Chapter 9 – 52 Chaos Tablets

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:23:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Time is precious, don’t waste it, a black-robed messenger then directly leapt down from the rooftop and landed on the ground below, immediately followed by the other 1,000 geniuses each followed the jump down, as if a large swarm of brilliant insects, cloaked in the sky and landed directly on the wide street in front of this villa building.

“Follow me, go to the City Lord’s Mansion.” The black-robed messenger said, “That’s where the City Lord resides, and it’s also the core of the entire Chaos City.”

“City lord?”

Luo Feng was secretly surprised to hear that, as the only city in the initial universe, Chaos City’s history was older than many universe states in the original universe, the status of the city lord …… of such an ancient city could be imagined, to be able to hold this position as the city lord, it was estimated that the strength would definitely not be worse than those universe state lords.

“Rumble ……” far ahead, came a full body clad in crimson scale armor up to more than thirty meters of the unicorn beast, the entire beast almost accounted for most of the street position, on the back of the beast is standing a purple short hair youth-like man, he was wearing a ghost blue battle armor, his feet stepped on ghostly blue battle boots, and he was carrying a purple giant battle sword on his back, looking up at the sky.

The black-robed messenger respectfully saluted to show his respect, and the 1000 young men watched the giant beast leave.

“Taming a beast?”

“Chaos City can also bring tamed beasts?”

A group of young people couldn’t help but whisper, and the black-robed messenger in front of them said with a smile on his face, “The one just now, is a permanent immortal resident of our Chaos City, and as a permanent resident, is qualified to bring tamed beasts in Chaos City.”


“I’ve heard that immortal powerhouses want to come in for enlightenment, a spot is incredibly, incredibly expensive.”

The young people were shocked and Luo Feng couldn’t help but say, “How is that possible?”

His own teacher, who was also considered a powerful figure amongst the immortals in the universe, couldn’t afford to buy a spot to enter the initial universe for enlightenment. But the man who looked like a youth just now was a permanent resident?

“Nothing is impossible.” The black robed messenger smiled “As long as one has a great contribution, or super strength, as long as they are recognized by the alliance, they can become a permanent resident.”

Luo Feng’s heart fluttered, alliance? Yes, this Chaos city is co-managed by the five giants, presumably the so called alliance is the five giants alliance.

“Question, how do I become a permanent resident?” In the crowd, Prince Uka of Barbarian Card Star shouted.

“The conditions are very harsh.” The black-robed messenger smiled, “When you become immortal, you’ll know which conditions, it’s useless to ask now.”

The black robed messenger led the bustling young men of all human races, walking down the streets, and it was indeed a sight to behold.

But Luo Feng realized that those meditating powerhouses on the rooftops of the villa buildings on both sides of the street, but only a very few of them opened their eyes and looked at them, most of them were immersed in bitter cultivation and enlightenment. Many people’s beard and hair had grown very long seemingly as if they had not been trimmed for hundreds and thousands of years.

“Ahead is the City Lord’s Mansion.” The black robed messenger pointed poison ahead.

Luo Feng looked up.

It was a majestic building that was about three hundred meters high, and from afar you could see the most dazzling three cosmic universal language script heart of the city lord’s mansion – “city lord’s mansion” Looking at that handwriting couldn’t help but be attracted into it, as if the inside of that handwriting had created its own space to create its own universe and heaven. The whole spirit of the person is constantly being sucked into the cosmic space inside the handwriting, scaring Luo Feng so much that he didn’t even dare to look down.

“The three big words of the city lord’s mansion, everyone should just look at it once, don’t look at it too often.” The black robed messenger laughed, “It will make you all go into a trance, even if you’re immortal existences, you usually don’t dare to stare all the time.”


“So magical?”

Quite a few geniuses who hadn’t paid attention to those three words before even Qi looked up, and this time, all of them were hit.

“Haha ……” The black-robed messenger couldn’t help but laugh out loud when he saw this scene.

Normally receiving some super existences, one might have to be a bit more restrained, but receiving these little guys is much easier.

Looking close, walking far.

Even if they walked quite fast, it took several minutes before they reached the main gate of the City Lord’s Mansion, and at a glance, they saw that the entire City Lord’s Mansion had black-robed emissaries traveling to and from it from time to time, and occasionally, they could also see some Immortal Existences and Realm Lords entering and exiting the City Lord’s Mansion.

“Chaos City, the only city in the Initial Universe.” The black robed messenger smiled, “In Chaos City, there are three treasures.”

Luo Feng’s eyes lit up and he even listened carefully.

“The first of these three treasures, as everyone knows, is naturally the laws of the universe’s operation that can be seen with the naked eye.” The black robed messenger smiled, “As for this second treasure, it’s within the city and right in the middle of the city lord’s mansion. The third treasure, is outside of Chaos City.”

“What exactly is the treasure?”

A group of young people couldn’t help but ask.

The black robed messenger pointed to the surroundings, “A rooftop of a cultivation residence around, for hundreds of millions of years, a strong man used to reside there, when they were cultivating they often had a flash of light, they would even burn on the ground in front of them, and then carefully refer to and think about it, and if they gained something, they would be randomly hardworking as well.”

Luo Feng secretly nodded, indeed, comprehending the origin law is somewhat similar to a flash of aura, suddenly vaguely sensing something, then casually burned and scratched down, graphics are more graphic than words.

Just like some people, then write down a line of words on the paper, even after a few years, see this line of words can recall what they thought when they wrote this line of words. Whereas if it’s printed on a computer, and you look at it after a few years, sometimes it’s hard to remember exactly what you were trying to do when you wrote it in the first place.

