Chapter 55 Declarations

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:50:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

There were a total of five rounds of the Scramble Battle, with three battles in each round, and the times were all fixed.

It was impossible for the battle to be delayed just because someone hadn’t entered the virtual universe network, this was an absolute impossibility. However, where the time of the battle had long been publicized, assuming that a certain party hadn’t entered the virtual universe network at all, then it would be directly ruled as a forfeit, while the other party would automatically win this battle.

Thus, in this battle, Luo Feng won without fighting.

5 consecutive wins!

5 points, 100% first place in the battle.

“How did this happen?” Standing in the sky above the primitive forest, Luo Feng had a complicated expression, for this final battle he had long been prepared to fight with all his might, in this battle, it wasn’t like he didn’t have a chance to win, even if he failed, Luo Feng would face it openly and painfully.

But who would have thought that it would end up like this?


Luo Feng was directly teleported out of the battlefield!

Inside that bar in Yu Xiang Mountain, the screen on the bar had previously been displaying – “Luo Feng vs Croft, the battle hasn’t started yet, please wait!” But then it suddenly changed to another line of prompts – “Luo Feng versus Croft, as Croft has not entered the virtual universe network within the stipulated time, it is ruled as an automatic forfeit, Luo Feng wins this battle.”

There was a cao of confusion in the bar.

They were discussing why the battle between Luo Feng and Clover hadn’t started yet, but the sudden change in the text prompts on the screen caused the previous noise to quieten down all of a sudden.


The geniuses from various cosmic countries gathered in the bar would be completely frozen and dumbfounded, just like the soccer world cup on earth back then, everyone was looking forward to a showdown, and when the final “world cup duel” which attracted the most attention, suddenly one of the teams on both sides of the duel suddenly suffered a car accident on the way, and a lot of players were seriously injured and disabled, making the team have to forfeit the match. The team would have to forfeit the match, as it were.

It was a deadly joke!

“What the hell?”

“What’s the joke?”


After the silence, the entire bar instantly exploded.

“It’s the final battle, the one that determines the quota for the Primordial Secret Realm. How come Clover didn’t even enter the virtual universe then?” No one would doubt the text prompts on the screen before, because behind all these prompts was the Virtual Universe System in operation, and the Virtual Universe System uh ……

In the eyes of the entire human community, that was never wrong!

It was better to believe that billions of people were wrong than to doubt the Virtual Universe Network.

Even Xu Xin who had been paying attention in the corner of the bar was a bit shocked, she had thought about Luo Feng losing as well as winning, but she just didn’t think it would be this way of winning.

The battle for the primordial secret realm quota (universe level) ended and so did the 15 battles.

Luo Feng won 5 consecutively and won first place, gaining the primordial secret realm quota!

The others, Mo Luo, Clover, Yugong Feng, Long Yun, and Buran, entered the primordial secret realm.

The results of the battle naturally spread quickly, about Luo Feng entering the primordial secret realm, it was actually still acceptable amongst the core genius circle of the virtual universe company. Because although the last battle was a bit of a victory, but after all, Luo Feng had won all 4 previous battles.

Being able to defeat Mo Luo and Yugong Feng also proved that Luo Feng possessed the strength of a member of the primordial secret realm.

Secondly, Luo Feng had joined the virtual universe company for a very short time, and for the first time he participated in a qualification battle, competing with many old people who had been practicing for thousands of years were able to perform so amazingly. Its talent …… in the view of the group of geniuses gate watching the battle, I’m afraid it’s even exaggeratedly stronger than Clover.

As long as there were a few more qualification battles, Luo Feng rushing into the primordial secret realm would be the nail in the coffin.


A supreme genius like Luo Feng crossing into the primordial secret realm was acceptable to everyone. But what everyone can’t accept and is most skeptical of not understanding is …… why Clover didn’t even enter the virtual universe at the critical moment. If you give up, some qualification wars consider their strength too weak geniuses take the initiative to give up a lot, but also before the war to give up, like Clover this situation is rare.

Luo Feng rushed into the primordial secret realm, the news spread, all parties reacted differently.

Some people were happy beyond measure, such as the teacher True Diffusion King, laughed brightly, “Haha, this good disciple of mine was able to take advantage of the opportunity to rush into the primordial secret realm in his first qualification battle, good ah ……”

Someone’s heart gloomy gnashing of teeth, such as that former member of the primordial secret realm, now eliminated to the primordial secret realm of Mo Luo, Mo Luo gnashing of teeth secretly hated: “This Luo Feng even took such a shit luck, that Clover is also an idiot, the critical moment even do not come. Could it be that he’s really dead?”

Some people were shocked, such as one of the immortal deities stationed at Devil’s Voice Mountain, “Pui Yu Hou”, Pui Yu Hou’s eyebrows were slightly furrowed: “This little guy didn’t die? He even rushed into the Primordial Mysterious Realm? That group of idiots from the Thousand Star Sect, each and every one of them is really useless.”

