Chapter 64 – The Miracle of Blood Luo Crystal

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:25:46
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Night, the wind like a knife whistling blowing through the endless wilderness, weeds low, vaguely revealing a silhouette.

The robes on his body were already shredded into rags, but the strong body skin hidden under the rags was vaguely white.


Luo Feng sat there with his knees crossed and took a deep breath, his chest cavity sunk in and his abdomen bulged out violently as if there was a large balloon in his abdomen. And then this balloon slowly moved upwards, Luo Feng’s abdomen sunk in and his chest bulged out violently.

The huge bulge then split into four parts and moved over towards Luo Feng’s arms and legs.

The skin bulged and dented, it was weird!

“Whew!” Luo Feng slowly let out a long breath before slowly opening his eyes.

“Finally made it through.” Luo Feng let out a gasp.


Any more extreme pain in the body, Luo Feng could easily withstand it, it was just that the feeling of fusing the blood Luo crystal just now …… really made Luo Feng dislike it very much! Because apart from all sorts of extreme pain, the most upsetting thing was …… Luo Feng realized that his soul consciousness couldn’t even control his body!

Losing control of his body, this feeling of being out of control was something that had never happened before.

“No matter what, that upsetting feeling is finally over.” Luo Feng ripped the tattered clothes off his body and took a closer look at his body, how it looked, at least from the outside, there wasn’t the slightest change compared to before he fused the blood Luo crystal. The previous scene of fusing the blood Luo crystal’s entire body constantly mutating never seemed to have happened.

“It shouldn’t.” Luo Feng frowned.

“Test it!”

Luo Feng gazed into the distance, “Nimble power!”

Rumble …… touch the distant wilderness violently foot ten million tons of weight of large swathes of land repeatedly an earth mountain directly levitated up, and the soil soil mud and sand of the even was completely wrapped in Nian Li not leaking out in the slightest. Under Luo Feng’s control, such an earth mountain directly in mid-air constantly flying up, according to the circular trajectory constantly flying.

“No difference.”

“Permeability, vaporization, flexibility, toughness, my nimbus and before, there’s no difference, the conscious will hasn’t changed either.” Luo Feng shook his head, the earth mountain that kept rotating in the mid air of the black night directly descended from the sky, rumbling and smashing into the huge deep pit that was dug out before.

“The soul isn’t affected, could it be the body?” Peak frowned, and abruptly struck out with a random punch.

Boom! A fist smashed out, the high pressure shockwave formed on the surface of the fist directly caused the air to explode, and the terrifying airwave directly lifted off the wilderness turf, revealing a bare soil layer that was several kilometers in extent.

“No change?” Luo Feng’s eyes narrowed, the skin of his entire body was slightly trembling like waves, all the strength of his entire body’s sinews and muscles instantly transferred to the end of his right hand – his fist! Following the trend Luo Feng is the whole body force violently and instantly burst out fist smashed in the air directly produce a boom ear piercing explosion!

“I feel it, I feel it!”

“Deep within my cells, a change has occurred!” Luo Feng’s eyes had a hint of surprise, “This, this is a leap of life?”

Blood flesh life would have a leap every time it broke through a level.

Breaking through to the planetary level, breaking through to the stellar level, breaking through to the cosmic level …… Other times it was merely an accumulation of quantity.

“This body of mine is still at the ninth stage of the universe level! It hasn’t broken through the barrier, but …… my body sinews, muscles, internal organs have changed deep within every cell.” Luo Feng was excited and anxious, because beyond the “planetary level to realm lord” five barrier breakthroughs beyond the life level leap, absolutely not ordinary.

The books said it was amazing, not exaggerated.

But ……

The changes in the deepest part of the cell, even Luo Feng’s mind power couldn’t recognize them.

“There’s no other way, we can only gradually adapt, gradually perceive, and gradually understand its changes.” Luo Feng said darkly, then he looked up into the night sky, whoosh! Rising directly into the sky, he instantly broke through the clouds and went straight to the twelfth layer of clouds.

“Just work out the mystery of my body changes in the cloud layer.”

Luo Feng took out his blood shadow battle sword and practiced in the clouds.

Yan Gang City’s Flying Cloud Pavilion, Luo Feng’s residence.

Although he continuously killed two big names in Yan Gang City, Luo Feng was leisurely practicing in his residence, because he was worried about damaging the pavilion, he specifically exerted his nian power to form a diaphragm shield, practicing by himself within the shield, the shockwaves generated by his fists were all blocked by the nian power. It was both a way to exercise one’s Nian Li and to practice with reckless abandon.


“Truly magical.” Luo Feng who had already initially felt the magic of the blood Luo crystal was thrilled.

Suddenly Luo Feng stopped to look through the window, outside there were two people walking, it was the father and son duo of Nabu and Naco.

“Just in time to rest.”

In a happy mood Luo Feng walked to the first floor while Nabu and Naco had just walked outside the courtyard, “Lord Peak.”

“All come in.” Luo Feng smiled and sat down, picked up his wine cup and poured himself a cup of local fruit wine from the Blood Luo world, took a sip, the icy feeling ran through his entire body, he smiled comfortably, “Why did you rush over here so early in the morning?”