Graphics etched by hand are very much a vehicle for perception.

“Chaos City, for countless years, has also formed such a tradition.” The black-robed messenger sighed, “Because it’s purely recorded on the fly, there’s no regularity, and a lot of the burnings are only half-claws, so most of them are only a little bit of a reference at most.”


“For billions of years, there are still some among the countless epiphany burnings that nevertheless have a very strong and systematic cultivation value.” The black-robed messenger solemnly said, “In my Chaos City, there are the most most precious 52 Chaos Tablets, each of which records a large number of mysterious patterns and so on, and these 52 Chaos Tablets are 52 cultivation avenues that lead directly to the pinnacle of the avenues! If one enlightens a chaos stele, then one will directly become a true super existence amongst the universe, even if you guys want to open up a cosmic country, it will be easy.”

Luo Feng couldn’t help but hold his breath, and the surrounding savage Rongjun and Barbarian Card Star teenagers ……

thousands of young men and women were all excited.

52 Chaos tablets, containing the great Dao to the pinnacle, enlighten one and you can open up a cosmic country?

“These 52 Chaos Tablets are the second treasure of our Chaos City.” The black-robed messenger smiled, “As for the third treasure …… just outside Chaos City, there is a detailed description on the stone monument at the entrance of the city, so just go and see for yourselves.”

A group of people looked forward to it with great anticipation.

The first and second treasures were of great benefit to everyone, and I’m afraid this third treasure isn’t any worse.

“52 Chaos Monuments.” The black-robed messenger said, “Every cultivator who enters the Initial Universe has a chance to enlighten it, and the time for each person to enlighten it is seven days!”

“Seven days?”

A group of people stared.

So short?

“The Chaos Tablet, is our human’s greatest treasure. It conveys the path to the pinnacle of the Great Dao more clearly than any secret method, seven days of enlightenment is enough for you all.” The black-robed messenger then walked towards the main entrance of the City Lord’s Mansion, “All come in and prepare to choose to observe the Chaos Tablet.”

The City Lord’s Mansion covered a large area, even the rooftop of an ordinary cultivation residence was a hundred meters in length and width.

“Each person can only choose one chaos stele for observation and enlightenment.” The black robed messenger led Luo Feng and they quickly walked to the entrance of a fantastic corridor.

On the walls on both sides of the corridor, there was a huge picture hanging.

Luo Feng knew with a sweep of his gaze that there were a total of 52 pictures.

“There are 52 pairs of topographical drawings hanging on the walls of the corridor, each pair of drawings corresponds to a chaos stele, you guys watch watch these drawings first, although the drawings can’t transmit the aura that the chaos stele contains, they can still allow you to barely feel a little bit. You guys just watch these 52 pairs of drawings …… and then decide, choose that one Chaos Monument.” The black-robed messenger said.

A group of young people, looking at a picture on the walls on both sides of the corridor was a bit dumbfounded, it turned out to be looking at the pictures to choose what Chaos Monument to watch.

Each picture was a standard ten meters long by ten meters wide, and there was a name next to the picture.

“Give you half an hour.” The black robed messenger stood at the very outside of the corridor.

Luo Feng and the rest of the group could only start watching.

Luo Feng randomly chose a picture and started to watch, this first picture, painted an ancient sky-high tree, the leaves were already withered and yellow, countless leaves were falling off, the withered and yellowed leaves floating in mid-air on this picture, with Luo Feng’s conscious computing ability, he was instantly able to tell that it was definitely more than 10,000 leaves.

On the picture, one after another withered yellow fallen leaves.

There were still some leaves attached to the tree technique, and the ground was covered with fallen leaves.

Looking at …… Luo Feng felt that the withered yellow leaves floating down in mid air, as if a soldier, forming a military formation like, that incomparably complicated military formation, a hundred leaves form a complex small formation, slightly adding a leaf, 101 leaves make the formation suddenly change even more marvelous.

“One minute to!” Babata’s voice woke up in Luo Feng’s mind, “Luo Feng, you only have half an hour to view all the drawings, each drawing must not exceed one minute.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng even woke up and glanced at the name on the picture one – ‘Mother Ancestor Chaos Tablet’.

This caused Luo Feng to frown slightly, “Mother Ancestor? What’s the relationship with the mother ancestor planet?”

Not daring to think too much, after all, there were a full 52 pairs of drawings to view, Luo Feng even went to view the other drawings next to him, after all, in just half an hour to find the Chaos stele that suited him best. After all, if it suits you, then you can cultivate with high efficiency. As for the “Mother Ancestor Chaos Stele” Luo Feng had a headache just looking at it.

101 leaves, compared to 100 leaves, the formation can change a hundred times more.

It was unimaginable how many tens of thousands of leaves would be transformed.

One picture after another, there was silence.

Each of the 1000 geniuses was like an incomparably hungry wolf, each with glowing eyes, staring at that one picture. Before, everyone was still upset about the choice of the Chaos Monument for viewing the drawings, but after viewing it everyone was addicted to it, fortunately all of them were reminded by the Intelligent Light Brain, otherwise they might have watched one drawing in half an hour.

“Eh?” Luo Feng was staring at a large picture in front of him.

On the picture, it was a single blade mark, each blade mark gave a different feeling, the whole picture had a total of 10081 blade marks, the corresponding chaos stele was called the Heart Mark Chaos Stele.

“Alright, half an hour is up, tell me which Chaos Stele you choose and I’ll record it.” The black-robed messenger shouted.

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