Chapter 118 Choosing

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:53:19
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Three secret books with different prices.

The “Golden Soul” belonged to the combat type secret techniques and was extremely powerful.

The Thirty-six Heavies of Diffractive God, created by the greatest patriarch in the history of the Golden Horn Clan, Shirodor, could be said that the Diffractive God Soldier belonged to a simplified version of the Thirty-six Heavies of Diffractive God. The Thirty-six Heavens of Diffracting God was a set of combat-type secret methods, but it could also be said that it was a research-based set of secret methods that studied the combination of space and gold.

This set of secret methods was divided into 36 weights.

The weakest one, the first one, could be used as long as one had a slight realization of the laws of space and gold.

The strongest 36th weight was about the combat power of a feudal lord level immortal deity.


This “Thirty-six Heavens of Diffracting God” had a very average attack power, and the strongest thirty-sixth weight was extremely demanding and comparable to the combat power of a Feudal Marquis ranked Immortal Deity. Like this level of secret codex, even if the combat, research coexist, on the strength of the weak have great benefits, but the price itself is still not high to go, the normal price can have 100 million contribution value is considered good.

However, because it was created by “Herodot”, that’s why it was labeled 910 million contribution value.

Herodot’s Discourses”, after Herodot’s disappearance, some of the immortal deity disciples under Herodot’s command recorded some of their teacher’s teachings and quotations when he was guiding them, and the whole discourse is very rich, with a lot of explanatory, and at the same time also equipped with some examples of secret methods.

Because it is collated and included, not Herodo itself systematic writing left behind the secret code, so this “Herodo discourse” is most used as a reference for cultivation, is a supplementary secret code, even with Herodo’s relationship, the price is also given a whole number – 100 million contribution points.

“Which one should I choose?”

“Without a doubt, The Golden Soul is the absolute strongest combat secret method of the three, from low to high there are a whole 72 types of combat secret methods, even at the level of a Universe Exalted.” Luo Feng secretly said, “The 36 Heavens of Diffracting God is extremely beneficial to my cultivation, as well as my future ability to create a suitable Nian force weapon for myself. According to Xiluoduo’s own introduction, this ‘Thirty-six weights of Diffracting god’ is the most solid foundation study of his lineage. Of course the combat power aspect is obviously much worse, it’s just a deepened version of the Diffractive God Weapon, with a maximum power only comparable to the Feudal Marquis level. It’s at the very least two major grades lower than The Golden Soul.”

“The Herodot Discourse, it’s beneficial for cultivation but doesn’t have a systematic battle secret method, but many of them are the ones that Herodot personally instructed his disciples back in the day……. The effect is definitely not bad, it’s just not systematic!” Luo Feng frowned.

All three had advantages and disadvantages.

“Which one should I choose?”

“The Golden Soul into a series of battle type secret methods that have been cultivated to extremely high points, and the Hierophant is purely supportive.” Luo Feng frowned as he pondered, “The ‘Diffracting God 36 Heavens’ is both just the strongest attack is only comparable to the Feudal Marquis level, it’s obviously the base of the basics, it’d be nice if I could get a will set of the secret code created by Xilodo.”

Shirodor, there was a set of secret codex belonging to his creation.

Very complicated and profound.

Unfortunately ……

There was no such set of jedi within this secret code tower, there was only the basic chapter of this set of jedi – The Thirty-Six Heavens of Diffracting God.

“Hmm, selected.”

Luo Feng suddenly stood up.

The female Golden Horned Clan member, Ceres, who had been standing obediently next to him was surprised and even said, “Your Highness Luo Feng, you’ve already selected it?”

“Uh, this one.” Luo Feng picked up the central book.

“The Thirty-six Heavens of Diffracted God?” The female Golden Horned Clan Thoth was slightly stunned, suspiciously glancing at Luo Feng, she had thought that this human genius would choose the most expensive, The Golden Soul, “Your Highness Luo Feng, I’ll report the news of you choosing The Thirty-Six Heavens of Diffracted God, you can go to the first floor of the secret code tower and wait quietly, I guess there will be a secret code delivered very soon.”

