Chapter 33: The Abyssal World

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:49:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luo Feng suffered from that amazing devouring force and was continuously plummeting downwards.


The air in his ears made a piercing whistling sound, Duo Feng who had changed into a Fantasy Beast Ice Bear, looking at the surrounding rock walls and ice skimming upwards like a phantom, in his mind he was rapidly thinking about what to do. All kinds of ways to break free had been tried before, changing into any appearance was useless. Moreover, Baba Towers had told Luo Feng before – “Luo Feng, the power of swallowing and sucking is too great. It’s even more terrifying than the power that the energy pod of a mechanical race ship can burst out, you can’t even fly even if you rely on a mechanical race ship!”

Luo Feng, who had transformed into an ice bear, looked down at the black bottomless abyss, right now all Luo Feng could do was to prepare himself and go for a chance of survival!


Continuously falling!

Falling for a long time, but Luo Feng was still in the middle of falling, which made Luo Feng’s heart secretly alarmed.

“How deep must this abyss be? It’s much deeper than that giant pit in Blood Luo world, it has to be hundreds of thousands of kilometers deep.” The wind was howling in his ears, he was constantly falling, Luo Feng couldn’t resist the force of the swallowing suction, he could only allow himself to fall like this. And the long descent obviously made Luo Feng remember other things, many images surfaced in his mind.

“Mom, dad, wife, Pingping, Xiao Hai, Ah Hua ……” Luo Feng silently chanted in his heart.

Looking down at the bottomless abyss, it was still pitch black.

“How could I think of my family at this time? It seems that even subconsciously I think it’s likely that I’ll die.” Luo Feng knew very well that after that Molo kicked him into this bottomless abyss, especially when he couldn’t even break free of the gravitational force by relying on the Demon Slayer Clan’s detachment, at that time, his heart hit rock bottom.

Understand …… that this time there is a lot of trouble!

The danger this time was much more dangerous than before in the Blood Luo World!

Death trap!

Some of the death traps in the Secret Realm of the Universe, Babata had told himself long ago, and he knew it very well ……

“The probability of surviving this time, I’m afraid it’s very low.” Ice Bear Luo Feng took a deep breath, a hint of sternness swept through his eyes.

Facing a death crisis, Luo Feng didn’t have the slightest fear!

Perhaps it was from the day he chose to become a martial artist ……

Or maybe it was the day he chose to die with the Golden Horn Beast ……

Or the day he gave up being a comfortable planetary lord and chose to walk the path of a cosmic powerhouse instead ……

Luo Feng was prepared for death long ago!

“The endless martial artists in the universe fight to the death, and I’m afraid that the ones who become ‘immortal’ are one in a billion!” Luo Feng looked down at the dark abyss below, “By embarking on this path, I was prepared to perish. However – but wherever there’s the slightest chance of survival, I’ll struggle hard!”

“Mo Luo!” Luo Feng’s appearance swept through his mind.

“It’s true that I don’t see you as a threat or an enemy, one, I admire you and subconsciously don’t want to be your enemy. Two is that I think you should not be so stupid to make a move against me. Three is also confidence, confidence that you can’t threaten me.” Luo Feng secretly sighed, “But I now understand the saying …… that people’s hearts are separated, you can’t trust people easily, and you can’t be too confident, too much confidence is arrogance!”


In Luo Feng’s mind, Mo Luo’s previous behavior was stupid.

Perhaps …… Mo Luo relied on this tactic to eradicate Luo Feng, one less genius that could threaten Mo Luo’s position. This way, Mo Luo was able to have more time to occupy the throne as a member of the primordial secret realm! But in Luo Feng’s opinion, this was too stupid, this was simply shaking his heart.

Because he cultivated his heart, Luo Feng was very clear.

A strong person, must be absolutely confident in themselves! First confident, then it’s possible to stand at that very top.

If one doesn’t even trust themselves, but instead eradicates some threatening people through some machinations, then how many people can be eradicated? On the road to becoming a strong person, the ones competing with him were not only newcomers like Luo Feng, there were also those geniuses who were already at the peak of the realm masters, and there were billions of ethnic groups in the universe ……

There are countless geniuses in the universe, how many of them can be eradicated?

One must believe in oneself!

Improving oneself, this was the path of the strong!

Eradicating rivals, this was really stupid and had affected belief.

Once belief is shaken ……

then one is destined to not become a truly strong person!

“Mo Luo, if I don’t die this time, then you will regret it for the rest of your life.” Luo Feng looked down.


The phantom beast ice bear that Luo Feng had changed into kept falling in this bottomless abyss at an amazing speed.

Descending for a long, long time ……

“Luo Feng, a rocky ice layer has appeared below!” Babata even informed Luo Feng with his mind.


Luo Feng transformed into an ice bear as fast as a meteor, twenty kilometers away in less than 0.0001 seconds it whizzed past, the thick two big feet smashed hard on the ice layer below, causing the ice layer to rumble and be shattered open, and the ice layer in the distance was even cracked open. Under the ice layer that thick black rock are slightly trembling under but not the slightest trace.

“Roar ……”


Various ear-piercing cries came from all directions.

Rapidly fall down, then a butt sit down the ice bear, silly sitting on the broken ice layer, in all directions to look at a glance. Only to see a glance in all directions …… or big or small, or humanoid, or all kinds of bestiality, or plant shape, etc., the number of phantom beasts, a glance can not see the end!

