Chapter 54 – Armor Cloth

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:25:16
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Luo Feng stood right next to the silver armored teenager Nako, his brows slightly furrowed, this had just descended into the Xueluo world, Luo Feng didn’t want to make too much of a fuss.


“Death to those who resist!” That large group of brawny martial artists laughed rampantly and flew over. In particular, a lean man in blood-colored armor carrying a crimson sword was scanning the silver-armored teenager’s escort, with his gaze lingering more on the burly man “Uncle Lei”.

The burly man “Uncle Lei” and the guards under his command had ugly faces, wanting to fight back but not daring to do so, while the silver-armored teenager Nako was gritting his teeth in resentment.


Everyone of those group of brawny martial artists who swooped over as well as that cold, lean man were shaken.


As if the Thunder God’s low and furious shout echoed in the minds of the dozens of people in front of them, including that tall teenager, it was as if an incomparably terrifying pressure had descended upon them, but when all of them felt unable to fight back to perish that pressure departed again.

“Roll!” “Roll! “Scram!” That angry shout echoed in their sea of consciousness.

A group of brawny martial artists directly fell from mid-air and did not attack.

“Go!” The lean man swept a glance towards the silver-armored teenage squad, before he even droned.

“Let’s go.” The tall teenager also even shouted, while glaring at the silver-armored teenager “Nako”.

Looking at the group of people who were arrogant and incomparable before yet left in ashes, whether it was Young Master Naco, or the group of guards such as Uncle Lei, the burly and strong man under his command, they all felt puzzled and bewildered.

“How come they left?”

“This, this ……”

“Just left?” The guards couldn’t believe that they had escaped with this.

“Impossible.” The silver-armored teenager, Nako, stared wide-eyed, “That bastard Youfang definitely wasn’t so kind as to let me go just like that.”

“An expert secretly helped us.” Uncle Lei, a burly and strong man, said in a low voice, incomparably certain.

“An expert?”

A group of guards including the silver-armored teenager looked at the burly man in doubt, “Uncle Lei, you said an expert?” The silver-armored teenager was puzzled.

“Hmm.” Uncle Lei nodded slightly and solemnly said, “Three possibilities, one is the master, the master, he dotes on you, he might have arranged for some super expert to protect you secretly.” These words immediately caused the same guards around them to nod slightly, even the silver-armored teenager Nako himself was a little hesitant and a little convinced.

“Secondly, a certain mysterious expert to secretly help us.” Uncle Lei said, “Third is someone in that team from the You Fang family helping us.”

“The first two make sense, you say, someone in the You Fang family’s team is helping us?” Naka said in shock.

“Captain, it can’t be possible.” The same guards couldn’t believe it.

“Didn’t you guys realize? Among the dozens of people who followed You Fang over earlier, there was the ‘Blood Dripping Sword’ and the Nine Iron Guards.” Uncle Lei, a burly and strong man, was solemn and looked at the large troop in the distance, “There are hundreds of people in this team, just dozens of people are so strong. The other hundreds must have many more experts.”

“If it’s not something very important, it’s absolutely impossible to send out so many experts. Perhaps there is the true leader of the entire team in that large force.” Uncle Lei said in a low voice, “They’re running a big event, and running a big event is most likely to cause a mess. That leader is likely to be dissatisfied and send out a voice to drink, ordering them all to go back.”


“Makes sense.” The same guards nodded their heads.

“Uncle Lei, awesome.” The silver-armored teenager, Nako, heatedly complimented.

“But I’m wondering, there are so many experts in the You Clan, perhaps some of them are from other forces! What is such a powerful group doing?” Uncle Lei frowned, “Even if the family head came out, he wouldn’t bring so many experts with him.”


“There must be something important.”

You Fang flew back to the large group with the men under his command.

“Third Uncle, what kind of expert secretly helped them just now, could it be that even you weren’t a match for that expert?” You Fang looked at the lean man at his side, this lean man was one of the three major experts of the You Family, with the name of “Blood Dripping Knife”, You Yanta, was a peak expert of the Stellar Grade Ninth Order, and was extremely strong in the same class.

The muscles in the corners of the skinny man You Yanta’s eyes twitched, there was a hint of horror in his eyes as he transmitted, “You Fang, that secret expert is very, very strong, if it wasn’t for the fact that he didn’t want to kill anyone and finally called it quits, I’m afraid that I would have already died.”

“What!” You Fang’s eyes rolled round.


He, You Fang, was merely at the earth level (planetary level) and felt the danger. But this Third Uncle of his was a peak Sky Level (Stellar Level) powerhouse, and even Third Uncle felt that the other party could kill him without even making a direct strike, so the strength of this mysterious expert was simply too terrifying.

“What level is this person, Cloudy Sky level?” You Fang even shook his head, “Cloudy Sky level isn’t this strong.”

“Cloudy sky level is not this strong, it is impossible for a cloudy sky level to make me incapable of resisting just by virtue of consciousness oppression.” Lean man You Yan tower nodded, voice transmission, “I estimate that …… the secret master should be ‘field level’, even to see him instantly pressure a group of people and did not kill people, the control of consciousness pressure subtle ability …… is even considered very powerful in the domain level.”

