Chapter 64 Unexpected News

Release Date: 2024-07-11 21:50:53
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Luo Feng was the one who did things very crisply, since he decided to do this, he naturally didn’t waste any time and started applying for danger level cultivation missions on the same day.

One by one, danger level missions, Luo Feng continued.

Six danger level, all within the primordial secret territory. So the time spent on riding the spaceship was relatively short, the six missions were completed at varying speeds, these six danger level missions, Luo Feng discovered some hints of the big secret contained in two of the danger level missions.


The crisis was heavy!

These two dangerous level mission worlds, one is “Viska star” and the other is “Ruined Ancient God Temple”, Luo Feng has discovered a clue of the big secret, and both are careful to explore.

The most magical and important “Ancestral God’s Tomb” of Viska star, the guardian is a large group of immortal gods, scared Luo Feng did not dare to go deeper, because once accidentally discovered by any immortal god. Even if Luo Feng is desperate …… with his domain lord level 9th rank golden horned beast, I’m afraid that one move from an immortal deity can kill Luo Feng.

The outermost periphery of the Ruined Ancient God Temple was very low in danger, making it easy for Luo Feng to fulfill the mission requirements, but the depths contained secrets that, as Luo Feng explored them, turned out to be full of crises.

Luo Feng later relied on the Demon Slayer clan detachment to carefully infiltrate in.

It must be said, the magic killing tribe split that talent secret method “copy” is indeed very heavenly, with this trick, Luo Feng’s original hiding in the outermost, let the magic killing tribe split infiltration, into the dangerous place, hard tiger’s mouth to find a piece of value is not inferior to the “research inflammation void gold” strange veins. The value of this leaf is no less than that of the strange veins of the “Violet Flame Void Gold”.

This leaf was called the “Purple Chen Hundred Veins Leaf”, and it had a number of strange uses. It was best used for “immortal level” plant life, and was generally auctioned at 2 million hybrid units.

Of course, after the incredibly arduous task of getting a piece of Zichen Bailuo leaf in his hands, Luo Feng immediately left this ruined ancient god hall for fear of causing trouble.

It took a total of three years and six months to complete six dangerous level missions, discovering the secret hints of two missions, and getting a total of 95,000 points and a piece of the “Purple Chen Hundred Leaves”.

The more benefits one receives from a cultivation mission, the more “greed” and “ambition” grows in one’s heart.

The reason was that six dangerous level missions were only 95,000 points! Even at the highest exchange price of …… one hybrid unit for one point, it is equivalent to 95,000 hybrid units. But just one big secret big opportunity, got a “Zichen Hundred Luo leaves”, that can be worth about 2 million mixed yuan units!

Enough to buy several Black Dragon Mountain star fields!

“Luo Feng, big smack! Purple Chen Hundred Leaves, your teacher didn’t even have a place to go to buy them back then… When the Mo Yun Vine breaks through to immortality, you’ll let it take the Purple Chen Hundred Leaves again, and its strength will absolutely skyrocket! If the Mo Yun Vine is at the peak stage of Realm Lord, and you give it the Purple Chen Hundred Lox Leaves, there is also a 10% hope that it will break through to immortality!” Babata was thrilled, “The reason why the probability isn’t too high is because the main effect of the Purple Chen Hundred Lox Leaves is to fundamentally change the structure of the body.”

After completing the six danger level missions, Luo Feng took a slight break for three months and started on the extinction level mission Misty Galaxy!

Any member of the primordial secret realm could take up to three absolute level missions, Luo Feng had already taken up one “magic mountain” so he could take up two more, according to Luo Feng’s plan, he would first take up the “lost galaxy” which was low in difficulty. The so-called “low difficulty” is naturally compared to the “Purgatory Abyss” which is ranked number one in the Jedi level quests.

The Purgatory Abyss was too dangerous.

The average mortality rate of a Jedi level mission is 90%, but the number one ranked Purgatory Abyss is an appalling 99%! So generations of geniuses …… rarely dared to go into it.

It was confident as Luo Feng.

He also decided to wait for the Demon Slayer Clan split and the Golden Horn Beast split to reach the Realm Lord stage before going to break in!

Misty galaxy is a small area in the vast primordial secret realm, about the size of the Milky Way galaxy.

The mission of the Misty Galaxy is very simple, it is a “search mission”.

If you search for 39 crystals (see attachment for details of crystals), you will receive 500,000 points.

A simple search mission.

In fact, the requirements of this desperate mission were all very simple, some were simple “survival missions” and some were “search missions”. On the contrary, like the dangerous level, suffering level and so on, you can often see that the mission requires “hunting and killing”, requires “killing to get so and so item”, is to encourage killing.

“In a desperation level mission, if one still dares to go on a killing spree, one is really looking for death.”

Luo Feng carefully started the extinction level quest Misty Galaxy!

Labyrinth galaxy, as its name suggests, is a place similar to a super maze, because it is comparable to the size of the galaxy, so it is much bigger than the “magic mountain”, even if an immortal deity spends hundreds of thousands of years, I’m afraid that he has only traveled one of the route areas of the labyrinth galaxy.

It’s a marvelous place.

Containing secrets, according to Luo Feng’s exploration, there should be more than one!

After spending a whole 5 years and 7 months, in that maze galaxy Luo Feng finally collected all 39 crystals and completed his mission. However, Luo Feng didn’t rush to go …… but let his main body hide in a relatively safe place and let the Demon Slayer Race bilocation go to some dangerous places to explore. The Demon Slayer race’s ability to change in a thousand different ways was indeed very suitable for exploring.