“Good.” Luo Feng nodded with a smile.

He walked down the stairs, floating like the wind.

“Ten birds in the forest is better than one bird in the hand.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Although the Golden Soul is powerful being able to have a secret combat technique that even a universe honored one can perform, but a universe honored one? How long would it take for me to cultivate to a universe honored one, what year would that be? At that level, I’ll be strong and have higher horizons, and I’ll be able to purchase better secret techniques from the Virtual Universe Company!”

“This set of Thirty-six Heavens of Diffractive God, after all, is the foundation chapter of Xiluo’s his Jedi, back then, he created this powerful foundation chapter, and then, simplifying the foundation chapter, he created that Diffractive God Soldier.”

“The Diffractive Divine Warrior, can be circulated throughout the universe for many communities to use.”

“And Xiluo, again, is the greatest existence of this Golden Horn Clan. The foundation chapter of his Jedi School should be one of the best foundation chapters in the entire Golden Horn Clan’s cultivation secret code.”

“The power is weak though.”

“But it is better than that Golden Soul for me.”

Ten birds in the forest was not as good as one bird in the hand.

What cannot be seen is ultimately insubstantial.

That 銆奊olden Soul銆� had a total of 72 secret techniques, and starting with the 36th, one had to be an Immortal Deity to perform them. And what one chose was the toughest path of the Golden Horned Beast, it was very hard to become an Immortal Deity.

“When I become an Immortal Deity, I will have my own better secret techniques.”

“So The Golden Soul is only effective for me for the first 35 secret methods, and these 35, naturally, are inferior to The 36 Heavens of Diffracting Gods, the attack power may be comparable, but in terms of researchability, and help in creating Nimble Weapons, it’s far inferior.”

While Luo Feng was choosing secret codes in the secret code tower, in the holy city, inside the patriarchal divine palace.

Inside the gloomy hall of the palace.

Peixian sat there silently, his eyes were gloomy as if he was about to erupt a volcano, the space around him seemed to freeze.

“My dear brother, after being defeated by that human genius, are you going to be completely disheveled?” A purple battle armor black skinned youth walked in, his appearance was very similar to Pei Lin, only his temperament was a little different. Pei bed belongs to the ferocious and violent type, and this black skinned youth with cold eyes the whole person is very lonely and arrogant.

Just occasionally between the flow of eyes, a hint of hostility burst out.

“Brother.” Peixing Lian stood up, his eyes were complicated, and he bowed his head, “I lost …… me, I lost in front of the one billion clansmen in the Holy City.”

“It’s nothing to lose this battle, but if you really continue to be so disheveled, then teacher he will also be very disappointed.” The purple battle armored youth, Pei Qiu, said indifferently.

“Teacher?” Pei Xie was stunned.

Although they belonged to the lineage of the Elder God Palace.

But their teacher wasn’t the Elder himself, what kind of status did the Elder have, at most, he would occasionally point out geniuses, to make the Elder accept a disciple? It was extremely difficult and hard.

“Cheer up.” The purple battle armored youth Pei Qiu drank lowly, “If you lose, brother will step in and defeat him again that’s it!”

Pei Xie’s eyes lit up as he nodded, “Brother, you will definitely be able to defeat him if you make a move, he’s only that much stronger than me. It’s far inferior to your opponent, brother.”

“Hm.” Pei Qiu nodded.

Suddenly a silhouette rushed in from outside, after seeing Zhuo Qiu and Pei Xie, a pair of genius brothers, the silhouette even stopped, it was a divine palace guard, even bowed respectfully, “Commander Pei Qiu, we have gotten news, that human genius Luo Feng left his residence has entered the secret code tower, it is estimated that it won’t be long until he will come out from the secret code tower.”

