Chapter 20.

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:48:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light

When Luo Feng spoke about entering the Demonic Sound Mountain, the thousands of seated powerhouses were still lining up to receive their identity tokens before either going to the Demonic Sound Mountain or the Cold Ice Mountain.

And one by one, they had to enter through the fixed tens of thousands of cave passages.


A flying saucer shaped lavender airship flew to the canyon alcove of the Devil Mountain, then the hatch opened and six silhouettes flew out directly and stowed the airship. These six people …… are exactly the six experts of the Thousand Star Sect arranged by that Pui Yu Hou, the Thousand Star Sect’s Supreme Sovereign is after all an immortal existence, considered a core member of the Virtual Universe Company, and has also wandered through the vastness of the universe. That was why some of the domain lords and sector lords of the Thousand Star Sect had spaceships.

Ordinary spaceships were cheap.

Of course, Domain Lords didn’t have large enough space rings to store their spaceships, while Realm Lords could store them in their “inner worlds”.

“Bayan, look, so many people are still lining up, one by one to receive their identity tokens, one by one for a second, thousands of people will take an hour or two.”

“Don’t be careless, we have to hurry up, we can’t miss this time, if we miss this time, we will have to wait until 10,000 people come together again to go in.”

These six people immediately flew towards the palace in the distance.

It only took a few minutes for that Pura Yu Hou to travel to the Thousand Star Sect, a few minutes to give the order, and more than ten minutes for them to come by airship, and at this moment, only a small half of the thousands of earthly powerhouses who were receiving identity tokens had received their identity tokens. As for issuing identity tokens? The doers of the Virtual Universe Corporation would not be very efficient with these natives.

One hour later.

“Go! Go to the Magic Sound Mountain!”

“As per God’s order, the six of us are separated so that it’s easier to run into the target.”

“Well, split up on this.”

After arriving at a fork in the road after entering along the same cave passage, the six of them immediately separated, and the six of them followed six paths and began to advance.

In fact, the ones who broke into the Demon Mountain were mainly Cosmic Levels, very few Domain Masters, and even fewer Boundary Masters.

Therefore, the weakest of these six people were all at the “Domain Master Level 9”, and the real dangers in this Magic Sound Mountain were the “Magic Sound” and the “Phantom Beasts”, while the threats from other indigenous powerhouses were very small, unless they were extremely unlucky. On the contrary, the threat posed to them by other indigenous powerhouses was very small, unless they were extremely unlucky and encountered a very small number of Realm Masters in the vast Magic Sound Mountain.

A young martial artist with long black horns was cautiously scurrying through the vast and deep cave passages, countless of which were intertwined with each other.




Every time he heard some magic sound, Luo Feng immediately slowed down and stopped not daring to speed up and break through, fearing that he would break into the area where the magic sound illusion was extremely strong. Although confident …… can not be brutal.

“Luo Feng, 18.2 kilometers ahead of this passage you’re walking on there’s a domain lord level third stage martial artist.” Babata voice advanced in Luo Feng’s consciousness.

“Right in this passage I’m walking?” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

He was in the magic sound mountain, apart from his own three main doppelgangers and the reliance of the Mo Yun vine, another important item was the Baba tower! Baba tower had a very high end detection instrument, the range was only 20 kilometers, although the range was small, but the effect was extremely strong. Even the realm masters can not be found.

This detection instrument was an expensive instrument purchased by Hu Yan Bo, the owner of the Meteorite Ink Planet back then. Even Luo Feng nowadays, he couldn’t get enough cash to buy such a high end instrument.

Of course ……

The range was only 20 kilometers, which was suitable for some special areas such as the cosmic secret realm. Such as the Magic Sound Mountain, it was more suitable.

“It’s rapidly approaching, 12.8 kilometers ……9.9 kilometers ……,” Babata even informed.

“I see him.” Luo Feng looked ahead.

