Chapter 47: The Primordial Mystery Realm

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:50:06
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“Sorry.” Luo Feng shook his head, “I couldn’t get over my battle with Clover before now.”

“A tough loss?” Hong asked back.

“No need to ask!” Thunder God teased and laughed.

Luo Feng picked up the tea cup next to him and gently sipped it, the tea leaves of this tea cup of brewing tea are some tea leaves specially grown by Pinghai company in the environment of the virtual universe, that kind of mellow aroma is indeed reverberating around his lips and teeth, after sipping a mouthful of this he sighed, “Indeed the loss was too bad, it made me impact the primordial mystic realm without a bit of certainty!”

Before the qualification battle, Luo Feng was ambitious and wanted to charge into the primordial secret realm!

He had gotten part of the magic sound god general inheritance, the amplitude of his thoughts soared, and he definitely had confidence in impacting the primordial secret realm……. However, when he fought with Clover, it was as if he was poured a headful of cold water on his head!

The gap!

The gap is huge!

“Losing isn’t scary.” Hong smiled, “Just afraid of not having confidence.”

“Big brother?” Luo Feng looked at Hong.

“I spent my childhood in a killer training camp.” Hong’s eyes had a trace of reminiscence, “In terms of physique, there was originally a gap between us yellow people and white and black people……. Although I lagged behind, I kept moving forward until I became the most feared killer! And those who were originally more talented than me were surpassed by me one by one.”

Luo Feng listened quietly.

“So!” Hong smiled and looked at Luo Feng, “Lao San, in fact, although talent is important but it’s not absolute, you’re talented and you cultivate quickly. No problem …… you cultivate for ten thousand years and become immortal! Then I cultivate for 100,000 years, a million years to become immortal, is not it? Saying no home …… gifted also perish early!”

Luo Feng was stunned.


The super genius that teacher once said, the one who was able to kill a feudal lord level immortal at the sector lord stage, didn’t he just perish? Neither had been able to become an immortal!

“That’s why a momentary amazing progress is nothing, what’s important is a long and steady flow of water!” Hong looked at Luo Feng, “The most important thing in cultivation is not to compare with others, but to compare with yourself! As long as you keep progressing, keep surpassing yourself, then eventually you’ll get stronger and stronger …… One day, you’ll realize …… that in the entire world, you can’t find any rivals anymore. You are already number one in the world!”

Luo Feng quietly listened.

To this big brother “Hong”, Luo Feng was very respectful and admiring.

In terms of pure force he was strong, but in terms of state of mind, this big brother of his was already comparable to some of the so-called saintly existences in Chinese history.

“Haha, boss, is that how you became number one in the world in the first place?” Thunder God laughed as he looked at Luo Feng.

“Right!” Hong’s eyes were calm as he nodded his head and laughed, “Back then, I was loyal to a long spear in my hand, expounding the supreme principles of heaven and earth with a long spear in my hand! One step beyond …… I myself didn’t expect that I would become the number one person on this earth during the Great Nirvana period. Luo Feng, understand what I mean?”

“Understand, one must not be hasty! Need to meditate and pursue your limits.” Luo Feng said.

Hong nodded in satisfaction.

The gathering with big brother and second brother lasted for about three hours or so before the three brothers finally parted. Big brother continued to cultivate, second brother was also busy with his own business, while Luo Feng himself was returning to his consciousness and would devote himself to accepting the “magic sound god general inheritance”.

Luo Feng found one thing ……

Every time he was with his elder brother and second brother, he would realize something and see the future path more clearly.

“This is the state of mind! In terms of cultivating the heart, second brother is stronger than me, and big brother has even reached an unprecedented level.” Luo Feng also felt that although big brother hadn’t shown his light yet, one day, he would definitely show his dazzling light in this vast universe. This feeling was purely subconscious.

Although big brother spoke calmly, that kind of self-confidence would melt into his bones.

The next day after the end of the internal qualification battle in the Tai Chou Secret Realm, the Primordial Secret Realm qualification battle began.

