Chapter 59: Late Night Bloodshed

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:25:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luo Feng didn’t wear that set of black battle armor today, instead he wore a simple black robe and just stood under the courtyard wall empty handed.

“Floating feather family?” Luo Feng faintly smiled, hoo, the whole person directly disappeared like a gust of wind, silently sneaking into the depths of this luxurious mansion.

Chun Yu family mansion, covers an area of tens of kilometers, divided into outer mansion, inner mansion, outer mansion are some lower status ordinary clansmen living, so in terms of guards are also more lax, but the inner mansion is obviously much more stringent.




A black-robed man took just three steps, and three phantoms appeared beside the shadowy flowers and plants, under the gloomy walls, and on the corridor respectively, and then he had already arrived at the edge of the inner mansion.

“Blood Luo Crystal quest, since it’s one of the dangerous level quests, it’s not that easy to get.” Luo Feng half crouched under a boulder, his eyes swept towards the surroundings, his thoughts connected to the cosmic space, feeling the life scent around him, “The life scent in the inner mansion is obviously much stronger, there are quite a few cosmic level ones!”

Trying to walk around the inner mansion at will was impossible.

Whoosh! Luo Feng was incomparably serious, he executed the Phantom Shadow Illusion Body, the whole person seemed to transform into a shadow in the darkness of the night even more like a tiger, quickly sneaking into the inner mansion.

“All serious, don’t be a jerk who wants to sleep.”

“Captain, who dares to break into the Jun Yu family house, there is no need to be so serious.”

“It’s fine if you don’t take it seriously, but at least put on an act, otherwise it’ll be a disaster if you’re discovered, I’m doing it for your own good.”

A patrol team was patrolling inside the inner mansion, while walking those team members were also chatting in voice transmission.


From behind them, a blurry shadow had instantly flickered away to the deeper depths of the inner mansion. Luo Feng who had executed the ghostly shadow phantom body was even more inscrutable, coupled with his sense of cosmic space, he dodged one dark sentry along the way, which also made Luo Feng sigh in his heart, truly the defense was incomparably tight, the super family within the Yan Gang territory that was second only to the city lord’s mansion was definitely not a joke.

“Ahead is where that dog headed warlord lives.” Luo Feng’s entire body was plastered on the stone pillars of the corridor as if it was a blurred shadow, his eyes looking at a secluded residence in the distance with a ghostly coldness.


With his sense of cosmic spatial fluctuations, Luo Feng scratched through three bizarre trajectories and scurried inside that secluded pavilion.

On the second floor of the pavilion.

The thin man wearing a white robe with a white face was sitting in front of a desk, seemingly thinking about something.

Schemer, in these big families there must be a large number of, especially the business family more attention to these schemer, and this white robe man is the Jun Yu family a group of schemer in the highest status, the most important to the master of a schemer “Yu Keqi”, in the whole Jun Yu family status is quite high.

Simply by living in the inner mansion and occupying such a quiet pavilion alone, one could see his status.

“Yu Keqi.” A voice rang out.

“Eh?” The white-robed man shuddered and even turned his head to look, only to see a black-haired man wearing a black robe standing right behind him.


The white-robed man even bowed respectfully, with complete loyalty fervor in his eyes.

“Hm.” Luo Feng nodded, these six days in order to figure out the situation of the Chun Yu family, careful consideration, through many aspects to start, not only from some intelligence agencies in the city to get some information, but also specifically through the soul secret method to control the Chun Yu family’s some important characters for a good investigation.

This soul secret method, their teacher meteorite ink star master Hu Yan Bo specializes in research soul lineage, and is extremely accomplished, even the “enslaved soul seal” are out, naturally, there are a lot of some commonly used small means. Moreover, there were many soul-type secret techniques in the first book of the Spatio-Temporal Essay.

What was performed on this white-robed man was just a secret method similar to “Soul Enchantment”.

“I want to see your family head now, are you ready?” Luo Feng asked.

“Master please don’t worry, I’m the family master’s beloved, the family master has immense trust in me, even if I want to see the family master at night it’s absolutely fine.” The white-robed man Yu Keqi was confident.

“You lead the way.” Luo Feng said.


The white robed man Yu Keqi respectfully said, “Master only needs to follow behind me.” With that, this Yu Keqi directly descended the stairs and Luo Feng followed him.

“Squeak!” Opening the door, Yu Keqi just openly led Luo Feng outside.

Walking on the corridor, the corridor was silent.

“Eh?” Luo Feng caught a glimpse of a patrol guard coming over in the distance, the leader of that patrol guard saw the white robed man and even said with a full smile on his face, “Mr. Yu.”

“Hm.” Yu Keqi nodded indifferently.

That patrol guard didn’t even ask who the black-robed man was and just left, Yu Keqi transmitted his voice: “Master don’t worry, occasionally because of important things I am often late at night to discuss with the family head. Occasionally, I will also bring people to meet with the family master …… although that is the person that the family master ordered to bring. But those guards don’t know. Therefore, it’s absolutely fine for me to bring someone over.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Continuing onward.

Level after level.

Luo Feng just openly walked past one dark post after another, those dark posts didn’t even react in the slightest, allowing Luo Feng to keep going deeper and deeper into the hinterland under Yu Keqi’s leadership.

