Chapter 100 – Disaster

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:52:26
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At Luo Feng’s order, not only did those 30 massive star warships start moving, even the 700,000 cosmic warriors of the 9th legion scattered across many other planets all started moving at the same time.

Dream Specter Empire Imperial Capital Star.

After the prehistoric battle of hunting immortal deities, one-fifth of the entire Imperial Capital Star had been reduced to rubble, and other areas had also suffered some vibration ripples, with houses collapsing, people being injured, and so on.

“Oooh, oooh.”

A small town on the Imperial Capital Star, some whimpering and crying can be heard everywhere, houses collapsing everywhere, but people’s physical qualities are stronger, at most smashed and injured, only a very small number of deaths.

“Don’t cry, good boy, don’t cry.”

“Brother, the house is gone.” The little girl cried, her eyes red.

The boy hugged the little girl.

Behind them stood a young couple, the young couple looked at the collapsed house in front of them was also a burst of sadness, because the real estate on the Empyrean Star was very expensive, and their biggest family property was such a house. Now collapsed …… after the incident, there will definitely be a new luxury power class to take back this piece of land.

Every disaster is a distribution of benefits.

They, the bottom class, will always be exploited.

“Brother, look.” The little girl stared wide-eyed and pointed remotely into the distance.

“Ah.” The boy also stared wide-eyed, foolishly looking at the distant sky.

In the sky, an incomparably huge black body appeared to be a hideous cosmic interstellar warship, the length of more than 10 kilometers of interstellar warship was like a lofty mountain suspended in the sky, covering the sunlight. And at the end of the sky far away, there is a seemingly small but exactly the same another star warship descending.

At this moment–

Thirty star warships slowly descended at the same time, hovering high in the sky of the Imperial Capital Star, and absolutely checking the air to destroy any that wanted to take a spaceship to escape.

“Oh my god!”

“Cosmic starships!”

On the Imperial Capital Star, the huge and hideous interstellar battleships could be seen everywhere in the distance of the sky.

This kind of interstellar battleship that participated in the extra-territorial battlefield was many times stronger than ordinary common battleships, and the mere fact that 30 interstellar battleships formed an energy shield that covered the entire Imperial Capital Star caused the people of the Imperial Capital Star to be terrified.

“Brother, there’s a ship coming over there.” The little girl shouted with wide eyes.

Her brother, father, and mother all looked closely.

A blood-colored triangular spaceship slowly descended, directly penetrated the energy shield and eventually landed on a square in the town, the people of the town all watched with bated breath they knew very well that to be able to directly penetrate that huge star warship arranging the energy shield to come in without being attacked by the star warship, this spaceship must have come from an extraordinary origin.

“Wow!” The hatch opened.

Under the terrified gaze of the town’s residents.

The black-haired youth in silver battle armor, leading two immortal deities (Dylan, Ninth Army Lord) and six sector lords (Kashna as well as Luo Feng’s five sector lord escorts) behind him, flew out of the hatch before gently landing on this land that had just suffered from a tremor.


A silhouette appeared out of thin air.

It was a dazzling figure shrouded in golden battle armor, holding an enormous black sledgehammer, and the entire person standing there seemed to make the entire heaven and earth tremble.

“Your Highness.” The golden battle armor old man smiled, “Yao Hei is dead.”

“Hm.” The black-haired youth nodded.

This conversation was not intentionally shielded, and many of the residents of the surrounding towns staring at this were completely stunned, Yaohai? Yao Ohi was dead?

As a resident of the Dream Specter Empire, who doesn’t know that the Dream Specter Empire’s royal family is the “Yao Hei Family”, and there is only one person who dares to be called “Yao Hei” in the entire royal family. This name, then, is the founder of this clan! Ancestor of the clan! He was also the greatest figure of the Dream Peeper Empire, the “Founding Emperor”!

“The Founding Emperor is a deity, and he’s even dead?”


The residents of the town were stunned.

However, they looked at the huge and hideous starship in the sky that made their hearts palpitate, and then looked at the blood-colored triangular ship, as well as the unbelievable and terrifying aura emanating from the group of people around that black-haired young man.

“If they didn’t kill the founding emperor how did they dare to blockade the entire Imperial Capital Star like that without the slightest reaction from the Imperial Clan’s side?” Rationally many people understood that this was all true.


A silhouette among the townspeople quietly flew away.

“Ev!” A low drink echoed in the sky above this town, only to see that the silhouette that had originally fled like lightning was actually directly fixed in mid-air.

Only then did the black haired youth beside that blood colored triangle airship and his men fly over.

“Your Highness Luo Feng.” A clear and soft voice rang out, “I’ve seen the cosmic genius battle I know it’s you, but why are you arresting me?” The one who was fixed in mid air was a beautiful brown haired woman dressed in seemingly plain clothes, her nose was straight, her eyes were slightly sunken in while her skin was a light green color.

Luo Feng and the others landed in front of her.

“You traitor, my teacher is a sealed king level immortal, in front of my teacher, you, a sector lord, want to escape?” The battle armor youth Kashna pointed at the brown haired woman and droned.

“Seal King level immortal?” The brown haired woman Aife was shocked, she tried to struggle twice but how could she get away under the spatial bindings?

“Your highness Luo Feng why are you arresting me?” The brown haired woman Aife looked at Luo Feng and seemed aggrieved.

“You only have two ways.” Luo Feng looked at her.

“One, fight me if I can’t kill you, you can live.”

“Two, the other paths will all be dead.”

