Chapter 114 – Sector Master Level Enlightenment Speed

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:53:04
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Two paths, one easy, one hard.

Which one to choose?

Inside the tower, Luo Feng, who was standing in front of the holy monument with his eyes closed, however, revealed a smile.

“My heart is like a mirror, see all illusions. My heart is like a sword, cut through all obstacles.” Without the slightest hesitation, Luo Feng made his decision very calmly, “If you don’t even have the courage to break through as an immortal as a ‘peak golden horned behemoth’, what’s the point of talking about becoming a super existence in the universe, and what’s the point of talking about becoming a true top level big shot of the human community!”

“I believe I can do it!”

“It can definitely be done.”

Luo Feng silently said.

As a member of the heart cultivation group that received guidance from Thunder God and Hong, he paid more attention to the “heart” aspect.

If a person didn’t even have the courage to challenge difficult obstacles, then they were destined to achieve nothing. But if the face of the real super problem still have full confidence and courage, then all the way to fight constantly beyond the limit, close to the goal. Even if the final failure …… that achievement will be extremely high.

That’s how Luo Feng rightfully chose the second path, choosing the method of devouring a large amount of metal to strengthen the inner world. In fact, regarding the combination of metals needed for the sector master stage Luo Feng had already purchased them long ago …… Thus it can be seen that at the bottom of his heart, Luo Feng had already made an accurate plan for the future.

“Back then when I was an ordinary martial artist on earth, did anyone ever think that I would become a galactic lord?”

“When I entered the universe as the strongest person on earth, did anyone ever think that I would become the top 10 genius in the genius war in the entire human 1008 universe countries?”

“Did anyone think that I would be able to rush into the Primordial Secret Realm in my first qualification battle?”

“And now many people think that I have hopes of becoming a Seal Marquis or Seal King level Immortal Deity. But how many people dare to think …… that I can become a great existence at that level of universe honored one in the future?” Luo Feng said silently, but the light in his eyes grew brighter.

A truly strong person had absolutely strong beliefs.

Firstly one dares to think, and secondly work hard, only then is it possible to succeed. If one doesn’t even dare to have this goal in their heart …… how can they succeed?

Inside body world.

Vast in vivo world, the central continent of one of the large grasslands is having a starry beast that looks like a black continuous mountain range, next to the starry beast there is also standing a black devil killing clan Luo Feng.

“Golden Horn Beast, breaking through to the realm lord level!”

“Demon Slayer Race detachment, break through to the Realm Lord level!”

As the consciousness pushed, the countless cosmic crystals that had originally formed a lofty mountain of cosmic crystals suddenly shattered into majestic world power, as if two torrents were flowing, with one torrent of world power continuously surging into the Golden Horned Beast’s body. The other torrent was constantly pouring into Luo Feng of the Demon Slayer Clan.

However, of the two torrents, one was roughly more than ten meters thick while the other was more than ten kilometers thick!

“Ka ka ka ka ……” The Golden Horned Beast’s whole body made all sorts of noises, after practicing that nameless secret code the body that was already even stronger began to undergo a metamorphosis, devouring a large amount of the world’s power, causing the body to gradually become bigger, the scale armor became even more tightly knit, and even the surface layer of the scale armor Even the surface layer of the scale armor faintly had a layer of transparent layer.

A fifth pointed horn began to grow on the Golden Horn Beast’s forehead, and the other four pointed horns gradually grew longer at the same time.

“Rumble ……” The Demon Slayer Race split next to it completely transformed into a black airflow, and the black airflow became denser and denser, and the center of the black airflow could be seen vaguely as a sparkling life nucleus flickering with the fluctuations of the space laws.



The ten-odd kilometer thick flood of world power and the ten-odd meter thick flood of world power broke off at the same time.

The Golden Horn Beast’s body length had reached a staggering 100 kilometers, and once its scaly feathered wings were exerted, it could easily cover any of the super large cities on Earth, circling the globe in the blink of an eye. For this kind of strong existence, the planet is too small, and the place where they survive is in the …… cosmic stars.

“Clattering …… that rolling black airflow suddenly condensed, directly transforming into the black clothed Luo Feng.

Realm Lord Golden Horn Beast and Realm Lord Demon Slayer Luo Feng were all standing on the prairie.

“Ow well ……”

The Golden Horned Beast raised its head and let out an unrestrained cry that shook the entire endless world, announcing that it had finally stepped into the realm lord level.

“Haha ……”

Demon Slayer Luo Feng also let out an unrestrained laugh.

“It really is different after stepping into the Realm Lord level.” Demon Slayer Luo Feng was filled with joy, “This Demon Slayer Clan split originally had a tens of times increase in spatial law fit, and the Realm Lord level is one of the fastest levels of cultivation, and now stepping into the Realm Lord level and then combining it with the increase of the Demon Slayer Clan split …… is simply, simply… …”

It was said that the Sector Lord level was extremely fast in cultivation.

The Sector Master level, was the period of explosive strength, and even the Immortal level could not be comparable to the Sector Master level! This was also the reason why many powerful people would rather stay at the Realm Lord level for longer and not rush to break through to the Immortal Deity.

Such as that Time Realm Lord Luo, who had stayed at the Realm Lord level for so long, but now caused his lifespan to expire and stepping into the Immortal level to become dangerous.

Inside the empty holy monument tower, in front of that lofty holy monument, Luo Feng stood silently finally opened his eyes.


“Breaking through to the realm lord level now, with the two realms abyss …… in the future it will be much safer than in the past to perform the gifted secret method ‘devour’.” Luo Feng secretly said, “The Golden Horned Beast and the Demon Slayer Clan doppelganger have both reached the first level of realm lord, the increase in strength from domain lord to realm lord this big level crossing is really exaggerated enough.”

