Chapter 123 – Statue

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:53:32
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Luo Feng in his silver battle armor had eyes like electricity, looking up at the giant beast god statue in front of him, while watching this giant beast god statue, the golden horned beast in the inner world was carefully watching the “small beast god statue” and comparing it.


Luo Feng was walking around the giant beast god statue, as fast as a phantom, he had already scurried thousands of kilometers in a single step.

“Your highness?” Dylan was a bit skeptical.

“Dylan, what is this highness Luo Feng doing?” Terfan Qi was also puzzled, “Could it be that he wants to see every part of the giant beast god statue clearly, but these things have been done by countless clansmen throughout the generations long ago, and he didn’t find anything special at all.”

“I don’t know either.” Dylan shook his head.

While the two of them were talking, Luo Feng unexpectedly began to soar into the sky, flying thousands of kilometers high above the beast god statue, looking down on the spine of the giant beast god statue from a high view, watching the spine position, neck, head, and some other parts.

A few moments.

Luo Feng then sort of looked at the entire giant beast god statue in detail.


Luo Feng finally shifted his gaze away from the giant beast god statue and looked down to the bottom of the beast god canyon, at a glance, the vast tens of thousands of kilometers wide and millions of kilometers long bottom of the canyon, apart from a few palaces and buildings, there were Golden Horn Tribe ascetics sitting on their knees on the ground everywhere.

Hundreds of millions of bitter cultivators, almost every one of them sat cross-legged and quiet, that invisible formation of qi teachings …… is not at all worse than the giant beast god statue.

“Hundreds of millions of ascetic cultivators, the strongest of all generations have come to ponder the giant beast god statue, wanting to become great existences like Herodor.” Luo Feng shook his head, then as if a meteorite shooting star, he quickly fell towards the bottom, when he was about to fall to the bottom of the valley his speed suddenly dropped, his silver metal battle boots slowly stepped on the ground.

“Your Highness.” Dylan and Terra Firma Qilian greeted them.

“I need to think.” Luo Feng said and sat down on his knees on the earth and stone ground, the armor on his body smashed and cracked the earth and stone.

Dylan and Teraphane Qi stood at Luo Feng’s side, silently protecting him.

“Surprisingly, this giant beast god statue is so different from that small beast god statue I got in the bloodlo world.” Luo Feng remembered the results of the previous comparison, he couldn’t help but be a bit shocked, “Same points, one, the shape and body proportions are the same, it’s definitely the same object. Two, the number of scales on the body is the same, both are 90729 scales.”

“Difference one, is that the shape of the scales on the body is different. Two, this giant beast god statue doesn’t have that ‘divine charm’, that mood.”

Luo Feng frowned in thought.

There was a huge difference in the size of the two statues, one was tens of thousands of kilometers long while the other small beast god statue was about 30 centimeters in height and only 1 meter in length. But these two statues are even more different, the body proportion is the same, and no matter what posture, the number of scales on the body is exactly the same.

Even the giant beast god statue that sleeps soundly lying there, its abdomen, it curls up to be pressed hooves and paws above the scales, even if the naked eye can’t see, but Luo Feng with a trace of the earthling essence of the thoughts swept but found that the beast god huge body and hooves and paws pressed together, not that because of the connection there are no scales, the same is the scales.

It was as if, this was a living ancient beast lying there, transformed into a statue.

“So strange.”

“The number of scales on the body are all the same, all 90,729. However, the scale modeling is different, giving me the feeling that the scales on the …… small Beast God statue are more regular and divine, while the scales on this giant Beast God statue have little regularity, but this giant statue can emit that terrifying pressure.”

“What the hell is going on?”

Luo Feng pondered bitterly.

Since Xiluoduo left this beast god statue in the golden horn tribe, over the long years, I don’t know how many powerful people came to realize and observe, even among humans there were some powerful existences, such as some universe venerables and universe lords who came to realize, but no one has ever been able to figure out this giant beast god statue.

Perhaps there are those who understand it, and keep it secret.

But at least publicly, I have never heard of anyone understanding this giant beast god statue.

So many great existences haven’t figured it out, Luo Feng, a small one who just stepped into the sector master level, just has some encounters, wanting to figure it out …… is undoubtedly a fool’s errand.

Luo Feng was sitting there withered in thought for more than three months.

Dylan, Terfanqi, Kashna, and the five human sector lords were obediently guarding the side, while Elder Na Ke Bu had just arrived at the Beast God Canyon when he had already said goodbye to Luo Feng and had gone to meet his close friends in the Beast God Canyon.

Dylan and the five realm lords weren’t bored, it was also the first time they had seen this giant beast god statue, and one by one they also painstakingly pondered over it.

They also dreamed ……

Maybe they could comprehend this giant beast god statue, then they would be able to reach heaven in one step.

Terfanqi and disciple Kashna, however, were bored as they had tried it long ago.


Luo Feng let out a long breath.

“Your highness?” Dylan and Terfanqi immediately looked over.

“It’s nothing.” Luo Feng smiled and shook his head, then closed his eyes again, most of his consciousness went into the inner world.

The inner world, was vast and vast.

A meteorite ink star ship was parked on a grassland, now because of the inner world, the meteorite ink star on the other hand didn’t need to be placed in Baba tower’s storage space.

“Baba Towers, synthesize the photos I recorded taking earlier into a giant beast god statue projection.” The black-clothed Luo Feng ordered as he stood next to the Meteor Ink Star.


