feng and his core members, even if it was 1 trillion cosmic coins, it was only 1 hybrid unit. And to compress and make 1 trillion cosmic coins, oh my god, how many years would it take? So it wasn’t worth it at all!

Of course, if the inhabitants of some ordinary planets were to see it, they would all go crazy.

Cosmic coins, for the ordinary class in the universe, were still a very expensive currency.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng jointed.

Dozens of silhouettes broke through the air and flew in from the distance, the leader was a balding old man, it was Luo Feng’s escort leader, “O’Dori Ghost-Wen St. Lysol”.

“Your highness.” Dozens of people respectfully saluted.

“Hm.” Luo Feng smiled, “Odo, we’ve finally met in reality.”

“I’ve been looking forward to this day as well.” The bald old man also smiled, “Your highness, I’ll lead the way in front.”

A few moments later.

Luo Feng was flanked by his guards, he arrived outside an ancient manor, this ancient manor was 300 kilometers long and wide, there were several buildings within the manor, this kind of mega building …… was simply too easy for Virtual Universe Corporation.

“Your Highness.” Odo smiled, “Let me introduce you.”


Said Odo directly lifted up into the air, Luo Feng followed suit, the two of them flew to about tens of thousands of meters above the ground.

“From tens of thousands of meters up, you can barely see the edge of the star fragment.” Luo Feng looked down and bent his head, but Odo was pointing ahead, “Your highness, look over there.”


Luo Feng took a look and was startled.

There was a deep blue planet at an incomparable distance, the endless mists couldn’t stop its light.

“That’s a mega planet.” Odo sighed, “The diameter is 1.28 million kilometers, the strange thing is that it is incomparably cold, our star fragments, is around this super large “ice star” constantly flying …… around this huge ice star orbiting star fragments, there are more than three thousand in total. There are more than three thousand of them in total, and almost all of them are inhabited by core members of the Tai Chou Secret Realm.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng felt incredible.

1.28 million kilometers in diameter?

It was close to the diameter of a star in the solar system, but it was an icy cold super large planet and could glow? Bizarre!

“The Virtual Universe Corporation had long ago ordered that without reaching immortality, one is absolutely not allowed to enter that icy star, and a sector lord entering is almost certain to die.” Odo exclaimed, “An ice star can emit light …… and all of them can make Realm Lords die, it’s simply stronger than a star.”

“Secret realms of the universe, they are indeed mysterious, many of them don’t conform to common sense.” Luo Feng also shook his head.

In fact, that dense mist that could condense into cosmic crystals at will, permeating to the extent of a star realm …… such a place, it wasn’t strange for any strange thing to be birthed.

“This ……” Luo Feng looked down at the bottom, a large star fragment suspended in the thin mist of the void, “is where I’ll be practicing from now on, go, go down.”


Luo Feng and Odo directly swooped down towards the bottom.

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