Chapter 124 – Form and God

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:53:35
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The grassland was shaken violently, the huge golden horned beast that was as huge as a mountain range fell onto the grassland, its scales and armor were filled with golden blood seeping out, and even some of its scales and armor had cracks on them, and there was golden blood seeping out of its eyes, mouth, and nose.

At that moment, the surging world power quickly spread out and wrapped the entire Golden Horn Beast, and began to repair the injuries on the Golden Horn Beast’s body.

In the outside world, in the Beast God Canyon of Rasuo World. Like hundreds of millions of other ascetics sitting in meditation on their knees, Luo Feng was sitting in meditation, but he suddenly let out a low moan of pain, his hands grabbed the ground rubble with a death grip, pinching all those rubble into powder.

“Your highness?”

“Your highness Luo Feng, what’s wrong with you?”

Dylan and Terfanqi who were also sitting in meditation on the side were shocked, they all noticed the pained look on Luo Feng’s face.

Luo Feng didn’t answer, he just gripped the ground with his hands in death, his forehead was even more sinewy and twisted.

“Whew.” Exhaling a breath, Luo Feng opened his eyes somewhat tiredly looked at Dylan, Terfanqi, “Nothing, don’t worry.”

Dylan, Terfanqi looked at each other.


Nothing to hell, sitting there properly, and under the vigilance of their two immortal deities, Luo Feng was definitely not attacked in the slightest. But in such a situation, Luo Feng even revealed this kind of pain color, this is really too strange, Luo Feng is a universe powerhouse, won’t be somehow physically sick or something, this is impossible.

“Your highness seems to have a secret.” Dylan said in his heart.

“This human Luo Feng also has some unknown secrets.” Terrapin Qi also secretly said.

Luo Feng sat there, raised his head, and looked at the immense statue of the sleeping beast god in the distance, while his heart shook.


“I merely copied the scale texture carvings of that small beast god statue, but I was actually subjected to an invisible oppression that not only acted on the golden horned giant beast’s body, but even acted on the soul. Causing the souls of the Demon Slayer Race’s doppelganger and the Earthling’s original body to be similarly affected. How could this happen?” Luo Feng felt incredulous.

He himself also copied and carved the sleeping beast god statue, but why did something go wrong when he copied the small beast god statue!

Moreover, the golden horned beast was in the inner world, its own territory, it couldn’t have been attacked by some other super power. Not to mention that Dylan, Terfanqi and the two of them were right next to each other over ……

“I’m not being attacked by any other powerhouses, so who’s attacking me?”

“Without attacking me, it’s impossible to be seriously injured for no reason.”

Luo Feng frowned.

“The Golden Horned Beasts were all heavily injured by the oppression within the inner world, that invisible and terrifying simultaneous oppression that acts on the flesh and soul …… is incomparably terrifying.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but tremble a little when he recalled the feeling he had before, it was a feeling that he couldn’t resist at all, “Then there are only two explanations!”

“One, there’s a super existence whose strength far exceeds my imagination that prevented me from copying the small beast god statue, so it’s punishing me.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Two, if it’s not a strong being stopping me, then it’s the rules of the universe’s operation that are oppressing me.”

The universe was oppressing Luo Feng.

It was.

According to Luo Feng’s understanding, the entire universe had rules of operation, for example, if the cosmic space was blasted to pieces, then it would naturally be mended. Once the speed reached the speed of light, it would be transmitted to the dark universe! These are all manifestations of the universe’s own rules of operation.

And assuming that one’s behavior just now had touched the rules of the universe, it was likely to be rebounded.

Within the primordial universe, one had to abide by the rules of the universe’s operation.

“The universe operates with unique rules, anything that defies the rules of the universe’s operation will be met with a rebound.” Luo Feng secretly said, “I’ve seen ones that defy the rules of the universe, such as the nameless secret code on the metal plate that I got on earth, which obviously breaks the basic rules of genetic evolution.”

That super power was able to create secret methods that defied the rules yet could be passed on.

But Luo Feng ……

Obviously had only a superficial understanding of how the rules of the universe worked, and couldn’t do anything to avoid the rebound oppression of the rules.

“Two possibilities.”

“Which one is it?” Luo Feng secretly said, “A superpower punishing me? This possibility is extremely low, because it’s possible to not be the slightest bit detected by Terrapin Qi and the others, and still be able to pass through my internal world and attack the golden horned giant beast. To be able to do that, it’s definitely an existence of that greatness that exceeds my imagination. And that kind of existence – there’s a need to keep monitoring and watching me all the time?”

Although Luo Feng was confident, he wasn’t arrogant.

He himself wasn’t at the point where he could have that kind of existence monitor him all the time.

“And I was rebounded oppressed when I copied the scale armor of the small beast god statue.” Luo Feng secretly said.

Comprehensive judgment.

The likelihood of it being the rules of the universe oppressing him reached ninety percent!


Making a judgment, Luo Feng but sent a sigh of relief, the universe was vast and vast, giving birth to billions of communities, giving birth to countless strong beings, the rules of the universe’s functioning were the most just, without the slightest bias. Even in the Golden Horned Beast’s inherited memories only describe the existence of the rules of cosmic operation, but it is clear that such rules …… are for the stability of the entire universe.

Will not say, directly kill a certain life.

At least in the inheritance memories, it hadn’t heard of the rules of the universe killing anyone.

“My behavior just now touched the bottom line of the universe rules?” Luo Feng looked up at the huge beast god statue in the distance, while his heart was agitated.

The bottom line of the universe operation rules, what did it represent?

It represented the secrets contained on the beast god statue, it contained a peak secret in the universe that would even be subject to the intervention of the universe operation rules.

