Chapter 5: Five Masters

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:48:14
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“Teacher?” Luo Feng even stood up with a humble demeanor while tapping the screen.

A pavilion built on a huge reef appeared on the screen, underneath the pavilion was sitting the True Yan King with a glass of wine, and far behind the True Yan King was a lofty and golden palace, which also had two big golden characters on it – True Yan.

“That should be teacher’s shrine on Thunder Island.” Luo Feng secretly said.

“Luo Feng.” On the screen, the True Diffusion King smiled and shouted.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng respectfully saluted.

“Received the email from the virtual universe company to you, right?” True Diffusion King said, a hint of derision in his eyes, “Isn’t it tempting to rush into the primordial secret realm?”

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded, then shook his head helplessly, “Teacher, after I read the email, I know that ascending to the primordial secret realm is a qualification battle, and the second is the Tongtian mountain. I just went to try the ‘primordial mountain of passage’ ……”

“Pfft!” True Difficulty King’s mouthful of wine directly sprayed out, and his golden-haired face was filled with laughter, “You said you broke into the Primordial Tongtian Mountain?”

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded.

“Failed, right?”

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng continued to nod.

“No wonder you didn’t fail!” True Difficulty King couldn’t help but laugh and curse, “It seems like you don’t know anything about the ‘Mountain of Tong Tian’.”

“I just saw the email and realized about the Tong Tian Mountain.” Luo Feng even said.

The True Diffusion King cried and laughed, “The three mountains of Tong Tian, core members can go and break into them at any time! As long as they break through, they can immediately enter a higher secret realm. It sounds wonderful, but do you think that the difficulty is a joke? The ‘seven trial towers’ of your genius battle, do you remember?”

Luo Feng nodded.

He himself ended up on the first floor of the sixth trial tower, while Buran broke through to the first floor of the seventh trial tower.

“One thing!”

“The standard set by the seventh trial tower is that there is almost no hope of passing!” The True Diffusion King said, “It’s the same with this Mountain of Heavenly Passage! The difficulty is very, very high, and you want to pass through the Primal Passing Mountain and enter the Primal Mysterious Realm? Let me put it to you this way, it’s all the universe level members of the primordial secret realm who went in to try and none of them would be able to break through the primordial mountain of passage to heaven.”

Luo Feng was stunned.

None of the primordial secret realm members could break through the primordial mountain of passage?


“If you can break through the primordial mountain of passage, that means, you’re stronger than any member of the same level in the primordial secret realm! Of course you will be directly promoted to the Primal Mystic Realm.” True Diffusion King said, “As for how difficult it really is, you’ve also gone and broken through it, at which level did you fail, the foot of the mountain? The mountainside? The top of the mountain?”

“The foot of the mountain.” Luo Feng was a bit ashamed of his puppets, “Killed two however failed.”

“Being able to kill two is considered good, how long has it been a little since you were trained under the virtual company?” True Difficulty King said, “As for the difficulty of the primordial Tongtian mountain, at the foot of the mountain, the mountainside and the top of the mountain, there are three gatekeepers each.”

“The gatekeepers, respectively, are a martial artist, a spiritual idea master controller, and an illusionist.”

“The three surround you alone.”

“Even if all three are worse than you, the three are united and complement each other. That would be strong.” The True Diffusion King said, “The mountainside gatekeeper is 10 times the strength of the foot of the mountain gatekeeper! The mountain top keeper is 10 times as strong as the mountainside keeper!”

Luo Feng stared, “How is that possible, doesn’t that mean that the mountain top keeper, is 100 times the strength of the mountain foot keeper?”

“Yes, 100 times.” True Diffusion King nodded his head.

“When I cast World of Swords, I can maintain it for 30 seconds. To be able to cast ‘world of swords’ at the ninth stage of universe level is considered overwhelming in the vast universe, right?” Luo Feng was also clear about his position, the True Diffusion King nodded slightly, “It’s considered overwhelming.”

“I’m even close to breaking into the foot of the mountain now, the mountain top keeper is 100 times the size of the foot of the mountain?” Luo Feng couldn’t help but say, “Cosmic level 9, how can I pass?”


At universe level 9, there are still people who can be 100 times stronger than himself.

He himself was able to cast the world of swords! And the Will Consciousness was able to resist the Illusion Realm!

“Yes, how could one pass?”

True Diffusion King also laughed, “So it’s the universe level members of the primordial secret realm that can’t pass!”

Luo Feng was stunned.

“The primordial mountain of passage is just a benchmark! Putting it there makes people look up to it, makes people feel like they have a goal, and makes people not be proud at all times.” True Diffusion King said, “So if you want to rise to the primordial secret realm, the qualification battle is the true channel!”

“Teacher?” Luo Feng’s heart fluttered.

The True Diffusion King in the screen looked at Luo Feng.

“Has anyone passed through the primordial mountain of passage?” Luo Feng even asked.

“There is! Of course there are! And there are quite a few!” True Diffusion King smiled and nodded, “The universe is vast, humans are even more uncountable, those with heavenly luck special encounters, tough character, extremely high enlightenment, extremely good birth …… what kind of ones don’t have? In the long history, how many geniuses have emerged?”

“You and Buran, are only geniuses that came out once in tens of thousands of epochs. And how long has the primordial universe been born?”

“It’s not as if there have been no geniuses who were ten or a hundred times stronger than you and Buran, over the course of endless ages.” The True Diffusion King shook his head, “The probability of a genius becoming a supreme powerhouse is extremely high, but as usual, there are large groups of geniuses who fall. There was once a contemporary of mine, certainly hundreds of thousands of years earlier than me I think, there was a man called ‘Koti’, who was claimed to be the first genius of hundreds of millions of epochs!”

