Chapter 29: Fat Sheep

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:49:17
A+ A- Turn Off Light

With a flash of Luo Feng’s body, he crouched down next to that E9 grade laser gun and reached out to pick up this seemingly simple masterpiece of the mechanical race.

Reaching out, he stroked the strange material of the gun, the material was very similar to Luo Feng’s silver pyramid ship hull, however, he could vaguely feel that the material of this laser gun should be even better. Saying it was a gun, it was actually more amazing than the caliber of some cannons on earth.

The caliber of the muzzle of the warp gun was 1 meter, and in the vast universe, the main guns of some spaceships and battleships had muzzles that were hundreds or even thousands of meters.

This kind of gun with a caliber of just one meter, in the universe, it was indeed just in the category of “gun”.

“Luo Feng, this is the XTH-122 series of E9 class warp-firing guns that only the mechanical race can make, famous for its small size and extremely short energy storage time.” Babata’s consciousness communicated, “You should know that technological weapons, although our cosmic human race is quite good at them, the highest we can create is a technological weapon that can exterminate a realm lord 9th rank. As for wanting to create technological weapons that kill immortals, we humans can’t do it.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Indeed, from sector lord to immortal, it was a qualitative leap.

Cosmic human communities, the alloys that were manufactured were at most at the peak of E grade. And an F grade would definitely be some metal born in the universe.

The technological weapons that were manufactured were also like this, after reaching the peak of E grade, there was no way to break through to create stronger technological weapons.

The mechanical race is different!

The Mechanical Clan, the birthplace of technology in the universe, all of their clansmen were intelligent beings.

They were able to create technological weapons that exterminated immortality!

They were able to create alloys that were comparable to F-class or even higher! And those alloys, had even better properties than pure metals.

For example, when Luo Feng saw the mechanical race immortal corpse in the Meteorite Ink Star, that corpse was actually an alloy corpse, the alloy was comparable to F grade metal, the alloy body was able to achieve flexibility, toughness and so on were perfect, it was indeed an unbelievable thing.

This is unique to the Mechanical Race, and other races simply can’t do it.

“A technological weapon that can kill an immortal is something that only the Mechanical Race can do.” Babata continued, “Of course, that kind of technological weapon is also extremely costly. Only a very few of the mechanical race’s immortals have that kind of terrifying weapon.”

Luo Feng nodded.

On his mechanical race ship, he was only equipped with an E3 class clang cannon and a star annihilator main cannon, although the star annihilator cannon was extremely powerful, the energy storage time was too long, it wasn’t suitable for close combat at all. Moreover, the huge size of the Jupiter Cannon is not suitable for single person use.

“With the same power, the smaller it is, the more expensive it is! The shorter the energy storage time, the more expensive it is!”

“This E9 grade laser gun, being so small and with a super short energy storage time, can be said to be the nemesis of the Realm Lord.” Babata said, “Even in the Mechanical Race, it’s extremely rare. Your teacher, back then, didn’t get his hands on one of these either.”

“How expensive?” Luo Feng even asked.

“The price is around 5000 hybrid units.” Babata said, “It’s not too expensive for immortal powerhouses, the trouble is that it’s a restricted item. It’s hard to buy it even if you have money, unless you’re willing to pay several times the price.”

“So expensive?” Luo Feng stared.

5000 hybrid units, a bit more expensive than even a mechanical race ship.

“Yes, this laser gun can be used as the clan’s treasure of the clan.” Babata said, “For example, if such a laser gun is placed within the clan, assuming no sector lord enemy flies into your planetary territory, when the planetary alert system discovers an enemy sector lord, it will only take 0.1 seconds for the energy to build up, and as long as that sector lord enemy dares to come close, it will directly kill them with a single shot, and the sector lord won’t even be able to react in time!”

Luo Feng even nodded.


The star annihilator cannon thing is awesome, but it can store energy for 60 seconds, with the speed of a peak realm lord, it can fly tens of thousands of kilometers in a second to kill directly to the hinterland of the planetary territory. Therefore, the Star Destroyer Cannon can only be considered as a weapon of mass destruction when attacking! And the E9 grade laser gun, whether it was used close to the body, or as a treasure of the clan or the country, it was all very counter-intuitive!

“From today.” Luo Feng stroked this laser gun in his hand, feeling the icy cold temperature coming from the gun.

“I’ve got another more ruthless card.”

Demon killer clan detachment instantly burst with amazing speed, with demon killer clan detachment holding E9 grade laser gun, relying on amazing ghostly speed to survive 0.1 seconds is too easy, 0.1 seconds has passed …… the gun can kill the enemy!

Luo Feng put this laser gun into his space ring, and then examined the corpse that had been frozen.

Although the water boiled up before due to the super high temperature causing the surrounding ice to melt, but after all, this is the magic mountain! Soon the cold air from other places diffused towards this place, and in just a few tens of seconds, the boiling water froze again and turned into ice. The original water vapor also all condensed into frosty ice.

“Snap!” A foot cracked the ice layer and took down the space belt of that Patto’s corpse.

“I wonder what’s there.” Luo Feng’s numinous power penetrated in and slightly swept.

With Luo Feng’s eyesight, ordinary treasures really didn’t give a damn, this Patao Guild’s department of household goods combined was far less than 1 mixed yuan unit.