The passage wasn’t completely straight, so it was only at a distance of about 10 kilometers that Luo Feng saw the sneaky low martial artist, he could even clearly see the black hairs on the soil of that low martial artist’s skin, this martial artist with his ghostly cold eyes was advancing cautiously, and when he saw Luo Feng, he paused briefly, but then he laughed hard and rushed at a rapid pace!

“Cosmic level ninth stage! Haha ……” that lowly martial artist laughed, his body flashed twice before he rushed to Luo Feng, in his hand he was holding a dark red axe, the blade of the axe had complex secret patterns.

Luo Feng shook his head slightly.


Instantly drew his sword!

Swinging and slashing!

The mo yun vine attached to his body naturally erupted at the same time with part of the force of a “domain lord level 9th rank mo yun vine”, just part of the force was even more exaggerated than a normal domain lord level 9th rank human martial artist! Only to see the air being compressed with a violent tremor, the Blood Shadow War Blade swung directly at the lowly martial artist’s battle axe with unimaginable speed.


As if using a sledgehammer to smash an ant, the low martial artist stared in horror, the battle axe in his hand was directly chopped instead of falling back on his own body, the thick back of the battle axe, directly “Puff ……” a sound will be instantly pressed to his body burst open, bones and flesh from the Bone flesh and blood from the battle armor drilled out, blood splattered.

Rumble ……

The entire ground is before the violent shock, the ground rock surface layer of cold ice layer directly burst open toward the surrounding “click click click” extend away, those cold ice layer cracks, full extension of more than ten kilometers.

“Actually, I don’t want to kill you at all.” Luo Feng quickly collected the two black tokens stored within his spatial belt from this dead martial artist, this was already the 19th black token Luo Feng had gotten, “You just happened to block my path and came to kill me, who will I kill if I don’t kill you?”

Luo Feng put the black token away and quickly moved forward again.

10,000 black tokens was an extra reward, yes.


The higher the reward the greater the difficulty. As long as he survives for 3 years in the magic sound mountain, he would be considered to have completed both the first quest “survive for 3 months” and the second quest “survive for 3 years”, and by then he would have gotten 400,000 points! The reward of these 10,000 black tokens was even better than 400,000 points.

The difficulty could be imagined!

“There are only 10,000 people in each batch, and they kill each other, some of them died in some dangerous area. Some may have escaped early. Most of the tokens have fallen into the hands of the Realm Masters. Trying to collect 10,000 black tokens is indeed an impossible task with my current strength.” Luo Feng was sober.

Looking down at the dead lowly martial artists on the ground, he shook his head slightly.

“My mission is to survive for three years.”

“I don’t want to kill.”

“But whoever gets in my way, I can only kill them.” Luo Feng continued on, leaving only that corpse in this shattered cold ice layer.

The super low temperature caused those blood to have condensed into ice long ago, those burst open layers of cold ice also quickly began to condense with each other under the low temperature, it wouldn’t take long for everything to return to normal again.

The Magic Sound Mountain was huge, it occupied about half of the Magic Mountain range.

The width of the bottom of the mountain was a staggering 320 million kilometers, and the height was a staggering 180 million kilometers.

Plus the labyrinth like countless cave passages interlocking and circling each other, Luo Feng cautiously advances 100,000 kilometers in a day, even if he advances for 3 years it’s estimated that it’s only part of the magic sound mountain.


One day, two days, three days ……

In the blink of an eye nine days passed, during these nine days Luo Feng detected a realm lord in advance through Baba tower detection, immediately turned around and immediately slipped away quietly. This was also the only time he had gotten close to a domain lord. Other times he had encountered some domain lords, a large number of universe levels. Because everyone didn’t trust each other, Luo Feng didn’t want to turn around and escape to be chased, so he could only kill the ones that came to kill him.

Nine days to collect 112 black tokens.

“My luck is pretty good, nine days, and I didn’t even encounter the terrifying phantom beasts in the demon mountain.” Luo Feng walked within a coiled and rotating vast passageway while Baba Tower kept his detection status at all times.