“That ‘Ten Thousand Heart Soul Control Secret Method’ is not in a hurry to cultivate, it’s not too late to cultivate it when a month has passed since the Sacred Tablet’s enlightenment, this month can’t be wasted.”

Speaking of slow, in reality, the inner world breakthrough, the golden horned giant beast, and the demon slayer clan bilocation breakthrough, took less than half a day.

Luo Feng then gazed at the pale green crystalline holy monument in front of him.

This lofty holy monument has a huge devil roaring figure, the devil has two curved horns, feather wings, a pair of eyes like a flame, at first glance just an ordinary devil roaring figure, but really concentrate on watching will find …… this devil roaring figure of any feather on the wings, the flame around the eyes surrounded by every hair, curved horns, every texture on the armor, the devil roaring figure, the devil roaring figure, the devil roaring figure of the wings, the flame around the eyes surrounded by every hair, every hair, the curved horns, every texture on the horns, the armor, the devil roaring figure. Every texture on the horns, the secret lines on the armor ……

are all subtle and unfathomable.


Part of Luo Feng’s consciousness was immersed in the demonic roaring diagram, while the majority of Luo Feng’s consciousness one – the golden horned beast, the consciousness of the Demon Slayer clan’s doppelganger – instantly resonated through the power of the world and instantly entered the land of cosmic origin.

The mysterious land of cosmic origin.

The core of the entire primordial universe, no one knows when it exists, but it is only known that the consciousness can only enter the land of cosmic origin for the first time when it is at the …… Realm Lord level.

“It’s really too good.” Most of Luo Feng’s consciousness was directly sucked by the endless earth, into a grain of sand, and with unprecedented clarity, his consciousness sensed all the various origin fluctuations of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, light, space, and time, all of which could be sensed.

The Law Origin, too, was hidden in that mysterious place of Cosmic Origin!

When the consciousness descended into the place of cosmic origin, it would be incomparably close to the state of, the origin of laws,.

Because of the incomparable proximity,……, it is only because of the incomparable proximity that it can be sensed with the greatest clarity. Even the wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, light and time, which he did not understand at all in the past, the clarity of his senses at this time was no less than when he sensed the Laws of Gold at the Domain Master level.

Of course –

Assuming that the clarity of sensing wood, water, fire, etc. was 100, then the clarity of sensing the Laws of Gold would be roughly 10,000, while the clarity of sensing the Laws of Space would be 200,000!

“Can the Boundary Master level advancement speed not be fast?”

“It’s more than a hundred times easier to sense this law.”

“A lot of things that can’t be sensed at all at the universe or domain lord level can still be cultivated to the point of being ‘recognized by the origin laws’ after becoming a sector lord.” Luo Feng sighed, “The realm lord level is indeed uniquely blessed.”

The power of the world was a special power of creation.

Sector lords used to create a side of the world by relying on world power, and the endless earth of the land of cosmic origin …… was endless world power! Any grain of sand space hid endless cosmic crystals. It was precisely because the world force was special that the consciousness could enter the Land of Cosmic Origin.

Once one reaches immortality!

The energy level changed once again, possessing a more powerful immortal force, but it was no longer possible to fuse the consciousness with this earth.

It is not that stronger is better, suitable is the best.

Possessing the power of the world …… will have the opportunity to sense all kinds of laws! Once stepping into the immortal deity …… for many millions of years billions of years, it is impossible to realize the law of space, one is that the law of space is really more difficult the further it goes, and it is difficult to the extreme. The second is also immortal level enlightenment is not able to be as luxurious as the sector master level.

In the realm master level ……, some great geniuses have only cultivated for tens of thousands of years, and they can be comparable to king level immortal deities in terms of law enlightenment.

However, an ordinary Immortal Deity that constantly breaks through would not be able to cultivate to the Seal King level for a hundred million years!

This was the advantage!

The advantage of the Realm Lord level! It is also the reason why many ambitious ones are unwilling to enter the Immortal Deity Spirit too quickly, they want to perceive some more laws at the Realm Lord level …… so that once they step into the Immortal Deity Spirit, they will have an extremely strong foundation, and will directly be a Seal Marquis level …… or even directly a Seal King level Immortal The gods.

For example, that super genius “Koti” was able to kill a Marquis Immortal Deity at the Realm Lord level. Assuming that he didn’t die and entered the Immortal level, once he stepped into the Immortal level, he would be directly at the Seal King level!

In the body world.

Demon Slayer Luo Feng sat there on his knees, the complex spatial secret pattern on that life crystal core in his body constantly fluctuated, causing the Demon Slayer split consciousness to sense the spatial fluctuations to directly amplify tens of times.

“Blood Luo force!” The Golden Horned Beast also drove the Blood Luo Power of its right hoof and claw, which rapidly underwent a metamorphosis, while a blood-colored Beast God head roaring diagram emerged, causing the clarity of the Golden Horned Beast’s sensing of the Laws of Gold to directly increase by ten times as well!

Before, the clarity of the Laws of Gold was 10,000, and the clarity of the Laws of Space was 200,000.

And at this moment.

The clarity of the law of gold is 100,000, the clarity of the law of space is estimated to be more than 200,000! Far more than the Laws of Wood, Water, Fire, Lightning, Light, Time, and so on.

“It’s too wonderful.”

“While sensing this demonic roaring diagram holy stele, while forming a contrast with space and gold laws, against the enlightenment, this speed is really ……” Luo Feng felt in front of the holy stele enlightenment simply a day tops domain lord level is 100 years of effect, of course the main thing is that the sector lord level makes Luo Feng Cultivation, than domain lord level improve hundreds of times.

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