Countless phantom beasts are on a winding ice mountain.

The foolish Ice Bear slowly stood up, looking foolish but actually shocked.

“My god, how many phantom beasts are there, at a glance, there are tens of thousands of phantom beasts on this mountain range in front of us that you can’t see the end of at a glance, right?” Luo Feng trembled in shock, he didn’t realize that the bottomless abyss led to a real illusion beast lair, “Right, how did the swallowing force from before come about?”

“Luo Feng! Be careful! The phantom beast that is 6.1 kilometers in front of you is comparable to an immortal existence in terms of aura strength!” Babata warned in a panicked streak.

“Immortal existence?” Luo Feng jumped in fear.

Stupidly, the ice bear looked towards the surroundings sleep.

“Where’s a phantom beast, 6.1 kilometers away? There are no other phantom beasts at all within 6.1 kilometers of me, in the distance is a mountain range, the mountain range has countless phantom beasts on it instead.” Ice Bear Luo Feng and Babata exchanged words.

“Foolishness! This ice mountain in front of you is a phantom beast.” Babata even said.

“My god.”

Luo Feng’s heart trembled.

The stupid ice bear, still looking foolish, was walking casually on the ice just like the other illusion beasts in this abyssal world. However, its eyes were clearly looking at the rolling iceberg in front of it, which could not be seen at the end of a glance.

“An iceberg is a phantom beast? This iceberg, at a glance, has to be thousands of kilometers.” Luo Feng muttered in his heart.


In terms of volume, I’m afraid that this iceberg isn’t smaller than the earth. But, such an iceberg, it’s a phantom beast?

Ice bears, kept moving in this vast abyssal world, this abyssal world was very vast, the number of phantom beasts was feared to be in the billions, if the phantom beasts lair that Luo Feng first discovered was a river, the phantom beasts swarming in this abyssal world, it was a vast ocean!

Phantom beasts, billions of them!

Boundary master level phantom beasts were often encountered. One could even occasionally come across some gigantic phantom beasts whose aura strength was comparable to that of an “immortal existence”! Those phantom beasts that were comparable to immortal existences were all extremely large, with the smallest being thousands of kilometers in size, and the largest not being able to see the head at a glance.


The ice tree that was hundreds of kilometers thick and had a crown diameter of thousands of kilometers suddenly trembled with countless branches, generating a terrifying swallowing force that caused some of the holes above it to frantically swallow and suck.

After a long time!

A black curved horned man crashed down, instantly causing a large number of surrounding phantom beasts to roar, thousands of phantom beasts roared and rushed, “Ah!” A mournful scream rang out, the black curved horn man only lasted for a few seconds before he was trampled into flesh and mud, too dead to die.

Roar ……

Thousands of Fantasy Beasts roared excitedly, and among them was an Ice Bear that also roared.

“My goodness.” Ice bear Luo Feng glanced at the bloodstains in the distance, his heart trembled in shock, “Luckily I came down as an ice bear, if I had come down as a human lookalike. Being surrounded by countless phantom beasts, how could I not die?”

Realm lords come, all must die!

Luo Feng was in the abyssal world, just strolling around for more than three days, he found billions of illusionary beasts, sector lord level illusionary beasts were in abundance, even huge illusionary beasts comparable to immortal aura were found more than twenty of them!

“Luckily I’m also an Illusory Beast now.” Ice bear Luo Feng twisted that huge ice butt, amongst the countless phantom beasts, also advancing slowly.

Luo Feng didn’t dare to do anything out of the ordinary, just like ordinary phantom beasts, because Luo Feng didn’t know well …… if there were some other great powers lurking in this abyssal world.

“Be careful!”

“Can’t be the slightest bit careless.”

“I’d rather spend more time and advance slowly than mess around.” Luo Feng was just wandering around the abyssal world slowly, he said “slowly”, but in reality, he could advance 100,000 miles a day.

In the blink of an eye, two months had passed, in this abyss world, Luo Feng had also lived for two months.

“This abyss world is really boring, there is only one creature, the phantom beast, and the weird thing is …… there is not even a magic sound.” Ice bear Luo Feng helplessly advanced, the magic mountain is divided into magic sound mountain and cold ice mountain, in the middle of this magic sound mountain but there is a huge area that doesn’t have magic sound at all, it’s also really strange.

“What is that?” Luo Feng looked at the distance.

In the distance, there was a hidden golden light.

Because the distance was too far, Luo Feng couldn’t see it.

“Go over!”

Luo Feng was still advancing slowly, after traveling thousands of miles, Luo Feng, who was in the group of phantom beasts, looked up at …… a suspended palace in the distance, Ice Bear Luo Feng was still stupid on the surface, but his heart was shocked.

“A levitating palace? Palaces that emit golden light?”

“This abyss leads to a vast space, having countless phantom beasts is just that, there are even suspended palaces?” Luo Feng stared carefully, at a glance, he could see about 32 suspended palaces, each with a diameter of about tens of kilometers, and each emitting golden light.

Among them, there were roughly 23 palaces that still had a white layer of light shrouding their surface, as if a hood, completely enveloping those 23 palaces.



Vaguely very faint some arcane sounds were transmitted from the direction of that group of hovering palaces, without the slightest attacking effect, instead, it made Luo Feng feel an incomparable soothing sensation in his soul.

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