Chapter 50 – The World of Cultivation

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:25:06
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Luo Feng took the mouse and clicked on the “background management” file, “life”, “study”, “cultivation” three options clicked on “cultivation”. Clicked on “cultivation” among the three options “life”, “study” and “cultivation”.

“Cultivation task danger level, divided into five levels.” Luo Feng looked at the screen and frowned slightly, “Which level of cultivation task to choose?”

Looking at the five levels on the screen.

Safe level (mortality rate of 0), normal level (mortality rate of 10%), difficult level (mortality rate of 20%), dangerous level (mortality rate of 50%), and desperate level (mortality rate of 90%).

“This is the first time I’ve taken a cultivation quest, I don’t know anything about it.” Luo Feng secretly said, “I can’t just show off in the beginning, foolishly choosing the extinction level directly is irresponsible. If it’s Uka, Rongjun and the others …… during caution, they’ll most likely choose the difficulty level!”

“Then I …… “Luo Feng thought briefly in his mind and nodded slightly, “Let’s choose the danger level!”

Dangerous level, belonged to the second most dangerous of the five levels, with a mortality rate as high as 50%.

The ones who take over the cultivation mission can be the most outstanding geniuses selected by the 1008 universe countries of the universe humans, each of them will buy some treasures and cards etc., many people don’t dare to choose such a high level for the first time, and usually start trying to choose the dangerous level only after their experience is high enough! But even so, the mortality rate was still as high as 50%, so one could imagine the level of danger.

“I’m different from them.”

“I also have two major doppelgangers that are much stronger than my main body.” Luo Feng secretly said, “It won’t be challenging if I don’t choose the more dangerous ones.”

Even though he was confident, Luo Feng didn’t dare to choose the most terrifying “extinction level” during his caution.

90% mortality rate!

Extinction level!

Dare to choose the absolute level, each well prepared, incomparable self-confidence, but still almost nine out of ten dead, survived, I’m afraid there will be a little bit of luck component, this …… is the absolute situation!

Luo Feng gently clicked and chose to take the “dangerous level” cultivation task.


A red font warning appeared on the screen.

“Warning! Warning! Your Highness Luo Feng, this is your first time to take a cultivation mission, according to the probability calculated by our virtual universe company in many instances, taking a “dangerous level” cultivation mission for the first time will result in a mortality rate as high as 78.2%. Please choose carefully, if you continue to choose, please click OK, otherwise you will cancel this cultivation mission.”

Luo Feng raised his eyebrows.

The first cultivation mission is a dangerous level with a death rate of 78.2%?

“Hmph, the mission must harbor a glimmer of life, since there are extinction level missions! This danger level mission must have a greater chance of survival, wouldn’t it be ridiculous if I couldn’t even break through the danger level?” Luo Feng didn’t hesitate and directly clicked on OK to accept this danger level mission.

A brand new page immediately appeared in the screen, with some detailed introductions on the face –

“Dangerous level mission, is many core members in many adventures after confidence will often choose the level of the mission, the mortality rate is about 50%, similarly, the degree of danger is high, the reward points will also be more amazing.

The following is a list of crisis level missions:

1, Visca Star (within the original secret territory of the Virtual Universe Corporation)

2. Seven Flames Palace (within the Virtual Universe Corporation’s Heaven and Earth Secret Territory)

6. Green Demon World (within the Virtual Universe Corporation’s End Times Secret Territory)

9, Dragon Tower Star (within the Virtual Universe Corporation’s Primordial Mysteries)

18, Nine Star Sea (within the secret territory of the Giant Axe Martial Arts Arena Giant Axe)

29, Prison Battlefield (within the secret territory of the Cosmic Mercenary League Glory)

36, Blood Luo World (within the secret territory of the Virtual Universe Corporation Taichu)

186, Yan Ice Continent (within the secret territory of the Cosmic Star Bank Black Hole)”

A densely packed list, a whole 186 could be picked up, all of the places that the cultivation quests traveled to were in one secret realm or another, these secret realms were the ones that the five great giants of cosmic mankind had already grasped and remodeled, and these 186 special areas within these many secret realms were where the cultivation quests were located.

“186? This Dragon Tower star, it’s within the Tai Chou secret realm?” Luo Feng gently clicked on the ninth cultivation mission “Dragon Tower Star” and watched it a little.

Cosmic secret realms, small ones were comparable to a galaxy, like the size of the Milky Way. A large one is comparable to a star area, like the size of the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom!

How many planets are there in the galaxy?

How many galaxies in the Qian Wu Cosmic Kingdom?


In the vast and full of magic in the universe secret realm, may have given birth to a continent suspended in the void to, or give birth to a special planet to, etc..

In short, I’m afraid that many people who racked their brains to think about it for the rest of their lives wouldn’t be able to think of a special region that was born in the Secret Realm of the Universe.

“Dragon Tower Star, an ancient planet birthed in the Mysterious Realm of the Beginning, for countless years under the shroud of the dense cosmic origin mist, causing this planet to reproduce a powerful variety of dragons, either Thunder Dragons and the like, which tend to fight physically, or Human Dragons and the like, which tend to attack with their souls, or Golden Dragons, which are the two in one, and so on … . “Luo Feng looked at the detailed introduction of this Dragon Tower Star.

The introduction was very long.

And the cultivation mission of the Dragon Tower Star, just go to …… and hunt dragons!

Be a dragon hunter!

“Tsk, it’s really challenging.” Luo Feng muttered, “The strongest within the Dragon Tower Star is comparable to a peak sector lord, and the weakest is at the cosmic level, which leads to having to be careful during the hunting process, once you’re discovered by a powerful dragon, it’s not hunting dragons, it’s being hunted by dragons.”