“Knowing that Lord Peak was captured by General Shi Feng and put in jail, Coco this child was so anxious that he jumped up and down, and then I accompanied him to visit him in jail before I realized that Lord Peak had already come out.” Silver-haired Nabu laughed, “So I came to visit Lord Peak early this morning, Lord Peak, if you have any trivial troubles, despite the command, although some big things I’m not capable of solving, but in Yan Gang City in general I can help to smooth things out.”


Luo Feng smiled, “But there’s nothing going on right now. Huh? Nako.”

“Hmm.” Nako answered, but her face didn’t look too good.

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng asked with a smile.

Naboo could also tell that this mysterious expert was in a good mood today, he even smiled and explained, “This child, Coco, has suffered a bit of trouble with some male and female feelings, so she’s sulking with herself right now.”

“Male and female feelings?” Luo Feng laughed, “Nako, lost love?”

“What do you mean lost love?” Nako looked up at Luo Feng.

“It’s when you’re interested in someone and they’re not interested in you.” Luo Feng held his wine glass and took a sip to himself.

“Right.” Next to him, Nabu laughed and touched his son’s head, however his son Nako flicked away in displeasure, Nabu laughed, “It’s just that people aren’t interested in him. In fact, to say the least, Nako to that girl, there is a recreation of the great grace of …… remembering the two children, I want to laugh.”

“Recreating a great favor?” Luo Feng was surprised.

“Father.” Naco was dissatisfied.

Nabu but smiled and explained, “This son of mine grew up with a heart of gold, he likes to take his guards to some restaurants and other chaotic places, and often hears other people talk about some powerful people. My son worshiped those heroes, so also with a hero to learn, some heroes are robbing the rich to help the poor, he simply will be the family money, to quietly give to the poor. One of the poor family, there is only a mother and a daughter …… my son Coco, has been secretly help their family, and then the girl grew up, Coco age is also getting older. I don’t know how …… this son of mine, even like that poor family’s daughter.”

“Ah?” Luo Feng glared.

Help the poor, help the poor, help the girl who likes it.

Na Ke’s face went red.

“It’s more than that! My son has always quietly given money to the girl her mother. And it’s all behind that girl’s …… back,” Nabu shook his head, “That girl wanted to cultivate to enter a sect in our city, my son immediately took a large sum of money and quietly gave it to that girl her mother. Just so …… that poor family little girl, from the poor little girl, become a sect within the talented martial artist! Behind the scenes, my son quietly funded her family for 12 years.”

“And then.” Luo Feng wondered.

“My son secretly fell in love with this girl chant, so he joined this sect himself.” Nabu shook his head, “Unfortunately, just yesterday, my son just went to confess and was rejected.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng laughed even more.

Naco looked at his father in annoyance.

“Your old man, I’ll have a few words with Lord Feng, can’t I?” Nabu glared at his son.

Naco could only hang his head, but his ears were red.

“It’s more than that!” Nabu even said, “Things are not interesting if this is not enough, just when this son of mine was rejected and lost his mind towards the door. That girl’s mother came to the sect to see her daughter, saw my son …… This is wonderful, that girl her mother grabbed my son, excited, even shouted benefactor it.”

“Huh?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

“That girl ran over, saw the situation, puzzled, asked her mother what benefactor. Her mother then honestly said hyung, saying that the one who has been helping their family is my son.” Nabu laughed, “Now, that little girl was dumbfounded and couldn’t believe it, saying that Nabu was under 20 years old, but the financial support started more than ten years ago.”

“Her mother said, in the beginning it was a rich little child under the protection of guards, quietly give money to poor families, she was watching this rich little child gradually grow up.” Nabu lamented, “I can’t imagine, I can’t imagine, the childish mind of a small child in the beginning, but it made this scene.”

“What happened next?” Luo Feng smiled and asked curiously, “How did that girl treat Naco?”

“That girl was also very backbone and grateful.” Nabu said, “That girl directly told my son that …… you have a great favor for our family, I’m willing to be a slave and a servant, even if you want, I’ll marry you.”

“Oh? All is happy.” Luo Feng smiled.

“It’s not over.”

Nabu laughed, “My son then asked with great style, do you like me?”

“Then the girl said, my mind is on martial arts and I don’t really have a sweetheart. But you have done a great favor to my family, and I can’t repay you.” Nabu said, “After the girl finished, my son directly said …… I Na but will not force others, you do not like me, I will not force you. After saying that, this son of mine, directly turned around and left with his guards. Haha …… “Nabu finished, couldn’t help but laugh again.

“Funny, funny.” Luo Feng also laughed.

“Father!” Teenager Nako’s face was red with shame and anger.

“Not bad, Nako, not bad.” Luo Feng smiled and praised.

Nako clenched his fists and said seriously, “I won’t force myself on anyone, but one day, I’ll make her like me!” Saying this, he also held his head high, seemingly full of fighting spirit.

“Ambitious!” Luo Feng could no longer hide his smile and laughed out loud as did Nabu next to him.

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