Because there were only five universe-level Primal Secret Realm members in total, their qualification battle would end within a day. The “Primordial Secret Realm Qualification Battle” was obviously of immense concern to the geniuses of the core members of the other secret realms, and for a time, no one knew how many people were paying attention to those battles.

In the primordial region, the manor of His Royal Highness “Uka”, the Prince of Barbarian Card Planet.

Luo Feng, Rong Jun, and Uka were gathered in the living room, drinking wine while looking at the screen in front of them, watching that primordial secret realm’s qualification battle after qualification battle.

“Ah, my manor!”

“It won’t be long before I’m afraid I’ll have to move out of the Primordial Region and go to the Celestial Region.” Uka sat on the sofa and sighed loudly, glancing at Luo Feng and Rong Jun, “You two guys, we three males of Tai Chou should have been together, one of you rushed into the top three, and one of you can continue to stay in the Tai Chou secret realm as well!”

Luo Feng and Rong Jun both laughed.

In the qualification battle, Luo Feng was ranked 2nd and Rong Jun was ranked 19th.

Rong Jun was sort of struggling to stay in the top 20 …… so that he didn’t have to fight with the top 10 of the heaven region. It can be said to have been nailed down to remain in the Tai Chou secret realm.

Uka, on the other hand, was unsurprisingly in the bottom six.

In fact, the other six newcomers, Uka, Opatra, Lancelot, Aichen, General Mo, and Thousand Waters, just happened to be in the last six of the countdown! Uka was already doing well to be in the sixth from the bottom. However, they were still about to fight with the top ten of the Heaven Region …… But other than the six of them, every single one of the others had broken through the sixth layer of the Heaven Passing Bridge.

They were destined to go to the Heaven and Earth Secret Realm!


“Every newcomer is like this, they all suffer losses and get eliminated to the next secret realm. I’m a newcomer well.” Wuka stared at Luo Feng and Rong Jun, “You two wait, soon I will kill my way back to the Tai Chou secret realm again.”

“Good, we’ll wait.” Rong Jun said smilingly.

“Work hard oh Prince Uka.” Luo Feng teased.

Just as he finished speaking, a battle in the primordial secret realm that was being broadcast on the screen – “Fito” versus “Long Yun” had already ended.

“Long Yun is so pitiful.” Uka sighed.

“Right.” Rong Jun nodded slightly, “He’s not even on the same level as the rest of the Primordial Mysterious Realm.”

Luo Feng also nodded slightly.

The primordial secret realm was a total of five people, three old men and two newcomers.

The two newcomers were of course the “Buran” and “Long Yun” who were chosen in the genius battle, Buran finally woke up after being stimulated by Luo Feng and realized that he was not really a heaven defying and invincible genius, wasting talent by indulging in talent like that was a very idiotic behavior so he changed his mind! So he changed his mind and decided to focus on the “Laws of Space”.

Two years ago, Buran had already successfully broken through the seventh floor of the Heavenly Bridge!

The three old men were “Fito”, “Sima Yan” and “Molo”, among them, Fito was the only one who had broken through the eighth level of the Tongtian Bridge among the core universe level members of the Virtual Universe Company! Sima Yan and Mo Luo, on the other hand, had both broken through the seventh layer of the Tong Tian Bridge …… Of course, both of them had passed through the seventh layer for a long time.

“Long Yun is so pathetic, he loses to everyone he meets, if it were me, I would have just forfeited long ago, what’s the point of fighting.” Uka shook his head, “It’s not even on the same level.”

Five people, one had broken through the eighth level of the Tong Tian Bridge three had broken through the seventh level, just Long Yun was breaking through the fifth level.

“Don’t underestimate him.” Luo Feng looked at the fallen Long Yun’s body in the screen, “Knowing that he’s bound to lose and still going to fight one game at a time, not an ordinary person.”

“Hmm.” Rong Jun also nodded lightly.

“Look! Molo is fighting Buran!” Uka shouted.

Luo Feng and Rong Hook immediately focused their attention and stared at the screen in front of them, the two newcomers in the primordial secret realm were only able to fight back a little bit, but when he met the strongest of the three old men, “Fito”, he lost miserably.

