Chapter 101: Immortal Bug Mother Nest

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:52:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The pyramid-shaped Insect Mother Nest that was more than ten kilometers tall suddenly emitted an incomparably ear-piercing sound amidst the dazzling sea of golden light.


The high-pitched ear-piercing sound wave made the densely-packed golden insect warriors immediately roar up, these golden insect warriors are mainly divided into two categories, one is similar to the humanoid, height of about 30 meters, the whole body is like a myriad of armored composition, it has a beetle-like wings, the eyes are similar to the dragonfly compound eyes.

The other class appears to be “lean” about 100 meters high, their bodies slightly curved like a hunchback, head and body full of eyes, hundreds of pairs of thousands of pairs of eyes, the back of more than a hundred pairs of wings.

These two types of insect warriors body is completely golden.

The aura emitted caused the surrounding space to vibrate.

With the high-pitched ear-piercing sound waves emitted from the insect mother nest, all the two types of insect warriors roared up, first of all, the group of golden humanoid beetle warriors, each of them opened their mouths, and a sharp glass tube-like mouthparts with a diameter of about 30 centimeters suddenly gave birth to a piercing white light.

Thousands of golden bug warriors opened their mouths around one another and stretched out that mouthpiece.



“Run away, all of them, run away quickly! Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!” In the Meteorite Ink Starship, the ninth army master no longer had the slightest calm, there was only panic and anxiety, desperately roaring at the Meteorite Ink Starship’s console to the other 30 star warships, all 30 star warships had already been activated, wanting to accelerate their escape.

But ……

How could the startup speed of the star warships be as fast as the speed of the powerful insect race warriors?

Thousands of golden insect warriors with a height of 30 meters as if they were magic gods in the legend, their mouthpieces all shot out a piercing white light column at the same time, and thousands of white light columns converged at a “point” in the high sky at the same time! The coordination of the thousands of powerful insect warriors was as if they were one person.

When the thousands of white pillars of light converged to a single point…

“Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof! Pfft! Poof!” The cosmic space at that point shook violently and directly burst, revealing that terrifying spatial turbulence, with all sorts of chaotic broken space and cascading spatial turbulence surging.

At the same time!

With that point as the center, the vibrating cosmic space was like a domino effect, directly spreading out in all directions in the sky and underground! In an instant, it was like a supernova eruption!


Produced a dazzling diameter of ten million kilometers of oversized ball of light, even the slow start speed of the force of the huge interstellar warships, also as if 30 small boats in the sea of fury, instantly wrapped up by the expansion of the terrifying ball of light, completely disappeared in the field of vision!

Followed closely!

This oversized ball of light that was much larger than an ordinary star violently transformed into countless shockwaves that impacted away in all directions, and that was when that incomparably terrifying ear-piercing sound truly resounded.

“Rumble Rumble Rumble ……”

The universe trembled!

Space shattered!

It was as if the world was ending!

In the countless shockwaves that were sprayed into the four directions of the universe, the 30 interstellar battleships staggered and rolled around, as if they were toys, rolling around in the universe and being flung around by the shockwaves.


In the midst of the countless shockwaves, a blood-colored triangular cosmic ship seemed to be riding the waves and flew out directly.

Inside the Meteor Ink Star ship.

“No!!!” The Ninth Army Lord’s face was unsightly, and he turned his head dead to look at the rear, and the outer virtual view ordered him to easily see that as if a toy was tumbling for an incomparably huge star warship.

“This, this is too terrifying.” Battle armor youth Kashna stared wide eyed.

Luo Feng gritted his teeth.


Too terrifying.

Just one combined strike …… even completely destroyed a range of ten million kilometers in diameter, the shockwave dispersal range is even wider, what kind of terrifying power is this! The diameter of an ordinary planet is less than ten thousand kilometers, even if it is a star, the diameter rarely exceeds ten million kilometers.

Who could resist such an attack?

The golden battle-armored old man on his side, Terfanqi, was even yelling lowly, “Quickly, quickly go, another team of thousands of Immortal Bug Race warriors are chasing them over!”

“Immortal bug warriors?” Luo Feng turned his head.

The outer virtual landscape made Luo Feng see at a glance that there were thousands of densely packed golden bug warriors right behind the Meteorite Ink Star, all of them were a hundred meters tall, their whole body was full of eyes, bent over, and had densely packed hundreds of pairs of wings on their backs. All of their eyes were staring at the fleeing Meteor Ink Star.

These golden insect warriors, their flying speed was not lower than the Meteor Ink Star in the slightest!

Immortal level, they were completely capable of performing cosmic shuttles in their physical bodies.

“Cosmic shuttle, countdown ……” Babata’s voice rang out from within the Meteor Ink Star.

“Don’t shuttle.”

Golden battle armor old man Terrapin Qilian roared, “It’s useless, in the dark universe this group of immortal insect warriors who are proficient in speed, chasing and killing, and then there is no limit to the speed of light, with their instantaneous burst of speed, it is far more than this spaceship machine.”

“What then?” Dylan roared, “Old man, quick, think of something!”


Luo Feng looked at the group of hideous golden insect warriors that were chasing closer and closer behind him, he was also anxious. Legendary “immortal level insect warriors” thousands of immortal level insect warriors at once, what kind of terrifying force is this? With a combined attack from thousands of immortal-level insect warriors, even if they were as strong as a King-level immortal deity, they would have to flee.