Luo Feng flipped through quest after quest, marveling over many places.

“The blood complex world, it’s also within the great primordial mystery.” Luo Feng’s eyes glowed, first of all choosing a mission it’s best to choose one within the Great Primordial Mysteries, otherwise other cosmic secret realms, it would take a long, long time to catch up through the cosmic spaceships alone, and within the Great Primordial Mysteries there are a total of five special areas supplying dangerous level cultivation missions, and Luo Feng was more inclined to this Bloodloo world.

“Blood Luo world, a vast continent suspended in the void birthed by the Tai Chou secret realm, the universe secret realm is born when the universe diffracts, and this blood Luo world, is a powerful world born in the very early days of this Tai Chou secret realm, it’s ancient, surpassing the oldest cosmic country of mankind.

In the Blood Luo World, there are countless powerful humans living, and they have formed their own language, culture, and cultivation civilization.

They extremely worship power.”

The detailed introduction about the Blood Luo world was long, and Luo Feng’s heart was stirred as he read it.

“Such a magical world, there are even indigenous immortal existences.” Luo Feng looked in awe, “Unfortunately, because it’s in the middle of a cosmic secret realm, a large amount of dust various hindrances prevented the immortals from accelerating to the speed of light for cosmic shuttling, so those indigenous immortals still stayed in the Blood Luo world.”

The Blood Luo World, was close to 1 light year in diameter, or 9 trillion kilometers!

Such a huge area of existence made the population of Blood Luo World incomparably astonishing, plus it had been nurtured by the power of the cosmic origin, so it was as strong as a cloud.


“Blood Luo World, extremely hates outsiders.”

“So to take the Blood Luo World cultivation mission, first of all will be any technological items are not allowed to carry, some special Nian Li weapons, Force weapons unless the Blood Luo World within the world, or else can not be carried. Everything must be in accordance with the attire of an ordinary person in the Blood Luo World.”

“If one looks too weird, one also needs to undergo a modification of appearance and body type to conform to the Bloodloo World norm.”

“Blood Luo world language, is different from the universal language of the universe, entrants must first learn the Blood Luo world language.”

Luo Feng nodded with a smile, “Luckily, there are millions of ethnic groups of humans in the Blood Luo world, I’m considered relatively normal looking.”


“Studying the laws, there’s no difference between using a battle sword and using a numinous weapon.”


“With my speed of conscious computing comparable to a normal light brain, I can learn it in half a day.” Luo Feng finally decided that he would choose the Blood Luo world because it was an ancient world with a brand new civilization that had been passed down for billions of years, and it was also predominantly human unlike the other cultivation quest worlds that were all kinds of strange and weird.

Blood Luo world cultivation task:

1, obtain a blood Luo crystal (blood Luo world specialties, no other places in the universe have blood Luo crystals), success can obtain 10,000 points.

2銆丱btain the title of “Blood Martial Artist” and the “Blood Luo Medal”, and receive 100,000 points for success. (Reminder, 99.5% of the people who take up the Blood Luo world quests will complete the first quest.)

As long as one of the two tasks is completed, it means that the cultivation task is successfully completed.


“Please confirm taking the Blood Luo World cultivation mission.”

“Picked up successfully.”

“Please fill in the departure time, the virtual universe company will arrange for a spaceship to send you to the Blood Luo world.”

Luo Feng looked at this mission with a smile.

The reason why he chose Blood Luo world was because of its unique culture and unique cultivation civilization. Secondly, it was because most of the danger level missions rewarded between 10,000 – 20,000 points. Very rarely would there be a double mission for people to choose from, the second mission of the Blood Luo world had a surprising 100,000 points for completing it!

Oh my god.

What was the concept of 100,000 points? Only after breaking through the 11th layer of the Tongtian Bridge did he get 100,000 points rewarded, and breaking through the Tongtian Bridge Luo Feng was only on the fifth layer, wanting to break through the 11th layer? At least thousands of years later.

“Blood martial artist title, blood Luo medal? Maybe it’s hard, but one has to try.” Luo Feng smiled.

After accepting the cultivation mission, Luo Feng started doing all sorts of preparatory matters.

“Diffractive divine weapon, is one of the nine divine weapons of cosmic humans, there are no materials to make a diffractive divine weapon in the Blood Luo world at all, so …… when you enter the Blood Luo world, you absolutely cannot take out a diffractive divine weapon. The Shadow Gold Blade won’t work either, in that case, I’ll customize a sharper Blood Shadow Battle Blade.” Luo Feng customized a blood shadow battle sword and a six pronged shield.

The materials were all available in the Blood Luo world!

“Mo Yun vine?”

“Mo Yun Vines are auxiliary plant life, they’re rare even in the Cosmic Human 1008 Cosmic Kingdom. It’s simply not available in the Blood Luo World. I can only temporarily let my Demon Slayer Clan’s subclass wear it.”

“Fortunately! Spatial rings, the Blood Luo world has them.”

“I’ll customize another set of battle armor, battle boots, and battle helmet.”

Luo Feng quickly made all sorts of preparations, he had to make himself not much different from the natives of the Blood Luo world, because the Blood Luo world was huge and had millions of human races in it, so as long as it wasn’t too special, naturally it wouldn’t be a problem at all!


If anyone played with laser guns in the Bloodlot World and was discovered by the superpowers, sector lords, and immortals in the Bloodlot World, then they would surely die. This was because the Bloodlot World didn’t conduct research in the direction of science and technology at all.

“Blood Luo world language?” Luo Feng spent three days of effort to learn 18 dialects from all over the Blood Luo world with a conscious computing speed comparable to a primary light brain.


“Everything is ready!”

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