Some people worshipped, such as some geniuses who came in with Luo Feng in the same batch in the end world secret realm and heaven and earth secret realm, excited and excited, “Who says newcomers are weak? Luo Feng who was in the same batch as me, didn’t he still rush into the primordial secret realm? What did you say, it’s because Clover abstained. Bullshit! Even if Clover can beat Luo Feng this time, he’ll surely be surpassed by Luo Feng soon afterward!”

Being able to obtain a place in the primordial secret realm was simply a marvelous and great joy. Friends like Rongjun and Uka, people like their brothers Hong and Thunder God, and their relatives parents, wives and children, brothers and others also came to congratulate themselves. Even the Black Dragon Mountain Empire and the Qian Wu Cosmic Kingdom had people send congratulatory gifts to the Luo family to express their congratulations.

A happy event?

“It’s a happy event, but I can’t get excited in my heart.” Luo Feng sat in his study with mixed emotions in his heart.

The most crucial battle of the competition, but Clover abstained and didn’t show up, this was like a thorn in the side making Luo Feng always feel that this quota didn’t come as a pain in the ass. Of course, the opportunity of the primordial secret realm was incredibly precious, since he had gotten it, Luo Feng wasn’t going to voluntarily abandon this opportunity.

Luo Feng wasn’t rigid to such an extent.

“Luo Feng, don’t trouble yourself. Other people are trying everything for various opportunities. Or bribery, or killing, like that Molo directly laying his hands on you. It’s doing everything for victory. That Croft didn’t show up was his own failure to capitalize on the opportunity, so who can blame him?” Babata said, “Don’t think too much about it, those lone warriors with fewer resources and fewer chances are putting their lives on the line for a little chance. That’s how your teacher broke through step by step back then, what are you still imagining now.”

“I understand.”

Luo Feng nodded, “I naturally won’t give up an opportunity that comes to me. There’s just a thorn in my heart – why didn’t that Croft show up?”

“One, dead. Two, held back by something. Three, abstained for special reasons. Those are the three cases, why do you think so much.” The fist sized Babata on his shoulder said.

Luo Feng nodded.

But in his heart, he felt suspicious and wondered …… why Clover didn’t show up at the critical moment?

Is it really dead?

The day after the battle ended, Luo Feng had to move out of the “Taichu district” and live in the primitive area of Yu Xiang Mountain.

Inside Luo Feng’s manor in Taichu district.

Luo Feng met with Wuka, Rong Jun, Ai Chen, Qian Shui and a group of friends from the same year to congratulate and send Luo Feng off to the primordial secret realm. After the many friends left one by one, Luo Feng sat alone on the beautifully carved sofa in the living room and looked around.

This place, one had lived here for a long, long time.

“Got to leave.” Luo Feng said silently.


“Luo Feng, there’s an email, it’s from the virtual universe company.” Babata on his shoulder even shouted.

“Oh?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, he quickly clicked on the void in front of him, a screen appeared out of thin air, he quickly clicked on the mailbox on the screen and clicked that latest mail open.

The mail unfolded.


In this qualification battle (universe level) for the primordial secret realm quota, the abstaining party of the final battle, ‘Clover’, has been executing an ‘extinction level mission’ during the course of the battle. Extinction level missions had a 90% probability of death and were extremely dangerous. Based on the fact that he hadn’t entered the virtual universe for so long, it was very likely that Clover had perished in a desperate mission.

Here is a solemn reminder.

Cultivation missions are important to every universe level member, but one must choose what they can withstand, exceeding their limits is likely to perish.

Desperate mission in history is to perish a lot of supreme genius, universe level primitive secret realm members fall, almost half are perished in the desperate mission.

Still the same sentence to everyone.

The company prepares many resources for everyone, and the road, is chosen by everyone themselves.”


Taking a look at this email Luo Feng was shocked, “This Clover has been on a Jedi level mission during his participation in the scramble?”

Extinction level!

Extremely dangerous, even he himself has only entered the only “magic mountain”, the magic sound mountain. The reason why he was able to get through it peacefully was inseparably related to his “will” that far exceeded that of other geniuses as well as his Demon Slayer Clan alter ego.

If it wasn’t for the Demon Killing Clan bilocation, Luo Feng himself would have perished.

Moreover, it’s hard to find a safe place to carry out a desperate mission, like Luo Feng, he was lucky to arrive at the core of the inheritance hall by virtue of the Demon Slayer clan’s bilocation. Only then could he feel at ease and enter most of his consciousness into the “virtual universe network”.

“If it wasn’t for some of my cards, which are very suitable for the Magic Sound Mountain. I’m afraid that I would have died nine times in the extinction level mission.” Luo Feng said darkly, “Then even if Croft engages in a battle, I guess part of his consciousness will have to be incredibly vigilant in reality, just like the company’s statement said, he’s likely to perish.

Whether Crowe was alive or dead, it would be difficult to determine even for the Virtual Universe Company in a short period of time.

Because the worlds where the extinction level missions were located were generally very dangerous, for the Virtual Universe Company to check and confirm whether Clover was alive or dead was not something that could be done in a short period of time. Just like when Luo Feng disappeared for several years, the virtual universe company didn’t confirm it either.

Luo Feng was shocked when he saw this statement, and the core geniuses who were originally upset about the final battle of the scramble would be completely shocked when they saw this statement.

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