“Assuming I’m able to figure out this great secret, as that Shirodor said, becoming that kind of invincible existence should really be true.” Luo Feng secretly said, “No wonder billions of years have never heard of anyone being able to figure out this sleeping beast god statue in front of me, after all, this sleeping beast god statue repentance …… is the same being as that small beast god statue.”

“The peak secret of the universe.”

Luo Feng was really excited.

Because he realized that …… he had gotten an extraordinary opportunity!

The beast god statue could be having a guiding light that led him to a peerless existence in the universe! Even if Luo Feng was as confident as he was, he knew very well how hard it was to become a super existence in the universe. Humans, the Golden Horn tribe, and so on had an incredibly long history of existence in the universe, but the universe venerable level powerhouses were already scarce like that.

Then, like “Herodor”, alone can lead a group of super existences to stand in the universe, how rare is it.

At least there was only one such person in the history of the Golden Horn Clan.

“My small beast god statue is obviously more precious than this large beast god statue.” Luo Feng secretly said, “It’s fine for me to copy the large beast god statue, but copying the small beast god statue is oppressed by the present rules of cosmic operation. And – the small beast god statue obviously has a unique god, like a real beast god. Moreover, this small beast god statue was also obtained from the ‘Blood Luo World’, the place where the beast god existed back then, and should be considered as the original version. That large beast god statue …… is estimated to be carved by some super existence unknown.”

After realizing what the two beast god statues represented, Luo Feng was very clear that he had to seize the opportunity!

“Large beast god statue, should be considered a low level statue.”

“Small beast god statues, should be considered high level statues.” Luo Feng judged in his heart, “It’s fine to copy the large ones, and although the large beast god statue pressure is strong, it’s godless.”


“I’ll eat my meal one bite at a time, I’ll first carefully study the scale texture of the large beast god statues, and then come back to study the small beast god statues when I have enough strength.” Luo Feng secretly said, “This small beast god statue, was also left behind by a certain being, naturally people can leave it behind, obviously resisting the rules of cosmic operation is not impossible.”

Luo Feng was clear that even he could only be considered a small ant in the human community, which was only one of a few peak communities amongst the billions of communities.

Compared to the universe running rules.

One was too small.


Luo Feng looked at the huge beast god statue in the beast god canyon, his thoughts were released to carefully sense the scale texture of the sleeping beast god statue, because even though he had succeeded in copying the sleeping statue, he didn’t have the slightest amount of pressure, so Luo Feng had to figure out the reason.



When Luo Feng’s thoughts carefully probed the scale armor texture, unlike last time when he simply and quickly looked over the entire sleeping statue, he carefully sensed and experienced it.

Gradually, Luo Feng sensed that the scale armor texture caused some fluctuation around him, it was the fluctuation of the rules of the universe, yet it wasn’t the fluctuation of any of the origin laws of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, light, time, space, but this fluctuation was even more palpable.

The invisible pressure was caused by these fluctuations.

“So the mystery is here!”

“How can scale armor textures cause fluctuations, well, it’s as if these scale armor textures are connected as if they were one ……” Luo Feng gradually discovered some substance.

Actually, what Luo Feng had discovered, the successive generations of the Golden Horn tribe’s powerhouses and human powerhouses had discovered long ago.

Otherwise it wouldn’t have been so many strong people gathering here to constantly study it.

In the world of the body.

While the earthling principal was observing the giant beast god statue more and more carefully, in a prairie in the in-body world, the Golden Horn Giant Beast was once again carving the scales of the sleeping beast god statue on the mountain range.

“I was wrong before.”

“The carving should have been done in one go, more than 90,000 pieces of scale armor should have been carved in one stroke, forming a kind of arcane thing similar to the secret pattern of laws, invoking the cosmic fluctuations of any of the laws of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, light, time, and space.” Demon Slayer Luo Feng also stood aside to watch the carving performed by the Golden Horned Beast. Demon Slayer Luo Feng watched the Golden Horned Beast carving. The Earthling principal watched the Sleeping Beast God statue itself.

From time to time, Demon Slayer Luo Feng went to watch the “small Beast God statue”, to experience that God, so that the other two incarnations also understand that divine charm.

As the saying goes, if you punch a thousand times, the meaning will emerge.

A reason, in the law perception also has a very boring method of perception, is a strong self created secret law, constantly practicing copy, according to the strong perform secret law trajectory method and so on, once, 10,000 times, billions of times of copying …… when more and more accurate will naturally sense some of the law fluctuations.

This is a stupid method. Do not seek to realize the real mystery, only seek to be able to perform. This method is doomed to not be able to realize a law.

However, Luo Feng understood that the secrets contained in this beast god statue could be much more difficult than becoming a universe venerable by merely comprehending the laws of space or comprehending the laws of time.

A universe honored one was far away from himself.

Then trying to realize the mysteries would be even more distant to oneself.

Since that was the case.

Then one would use the stupid method of copying it over and over again, ten thousand times, billions of times.

“Other people copying would not have an accurate standard, because the sleeping beast god statue makes it impossible to find the true divine intent.” Black clothed Luo Feng looked up at the Golden Horned Beast carving over and over again, “But I have an accurate standard.”

Black clothed Luo Feng looked down at the small beast god statue in his hand.

It was simple.

When carving, the carving feeling towards the “small beast god statue” of the divine charm close to the heart, constantly experience the God, while constantly carving ……

There is form, there is God.

Only then can you gradually achieve something. This is what Luo Feng thinks is a stupid way to comprehend the mysteries of the beast god statue, but also the most realistic and down to earth way for a person of his strength.

“I don’t want to understand the mysteries, I just want to get a little bit from it, then I’ll be able to use it endlessly. Wait until I’m strong enough in the future, then I’ll slowly figure it out.” That’s what Luo Feng thought, one should be self-aware.

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