“Cosmic level, domain lord, sector lord, three periods, all directly broke through the Primordial Passing Mountain, the encounter is miraculous, against all odds, the extra-terrestrial battlefield! It’s even made the other communities tremble. During the Sector Lord period, they were able to kill Seal Lord level immortals!”

“A bunch of universe lords and venerable masters rushed to take him as a disciple, and in the end, it was the Chaos City Lord, who took him as a disciple.”

Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

The primordial heavenly mountain was child’s play? Sector lord level, just kill a feudal lord level immortal? A bunch of universe kingdom lords and venerable masters rushing to accept disciples?


“And in the end?” True Diffusion King shook his head, “In a universe secret realm, he directly fell, when he died, he was at the peak of sector lord.”

Luo Feng blinked.

“Saying that someone is a genius, when looking at a galaxy, it’s indeed the first genius. But looking at star domains? Looking at cosmic countries? Looking at the entire human community?” The True Diffusion King laughed, “Even if you are the first genius of the Cosmic Human Race, that’s only for a certain period of time. Looking at ten thousand years, tens of thousands of epochs, hundreds of millions of epochs, and the entire human history? What do you count as.”

Luo Feng couldn’t help but nod.

“One should be confident, but not too proud.” True Diffusion King shook his head, “That Buran, is too proud. He doesn’t know that …… that group of universe kingdom lords didn’t value him at all. The long lifespan has caused the universe lords to have seen many geniuses comparable to Buran.”

“I understand.”

“I’ll work hard, others can break through the Primordial Passage Mountain. I’ll work hard too.” Luo Feng said.

The True Diffusion King on the screen was slightly stunned, then nodded.

“This time I’m looking for you to remind you of something about the qualification battle.” True Diffusion King said, “The qualification battle, first of all, is the internal battle within your Taichu secret area! There are a total of 38 cosmic level members in the Tai Chou area, originally 30, plus your 8 newcomers.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“38 people duel to determine the strongest three.”

“These strongest three are the ones who are qualified to go and fight the people of the primordial secret realm, of course very few have succeeded in almost all previous editions.” The True Diffusion King said, “What I’m going to talk about now is the internal duel between the 38 people of your Primordial Mysterious Realm.”

“You, Rong Jun, and the other 8 people are all merely newcomers.”

“And the universe-level veterans of the Tai Chou Sector have been nurtured by the Virtual Universe Company for as little as a thousand years, or as much as a few thousand years.” True Diffusion King said, “Right now, among these 30 old people, there are 5 people at the seventh level of the Tongtian bridge and 25 people at the sixth level of the Tongtian bridge.”

Luo Feng stared.

This, this ……

30 old men, there are 5 at the seventh level of the Heavenly Bridge? All the others are at the Tong Tian Bridge sixth level?

“Don’t be surprised, let Uka and the others dive into cultivation for another thousand, thousands of years, and one by one, they’ll all be at least at the sixth level of the Heavenly Bridge.” True Diffusion King said, “Time, this is the magic of time! Your talents may be high, but they have been cultivating for even longer.”

“How come they haven’t broken through to domain lord for so long?” Luo Feng couldn’t help it.

It’s too bullying.

The newbies were simply being ravaged, 30 old men surprisingly five of them passed the seventh level of the Tong Tian bridge!

“Bottlenecks, for these geniuses, a thousand years can certainly get through.” True Diffusion King poured a cup of wine and directly drank it all in one gulp, and said as he poured more wine, “But then again, at the universe level stage, it is possible to take on cultivation missions to earn points! And by laying the foundation a bit more firmly, future achievements will naturally be higher.”

“Anyway, life span is long, what’s the point of staying at the universe level for thousands of years?”

“No one is stupid, everyone takes the opportunity to earn points.”

“Because of this, there is a maximum of ten cultivation missions per hundred years! And there’s a limit to the number of times each level of cultivation mission can be taken at the safety level, ordinary level, difficult level, dangerous level, and desperate level.” True Diffusion King said.

“This, this is too bullying.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but say.

“They also came from newcomers.” The True Diffusion King in the screen said, “You’re fine, you have no problem staying in the Taichu secret realm. But the Barbarian Card star’s Uka and the others, they’re probably going to be eliminated to the heaven and earth secret realm.”

Luo Feng was silent.

“Your biggest rivals are those five people, the five people who broke through the seventh level of the bridge to heaven.” True Diffusion King said.

“Five people? The five greatest experts among the 30 old men?” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

Five great experts.

Those five people’s talents were at least at the Uca level, yet they had been cultivating for a very long time, they must have accepted many cultivation tasks, and their experience was definitely very seasoned.

“Work hard.”

“Your opponents are them.” True Diffusion King said, “This is your first qualification battle, and charging into the Primal Mystic Realm is unlikely. My request to you is …… to rush into the top 3 of the Primordial Zone!”

The call ended and Luo Feng sat in the quiet room for a long time.

“My earlier plan was to rush into the primordial secret realm this time, the strength of the elders of the Tai Chou secret realm, surprisingly so strong …… Teacher asked me to rush into the top three?” Luo Feng secretly said, “A soldier who doesn’t want to be a general isn’t a good soldier, if I don’t even dare to think about entering the primordial secret realm, I’m too useless.”

“This time!”

“Must rush into the Primal Secret Realm!”

“Six years, six more years.” Luo Feng secretly said, regarding the next six years, the original plan had been path directly abandoned, the new plan, Luo Feng already had some vague ideas.

“Maximum advantage!”

“Use the maximum advantage for maximizing strength.”

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