Chapter 86: Hunting program

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:26:52
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In the Mansion of the Giant Pit, Luo Feng in his bronze battle suit sat on a stone chair silently pondering.

“The blood Luo crystals possessed by the desolate beast Manifestation Bull, although it’s said to be as many as you want. But how many blood Luo crystals can an ordinary martial artist fuse? So what it possesses must be very limited, and I’m afraid I’ll get at most one or two blood Luo crystals in its hands.” Luo Feng shook his head slightly, this amount of blood Luo crystals wasn’t enough at all.

“Then ……,” Luo Feng’s pupils shrunk slightly, “There’s only one way.”


A phantom instantly rushed into the clouds and directly rushed to the 18th cloud layer, it was none other than the devil slayer clan Luo Feng, next to him appeared out of thin air the silver white pyramid airship well the devil slayer clan Luo Feng quickly flew along the hatch and into the airship.

In the control room.

“Luo Feng, what are you up to?” Babata’s voice echoed in the control room, “What’s with the Demon Slayer Race detachment?”

Luo Feng of the Demon Slayer Clan in black battle armor sat on a wide soft sofa, revealing a hint of a smile, “Baba Towers, don’t be anxious, I used the Demon Slayer Clan to split out because of the Blood Luo Crystal ……” Quickly going over the Golden Horned Beast’s fusion of the Blood Luo Crystal, and also the current purpose was stated.

“Fusing 15 Blood Luo Crystals is still not enough, fusing ten of them is so magical, what will it become if it fuses again?” Babata was excited.

“Hmm.” Demon killing clan Luo Feng gently nodded, “So, I brought all the important treasures such as you, Mo Yun vine and other important treasures with me in the Demon killing clan, including the protocore of life …… which is also in the body of the Demon killing clan. The one that remains in that House of the Giant Pit right now is merely my Earthling Honored One. Even if the Honored One suffers a calamity and dies, it’s still a trivial matter.”

The original nucleus was intact, so the three major bilocations could all be restored again after they were destroyed.

“What you’re doing makes sense, the original nucleus is inside the Demon Slayer Clan’s bilocation. In terms of life preservation ability …… the Demon Slayer Race bilocation with the Mechanical Race ship, it is indeed safer.” Babata acknowledged, “What are you going to do now?”


The Devil Slayer Clan Luo Feng revealed a hint of a smile, “The Blood Luo Continent is vast and boundless, with one side of the world, controlled by a single realm lord. The number of world cities within the entire Blood Luo Continent in the tens of millions …… of realm lords is also in the tens of millions, and the number of domain lords, which is a hundred times that of the realm lords, is even more staggering.”

“The Blood Luo Continent, reveres power, and the worlds of all parties conquered each other.”

“Every day, a large number of humans die, and every year, many Domain Lords fall.”

“What I’m going to do is to secretly hunt some Domain Lords.”

“I won’t kill too many, within the ten million worlds …… controlled by thousands of World Cities in the Blood Luo Continent, I will merely hunt one Domain Lord! Hunting nearly ten thousand domain lords within the entire Blood Luo continent is simply unremarkable.” There was a hint of sternness in the eyes of Luo Feng of the Demon Slayer Clan, “A Domain Lord, on average, gets one Blood Luo Crystal. I’ll be able to get nearly ten thousand blood Luo crystals!”

“Believe it!”

“These nearly ten thousand blood Luo crystals should be enough.” Luo Feng of the Demon Slayer Clan said softly.

“Haha …… is ruthless enough! Nearly ten thousand? Haha, that’s how it should be done, that’s what hurts. Hurry up and set out …… to utilize the strength of your universe’s strongest assassination clan.” Babata was also rendered excited by Luo Feng’s description.

Hunting! Target the entire Blood Luo Continent’s countless worlds ……

Hunt quietly, without God realizing it!

“Depart!” Demon Slayer Luo Feng ordered.


The mechanical race airship that simulated into a meteorite flew swiftly through the void outside the Blood Luo world.

Blood Luo Continent, Tian Yu City, a territorial main city that was more than a billion kilometers away from the edge of the Ancient God Ruins.

On the street outside the gate of the Heavenly Yu City City Lord’s residence.

“In my territory, how dare you call out to me, looking for death! Regretting it now? Too late!” The green-skinned man with cold eyes and wearing a battle robe sat on the back of a ten-meter tall beast, the Midge Beast, and coldly looked down at the bottom and directly ordered, “Pass the order down to the Mo Clan to directly copy me!”

“Lord City Master, that Mo Clan’s little boy is very arrogant, and he should be damned for bumping into Lord City Master! However, the Mo Clan is such a large family, it’s inevitable that an arrogant son would appear, there’s no need to-” a Cloudy Sky ranked general in battle armor beside him said respectfully.


A phantom shadow violently pumped on that general’s body, smashing that general’s entire person threw flying over, crashing into a large restaurant building on the opposite side of the street, causing the entire restaurant to explode directly with a loud bang, and some of the flying debris smashed the heads of some passersby in the distance, some of them smashing them to death directly, and all of a sudden, the street was in a state of panic.

Whoosh! A silhouette flew out of the tattered and collapsed restaurant, it was the general who spat out blood with a pale face, and even respectfully knelt down on the ground: “Lord City Lord, my subordinate knows that I am wrong, my subordinate knows that I am wrong.”


“Tian Yu territory, is my territory!” That gloomy man looked down, “Whoever I say deserves to die, deserves to die! If there is a next time to disobey me …… it won’t just be this whip.”