“Oh?” Pei Qiu’s eyes lit up as he said softly, “Here comes the opportunity.”


Pei Qiu quickly left as a phantom.

“Brother.” That younger brother, Pei Xie, guessed what his elder brother was going to do and couldn’t help but feel the flames burning in his heart as he immediately shouted out and also turned into a phantom and rushed out.

Inside the first floor of the secret code tower.

Luo Feng, Elder Terrapin Qi, Kashna, Dylan, and the five human sector lords were all sitting in one of them resting.

“Rumble ……” a powerful pressure spread out, a group of blurry shadows appeared in the hall and coalesced in form, it was none other than the twelve immortal deities of the Golden Horn Clan.

“Your Highness Luo Feng, it’s a delivery of the secret code.” Elder Terfan Qi whispered.

Luo Feng then smiled and stood up to walk over.

The twelve golden horn race immortal deities had a hidden pressure, the green skinned woman at the head of the twelve had an aura and pressure that was no less than that of Elder Terfanqi’s voice was hoarse: “Your highness human Luo Feng, we have been ordered by the patriarchs to deliver this secret codex. We hope that you, Your Highness Luo Feng, will watch and read it right here, and then give us the secret codex when you’re done. We also hope that you, Your Highness Luo Feng, will not spread this secret codex out after you leave our Rasuo world.”

“That’s a given.” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

The green skinned woman then flipped in her hand and a thick roughly thirty centimeters long, as if it was a box like metal book appeared, that metal book directly floated up and flew out of her palm, finally hovering in front of Luo Feng.

Luo Feng nodded his head and took the metal book.

The Thirty Six Heavens of the Diffracted God, the name was clearly printed on the cover.

Luo Feng immediately flipped it open and began to read, this secret code was the basic chapter of the mastery created by Xiluoduo, even though it was only the basic chapter, it allowed Luo Feng to feel the endless wisdom of that greatest being of the golden horn clan.


“Back then, when Xiluo created the Diffractive divine weapons, he actually created them like this.”

“So it turns out that creating a set of secret techniques that suits one’s needs can be done in such an ingenious way.”

“Incredible, lifting light weights.”

The more Luo Feng looked the brighter his eyes became, his face was vaguely red, this was the first time in a long time that Luo Feng had truly seen a spiritual ninja master jutsu from the genre of space and gold! From every bit of the mastery, Luo Feng could feel the endless wisdom of that being, the kind of writing that was written in a casual manner like a high and easy way, had already pointed directly to the essence.

It was as if the creator of the Nine Universes Chaos Tablet, when writing the Spatio-Temporal Randomizer, could create hundreds or thousands of secret techniques to interpret any picture at his fingertips.

“Too, too ……”

“Too worth it.”

“A set of combat secret techniques that can be performed by a Cosmic Exalted is just over 1.6 billion contribution points. And this basic set is selling for 910 million contribution points, it seems that it is by no means just the name of Herodot alone, this basic set is indeed a surprise. If there’s an entire full set …… then the value must not be tens or even hundreds of billions of contribution points.” Luo Feng secretly paid, “Right, some of the most core secret texts of the entire Golden Horn community, if I was the community manager, I wouldn’t put them in the secret texts tower. There has to be some cards. Shirodor’s set of complete jedi should be kept in the collection.”

The more Luo Feng looked, the more he was surprised, it was worth it, too much.

In one breath, he flipped to the last page.

The last page simply had a paragraph on it.

“The lineage of spiritual ninjutsu masters, the biggest advantage is to be able to manipulate as many ninjutsu weapons as possible, so the higher the ninjutsu amplitude, the better, if the limit of ninjutsu amplitude is not 300 at the peak of the sector masters, give up on taking the lineage of spiritual ninjutsu masters, give up on this set of secret codex of mine, it, it’s not suitable for you. You are also not suitable to become a true Spirit Nian Master.”

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