“Hehe, there are over 3,000 black tokens here.” Luo Feng was surprised to take out that large amount of black tokens from it, only to see that each token was suspended in the mid air in front of Luo Feng, a large black mass, each black token represented a human life at the lowest cosmic level level.

More than three thousand human lives!

“Devil mountain, it is indeed a life of nine deaths.” Luo Feng secretly shook his head, “I hope my identity token doesn’t become someone else’s trophy.” With a wave of his hand, he put away all the black tokens.

Plus the unexpected harvest this time.

The total number of black tokens Luo Feng had collected reached 4,320.


Luo Feng quickly flew to the distant mechanical race ship and took a closer look, the original crater from the super strong laser beam had become nearly devoid of a trace.

“Looks like it’ll be intact after a few more moments, this alloy has the ability to recover from memory, it’s really good.” Luo Feng secretly praised, “Babata, put it into your storage space.”


The mechanical race ship that collapsed next to the rock wall, its body surface condensing a layer of ice directly disappeared.

In the rocky ice cave, compared to the cave, Luo Feng, who was as tiny as an ant, was rapidly advancing with his battle sword on his back.

“Even a lion fighting a rabbit has to do its best!”

“When you encounter an opponent that’s a bit troublesome, directly switch the Demon Slayer Clan split to instantly resolve it.” Luo Feng was walking on the road, while in his mind, he was reflecting on the previous battle, the reason why the battle between the two talents entered the danger of death was because he didn’t care about that domain lord 9th rank opponent at the beginning, which eventually led to that result.

While walking, Luo Feng frowned.

“Baba tower.” Luo Feng shouted in his heart, “That martial artist who wanted to kill me once shouted ‘it’s really you’ and took out an E9 grade laser gun that even immortal existences rarely possessed ……”

“First of all that martial artist is just a native of the Nine Star Sea, and as a matter of fact, he definitely couldn’t get an E9 grade laser gun.” Babata’s voice rang out, “To be able to get an E9 grade laser gun, it is estimated to be an immortal existence. And one that still has a great background! Combine that with him saying ‘it’s really you’ after seeing Mo Yun Vine before, and combine it with that Realm Lord you encountered before who was chasing after you ……”

“Everything can be determined that a certain big shot with a background wants to kill you!”

“This big shot gave the laser gun, to this Domain Lord 9th rank martial artist, and told him about your characteristics – possessing the Domain Lord 9th rank Moyun Vine.”

“And the previous Realm Lord who was chasing you and deadlocked at the entrance of the cave was presumably the same.”

“From this one can judge!”

“The manpower arranged by this great person to kill you is more than one person. There are realm lords and domain lords with laser guns.” Babata explained.

Luo Feng’s pupils shrunk.

Who wanted to kill himself?

He didn’t seem to have offended anyone.

“The big shots killing you are probably involved in some upper level grudge.” Babata continued, “I guess there are three possibilities, one is a faction struggle, two is a personal grudge, and three is a race war.”

“Because each Venerable of the Virtual Universe Corporation, independently command a faction, you will belong to the Nine Swords Venerable’s faction in the future, assuming that the factional struggle is tragic, someone foresees your threat, and would like to take the opportunity to eradicate you by hand. But …… so assassinate genius, belongs to very despicable means, if so dare, must be faction feud is very big kind.”

“Second, personal grudge. You are a disciple of the True Diffusion King. Then other people’s grudges with the True Diffusion King will most likely involve you as well, but likewise, if you dare to do so, it is estimated to be a very big grudge, or else you won’t be so risky.”

“Third, racial war. Cosmic humans and other races struggled miserably, it’s not uncommon for some strong people to sneak into other races and assassinate the geniuses of the other races, this kind of thing is not uncommon.”

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

All three were possible.

“Luo Feng, as you get stronger and your status gets higher, then inadvertently, the number of people you offend, or some people you didn’t offend who still want to kill you, will increase.” Babata said, “So you have to be careful.”

“Hm.” Luo Feng nodded.

He couldn’t die!

Once he died, I’m afraid that the fate of the Earth humans, whose roots were still fragile now, would change immediately. And the amazingly wealthy Pinghai group, I’m afraid that it would quickly call for coveting, and the consequences would be hard to predict. After all, even if it is a virtual universe company, it is too huge, and internally it is also a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and there are many interest groups.

This was a big power that was even bigger than a cosmic country.

Luo Feng was even more cautious, advancing all the way, along the way, but any encounters with domain masters of the seventh order upwards were swiftly resolved by the demonic slayer clan bilocations, while those of the domain masters of the seventh order downwards were swiftly resolved by the earthling’s own body.

Although careful, but killings are inevitable after all.

That black token just so quickly accumulated to 4831 pieces.

On the 75th day of arriving at the Demon Mountain.

Luo Feng who was carrying the blood shadow battle sword, walking in the ancient cave filled with cold air, suddenly his pupils shrunk, looking into the distance, in the distance about ninety kilometers away, there were two universe level youths carrying a beautifully crafted carved bench, on the bench lay a lean old man with a goatee beard, occasionally humming, beside that there were five youths following.

“It’s him?” Luo Feng’s pupils shrunk, “That old glass?”

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