“Understood, understood.” The general was terrified.

“Go, give me the entire copy of Mo’s family, if you want to blame, blame that little bastard. I was in a good mood today, and it was all ruined by that little bastard. Also don’t look at what kind of thing they are, rushing into my head …… I’ll pinch their Mo Clan to death, just as easy as pinching a small stink bug.” The grim man sat on the back of the midge beast and entered the city lord’s mansion under the front and back of a group of men.

And only then did the general stand up.

“General.” The others looked at him.

“What are you waiting for, hurry up and gather the army, go and level that Mo Clan!” That general howled.


“The Mo Clan, a great family that can at least rank in the top ten in our Tian Yu City. Just because that little brat Mo Chong offended the city lord, it’s over. It’s really pathetic.”

“How did our Mo Chong Mo Junior offend the City Lord?”

“I don’t know.”

“I heard that the City Lord disguised himself as an ordinary person and brought two guards with him to the west side of Jiu Ya Building, and our young master Mo Chong had a conflict with him without knowing what happened. That Mo Chong young master is usually arrogant …… today is considered to be unlucky and ran into the city lord. With an order from Lord City Lord, the entire Mo Clan is all finished.”

“Poor, poor.”

“Pity my ass, Lord City Master is not a good person, that Mo Chong, is also a bastard, a few more deaths are good.”

A large number of people gathered on the far side of the street were all talking, and in the crowd, Luo Feng wearing loose black robes was listening to all of this, a hint of a smile on his face, “I didn’t expect that just after coming to this Tian Yu city, I’d see such a good show. Hmmm …… city lord? So overbearing, I hope you have more blood Luo crystals on you as well.”


The black clothed Luo Feng walked silently through the crowd, and then also sneaked into the city lord’s mansion.

Inside the city lord’s mansion, inside a seven story luxurious palace.

The man with a grim face was lying on a large bed that was more than ten meters wide, and two delicate young girls with scales on their brow area were helping to massage and rub.

“Gently, gently, yes, just like that.”

The man closed his eyes and commanded.

“Lord City Lord, my sister and I saw a dress at that Colorful Clothes Pavilion.”

“Buy it, feel free to buy whatever you see. Just report the bill directly to the housekeeper in the mansion.” The grim man casually said.

“Thank you City Lord.” The two young girls became more and more excited.

The corner of the grim man’s mouth is a smile, this kind of mastery of power, manipulate other people’s lives, let countless people begging for their own feeling …… is really very, very wonderful: “My older brothers and sisters are also really stupid, in order to fight to become a world master like a bitter cultivator, is there a need for it? How painful for me to be like this …… Haha, World Lord? So easy to cultivate into?”


“That’s the way it should be!”


Three bloody lights lit up, the grim man stared in horror, at the side of his extravagant and huge king-sized bed was standing a black-robed man, the black-robed man holding a battle sword was looking at him indifferently.

“I, I’m dead? How, how can ……” The gloomy man felt the shattering of the life core in his body and stared in horror while his consciousness was dissipating directly.

His life of enjoying a dashing life came to an end.

“How surly.” The black clothed Luo Feng stood by the big bed, looking at the three naked flesh bodies on the bed, his eyes glacially chiming, “For this kind of surly life, to even be able to cultivate into a domain lord, it’s considered to be a stroke of luck. Or …… have a background? The more background I have, the more I like it, the bigger the background, perhaps the more blood Luo crystals as well.”

Quickly, he found a spatial ring from the dead city lord’s hand.


“Two blood Luo crystals?” A hint of a smile appeared on black-clothed Luo Feng’s face, “Not bad, it’s a good opening.”

Then with a wave of his hand, the three corpses in front of him, including that big bed, were directly put into the space ring, ready to destroy the corpses.


Black clothed Luo Feng was like a ghost, instantly leaving the city lord’s mansion, soaring into the sky, directly rushing to the 18th cloud layer, and then taking the mechanical race airship. In the void outside the Blood Luo world he continued on again.

Kill one person, change places.

Absolute caution!

With the various worlds on the Blood Luo Continent killing each other and wars frequently breaking out, in this chaotic situation, the occasional death of a Domain Lord was simply quite inconspicuous! And when some domain lords are killed, the people under those domain lords simply don t know yet …… They still think that the domain lord has gone there to cultivate.

In the void, in the partial hall on the first floor of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace, which was responsible for monitoring the entire Blood Luo World.


“What’s going on with His Highness Luo Feng, how come he’s always traveling in that mechanical race ship of his, flying into the Blood Luo world one moment. One moment it goes in again. A while later it comes out again.”

“What do you mean a while, there’s usually a day or two.”

“But this frequency is too high.”

“What exactly is His Highness Luo Feng doing?”

The group of sector lords in charge of surveillance were puzzled, they simply didn’t understand what the hell Luo Feng was doing.

While Luo Feng of the Demon Slayer Clan was doing his hunting, and the Ancient God Ruins, inside the mansion of the giant pit in that giant pit.

Luo Feng who was wearing a bronze colored battle suit was sitting there with his eyes closed.

“The speed is pretty fast, on average I can get a blood Luo crystal a day.”

“It’s been a little over half a year since the hunting program until today.”

“Counting yesterday’s, it should be the 98th blood Luo crystal.” Luo Feng smiled and opened his eyes, “Hmm, two more arrived, one hundred blood Luo crystals.”

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