Luo Feng didn’t even bother to talk nonsense with this woman, the brown haired woman Aife was frozen in mid air, gritted her teeth and looked at Luo Feng, but she also understood …… that even Yao Hei was dead, I’m afraid that some of her things were really exposed, at least she was also a powerhouse who had just broken through to become a sector lord, she didn’t bother to pretend anymore.

“Your Highness Luo Feng, you said, let me fight you? I can survive as long as I don’t die?” Aife looked at him.

“Right.” Luo Feng nodded.

“Can I trust you, your highness?” Aife stared at Luo Feng.

“Hmph.” Dylan on Luo Feng’s side let out a low hum and said indifferently, “Your highness’s credibility is much more valuable than your life.”

“Good!” Eve’s eyes glowed, “Let’s fight then!”


At once the original spatial bindings dissipated, and invisible spatial barriers appeared in the surrounding 100 meter range, that golden battle armored old man Terfanqi’s voice was powerful, “Your highness, I’ve already set up the spatial barriers, 100 meters long, wide, and high, it’s your highness the space where you and this woman will engage in a battle, and it won’t affect the surroundings.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“Come on!” Aife’s originally plain clothes instantly began to morph and condense, turning into a streamlined gray battle armor, at the same time two short swords appeared in her hands.

Luo Feng, on the other hand, stood still.

“I don’t believe that I can’t defeat you with my sector lord strength!” Aife shouted, instantly invisible world power pressed down, at the same time her internal world projection, causing the spatial range to instantly turn into a black forest world, Aife she was as if she was the master of this black forest.


The two short swords in Aife’s hands, under the extension of the world force, instantly transformed into two huge black long whips that wrapped around Luo Feng.

“There is indeed a big gap between the geniuses of the virtual universe company in terms of law perception.” Luo Feng shook his head.

Luo Feng didn’t even want to use the Diffraction God Soldier.


In an instant, Luo Feng was like an overwhelmingly ferocious beast charging out violently, forcibly stepping on the large trees, grass and blades within that forest, charging sideways and directly towards those two long black whips.

Hoo hoo hoo ……

Luo Feng’s hands were like lightning phantoms, with a ferocious aura, directly invoking the universe’s gold origin and space origin, the powerful force of the laws merged into Luo Feng’s lightning fast claws, surprisingly, just a lightning fast number of claws down the two long black whips were directly broken from them.

Claw technique – The Three Thousand Starry Nights

“Worthy of being a genius, but-” Aife’s eyes erupted with ferocious light, the twin swords in her hands instantly triggered the powerful world force, forming endless leafy vines that wrapped around Luo Feng.

But while Luo Feng broke that long whip, his speed didn’t decrease at all, he continued to pounce on Ai Fu, when the endless leaves and vines enveloped him. Luo Feng’s face was grim, just as if that giant one horned lizard beast god swung his claws to tear apart that huge palm back then, he also swung his right claw!

Rumbling ……

The golden right claw was several meters tall, carrying a beastly roar, the law power of the Laws of Space and the Laws of Gold would be completely integrated into the right claw, forming a materialized one.

It directly tore through those leaves and vines like pushing and pulling.

“How is it possible.” Aife’s eyes widened.


The right claw directly tore her entire body apart, blood splattered while a life core flew out from her shattered body and fled in haste.

“Whoosh.” Luo Feng had grabbed that life core with a flash.

“Just a little more world power and world projection than me. But in terms of law perception, it’s too much worse than me.” Luo Feng shook his head and directly crushed this life core.

“Babata, close the virtual universe network synchronized transmission.” Luo Feng said.

The battle was over.

This battle had given himself 10% mission completion.

“Unfortunately, of the four targets I was given to personally kill in the mission, only one of them was on the Empyrean planet.” Luo Feng secretly shook his head.


Luo Feng suddenly shot up into the sky, and Dylan, the ninth army lord, Elder Terrapin Qi, and a group of other immortal deities even flew up after him.

Standing in mid air.

Luo Feng looked into the distance, with his domain lord level 9th rank eyesight he could easily see past thousands of kilometers away, only to see a large number of cosmic warriors swooping down from that one interstellar battleship, going to hunt down the targets on the list. The entire Imperial Capital Star was in the midst of bloody killings …… Of course, it was only killing the targets.

“Your Highness, look over there.” The battle armor youth Kashna exclaimed staring into the distance.

Luo Feng also turned his head to look.

Only to see the misty light in the distance thousands of kilometers lit up, at the same time the surrounding space are swirling silk ripples, and a hideous huge figure looms, a huge golden insect warriors from which flew out, densely packed, but also in the center of a large number of golden insect warriors, there is also a pyramid shaped nest that is more than ten kilometers high, the nest is full of holes, all kinds of venomous poisonous gas diffuse.

At the same time dazzling pillars of light erupted from one golden bug warrior after another.


The entire Imperial Capital Star became a golden ocean.

“Your Highness, run away!”

“Divine Kingdom Teleportation, it’s an Immortal Grade Insect Race Mother Nest!” At the sight of the countless hideous figures in that misty light, Dylan was the first to grab Luo Feng and dash towards the Meteorite Ink Starship lightning fast, while the Seal King level immortal deities Terrapin Qi, Ninth Army Lord, Kashna and a bunch of others also rushed towards the Meteorite Ink Starship one by one.

The Imperial Capital Star completely became a sea of golden light pillars.

“Rumble ……”


The entire Imperial Capital Star directly exploded open, even the hardest star core inside shattered open, and with just this strike, a large number of cosmic warriors who were originally on the planet on a hunting mission were killed or injured.

The “Meteorite Ink Star”, the commander ship of this operation, fled in a hurry!

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