“Domain level?” You Fang was dumbfounded.

Yan Gang Territory, tens of millions of kilometers in circumference, with a population of billions and billions of inhabitants.

Yan Gang Collar’s lord, is a domain level (domain lord) only, domain level, only through the entire Yan Gang Collar is the most transcendent existence, by no means their kind of family can mess with, casually move their fingers can kill their family.

“Nako that kid, how could he mess with that super existence to protect him?” You Fang couldn’t believe it.

“You Fang! A group of you guys hurry up and return to the team, don’t delay, Yanta, we’re going all out for a bet this time, the importance of it, don’t even you know that, to even go fooling around with this You Fang kid? Hmph!” An old voice resounded in the minds of You Fang and You Yanta.

“Uncle, I have something to report.” Youyan Tower transmitted his voice.


“Uncle Gong, just now, You Fang went to teach that young master of the Na Clan a lesson, but I found out one thing, behind Na Ke there’s actually a terrifyingly strong person of the domain level!”

“Leader, domain level?” That very calm pale voice was also shocked.


“What percentage of certainty do you have that it’s domain level?” That pale voice couldn’t believe it, “Could it be a mistake.”

“Ninety-nine percent certainty, I’m afraid that those who can cause me to fall into a collapse and not dare to resist based on the pressure of their consciousness alone are only at the domain level.” Hundred Yan Tower respectfully reported.

“Who is it?” The old voice anxiously asked, a domain level can completely change the distribution of power within a territory, if it is a powerful domain level (domain master), even to the point where it can directly kill the incumbent city lord, and then get recognized by the divine temple side, it can be directly when the new city lord.

“It’s unclear, maybe it’s hidden amongst Naka’s team, or somewhere else that we can’t see. He’s too much stronger than me, so I can’t be sure.” Youyan Towers said.

“Hmm! Go back and figure this out, now go back to the city first.”


The You Clan’s voluminous team swiftly moved forward, however, the existence of a possible “domain level” powerhouse caused a few people at the highest level to panic, messing with a domain level was simply too much to ask for.

Eight hundred kilometers away from Yan Gang’s main city, the wide road passed through a large mountain, which was split in half, forming a large canyon, and inside the canyon was the passageway. And at this moment, a figure was standing at the top of this great mountain that had once been split open by a powerful person.

There were thirteen people in total!

All wearing battle armor and boots, each wearing a battle helmet, only their eyes were exposed, and all carrying axes behind them, either double axes or one-handed giant axes.

The colors of their battle armor were mainly black, blood red, and golden yellow.

“Big brother, people are coming.”

“The You Clan’s team is here.”

The leader was tall, wearing gold-colored battle armor, and the pair of blood-colored eyes under his battle helmet were looking down at the bottom, a hint of coldness swept through them as he droned lowly, “Brothers, let’s go, take the goods!”

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ……

Thirteen silhouettes from the top of the mountain as if thirteen cannonballs swiftly shot down below, when these thirteen silhouettes quickly swooped down, immediately attracted the attention of that darting voluminous team, the team’s leader has a face of black bearded old man fiercely raised his right hand and droned: “Stop!”

And in front of the wide roadway, it was 13 silhouettes that smashed down.

Thirteen people, as if 13 demonic gods stood there.

“Ten, thirteen ……” The black bearded old man’s face instantly paled.

“Thirteen axes …… “At the front of the team, the lean man You Yanta on the side of the black-bearded old man’s face also paled, “How did they come, it’s impossible… …”

Within the boundaries of the Yan Gang Territory, there were some strong and powerful men who were incomparably powerful!

Thirteen axes” is a like-minded thirteen strong organization, this organization has no minions, just these 13 people, but the entire Yan Gang collar and how many families dare to provoke the thirteen axes? What is based on, is that in the thirteen axes, there are three cloudy sky level! Ten of them are at the peak of the Sky Level!

Domain level (Domain Master), in Yan Gang Territory, was considered a dominant force! They dominate the entire Yan Gang Territory.

Cloudy sky level (universe level), in Yan Gang Territory, it was considered a peak level of force, considered a magnate.

“What should we do?”

“What should we do?”

“We can’t afford to lose this cargo.”

This large group of the You Clan was in a state of panic.

“Lords of the Thirteen Axes, feel free to say whatever you command.” The black-bearded old man was apprehensive in his heart, but on the surface, he still shouted with bravado.

“You family?” A low voice came out from the mouth of the leader of those 13 demonic god-like existences, “Hand over that armor from the ‘Ruins of the Ancient Gods’ and your lives will be spared.”

The black-bearded old man glared.

“Run!” The black-bearded old man’s face was hideous as he transmitted a stern voice.


As if the entire team had prepared for this, instantly a group of Sky-level (Stellar-level) madly flew off in all directions, while a large number of Earth-levels also began to swiftly dart away and escape, either by climbing the mountain or returning along the road. And Hundred Square and that lean man You Yanta also returned the same way.

“Yan Ta, quickly go, go to that Najia little fellow. If that domain level existence is there, there is still hope for our You family!” The black-bearded old man roared in a voice transmission.

“Yes, Uncle.” The lean man transmitted his voice and said evenly.

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