“You guys don’t care about anything, I’ll do it.”

The golden battle-armored old man let out a low roar, while his entire body disappeared into the control room out of thin air.

“Eh?” Luo Feng’s face changed.

“It’s an instantaneous transfer, he’s already out of the ship.” Dylan even transmitted his voice.

“Don’t resist all of you, I’ll directly take the spaceship into the side of the world I’m carrying.” The low voice of that Temple Fan Qi Elder resounded in the minds of everyone within the Meteor Ink Starship.


The Meteor Ink Star ship instantly disappeared in mid-air, leaving only Elder Terrapan Qi, who was shrouded under the golden battle armor, in mid-air.

“Damnable insect race.” Elder Terfan Qi stood in the cosmic starry sky and looked back at the thousands of golden insect warriors that were rapidly rushing towards him, a color of hatred in his eyes, “Next time in the Extra-Terrestrial Battlefield, I’ll definitely let you all know how powerful I am.”


The thousands of tall golden insect warriors who were chasing after them saw the human spacecraft disappear instantly, they were as if they were one person, all the golden insect warriors were the dense eyes of the whole body at the same moment, shooting out a path of golden silk threads, countless golden silk threads diffused away, making the infinite space freeze under.

Is preparing to instantly move again temple fan Qi elder, feel the universe space condensation, suddenly gritted his teeth.


Elder Terfan Qi let out a low roar.


It accelerated violently!

Soon, Elder Terfan Qi accelerated to the speed of light, and the cosmic space rippled as he was directly transported to the Dark Universe.


The thousands of golden insect warriors who were speedily chasing after him also accelerated once again, directly reaching the speed of light, and the cosmic space around them rippled as they collectively entered the Dark Universe around one.

Within a world.

The Meteor Ink Star slowed down and stopped over a vast forest, inside the control room of the ship, a group of people stood there in silence for a long time.

Luo Feng, Dylan, the five great realm lord guards, the seven feudal marquis level immortal deities of the Tavin ministry, Kashna, and the ninth army lord, this group of survivors stood inside the control room, but their hearts were completely hanging in the air. Because everyone was clear …… that they were merely within the side of the world that Elder Terfanqi was carrying with him.

Once Elder Terrapan Qi was finished, all of them would be finished.

“Can we escape? Can that Elder Terrapan Qi escape that insect race?” Luo Feng looked at Dylan.

“I don’t know.” Dylan shook his head.

“It’s absolutely fine, my teacher possesses incomparable strength.” The battle armor youth Kashna even shouted.

Next to him, the tall and thin Ninth Army Lord said in a low voice, “Immortal level insect mother nests, they belong to the real high level in the insect race, each immortal level insect mother nest is incomparably terrifying …… On the extra domain battlefield, the appearance of an immortal level insect mother nest that is a nightmare!”



A group of people in the control room were silent, silently waiting for the judgment of fate.

What they were most worried about right now was the collapse of this side of the world, then, it would mean that Elder Terrapin Qi was dead, this side of the world was destroyed, and they would naturally be exposed! At that time …… their collection of supreme powerhouses was defenseless in front of that immortal level insect mother nest.


The Meteor Ink Star ship directly disappeared within this side of the world.

After the Meteor Ink Starship appeared, Luo Feng and the others could see at a glance that outside was endless cold ice.

“This is a mineral planet with extremely low temperatures.” A familiar voice rang out.

Luo Feng, the ninth army lord, Di Lun and everyone else turned their heads to look.

Only to see the golden battle armored old man suddenly appear in the control room, this is the terrifying …… instantaneous movement ability, not fast movement, fast movement is no way to break through the Meteorite Ink Star ship obstruction, but …… instantaneous movement, is simply ignoring the high walls and rock walls blocking.

Of course, even among the Seal King level immortal deities, there are only a few that have the ability to “instantly move”.



The control room was filled with joy.

Luo Feng also looked at this golden battle armored elder and bowed slightly, “Elder Terrapin Qi, thank you for saving my life.”

“It’s deserved.” Elder Terrapin Qi’s eyes had a trace of fatigue, smiled and said, “That group of abominable bugs are really difficult to deal with, fortunately, I am the study of cosmic space origin law of escape, on the “space blockade, strangulation”, I may be almost, but the escape is still a bit of a sure thing. Time and time again, the universe shuttle, being chased thousands of galaxies, finally get rid of that group of bugs.”

The laws of space, divided into many aspects.

Instantaneous movement, belonged to the extreme of one of those aspects.

“Teacher, you’re injured?” The battle armor youth Kashna stared at Elder Terfan Qi’s battle armor and exclaimed in shock.

There were already cracked chains on Elder Terfanqi’s battle armor.

“Attacked once during the chase.”

Elder Terfan Qi shook his head, “Each of these damnable bugs possesses immortal level strength. Although it is said that they don’t have any native intelligence and all of them listen to that mother emperor’s control. If one on one, they are much weaker than a true immortal deity. However, once they formed a collective, they possessed one common consciousness – the Mother Emperor’s consciousness. Individually, they were far inferior to true Immortal Deities. But a few thousand Immortal Bug Warriors joining forces is far superior to the union of a few thousand true Immortal Deities, it’s truly terrifying.”

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