The Meteorite Ink Star ship immediately shot out misty rays of light, and finally formed an incomparably ponderous sleeping statue of a Beast God that was tens of thousands of kilometers long in mid-air, looking exactly the same as the giant Beast God statue in the outside world. Even if it was a projected statue, there was also a hidden invisible pressure spreading out.

It just wasn’t as powerful and obvious as the giant Beast God statue.

“I’m sure.” Black clothed Demon Slayer Luo Feng stared at the giant statue projection, his eyes glowing, “The problem must be in the scales!”

“The giant beast god statue and the small beast god statue, the scales are surprisingly both a bizarre 90,729, a carving that is tens of thousands of kilometers long and one that is just about a meter long have the same number of scales. It’s estimated that once the number of scales is not correct, it’s probably not as powerful as this.” Luo Feng immediately ordered after skimming over this thought, “Babata, make changes to this statue projection, split one of the large scales into two smaller scales.”


Babata responded.

The giant statue projected in the sky, one of its scales was vaguely altered to divide into two smaller scales.


The pressure dissipated, and the original palpitating projection suddenly turned into a very ordinary statue projection without the slightest bit of pressure.

“Sure enough!” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

“Restore the original mold, while changing the texture of one of the scales.” Luo Feng ordered again.

After restoring it, the faint pressure reappeared.

With a slight change in the texture, the pressure disappeared and became ordinary.

Luo Feng more and more confirmed that the key to the problem was in the 90729 scales on that statue.

The black clothed devil killer clan Luo Feng casually stroked a small beast god statue appeared, this small beast god statue stood on all four hooves, the one horn stood tall and stabbed the sky, that overbearing mighty pressure vaguely diffused open, that unique charisma …… was as if Luo Feng had witnessed the living that ancient beast with his own eyes.

“Babata, project and enlarge this small beast god statue as well, enlarge it to tens of thousands of kilometers.” Black clothed Luo Feng ordered.


Instantly there were two incomparably huge beast god statues projected in the sky, one was in a sound asleep slumbering state and the other was standing on all four hooves with its head held high in a posture full of overbearing and murderous aura.

“Both have intimidating pressure.”

Black clothed Luo Feng frowned and stroked his chin, muttering, “The sleeping beast god statue pressure is stronger, the standing beast god statue pressure is weaker, come …… not right, should say, the standing beast god statue has a ‘god’, has an independent divine charm, the god gathering The pressure convergence, and that giant beast god statue simply do not have that God, also do not have that kind of unique mood. Seeing the sleeping Beast God statue, there is simply no feeling of seeing a living Beast God, there is no God, causing those mighty pressures to spread out and open up, which is what makes it appear that strong.”

As long as not a fool.

All can clearly feel …… obviously standing that beast god statue, more vivid, just completely a living beast god like.

One feels like a living creature.

One feels like a dead thing.

The difference is great.

“The scale texture is also different.” Black clothed Luo Feng secretly said, “Try it.”

Rumbling …… in the distance a black phantom flew in, and then landed on the pale prairie, directly trampling some of the grass was dented down, it was an incomparably huge beast as if it was a mountain range – Golden Horned Giant Beast.

“The Golden Horned Giant Beast is most comfortable studying the beast god statue.” Black-clothed Luo Feng muttered, “Let the Golden Horned Giant Beast try to carve out the Beast God statue.”

Yes, carve!

Mimicking carving it once with his own hands to experience the difference in the texture of the scales, this was a way Luo Feng thought of.

“Burn the sleeping beast god statue first.” The black clothed Luo Feng’s mind moved, immediately a large amount of world force converged on the grassland earth and began to give birth to a large mountain range over 10,000 kilometers long out of thin air, this one mountain range was purely for carving. And the power of the world at the same time gave birth to tens of thousands of different sizes of carving knives, the large hundreds of kilometers long, small than ants are still small.

The Golden Horned Beast stood on the prairie soil, its scaled wings moving slightly on its shoulders as it flew around the mountain range that was more than 10,000 kilometers long, while at the same time, its mind power manipulated the tens of thousands of carving knives and began to rapidly carve the mountain range.

After power manipulation had reached the sector lord level, using thoughts to manipulate, even if it was as fine as a millimeter, a micron, or even a nanometer, it was impossible to make a mistake!


A few moments later, a huge rocky sleeping beast god statue was carved and came to life.

“It’s really hard enough, every texture change is that complex, but it’s strange, why isn’t there the slightest bit of pressure?” The Golden Horn Beast was in mid-air, with a trace of doubt in its eyes, “Whatever, try to imitate carving that small Beast God statue again.”

Another mountain range of over 10,000 kilometers appeared on the grassland, and the Golden Horned Beast once again manipulated the tens of thousands of different carving knives and began to carve.

The approximate size of the beast god statue was easy to carve, mainly because the scale armor texture was the most complicated.


Just carving twelve scales, the Golden Horned Beast issued a hiss of pain, the huge head swung down, forcibly endured the pain and continue to try to carve the texture, the more carving, the Golden Horned Beast’s sense of pain will be the stronger, as if an invisible bondage, the pressure of a direct oppression of the entire body, and even that invisible oppression, direct oppression of the soul.

“Roar ……” The Golden Horned Beast hissed in pain.

A large amount of golden blood seeped out from its nostrils, eyes, on those scaled wings, hooves and claws, and dragon tail.

With that, it wailed, and the entire thing directly fell from mid-air, smashing down onto the grassland with a rumble.

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