“The further into the hinterland, the tighter this guard becomes. Even if I wanted to sneak in without being detected by anyone, it’s still an impossible thing.” Luo Feng looked at the vast, stationed surroundings in front of him, at a glance at the very least thousands of people surrounded them, it was obvious that they had already arrived at the very core of this Chun Yu family.

“Open the door!” Yu Keqi shouted.

“It’s Mr. Yu, wait a moment.” Immediately a soldier opened the side door of the closed boat.

Yu Keqi brought Luo Feng and directly entered the deepest hinterland under the watchful eyes of thousands of guards.

“Master, this is already the most central place of the clan. The head of the family, important sons and daughters of the clan, some super experts, treasure vaults, martial buildings and so on are all here.” Yu Keqi transmitted, “And the residence of the family head is not far ahead …… En, when you arrive, it’s this palace in front of you.”

Luo Feng carefully observed.

Ahead was a beautifully carved ancient courtyard wall that was around 500 meters long and wide, within the wall was a nine storey high palace, outside the courtyard wall at the main gate merely stood two guards.

“Open the door.” Yu Keqi said.

“Who is he?” The two guards, the one on the left frowned and pointed at Luo Feng.

“He’s the person the family head wants to see.” Yu Keqi frowned, “Hurry up and open the door.”

“The family master didn’t inform us today that he wanted to meet someone late at night.” The left guard looked at Luo Feng carefully and said in a cold voice, “And at this time of the night the family master has already rested.”

“The family master has wanted to see him for a long time, just never had the chance, today I found this lord, of course I brought him immediately.” The white-robed man Yu Keqi’s face sank as he drank, “If the family blames you, can you bear it? Still don’t rush to open the door!”

Luo Feng frowned slightly and transmitted, “What’s going on?”

“Master, normally these two don’t even dare to stop me, today is strange.” Yu Keqi replied with a voice transmission, he was also puzzled.

“Still not opening the door.” Yu Keqi’s face was unsightly as he transmitted his voice and shouted angrily, “What’s wrong with you two?”

The two guards’ faces changed slightly.

One of the guards smiled awkwardly and even transmitted his voice, “Mr. Yu, it’s actually not that our brothers want to stop you. It’s just that today the family master he just got the one from the city master’s residence …… in short, it’s not suitable to meet guests, and being disturbed, the family master is likely to be unhappy. If you really want to see …… our brothers to help pass a message?”

“Oh.” The white robed man Yu Keqi frowned and transmitted a message to Luo Feng, “Master, the family head is now accompanying a slut, what should we do?”

“Enter!” Luo Feng transmitted his voice.

And Yu Keqi, who was affected by the secret soul method, couldn’t possibly refuse Luo Feng’s order at all, and immediately looked at the guards, “You guys go and pass the message! It’s much more important for the family master to meet this lord than screwing a woman.”

“That’s fine.” The two guards at the door immediately opened the door and one of them went straight inside.

Luo Feng stood outside the courtyard, silently looking inside through the already opened door.

“Family master, family master.” The guard that poisoned the message stood outside the palace and shouted in a low voice.

“What is it?” An irritated voice rang out.

“What’s going on.” A petite voice rang out.

“Family master, Mr. Yu brought someone over, saying that it’s the person that family master has been wanting to see, family master, see or not?” The guard said.

“The person Mr. Yu brought?” Suddenly the first level door of that palace rumbled open, only to see a casually dressed in a gorgeous robe barefooted man with a tall and sturdy physique, directly looking towards the outside, at the same time his eyes fell on the black robed man Luo Feng, instantly causing this Chun Yu family’s family head to be puzzled.

“Look again and you’ll reveal yourself.” Luo Feng’s body turned into a residual shadow with a flash, directly rushing into the courtyard.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Nine black silhouettes directly scurried down from that palace building, while behind the courtyard wall a figure shot out violently cloaked in the sky, directly rushing towards.

Jun Yu family’s head of the family, how honorable is the status, how can there be no personal secret guards?

Three hundred personal secret guards!

Nine shadow guards!

“Surprisingly, there are still nine universe level, a super power deserves to be a super power.” A black robed Luo Feng in the courtyard had a cold expression, his eyes were icy cold, he just stretched his hands out in vain.

At that moment those 300 secret guards and nine shadow guards that rushed out, originally each of them were either holding their battle knives, short swords, or their respective weapons, some were ready to manipulate their hidden weapons to kill Luo Feng’s …… However, under Luo Feng’s powerful nimbus manipulation, the battle knives, short swords, and other weapons that the three hundred secret guards were holding were directly chipped towards these secret guards’ own heads!

“No!” The three hundred secret guards, the nine shadow guards, and the two guards all stared in horror, but none of them could control their weapons with their power!


There was a flush of blade, sword, and dark weapon light!

Three hundred and eleven heads were cut, blood floated in the dark night sky, and only three people were still alive in the middle of the entire courtyard.

The white robed man Yu Keqi stood there dumbfounded, the Chun Yu family patriarch was even more horrified and stared wide eyed, only Luo Feng’s black robe bulged and his face was expressionless.


Luo Feng took one step and arrived at the patriarch’s side, strangling the patriarch’s neck as if he was strangling a chicken, at the same time he took a step and disappeared into thin air.

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