“Luo Feng, judging by the demonic sounds you’ve encountered in the last two days, you should be entering a more dangerous area right now, the demonic phantom sounds are all obviously stronger, I’m guessing that there will be an extremely dangerous zone around!”

“Babata, the information given to me by the virtual universe company shows that the danger of this magic sound area is not predictable at all, seemingly incredibly safe, suddenly there will be an extremely dangerous one. No need to predict.” Luo Feng communicated with his mind, while carefully observing the distant places, he himself couldn’t completely rely on the detection instruments.

Because the channel has a visible distance that is far more than 20 kilometers, the instrument detection range is only 20 kilometers, it’s very likely that the instrument didn’t discover the other party, the other party has seen themselves.

“Luo Feng, there are three domain lords 3.6 kilometers to your left.”

“3.6 kilometers?” Luo Feng jumped in shock.

Looking to the left and right.

Not far to the left and right was the rocky mountain wall, Luo Feng let out a sigh of relief.

“It’s also within the other passage.” Babata said.

“Another passage, no danger, inform me too?” Luo Feng shook his head.

“Their conversation, I judge, is more important to you.” Babata said.

“Oh?” Luo Feng’s heart stirred.

With a flip of his hand, a small screen appeared in his palm.

“Send me the scene you detected as a video.” Luo Feng said.

“Already sent.”


Images instantly appeared on the small screen in Luo Feng’s palm, on that same cold rocky ice, an old man, a middle aged man, and a young man. These three were staring excitedly at the eight thick books in front of them.

“It’s the Luan Ming Sect’s Zhen Zong secret method! This dead one must be a senior member of the Luan Ming Sect.”

“Shi Bo, it’s amazing that someone killed someone and didn’t even take away this secret method treasure. Haha.”

“You’re wrong, it wasn’t a human who killed him, but a phantom beast! Look, the indentation marks on this corpse’s battle armor are clearly the result of a huge claw slap to form such a large mark.”

“Master, master.” That youth laughed, “We got the Luan Ming Sect’s Zhen Zong secret method here, does it count as another form of getting the inheritance?”

“Don’t compare this secret method to the inheritance.”

That old man droned, “The Luan Ming Sect’s secret method is precious. However, this Inheritance Forbidden Land is called the ‘Devil Mountain’ by the people of the Virtual Universe Corporation, and they have sent many noble existences into the Devil Mountain. Moreover, I’ve heard that the Virtual Universe Corporation occasionally sends some Immortal Deities into the Devil Mountain to break into it just so that they can obtain the inheritance of the ‘Inheritance Forbidden Land’!”


“Immortal Deities come to receive the inheritance?” The duo next to them were startled.

Luo Feng who was looking at the screen was also startled.

“You guys wouldn’t know about this, this is a secret story of our Nine Star Sea.” The old man said, “Inheritance forbidden land, why is it called inheritance forbidden land? It’s because this ancient a divine mountain exists for the purpose of inheritance! Its existence is incomparably long, dating back to when the Nine Star Sea had historical records. It can be traced back to the time when the Virtual Universe Corporation did not control the Magic Mountain! In short, this Inheritance Forbidden Land …… possesses an inheritance that the Virtual Universe Corporation also slanders!”

“How powerful is the Virtual Universe Corporation?”

“Unlikely.” The two major disciples couldn’t believe it.

“Cough.” The old man coughed twice and hummed lowly, “The Virtual Universe Company, a super giant force in the universe, is very powerful. However, they often arrange for noble existences as well as immortal deities to enter in an attempt to obtain an inheritance. This is also a fact. This is the oldest inheritance of our Nine Star Sea, if anyone gets it, it can really …… soar.”

Luo Feng watched that master and disciple dialog in the video, soon, the video ended.

Luo Feng frowned slightly, “Inheritance? Magic mountain? Inheritance forbidden land?”

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