“He and Mo Luo have both broken through the seventh level of the Heavenly Bridge!” Rongjun said in a low voice, “And both are close combat martial artists This battle …… maybe Buran has a little hope!”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng gently nodded.

Yes, there is a little hope.

Just a little hope!

The battle began ……

Buran’s sword technique was incomparably sharp, and his stance was bizarrely moqi. While that Mollo was standing still to respond to all changes, using his set of Beast Fist to resist Buran’s attacks again and again. The scene of their fight caused mountains to collapse and forests to be destroyed, Buran’s every sword could cause a shocking bottomless abyss to appear on the planet’s surface, while Molo’s every punch and every kick could cause huge scars to appear on the vast earth.

Dozens of hands were exchanged in an instant!

Mo Luo instantly seized an opportunity, paying the price of a leg, and closed in to instantly kill Buran!

“Roar!” Mo Luo’s eyes instantly erupted with wild light his right hand as if a curved python snapped out and grabbed Buran’s neck!


Instantly twisting Buran’s neck, his fingers directly stabbed into Buran’s skull.

Buran, die!


Luo Feng, Rong Jun, and Uka in front of the screen were all silent for a long time, Buran’s strength couldn’t be described as not strong, but he was still killed in front of the Primordial Mystic Realm elder.

“What a terrifying close combat.” Uka said softly.

Uka also walked the close combat stream, however, compared to Mo Luo he clearly realized how amazing the gap between each other was.

“Very scary.” Rong Jun also frowned.

Luo Feng was watching with bated breath, at the same time his mind kept recalling the scene where Mo Luo instantly seized the opportunity to kill Buran just now, replaying the memories over and over again, the more he thought about it, the more his expression became more and more gloomy……. That Buran’s Beast Fist really isn’t a puppet named Beast Fist, either as if it was a fox, or as if it was a boa constrictor, or as if it was a wild wolf or as if it was a fierce tiger. ……

That kind of ferocity! Cunning! Sinister!

Finish will be issued from nature!

“This beast fist of his is something he created himself, while everyone else is learning someone else’s secret technique.” Luo Feng said silently in his heart, “Self-created ones are certainly easier to use to utilize the strongest attack power! Mo Luo is very strong ……”

“But ……”

“Why do I always feel like he’s not as strong as Wolf Croft?” Luo Feng frowned, but Clover is only a Taichu Secret Mirror …… How bizarre!”

Mo Luo’s strength was just causing Luo Feng to be cautious.

Clover on the other hand caused Luo Feng to feel despair!

“It’s hopeless.” Sitting on the sofa, Uka shouted loudly, “Buran lost to Molo, I’m afraid that facing the martial artist’s nemesis, ‘Illusionist’ Sima Yan, he will also lose …… Then among the bottom three destined for this Primordial Mystic Realm are definitely Buran and Long Yun! .”

The rules of the Virtual Universe Corporation are–

The final three of the Primordial Mystic Realm and the top three of the Tai Chou Mystic Realm, a total of 6 people, compete for the only Primordial Mystic Realm slot.

Now it seems!

Long Yun! Buran! I’m afraid that they are both two of the bottom three.

Then Fito ……, as the only one who had broken through the eighth layer of the Passage Bridge and had an incomparably obvious advantage, there was not much of a problem in taking the first place.

“The bottom three of the Primordial Mysteries, one is Buran and one is Long Yun. Who’s the other one?” Uka frowned.

“It must be one of Mo Luo and Sima Yan anyway.” Rong Jun said, “Luo Feng, which one do you think it is?”

Luo Feng then frowned.

Which one?

Mo Luo!

It had to be Mo Luo, Mo Luo only had to be ranked in the bottom three …… then he would have a chance to fight him!

“I must defeat him with my own hands and trample him under my feet, for sure!” Luo Feng’s heart has long had a mouthful of bad anger that is hard to dispel, this qualification battle is just a vent …… If there is a chance in reality, Luo Feng definitely won’t show any mercy. Back then when Mo Luo kicked out …… it was decided that –

The two of them, one of them must die!

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