Eleven years had passed since Luo Feng completed the Demonic Sound Mountain and obtained part of the Demonic Sound God General’s inheritance.

Virtual universe, Black Dragon Mountain island Nine Star Bay neighborhood.

“I don’t believe it anymore, I can’t find the great secrets and opportunities within the Maze Galaxy! I’m now in my main body in the mechanical race ship, staying at the outer safety of the Maze Galaxy, the devil slayer race bilocation goes deep into some secret places inside the Maze Galaxy, if I can’t find out in a year, I’ll take ten years, if ten years doesn’t work, I’ll take fifty years!” Luo Feng walked on the quiet corridor, while in his mind, he was thinking about the Mizong galaxy.

Lost track galaxy deserves to be called “lost track”.

At the same time, it was full of crises!

The Demon Slayers split had died 6 times because of this, but every time, Luo Feng spent some energy to form a Demon Slayers split again in the inner world. As long as the protocore didn’t die, all three of Luo Feng’s bodies wouldn’t die.

“Third son, third son!” Thunder God’s eager voice came, “You’ve finally come.”

“Second brother, looking for me so urgently.” Luo Feng smiled and looked at the distance, the bald Thunder God in a white robe was hurriedly scurrying out and running towards himself.

“What on earth is so urgent, giving me an email in which it even says ten thousand times more urgent. Scared me so much that I rushed over immediately.” Luo Feng smiled and walked next to his second brother Thunder God, who joined Luo Feng on the corridor and soon entered the courtyard next to him.

“It’s a real emergency.” Anxiety also showed on Thunder God’s face.

“Speak!” Luo Feng sat on his butt on a chair in the courtyard.

“It’s related to big brother!” Thunder god said.

“Big brother?” Luo Feng was shocked.

In terms of dealing with all sorts of things, as well as being a person, Luo Feng was very much in admiration of big brother Hong. In Luo Feng’s opinion …… even if he and the Thunder God caused trouble, big brother Hong didn’t look like someone who would cause any trouble.

“Say, what exactly is the situation?” Luo Feng’s expression stared up.

Big brother this kind of person, if something doesn’t happen it’s unlikely to happen for a long, long time, once something happens, I’m afraid it’s a big deal!

“This matter is ridiculous to say the least.” Thunder god shook his head and sighed, “By the way, you should know that big brother has been in the Qianwu cosmic country for the last ten years or so, right?”

“I know.” Luo Feng nodded.

At the time of his own qualification battle, big brother had already returned to the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom with his teacher, Time Realm Lord Luo.

“Big brother where he’s been residing for the past ten years or so is on the ‘Vault King Star’, one of the nine first class administrative stars of the Qian Wu Cosmic Kingdom.” The Thunder God said, “But who would have thought that just because he was on the Vault Jade Star, Big Brother would have developed feelings for a girl.”

“Are you kidding?” Luo Feng glared.

Big brother Hong developing feelings with some girl?

During the great nirvana period, Hong’s wife had died, his wife died early …… Hong was the one who had been brought up with a pair of children.

With Hong s status power on Earth, I don t know how many women want to marry him, what kind of woman and have not seen? What’s more,…… with big brother Hong’s cultivation of the heart realm, that transcendent ground, want to really make Hong like a person, is simply a thing that can not be gracefully discussed.

This is simply rarer than the iron tree blossoms!

“I’m not too sure, but this is the truth.” Thunder god sighed, “You should know big brother’s character, once he decides something, even if the whole world is against it, it won’t affect him one bit.”

Luo Feng nodded.

The many illusions couldn’t shake his beliefs, let alone Hong.

“Hong and that girl have developed feelings, but what about the …… Dome Jade Star, as one of the nine first class administrative stars of the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom, it’s a place where the powerful and noble gather. There are hundreds of Immortal Deity families alone that have built branches there.” The Thunder God frowned, “And this girl has an extremely large background, and that girl’s family forcefully stopped Hong and the girl from being together.”

“Are you kidding?” Luo Feng glared.

Cowherd and weaver girl?

In the middle of the universe, even that this high and mighty super big family, generally for emotionally it was not stopped.

On the contrary.

If one meets a certain super strong person, they would rather send the women within their family to be bedded. Because the bloodline …… of a strong person will generally be strong as well. This results in a universe where powerful men can marry many women, and powerful women can marry many men! Unless some special reasons ……

For example, a certain immortal deity suddenly looks at a woman and says, “I’ve got my eye on this woman”.

Then because of the fear of this immortal deity, naturally this family would not allow the woman to be with another man.

But this situation was, after all, extremely rare.

“Why stop it?” Luo Feng asked suspiciously, “Could it be that some powerful and mighty figure has his eyes on that woman?”

“No.” Thunder god shook his head, “I didn’t find out there was such a relationship, big brother himself he also said there wasn’t, it was purely that family that stopped it.”

Luo Feng frowned, “I see what you mean, you’re saying that …… there’s no other force stopping it, it’s purely this family that’s stopping big brother and that girl from being together?”

“Right!” Thunder God nodded.

“And the reason?” Luo Feng asked.

“Don’t know.” The Thunder God shook his head, “That girl family, they haven’t bothered to explain the reason to us yet, right?”

“What family? Who is the immortal deity behind the family? Tell me.” Luo Feng frowned and prepared to investigate properly, since this matter involved big brother Hong, he had to help no matter what.

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